View Full Version : France declassifies Rwanda massacre documents..... surprise

8th April 2015, 09:35 PM
before the colonization, hutus and tutsis lived along just fine together... then at the independence, the colonials decided to vote the tutsis into power (as they dont have negroid facial features?), a form of trade to plunder the country with the approval of the tutsi led gov. The rest is history, hutus' resentment grew further over the years and the resentment turned into hatred with the help of belgium and france.... another plane crash with a deep meaning

Wed Apr 8, 2015

France has declassified documents relating to the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which it is accused of having an indirect role, a government source says.

A decision to declassify documents concerning Rwanda and the genocide, which claimed at least 800,000 lives, was made on Tuesday, said a source in President Francois Hollande's office.

According to the source, the papers include documents from diplomatic and military advisers of then-President Francois Mitterrand, and will be viewable by researchers and historians.

"The president had announced a year ago that France must provide proof of transparency and facilitate remembrance of this period," said the source.

Paris has so far rejected all claims concerning its training of the militias that took part in the massacres.

Rwandan President Paul Kagame has accused France of complicity in the genocide over its support for the Hutu nationalist government, which carried out the mass killing of an estimated 500,000 to 1,000,000 Rwandans, mainly from the Tutsi ethnic group.

Last year, Kagame said that France had not "done enough to save lives" and had not only been complicit but "an actor" in the Tutsis' massacres.

He also referred to “the direct role of Belgium and France in the political preparation of the genocide, and the participation of the latter in its actual execution.”

The Rwandan genocide began following the shooting down of a plane carrying former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana on April 6, 1994. Burundian President Cyprien Ntaryamira was also killed in the plane crash. They were both ethnic Hutus.

After the crash, Hutus who were in majority, were incited to commit acts of ethnic violence against Tutsis.



8th April 2015, 10:21 PM
Dindu Nuffin?

Rwanda gained independence in 1961, not in the early 90's, from Belgium, not France. Hutus were ruling the country after independence, not Tutsis.

MUST have been France's fault... LOL!

9th April 2015, 03:05 AM
you cant stomach it obviously, watch the movie " a season in april" , the REAL story, in which you see the belgian gov defining that the "tutsis facial features" are more noble (not negroid) than that of the hutus. In fact my birth mother partly belonged to Tutsi and Nilotic (from the Nile) tribes. I never knew her, btw.

nowhere does it say that the independence occurred in the 90's. Rwanda initially was a german colony but then given to belgium as a WW1 reparation.

Tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi groups had been made worse by Rwanda's colonial rulers – Germany from the 1890s, then Belgium from the First World War. They both reinforced the Tutsi’s position of power within Rwandan society, making the Hutus even more resentful.

... Social structures were not stable throughout Rwanda, even during colonial times under the Belgian rule. The Tutsi aristocracy or elite was distinguished from Tutsi commoners, and wealthy Hutu were often indistinguishable from upper-class Tutsi.

When the European colonists conducted censuses, they wanted to identify the people throughout Rwanda-Burundi according to a simple classification scheme. They defined "Tutsi" as anyone owning more than ten cows (a sign of wealth) or with the physical feature of a longer nose, or longer neck, commonly associated with the Tutsi.

The Europeans believed that some Tutsis had facial characteristics that were generally atypical of other Bantus. They sought to explain these purported divergent physical traits by postulating admixture with or partial descent from migrants of Caucasoid stock, who usually were said to have arrived in the Great Lakes region from the Horn of Africa and/or North Africa.[6][7]

By contrast, the Europeans considered the majority Hutu to be characteristic Bantu people of Central African origin.

100 Days Of Slaughter | The Triumph Of Evil |
how the so called US/EU western coalition just watched tensions getting worse and did nothing (because it was the plan)

Many africans are not educated and it is time for them to take responsibility --- but I can tell you that the western plunder is largely contributing to the situation.

edit: EU financed controlled opposition/rebels downed the plane... how many times have we seen this?

by the same token, look for:
The Butcher of Congo: King Leopold II of Belgium (the killing of 10 million africans for the sake of red rubber)

King Leopold's Ghost—A story of greed, terror and heroism in colonial Africa by Adam Hochschild, Macmillan, 1998

How easy to mock others, Dindu Nuffins, when one is history deficient. Be careful "Dindu Nuffin-Neuro" you are going to lose that one. Thats the core issue of racial/intellectual divide, same patterns: the refusal to take responsibility of one's own past generations. And as a result, racism grows exponentially on both sides of the fence.

Time for every human on this planet to take responsibility OR we will NEVER get rid of the NWO. This is the real meaning of "the lifting of the veil"

9th April 2015, 04:02 AM
What is it you say I can't stomach? EU hasn't financed the rebels or the shooting down of the airplane... Where did you get that information from?

9th April 2015, 04:11 AM
same deja vu again. What is so hard to believe here when we all know who funds ISIS. looks like you have double standards, especially when its about africa... the western plunder of africa with the help of corrupt african elites is so well documented.

Congo War and the Role of Coltan, how western corporations finance rebels/civil wars to keep the coltan price depressed.

The Industry Standard and looks into one of the economic reasons behind the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the commercial interests of major computer and cell phone related companies in the exploitation of the DRC which comes at a massive cost to civilian life. http://www.globalissues.org/article/442/guns-money-and-cell-phones
Meanwhile there is blood on our cell phones and computers paid by the "Dindu Nuffins" ... as to wonder who are the real savages.

“Rwanda’s Deadliest Secret: Who Shot Down President Habyarimana’s Plane?”
The most under-investigated of political assassinations

One can only hope that geo-political concerns will not yet again stand in the way of learning the truth about the circumstances in which President Habyarimana’s plane was shot down by two surface to air missiles in 1994, even if the truth to be discovered, and justice to be done as a result, leads us to indict those who’ve become some of the West’s strongest allies, and who continue, it seems, to wage a path of destruction through Eastern Congo, with complete immunity.

Tiphaine Dickson was lead counsel for Georges Rutaganda before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda from 1997 to 2001. She was the first defense lawyer to present a motion requesting disclosure of the Prosecution’s investigations into the shooting down of President Habyarimana’s plane.

History is rewritten by the unethical/psychopatic winners... it has always been this way... so why would it be different this time ???

Any human thinking that some people can be treated ike subhumans shouldnt be suprised to see the same evil happen to him/her, that is now why a massive depopulation is under way... we are ALL one does make sense now, doesnt it?

9th April 2015, 05:53 AM
Yeah the déjà vu is that you come with extraordinary claims that you have absolutely no backing for. Where is the information that the European Union financed Tutsi rebels, and shot down the airplane? Did you just invent that yourself? The European Union doesn't even finance the military defense of Europe, but somehow you expect us to believe they finance rebel forces in Africa overthrowing regimes...

9th April 2015, 09:34 AM
From your globalresearch link above:

The efforts to undermine this investigation over the years are significant, and the testimony of Abdul Ruzibiza, a former RPF officer who testified before the ICTR (http://www.hirondelle.org/arusha.nsf/0/F91C8394219A5C80432571310031EBA1?OpenDocument), sheds substantial light on why that may be. Ruzibiza, one of judge Bruguière’s witnesses, claims to have recanted the totality of his testimony (http://marianne2.fr/Rwanda-pourquoi-le-temoin-cle-contre-Paul-Kagame-se-retracte_a93435.html?voir_commentaire=oui) in several telephone interviews given last week. Yet Ruzibiza wrote a book (http://livre.fnac.com/a1743358/Abdul-Joshua-Ruzibiza-Rwanda-l-histoire-secrete?Mn=-1&Origin=FnacAff&Ra=-1&To=0&Nu=1&Fr=3) setting out in detail the fact that Kagame’s RPF shot down the plane with the knowledge that armed hostilities would resume in Rwanda, as he was dissatisfied with the political process undertaken after belligerent parties had signed the Arusha Peace Accords. In other words, knowing full well that chaos would descend upon Rwanda (or with incomprehensible recklessness) , Kagame’s strategy was to seize power through the force of arms, and it was guaranteed that war would resume after the assassination of the Rwandan President—and as it happened, the Chief of Staff of the Rwandan Armed Forces, as well as the President of Burundi.
It appears that now Rwanda President Paul Kagame, then general in RPF, was the one who ordered the shooting down of the plane. And this Dindu Nuffin tries to blame France for it...

Do you even read your own links?

9th April 2015, 06:55 PM
dont twist it around Neuro, remember your 1st posting?

yes I can read my own article... Paul Kagame, is the rwanda puppet of the west and now tries to make a U-turn, just like saddam, gadaffi, etc.... but it surely looks like you dont read news that much, otherwise you'd know it. What do you have to say about corporations waging their coltane war? youtube this! And about the 10 millions massacred for the wall street addiction to red rubber under the king leopold 2 reign? Or even the blood diamonds? its all about the jews and dindu nuffins? well you know, eventually "police state turkey-NWO" will be knocking at your door too.

FROM SAME ARTICLE ........... to indict those who’ve become some of the West’s strongest allies, and who continue, it seems, to wage a path of destruction through Eastern Congo, with complete immunity.

what an hypocrite you are... the NWO has funded all oppositions on this planet over the last 2000 years but not that of the Rwanda. LOL. Get a grip. Really

France is releasing the info because the former President Francois Mitterrand died many years ago... how convenient.

reminder: (mobutu was one of the worse african dictator ever)
U.S. Raises Pressure on Mobutu, A Longtime Ally, to Step Down .... In its harshest comments to date about Mr. Mobutu, a longtime American ally, the White House declared that the end of his autocratic regime was inevitable. ''Mobutuism is about to become a creature of history,'' Michael D. McCurry, the White House spokesman, told reporters this morning....

The Congo: How and why the West organised Lumumba's assassination.... Mobutu, from the BBC's Storyville documentary series, reveals how the Western powers put Joseph Sese Seko Mobutu in power after the death of Lumumba, keeping him there for 32 years while he systematically looted the country. Mobutu became the west's main Cold War ally in Africa, and the Congo formed the staging post for CIA operations against Soviet-backed African regimes.

The film reveals the very close personal and political relationship that existed between Mobutu and several Western leaders. We see film clips of Mobutu being embraced by Jacques Chirac (now President of France), and sitting next to the British Queen in the royal carriage. For many years, until he fell out of favour at the end of the Cold War, Mobutu remained a friend of the Belgian king, but his closest friends were President George Bush Snr. and his family.....
(tons of info about it on the net)

Mobutu Sese Seko takes power in a military coup. Mobutu gets support from the West as an ally in the Cold War.

Do you see the pattern now ??? and if you still do not see any, I'd recommend the utube videos about John Perkins, an economic hitman, telling it all about how the west, mainly america, is taking over world economies, overthrowing presidents and replacing with their puppets.

President Paul Kagame, who seemingly doesnt want to play the game anymore since he is accusing France, is now on the hit list, rest assured.

From your globalresearch link above:

It appears that now Rwanda President Paul Kagame, then general in RPF, was the one who ordered the shooting down of the plane. And this Dindu Nuffin tries to blame France for it...

Do you even read your own links?

9th April 2015, 07:55 PM
Arguing amongsts ourselves...

Come on Baby...


9th April 2015, 08:10 PM
it pisses me off when people dont grasp that we ALL are NWO hostages now.

a picture of you? ;D

Arguing amongsts ourselves...

Come on Baby...


9th April 2015, 08:26 PM
In fact my birth mother partly belonged to Tutsi and Nilotic (from the Nile) tribes. I never knew her, btw.

...it pisses me off when people dont grasp that...

Please understand that we don't have any personal skin in this Africa game. I doubt anyone here really cares about Africa or Africans.

:(?? don't care

9th April 2015, 08:33 PM
if you/they ever did the multiculturalism agenda would be a quasi non existent, or a non issue, because blacks would have stayed in africa instead of being imported. ;D

Your great great grand parents didnt care to see them as slaves... and now you have to suffer their immorality

I have no race agenda and dont take sides... just regard freedom as a must and expose all sides of the fence

all I know is that this race war is going to end very bad

Please understand that we don't have any personal skin in this Africa game. I doubt anyone here really cares about Africa or Africans.

:(?? don't care

9th April 2015, 08:47 PM
Your great great grand parents didn't care to see them as slaves... and now you have to suffer their immorality...

Nice try Goldi. Never were there any "slaves" here in Idaho. Never. My extended family never lived in the South either. Never. How dare you, in 2015, now imply personal judgement against my ancestor's "immorality". Fuck you and your racial guilt trip...lol.


9th April 2015, 08:57 PM
thats right ... I said "your" but was also speaking in general "whoever's great great grand parents agreed with slavery"... however it remains to be seen as how many people in north america did not condone it as it was more of an economic matter. The civil war was not about freeing the slaves, we all know this.

but it is your choice to take it personally while I am speaking of a mere fact. Immorality caused the black invasion.

actually it is most likely my first thread about a serious african issue... but you can start dozens of threads about race, posting stereoptypes, without any guilt. Thats quite paradoxical. Yet you say you dont care ???

Trust me, I am happy with who I am... in my intellectual no-man's land. Taking side is NWO mind control.

Nice try Goldi. Never were there any "slaves" here in Idaho. Never. My extended family never lived in the South either. Never. How dare you, in 2015, now imply personal judgement against my ancestor's "immorality". Fuck you and your racial guilt trip...lol.


9th April 2015, 09:05 PM
thats right ... I said "your" but ...but it is your choice to take it personally while I am speaking of a mere fact.


:rolleyes: a mere fact...lol.

9th April 2015, 09:25 PM
the fact is... Immorality caused the black invasion. (small edit you didnt see)

we all are going to pay for those under-developed countries being exploited to death (and so are we). At some point. Eventually.

so yes I DO care about every human being on this planet in the end.

edit: mix races are not unnatural. the odious aspect lies in multiculturalism being enforced.

Neanderthal genome shows early human interbreeding

9th April 2015, 09:59 PM
dont twist it around Neuro, remember your 1st posting?

yes I can read my own article... Paul Kagame, is the rwanda puppet of the west and now tries to make a U-turn, just like saddam, gadaffi, etc.... but it surely looks like you dont read news that much, otherwise you'd know it. What do you have to say about corporations waging their coltane war? youtube this! And about the 10 millions massacred for the wall street addiction to red rubber under the king leopold 2 reign? Or even the blood diamonds? its all about the jews and dindu nuffins? well you know, eventually "police state turkey-NWO" will be knocking at your door too.

what an hypocrite you are... the NWO has funded all oppositions on this planet over the last 2000 years but not that of the Rwanda. LOL. Get a grip. Really

France is releasing the info because the former President Francois Mitterrand died many years ago... how convenient.

reminder: (mobutu was one of the worse african dictator ever)
U.S. Raises Pressure on Mobutu, A Longtime Ally, to Step Down .... In its harshest comments to date about Mr. Mobutu, a longtime American ally, the White House declared that the end of his autocratic regime was inevitable. ''Mobutuism is about to become a creature of history,'' Michael D. McCurry, the White House spokesman, told reporters this morning....

The Congo: How and why the West organised Lumumba's assassination.... Mobutu, from the BBC's Storyville documentary series, reveals how the Western powers put Joseph Sese Seko Mobutu in power after the death of Lumumba, keeping him there for 32 years while he systematically looted the country. Mobutu became the west's main Cold War ally in Africa, and the Congo formed the staging post for CIA operations against Soviet-backed African regimes.

The film reveals the very close personal and political relationship that existed between Mobutu and several Western leaders. We see film clips of Mobutu being embraced by Jacques Chirac (now President of France), and sitting next to the British Queen in the royal carriage. For many years, until he fell out of favour at the end of the Cold War, Mobutu remained a friend of the Belgian king, but his closest friends were President George Bush Snr. and his family.....
(tons of info about it on the net)

Mobutu Sese Seko takes power in a military coup. Mobutu gets support from the West as an ally in the Cold War.

Do you see the pattern now ??? and if you still do not see any, I'd recommend the utube videos about John Perkins, an economic hitman, telling it all about how the west, mainly america, is taking over world economies, overthrowing presidents and replacing with their puppets.

President Paul Kagame, who seemingly doesnt want to play the game anymore since he is accusing France, is now on the hit list, rest assured.
This post is all over the place. Which may be a tactic you use to avoid discussing a subject you really don't have a handle on. The facts of the matter are 800,000 or so Africans were massacred by other Africans, in 1994. Paul Kagame who was then a general in a tribal army for the Tutsis, now the president for Rwanda, ordered the shooting down of the plane that started the massacre, but accuses France of having done it. You further accuses the EU of having financed the rebel forces, an entity that doesn't even finance or co-ordinate its own defense. Without any shred of evidence.

800,000 Africans were killed by their brothers with clubs, hammers and machetes in the middle of Africa, and it was all whiteys fault? Really?

Try to stay on subject, and really it isn't about me!

9th April 2015, 10:15 PM
...my birth mother partly belonged to Tutsi and Nilotic (from the Nile) tribes...

so yes I DO care about every human being on this planet in the end.

http://api.ning.com/files/h77J5iDGQLEOC62CVEW0lfLQ6rdEV-eLVDVVrp47U4C1MANcRhHMUyE1nDqBSs9E80YBHNjLr81SwqfO AAQZss9SdgY3HMhL/c21_16910171.jpg
In the eastern mountains of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR
Congo), a rebel army led by Laurent Nkunda - a former General of the DR
Congo armed forces - recently launched attacks and captured territory
after a peace treaty had failed with the government. Nkunda's forces
are Tutsi rebels, fighting against the DR Congo government forces and
U.N. peacekeeeping forces. The U.N. has over 17,000 troops in the Congo
right now, but they are widely dispersed, and have been unable to fully
protect civilians or even defend their own bases. Nkunda's rebels
forced government soldiers to retreat from intense battles up to the
edges of the provincial capital of Goma. The biggest losers in this
conflict are the hundreds of thousands of civilians caught in the
middle - forced to relocate repeatedly, many victims of looting, rape
and murder by both advancing rebels and some government soldiers -
looking to thinly-spread U.N. forces for help. The humanitarian crisis
and threat of further regional destabilization, has made this conflict
a top U.N. priority recently.

It appears your mom's Tutsi Tribe is currently raping and murdering their neighbors again. You caring so much about every human being on our planet like you do, when was the last time Goldissima hopped on a plane to the Congo to "care" for these victims of your own Tribe?

:rolleyes: instead of preaching to us White people in Idaho about our alleged racial guilt?

9th April 2015, 11:22 PM
Please understand that we don't have any personal skin in this Africa game. I doubt anyone here really cares about Africa or Africans.
:(?? don't care

The same can't be said about our large Ukrainian and Palestinian populations.

10th April 2015, 04:07 AM
Book are so biased, you are talking of consequences of slavery while in my postings I point to the root cause of it.

I dont see any difference between the brainwashed western masses and those blacks, besides the skin color. It is even maybe worse for those who think they have privileges (we in the rich west) because the wealth of their own countries was made out of exploiting other human beings and have no clue. And because they have no clue, they became slaves themselves

And you will see, in a few years from now, the new racism will be anti-chinese/yellow. China took over the world economy last year and it is not without a reason that all the corporations are located there, the shift is coming.

But one thing is certain, it is immorality again that caused chinese slave wages. Sure people on here saw that coming, but eventually the ignorance of those who didnt will affect us all. Their problem will be come ours, eventually... yours, book, and mine. Just like all those great great grand parents who never took responsibility, their inaction is now our problem.... yours and mine. The Greater Reality does NOT care about whose great great grand parents they were.

Slavery is the only and sole deep problem we have on this planet... it fuels racism and wealth transfer. Saying it is all about the jews will have to stop at some point... while accusations are correct, they surely enjoy their status with the help of people who do not care enough or at all

In the beginning was the Word, as the bible says ... now I guess it is obvious that the way we speak about each others does affect our lives and shape Reality.

The problem is that we are ALL slaves... and if slaves continue trashing each others, the NWO will NEVER go away.

I find your attempts to cast me as a black completely immature. And that is maybe why the forum has lost many of its most valuable members.

10th April 2015, 04:28 AM
the world is like body, if too much suffering remains unaddressed, it is like neglecting a broken limb... the body is handicapped

Pretending that there is no broken limb is like not seeing gangrene spreading throughout that very body.

Look at the state of the planet today. All this because the meaning of empathy has been usurped and twisted

The same can't be said about our large Ukrainian and Palestinian populations.

10th April 2015, 04:40 AM
Book are so biased. I dont see any difference between the brainwashed western masses and those blacks, besides the skin color. It is even maybe worse for those who think they have privileges (we in the rich west) because the wealth of their own countries was made out of exploiting other human beings and have no clue.

Talk about biased. The wealth of the West was built through ingenuity and the hard work of our ancestors. You speak like a Marxist.

10th April 2015, 04:49 AM
Neuro, you have shown your true color... again denying the NWO influence that has shaped the nefarious situation we are faced with. Hard work doesnt matter when (induced) ignorance is the foundation of a society

and because I am pointing at BOTH sides of the fence, exploitation and slavery of every race on this planet, I am a marxist ??? LOL. It is just impossible to resolve one's own slavery when allowing that of others to be perpetuated. Yeah, lets shoot the messenger for saying this. Truth is a destroyer.

No wonder as why the forum has lost its most valuable members, because of such a myopia.

I am done talking to you for a LONG while

10th April 2015, 06:13 AM
Sure maybe the most 'valuable' members left because they couldn't stand your unsubstantiated bullshit...

10th April 2015, 06:31 AM
So is anyone thinking of abandoning their scorched Earth policies soon, Or is it only the French?


10th April 2015, 07:13 AM
...my birth mother partly belonged to Tutsi and Nilotic (from the Nile) tribes...

...so yes I DO care about every human being on this planet in the end.

http://api.ning.com/files/h77J5iDGQLEOC62CVEW0lfLQ6rdEV-eLVDVVrp47U4C1MANcRhHMUyE1nDqBSs9E80YBHNjLr81SwqfO AAQZss9SdgY3HMhL/c21_16910171.jpg
In the eastern mountains of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR
Congo), a rebel army led by Laurent Nkunda - a former General of the DR
Congo armed forces - recently launched attacks and captured territory
after a peace treaty had failed with the government. Nkunda's forces
are Tutsi rebels, fighting against the DR Congo government forces and
U.N. peacekeeeping forces. The U.N. has over 17,000 troops in the Congo
right now, but they are widely dispersed, and have been unable to fully
protect civilians or even defend their own bases. Nkunda's rebels
forced government soldiers to retreat from intense battles up to the
edges of the provincial capital of Goma. The biggest losers in this
conflict are the hundreds of thousands of civilians caught in the
middle - forced to relocate repeatedly, many victims of looting, rape
and murder by both advancing rebels and some government soldiers -
looking to thinly-spread U.N. forces for help. The humanitarian crisis
and threat of further regional destabilization, has made this conflict
a top U.N. priority recently.

It appears your mom's Tutsi Tribe is currently raping and murdering their neighbors again. You caring so much about every human being on our planet like you do, when was the last time Goldissima hopped on a plane to the Congo to "care" for these victims of your own Tribe?

:rolleyes: instead of preaching to us White people in Idaho about our alleged racial guilt?

SECOND REQUEST: When was the last time Goldissima hopped on a plane to the Congo to "care" for these victims of her own Tribe?


10th April 2015, 07:32 AM
It is just impossible to resolve one's own slavery when allowing that of others to be perpetuated. Yeah, lets shoot the messenger for saying this. Truth is a destroyer.

Did you stop your voluntary slavery at the plantations of rich white landlords yet?

10th April 2015, 07:33 AM
Said it was her mama's tribe, Book. When was the last time you went to London to lend aid to yur Redcoat tribe?

Granted u only have to participate in global fiat to do so, as part of redcoaten's heritage and "injew-nuity" the assistance system is already provided for.

10th April 2015, 07:37 AM
Said it was her mama's tribe, Book.

Exactly. When was the last time that Goldissima hopped on a plane to the Congo to "care" for the rape/murder victims of her mama's tribe?

:(?? simple question. why doesn't she answer it?

10th April 2015, 11:42 AM
jewboo, quit being the epitome of cousin kevin.


10th April 2015, 12:02 PM
Singular quit being the epitome of Cyndi Lauper.


10th April 2015, 12:03 PM
Neuro just get off yur Nazi Unicorn

10th April 2015, 12:04 PM
Horn, quit being the epitome of Rodney King.


10th April 2015, 12:31 PM
No more little Indians, Either!

10th April 2015, 12:41 PM
Neuro just get off yur Nazi Unicorn
Do you want to be a moderator instead? :)

10th April 2015, 01:36 PM
800,000 Africans were killed by their brothers with clubs, hammers and machetes in the middle of Africa, and it was all whiteys fault? Really?

Goldissima's own family Tutsi tribe is raping/murdering their neighbors in 2015

Goldissima tells us in this thread that "immoral" Idaho families are responsible in 2015

:(?? Goldissima makes perfect sense Neuro

10th April 2015, 08:07 PM
sure africans can be seen as savages, but is it a reason to be more savage than them, according to you, Book, it is a big yes while I say it is IMMORAL.

rwanda genocide 800K
(instigated by the west because africa needs to be plundered easily, the more violence and fear the better, though this is what does the NWO on a global level, not just in africa... how many blacks attend the yearly bilderberger meeting?)
Belgium killed 10 millions
(for the wallstreet's infatuation with red rubber causing a fantastic boom in the west, watch the doc below, sure europeans arent taught this in schools)

Big pharma, geo engineered, economic planned genocide coming... by WHO? Not african tribes, thats for sure!

The Butcher of Congo: King Leopold II of Belgium.

Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death (full doc)


sure Book, you are not going to post obese white people, hillbillies and those with a suburban stereotype. This to show how biased you are.

since you only judge people by their pedigree, I was just born in africa, am a fully raised european and will always question the root of power/evil. This choice demands to sit on the fence I am fully aware that many will try to tag me often for the worse but I dont really care. By the way, I also have italian/german/french genes. And am rhesus negative, among the 12% of world population.

Book you have been traumatized by Freud... you dont give a damn about dindu nuffins but continually post about them. Talk of a duality. ;D

taking responsibility starts with the acknowledgement that one's own race isnt better than any other one... understanding is is KEY to get rid of the NWO! All races have commit mass killings.

Yes africa is very poorly educated, but the vast majority of westerners too are. The varnish is just different while underneath it is the same.

Goldissima's own family Tutsi tribe is raping/murdering their neighbors in 2015

Goldissima tells us in this thread that "immoral" Idaho families are responsible in 2015

:(?? Goldissima makes perfect sense Neuro

10th April 2015, 08:36 PM
no need to travel to change the world, the world can only change if we change WITHIN first.

Exactly. When was the last time that Goldissima hopped on a plane to the Congo to "care" for the rape/murder victims of her mama's tribe?

:(?? simple question. why doesn't she answer it?

10th April 2015, 09:31 PM
from the red rubber boom to the cellphone/computer boom ??? to keep a currency depressed, chaos and destruction are needed. Follow the money.

any crimes not addressed on this planet will always get back to us with a vengeance. the number of global billionaires doubled since 2008 while the western populace got poorer, EU/US on the brink of collapse. Blood/slavery induced booms will always be about that.

time for everybody to take *full* self-responsibility


Coltan: a new blood mineral - Technology & Science - CBC News

Congo War and the Role of Coltan - American University

...sustained by the 'coltan rush' from global electronics demand as the foreign fighters and militias sought control of minerals as a means of financing their the ore is consumed by three key processors: the U.S.

The Coltan Wars Pt. 1: Economics and the Seeds of Conflict
However, the numbers are devastating:
45,000 people die each month
5.4 million have died since 1998
200 of every 1000 children die before the age of 5
400,000 women have been raped

The mobile phone is a remarkable piece of engineering. But look inside. There's blood in this machine.The West’s demand for Coltan, used in mobile phones and computers, is funding the killings in Congo. Under the close watch of rebel militias, children as young as ten work the mines hunting for this black gold. Blood Coltan exposes the web of powerful interests protecting this blood trade. Meet the powerful warlords who enslave local population and the European businessmen who continue importing Coltan, in defiance of the UN.

China and Congo’s coltan connection

DRC Congo: Coltan, the new blood diamonds | NWO Observer
Congo has 24 trillion dollars worth of untapped raw mineral deposits, holds 30% of the worlds Diamond reserves, 80% world’s Coltan.

Rwanda's Secret War
US-Backed Destabilization of Central Africa

10th April 2015, 10:07 PM
time for everybody to take *full* self-responsibility

1) Goldissima herself in this thread said that her birth-mother was a member of the Tutsi tribe.

2) That same Tutsi tribe is currently, in 2015, raping and murdering their neighbors.

3) Goldissima constantly blaming "immoral" Whitey for her birth-mother's Tutsi tribe raping and murdering their neighbors is obviously NOT taking full self-responsibility.

http://images.dvdtalk.com/images/smilies/shrug.gif Not Whitey's problem. Not Idaho's problem. Never was.

10th April 2015, 11:25 PM
1) Goldissima herself in this thread said that her birth-mother was a member of the Tutsi tribe.

2) That same Tutsi tribe is currently, in 2015, raping and murdering their neighbors.

3) Goldissima constantly blaming "immoral" Whitey for her birth-mother's Tutsi tribe raping and murdering their neighbors is obviously NOT taking full self-responsibility.

http://images.dvdtalk.com/images/smilies/shrug.gif Not Whitey's problem. Not Idaho's problem. Never was.

Apparently I am the evil one, she won't even discuss with me after I asked her to provide evidence that EU shot down the plane that started the massacre, when everything indicates her Tutsi brothers did it... Evil Swede I am...

11th April 2015, 04:08 AM
Book, you are such a cliche and so predictable... you just cannot look into facts that are so rarely or never brought up on this forum... and when they do, you try to suppress them by attacking the messenger...... thats the problem with racism, it is irrational and inconsistent because one tacitly condones savagery oneself by burying one's head into the sand.

People do not care about one another and whatever gov uses that very lack of interest (a serious induced flaw) *against world citizens* .... we could be thrown into a war with Iran whose allies are russia and china, yet most people will not care, until the war starts, but then it will be too late.

At the core issue is the profound disrespect for life and that is why genocides /wars - and of course xenophobia and racism - dot human history.

I look at the situation as a whole and the root of evil... which is slavery. And really, ALL races are as enslaved as any other ones right now and it has always been that way, today it is just completely blatant. Which means that racism is an *illusion* that depends on one's dichotomy and myopia.

so good luck with fighting your own illusions, Book

You know many countries have now enough nuclear weapons to possibly blow up the planet just more than partially if not entirely... but not black africa. South africa abandoned it nuclear ambitions a while ago I just read .

The notion of savagery is really in the eyes of the beholder and exploited to by the death cult ruling the planet. I hope you and I will be able to chat again after any nuclear devastation or big pharma's biological attack.

https://scontent-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/v/t1.0-9/575333_568337543236505_88662044_n.jpg?oh=d8ad0fbcd 8e799b52289ae1293d3665d&oe=55AD4D99

NWO arming ISIS... "they" always armed any political opponent, the same happened with rwanda, so they could have their puppets in place.

Rwanda: Army Had French Missiles At Time of Habyarimana Death, Report Reveals

A CIA Role in the 1994 Assassination of Rwanda’s President Habyarimana

(FINANCING BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE- kagame puppet now making a U-turn)
France and Rwanda hostile after Kagame accuses France of genocide planning
The French Socialist government of President Francois Mitterand supported the Hutu government of Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, and the U.S. government headed by President Bill Clinton supported the predominantly Tutsi forces led by General Paul Kagame

and there are many other links out there

800K died during rwanda genocide VS 4+ millions deaths so far for the cell phone/computer industry by financing guerrillas to keep currencies depressed, hence to buy coltane for pennies on the dollar... how immoral is that???

11th April 2015, 07:40 AM
Apparently I am the evil one, she won't even discuss with me after I asked her to provide evidence that EU shot down the plane that started the massacre, when everything indicates her Tutsi brothers did it... Evil Swede I am...


Goldissima could be on the ground in the Congo helping her cousin stack and balance these donated Idaho Potatoes but instead, you force her to spend her valuable time here at GSUS educating us all about our White immorality.

Neuro did this


11th April 2015, 07:40 AM
no need to travel to change the world, the world can only change if we change WITHIN first.

Singular, this is exactly Book's argument.

He lives a peaceful life in Idaho with other white people who treat their neighbors well. Sounds to me he has "changed" within first for the better. If African's lived life that way, they could be peaceful too.

Now why should he travel to try and change the world when he can live a life by example?

11th April 2015, 07:58 AM
People do not care about one another and...

I sent Auntie Goldissima a letter begging
her for help but all she did was send us a
postcard from New Mexico saying she will
soon be going on vacation in some place
called Ecuador.


11th April 2015, 08:13 AM
Question for Singular.

There was a story in another thread that really bothered me. Basically, a white family stopped for gas in a black neighborhood. They get told they don't belong there and they would not make it out. Then they get beat up and sent to the hospital. NO hate crime.

Me personally, for a short time a white cop in an all black neighborhood/beat. Lights and sirens non stop while on duty. Did I make any change to that neighborhood? None.

There's no way to fix anything. Same with Africa and the tribes slaughtering each other. Furthermore, hate crimes do not even apply so society is telling us indirectly to stay the fuck out of their neighborhoods. Don't even try to help them.

Now, I live in a very safe area, I don't even lock my door at night. Neighbors know each other by name, and smile and say howdy. If someone has a problem we all get together to help. I gave a kayak away to a neighbor with kids, and I see these kids paddling around laughing and having fun with it. That makes me smile.

Now my question is, what do you propose the solution is? Why should any of us waste any energy trying to help people who don't want our help, and will react violently if we try?

11th April 2015, 08:44 AM
Once again from Goldissima's link:

Philpot said that Kagame’s former Chief of Staff Theogene Rudasingwa, who now lives in exile in the U.S., had helped share the story in the English speaking world by publishing his own book (http://www.amazon.com/Healing-Nation-Testimony-Peaceful-Revolution/dp/1481857657), in which he says that General Kagame actually bragged of assassinating President Habyarimana, and wanted to create the illusion that the world was standing by, when they had actually asked the U.S. not to intervene.

Something to think about. The current Rwanda Tutsi president told the world not to intervene, after the massacre of his own people ensued. Further he bragged about the assassination of the presidents of Burundi and Rwanda, according to his own chief of staff...

11th April 2015, 09:31 AM
taking responsibility starts with the acknowledgement that one's own race isnt better than any other one... understanding is is KEY to get rid of the NWO! All races have commit mass killings.

Each race has its own strengths and weaknesses. Dindus overwhelmingly are superior at athletics hence why every football team is full of Dindus. Asians are probably some of the most intelligent and come out with a ton of technology. Whites aren't necessarily the smartest, but we have a high trust society where we subconsciously believe we need to "pay a tax into the commons" which has allowed us to advance where corruption with other races has halted advancement (Asians would be far ahead of us if they had this quality.)

Jews are a parasitic race. They thrive off of the spoils of other races while maintaining a false victim complex appealing the the sympathies of their host populations. Jews haven't been able to take over much of Asian countries since Asians don't have a high trust society like Whites do and so they aren't gullible like Whites are.

Jews are mostly comprised of psychopaths. The hate all races and play each race off another. Currently Jews see Whites as a potential threat after what happened during WW2 so there is an agenda to exterminate the White race. These people are the ones who comprise the "NWO" or the "JWO" as I might call it. Jews have opened up the floodgates of immigration from non-White countries to White countries, displacing White people and ruining our culture and civilization. We are told we are Evil and Racist™ in our own homelands. We are told our people are the worst thing that's every happened to the world and all the peoples of the world suffer because of us. Yet it was the Jews who owned the slave ships who brought slaves to America where 45% of Jews in America owned slaves while only 5% of Whites did. Whites fought and died to end the slavery that Jews facilitated and created, yet like all horrible things Jews have done we got the blame since they run the media, printing presses, government, history, and so on.

If there is a superior race it's the Jews since they run the show despite being such a small population. You could also argue that Arabs, Amerindians, or Dindus (in Africa thanks to idiot Christian missionaries,) are the superior race since they are currently reproducing like rabbits. Anyone who thinks the White race is superior is a fucking retard. We are on the decline and most of our own people are pushing for our own destruction.

If it weren't for the Jews fucking shit up Dindus, Whites, Asians, and so on would live in their own countries peacefully and without trouble. Dindus were happiest and had the healthiest lifestyles as bushmen and without White civilization/high trust society propping them up they always fall back to being bushmen:


11th April 2015, 10:10 AM
well at least we concur on that... but the difference between he and I is that I only target the NWO, NOT races.

Singular, this is exactly Book's argument.

He lives a peaceful life in Idaho with other white people who treat their neighbors well. Sounds to me he has "changed" within first for the better. If African's lived life that way, they could be peaceful too.

Now why should he travel to try and change the world when he can live a life by example?

11th April 2015, 10:21 AM
Pillaging is nothing new to white Europeans, its a defining trait and expertise. Race Blending colonization part and parcel to the mission.

Tribal divisions are reinforced then exploited upon even to this day. And include all races.

Its all the Dutchman's fault. NWO would just like to solidify the mission where it is currently to regroup.

11th April 2015, 10:22 AM
it is all kabuki theater, france/belgium, USA/CIA did finance both sides of the conflict since the end of the colonization, and puppet kagame SAID and DID exactly what he was told by the NWO. Obama just does the same thing!

Not to mention IMF/WB sending their deadly humanitarian packages to add to the injury to depress their economies further. Democratic of Congo sitting on natural resources worth 24 trillion VS wall street sharks banking on endless profits. LOL The same shark that rob every world citizen blind.

Once again from Goldissima's link:

Something to think about. The current Rwanda Tutsi president told the world not to intervene, after the massacre of his own people ensued. Further he bragged about the assassination of the presidents of Burundi and Rwanda, according to his own chief of staff...

11th April 2015, 10:45 AM
it is all kabuki theater, france/belgium, USA/CIA did finance both sides of the conflict since the end of the colonization, and puppet kamage SAID and DID exactly what he was told by the NWO. Obama just does the same think!

Just what I said, Dindu Nuffins. Always someone higher up more responsible, and most responsible is the anonymous NWO:)

11th April 2015, 11:33 AM
... so you are saying that ISIS acts on its own and that the NWO, international banskters, agenda 21 do not exist to suit your pov, right!?

LOL... more hypocrisy

Just what I said, Dindu Nuffins. Always someone higher up more responsible, and most responsible is the anonymous NWO:)

11th April 2015, 11:37 AM
what you are missing Book is the understanding of the Greater/Objective Reality, because it is precisely what is killing Humanity - and of course the NWO has made sure to confuse humans about it to death.

Taking responsibility will never be about group think but the self-awareness of one's OWN slavery. If it had been done centuries ago, we wouldnt be there arguing. The black invasion would have never taken place and there wouldnt be anything like multiculturalism, no usury etc.

yes because all of our own grand parents NEVER stood against their own slavery, they left us dealing with the burden/curse to resolve the issue.

take self-responsibility or be caught by the depopulation agenda, that is as simple as that.

your reasoning is however becoming tiresome.


Goldissima could be on the ground in the Congo helping her cousin stack and balance these donated Idaho Potatoes but instead, you force her to spend her valuable time here at GSUS educating us all about our White immorality.

Neuro did this


11th April 2015, 11:55 AM
so true.... in the movie, "a season in april" the belgians defines by facial traits who is noble or not, measuring ears, noises, lips and body shapes, treated like cattle... and the winning prize was given to the Tutsis, which became western puppets.

the problem is if we happen to tolerate or do not care about the enslavement of any race, the very same enslavement is going to reach out and affect everybody. Thats a Natural Law.

Now we ALL are in the same mess... the whole planet bankrupt and the environment destroyed

If we deem a race being too primitive, just dont interact with the latter... period. But acting worse than them is never - ever - going to make it moral.

Pillaging is nothing new to white Europeans, its a defining trait and expertise. Race Blending colonization part and parcel to the mission.

Tribal divisions are reinforced then exploited upon even to this day. And include all races.

Its all the Dutchman's fault. NWO would just like to solidify the mission where it is currently to regroup.

11th April 2015, 11:56 AM
Taking responsibility...

Cousin Goldissima is coming home to teach
us how to be more responsible for ourselves!

Goldissima Clinic in the Congo has improved the lives of thousands.

:rolleyes: family is everything

11th April 2015, 12:00 PM
Either spun into the Dutch spiders from mars idahoan cocoon,

or thrown into the masons L.A. melting pot then boiled.


11th April 2015, 12:17 PM
you are not after the facts, book, but the skin color only... but it is your prerogative, just do not hide it behind a false pretense.

4 millions died so far for the cell phone and computer industry, sold in the west as tools for success... what will you be saying when learning chinese will become mandatory and americans/europeans will have to work for slave wages ???

Cousin Goldissima is coming home to teach
us how to be more responsible for ourselves!

:rolleyes: family is everything

11th April 2015, 12:30 PM
If we deem a race being too primitive, just don't interact with the latter... period.


Oh. That's why you don't return to the Congo to help your own Tutsi relatives.


12th April 2015, 03:04 AM
you are not after the facts, book, but the skin color only... but it is your prerogative, just do not hide it behind a false pretense.

4 millions died so far for the cell phone and computer industry, sold in the west as tools for success... what will you be saying when learning chinese will become mandatory and americans/europeans will have to work for slave wages ???
When did you stop using computers Goldissima? Did you stop your voluntary slaving at whiteys plantations? It all starts with self-responsibility after all...

12th April 2015, 03:08 AM

Oh. That's why you don't return to the Congo to help your own Tutsi relatives.

You got that wrong Book. Tutsi's are almost Caucasians, they don't have negroid features Goldissima says. It's her tribes victims the Hutu niggers she don't need to interact with...

12th April 2015, 03:16 AM
... so you are saying that ISIS acts on its own and that the NWO, international banskters, agenda 21 do not exist to suit your pov, right!?

LOL... more hypocrisy
Lol you can't even bring yourself to identify the criminals. How helpful is that? In the end it boils down to, in your mind, white people in Idaho and Sweden being responsible for mass murders in central Africa, because we don't believe your nonsense. Stop using electronic equipment, hypocrite!

12th April 2015, 03:55 AM
nothing to add

Book has run out of argument as the negroid type is the basis of his stance - and neuro has to resort to diminish the impact of the NWO in the world/african tragedy that is playing to make his point.

Savagery is indeed in the eyes of the beholder

there are plenty of pictures of primitive africans mutilated during the king leopold II's genocidal red rubber invasion available on the net for anybody seeking for the truth. 10 millions died but maybe as many were mutilated, especially hands and/or legs cut off. Kids and adults....

sure they were even more primitive than today but what to think of the belgians who did this then? 2 pictures below for those who want to have a glimpse

The legacy of colonization is destruction by design, just as in other part of the world. In this challenge to take down the NWO we are ALL ONE... but the revolution is within. The macro and micro are alike.

I dont see any difference between the rwandan genocide and the forced vaccination that is coming. Nothing will change as long as we do not acknowledge and feel the suffering of Humanity... that is what the Christ Consciousness is all about.

It was fun guys, take care and love you all... interacting with you is really helping my endeavors. I will let you know when my essay titled the "emphatic society" is available.


Nothing to add

12th April 2015, 06:47 AM
So King Leopold was NWO, any more recent names, so we know what to boycot? I totally accept that anyone who bought a bicycle or car with rubber tires more than a hundred years ago had full responsibility in the African genocide in the Congo Free State. Just like people who buy mobile phones and computers are responsible for the massacres in DRC and Rwanda today. We need to stop supporting these massmurders, perpetuated by almost innocent people, the consumer of Coltane ore is guilty. Stop using electronic equipment now!

12th April 2015, 07:25 AM
It was fun guys, take care and love you all... interacting with you is really helping my endeavors. I will let you know when...

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/tqvkl53nbwg6exegG2i13RrAMwBAo4JKiRD7k6nBQkUMEe9wwv ACCzE7gsGvUZ53niHrqFvEjeeJg08YJ1sJNTkOiX2S3Fgq_04V Mzf8E-xlmIwSmrk
Please don't abandon and shun us Auntie Goldissima

:rolleyes: only half of Goldissima is your Tutsi auntie...and she obviously doesn't care about you either

http://cache4.asset-cache.net/gc/72316107-young-tutsi-refugees-pray-at-the-kigali-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=tkQYNqwIm2wzyVbxvqf2N288%2FODgf5lXzc%2FYQOHu5s8% 3D
Auntie Goldissima is really just another uppity African-American now?

You primitives are on your own now...enjoy the Singularity

12th April 2015, 09:07 AM
You primitives are on your own now...enjoy the Singularity

Aunt Goldie supports your local economy by buying communication equipment made out of those rocks you dig out in the ground.

12th April 2015, 02:05 PM
Haha, love your sig Neuro, only just noticed it.

12th April 2015, 04:31 PM
Haha, love your sig Neuro, only just noticed it.

Me too. Hilarious. http://www.torontomustangclub.ca/forums/images/smilies/clapping-smiley.gif Bravo!

12th April 2015, 06:47 PM
Aunt Goldie supports your local economy by buying communication equipment made out of those rocks you dig out in the ground.

I think it's a good time to give Aunt Goldie a break.

Neuro, Book. You guys are assholes. No excuse you both ganging up on her in this thread.

12th April 2015, 08:07 PM
Neuro the moderator... LOL... Book, the christian...LOL... their reaction is caused by the fact they cannot cope with the idea that whites can be as much savage as tribal africans. they are victims of their own illusions. They have lost the debate.

another example: (dresden, hiroshima not included)
WW2: 100K japanese killed in 3H
rwanda genocide: 800K in 100 days

March 10 is the 70th anniversary of the Great Tokyo Air Raid. Although Tokyo was bombed more than 100 times from November 1944 to the end of the war, the firebombing centered on the Shitamachi district in the early hours of March 10, 1945, was by far the most devastating air raid on the capital. In less than three hours from just after midnight, 279 B-29 bombers dropped a total of 1,665 tons of incendiaries.1 By dawn, more than 100,000 people were dead, one million were homeless, and 16 square miles of Tokyo had been burned to the ground.

High IQs got us nuclear power/bombs... we will see who destroys earth the first. Tribal blacks or whites?

The western civilization is MY civilization and when I see the PTBs we have and have had, there is absolutely nothing to be proud of.

lets look at all the wars and their atrocities (all cultures/races), there is no winner.

I think it's a good time to give Aunt Goldie a break.

Neuro, Book. You guys are assholes. No excuse you both ganging up on her in this thread.

12th April 2015, 08:27 PM
their reaction is caused by the fact they cannot cope with the fact that whites can be as much savages as tribal africans

I think you are right. They seem pretty savage in their attacks in this thread. All they need is a machete to hack away online. Book, did they teach you this brutality in Idaho Church School?

You called out for the truth, and you got it, Goldie.

12th April 2015, 09:33 PM

12th April 2015, 09:50 PM
Neuro the moderator... LOL... Book, the christian...LOL... their reaction is caused by the fact they cannot cope with the idea that whites can be as much savage as tribal africans

Where did I say that? Whites have and continues to commit atrocities. But contrary to you I don't think whites are responsible for everything bad that happen on earth. It is laughable when one of the primary planners and benefactors of the Rwanda Genocide stands up and blames France for his own evil (Paul Kagame). And then you go on and blame the European Union for aiding the Tutsi rebels and shooting down the plane without a shred of evidence... Why? Because they are white? Sure I can see that France armed and trained the Hutu Rwanda army, prior to the massacre. But really France doesn't have any responsibility in terms of the civilian Hutu clubbing to death his Tutsi neighbours, which is what happened. And then you bring up individual responsibility, and the mining of Coltane, the only way you can be responsible as an individual in regards to Coltane is if you stop using electronic equipment, or do you have any other idea? So how is that going for you?

Whenever you are losing an argument you start bringing up irrelevant points, like ISIS, bombing of Tokyo, and wild accusations against those who oppose you. Instead of conceding you were wrong. How about you just say European Union didn't finance the rebels and the shooting down the plane with the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi. I don't know exactly why I said that, but maybe it was my overwhelming drive to persecute anything white that made me say that without any evidence... I will however take personal responsibility and try to be less biased and examine the evidence more careful before I speak out...

How about that?

12th April 2015, 09:53 PM

Hahaha! Did you make that yourself?

12th April 2015, 10:00 PM
I think it's a good time to give Aunt Goldie a break.

Neuro, Book. You guys are assholes. No excuse you both ganging up on her in this thread.
Hey you did too asshole! :)

12th April 2015, 10:01 PM
Neuro the moderator... LOL... Book, the christian...LOL... their reaction is caused by the fact they cannot cope with the idea that whites can be as much savage as tribal africans.

High IQs got us nuclear power/bombs... we will see who destroys earth the first. Tribal blacks or whites?

The western civilization is MY civilization and when I see the PTBs we have and have had, there is absolutely nothing to be proud of.

lets look at all the wars and their atrocities (all cultures/races), there is no winner.African Americans ARE every bit the savage that their Afrian brothers are. We HAVE nuclear weapons
So by your logic, we should let these guys have the control room to the nuclear weapons? thats like giving a chimp a machine gun.

12th April 2015, 10:15 PM
I am beginning to think that the rwanda genocide was part of the plot to throw the country and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) (neighboring country) into an irreparable chaos so coltan can remain cheap indefinitely as the demand sharply increases every day worldwide.... it appears that the rebels/militias act like mobs and also run many mines and sell directly to the corporations.

The Congo Still Ravaged by U.S.-Funded Conflict and Plunder
Genocide and Rape Stain Companies’ “Blood" Mineral Profits

Rwanda's coltan boom - Mining Weekly

China and Congo’s coltan connection

War, Murder, Rape... All for Your Cell Phone
Everyone's heard about the human rights abuses in African gold and diamond mines. But when it comes to their ultra-cool, razor-thin cell phones, American consumers won't get the message. September 13, 2006

12th April 2015, 10:18 PM
who is your alias? ;D

the whole point of this thread is to demonstrate the illusion of high IQ savagery vs low IQ savagery
How can people who have a so called civilized IQ condone and finance genocides/slavery???

And the conclusion that it is getting back to us with a vengeance: agenda 21 (planned depopulation)

ooh my gosh... yes you can have your nuclear weapons and eat them... if you can. One thing is certain tribal blacks and other indigenous will not destroy the planet... BUT we, the so-called smart ones.

African Americans ARE every bit the savage that their Afrian brothers are. We HAVE nuclear weapons
So by your logic, we should let these guys have the control room to the nuclear weapons? thats like giving a chimp a machine gun.

12th April 2015, 11:00 PM
I am beginning to think that the rwanda genocide was part of the plot to throw the country and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) (neighboring country) into an irreparable chaos so coltan can remain cheap indefinitely as the demand sharply increases every day worldwide.... it appears that the rebels/militias act like mobs and also run many mines and sell directly to the corporations.

The Congo Still Ravaged by U.S.-Funded Conflict and Plunder
Genocide and Rape Stain Companies’ “Blood" Mineral Profits

Rwanda's coltan boom - Mining Weekly

China and Congo’s coltan connection

War, Murder, Rape... All for Your Cell Phone
Everyone's heard about the human rights abuses in African gold and diamond mines. But when it comes to their ultra-cool, razor-thin cell phones, American consumers won't get the message. September 13, 2006
Coltane isn't cheap. It's financing the guerilla wars in Congo. Without the wars with a stable government more would be mined, and supply increase and price would go down. It would cut out the middlemen arms coltane dealers though, those who eke out a living between your desire for electronic communication, and your tribesmen lust for power and domination in Congo...

What was the average IQ of Congo, 59? Does anyone believe there could be a functioning democracy there?

12th April 2015, 11:13 PM
Singular, this is exactly Book's argument. He lives a peaceful life in Idaho with other white people who treat their neighbors well. Sounds to me he has "changed" within first for the better. If African's lived life that way, they could be peaceful too. Now why should he travel to try and change the world when he can live a life by example?

Thanks Hitch, but there is no need for you to pile on and gang up on Goldissima. Why don't you butt out and stop picking sides in threads?

My point here in this thread is to point out Goldissima's glaring hypocrisy. She constantly blames Whitey for not caring about the "primitives" in Africa while she herself, her own mother a member of that Tutsi tribe, doesn't even go to the Congo to bring her Singularity Wisdom to her own extended family. Hasn't even sent a single potato to the Congo. What is SHE herself doing for her own Tutsi tribe in the Congo?

http://images.dvdtalk.com/images/smilies/shrug.gif Goldissima is a hypocrite...lol.

13th April 2015, 01:25 AM
Isn't that your dog Horn?

13th April 2015, 02:42 AM

13th April 2015, 04:51 AM
It is interesting to read perceptions.... Ayn Rand was right on many things (too bad she endorsed atheism), in the virtue of selfishness she writes about the dangers of ancestry. That judging people according to their genealogy will often, if not always, bring about the repetitions of the same mistakes..... one of the major cause for war/genocide.... example: your father killed my father, hence your child must pay for it so to speak.

the whole point of this thread is to demonstrate the illusion of high IQ savagery vs low IQ savagery... and obviously 2 in this thread are in complete denial, look at their reactions. There is NO difference. Thinking otherwise is a deadly bias

Westerners have a such high opinion of their IQs and how great their civilization (tnx to history being rewritten by the winners and media brainwashing) is, that the average westerner cannot even comprehend that they are now too being preyed on as much as those primitive blacks (and anyone else on this planet)

Primitive blacks know that they are being killed for coltan special interests... while the average westerner has absolutely no clue of what is going on and cant even conceived that there is a depopulation agenda that includes him... and that he is bioengineered among other things.

savagery and stupidity is in the eyes of the beholders.... that is why guys, that the world is going to get worse before it it get better .... because denial is running deep. This denial is cultureless.

In fact... and this is a Natural Law.... the higher the IQ the higher is/are the threat(s) of predation between humans... what people fail to comprehend that MORE knowledge demands MORE empathy therefore. It is exponential. Well it always has been about empathy, today it just is more blatant... and it is the prevalent message in the bible. So go ahead... shoot the messenger. Empathy rules Objective Reality... in other words: LOVE. There lies the origins of Evil. The failure to understand Objective Reality, God's Supreme Natural Law (that cannot be enforced in any way).... go ahead shoot the messenger... I dont care because I really got it.

The whole planet is being destroyed with the help of all those (whatever race) academic Phds and monetary scientists and wall street sharks. So I really find amazing all the time spent discussing about people having lower IQs ... which is obviously a NWO induced diversion that keeps the illusion of race war alive and kicking.

The debate in this thread could have taken another direction... but steep denial prevented that. Taking the issue personally is just going to help perpetuate the evil.

Book and Neuro, thank you for stimulating my reasoning. My essay (on the empathic society) will be terrific ;D

I dont expect many thanks but I am sure many of you will ponder what I am conveying here. Love to all.

13th April 2015, 05:58 AM
Book and Neuro, thank you for stimulating my reasoning. My essay will be terrific ;D
I doubt it, but hopefully it will help your people in Congo. No doubt they have suffered enough... What is your solution for the Congo, exactly?

13th April 2015, 06:08 AM
Book and Neuro, thank you for stimulating my reasoning. My essay (on the empathic society) will be terrific ;D

Auntie Goldissima sent us an arrogant ironic "essay" about empathy but these powdered potatoes from Idaho are terrific!


13th April 2015, 06:25 AM
I doubt your reasoning will help white people/westerners who are being preyed on as much as the primitives... keep focusing on races WHEN I said that no race is better than any other one. You are just fighting with yourself because your stance twists was I am saying from a to z.... persecution complex?

Maybe could you educate white people about the CIA involvement in the coltan war and other special interest driven genocides, then I am sure primitive people as a whole would begin to see the end of the tunnel

I doubt it, but hopefully it will help your people in Congo. No doubt they have suffered enough... What is your solution for the Congo, exactly?

13th April 2015, 06:31 AM
if you could spend more time educate white people about GMOs and bioengineering, it would sure help the whole planet... what is the rate of obesity in america?


Auntie Goldissima sent us an arrogant ironic "essay" about empathy but these powdered potatoes from Idaho are terrific!


13th April 2015, 06:46 AM
who is your alias? ;D

Walter Hartwell White, silly

13th April 2015, 06:57 AM
The debate in this thread could have taken another direction... but steep denial prevented that. Taking the issue personally is...

Please send me an Idaho potato Auntie Goldissima

I'm sending you my brilliant essay on Empathy instead little cousin

:rolleyes: don't take it personally kid

13th April 2015, 07:04 AM
I doubt your reasoning will help white people/westerners who are being preyed on as much as the primitives... keep focusing on races WHEN I said that no race is better than any other one. You are just fighting with yourself because your stance twists was I am saying from a to z.... persecution complex?

Maybe could you educate white people about the CIA involvement in the coltan war and other special interest driven genocides, then I am sure primitive people as a whole would begin to see the end of the tunnel
I was trying to get people who was well aware of the Coltan issue to boycot electronic equipment, they didn't even respond back to me...

13th April 2015, 07:13 AM
Please send me an Idaho potato Auntie Goldissima

I'm sending you my brilliant essay on Empathy instead little cousin

:rolleyes: don't take it personally kid

Mud Cookies are pretty popular:


13th April 2015, 07:56 AM
Mud Cookies are pretty popular:

I think the dirt could actually contain some good minerals, but probably not very good to eat only that. The solution at the end was money and a stable government. I disagree though I don't think Haiti needs more money, but certainly a stable government, which is exactly what the Congo needs. However you can't expect people with an average IQ of 59 to be able to elect such a government... Return of colonialism is something that should be considered, but the colonial power should be expected to work for the betterment of the land and the people they are set to rule over. Some countries did it better during the colonial era. Congo was a horrible exerience.

13th April 2015, 08:45 AM
Haiti needs more Bill Gates foundation vaccines, and Monsanto seeds to remedy the mudpie situation.


13th April 2015, 05:16 PM
thanks Horn, now I know what all books pictures are awfully missing... the psychopatic NWO element.

Haiti needs more Bill Gates foundation vaccines, and Monsanto seeds to remedy the mudpie situation.


13th April 2015, 06:13 PM
a quick response to your delusion: this guy, an argentinian, is in awful shape: caused by monsanto GMOs and continual pump and dump currency debasement, he cant even afford to see a doctor. And his IQ is much higher than 59

Not too mention the IMF/WB/CIA actions in Latin america that have serious track records

NO DIFFERENCE... give africa lots of humanitarian packages, fund political oppositions and rebels, send food so they become dependent, use them as vaccine guinea pigs, redesign the borders so nomadic tribes are trapped in the desert (or reservations where food can't grow) and starving, support dictators that help plunder the country and optimize the pillage of natural resources (all this heavily documented on the net)...

NO DIFFERENCE: in the west, we are on a debt treadmill, media are a circus, politicians utterly corrupt , threatened with false flag ops, pandemics of all kinds, too bioengineered and food will become scarce at some point... there is no if but when. Fema camps are ready... and the western populaces are all going to fall into the trap if a miracle doesnt happen. And you find the time to trash africa in all that. Your reality is so narrow, I am sorry for you Book.

I think we need to reach the threshold of unbearable suffering for people to let go their blinders, but it is coming.

How so is saying that empathy rules Objective Reality arrogant... ??? Truth hurts..... read your bible that is what Jesus' message is all about, that is precisely why he says: love your enemies. They killed him for this. The majority of christians are unable to follow the bible because they just do not understand it.

Do you realize that the **real doomsday criminals** have an 150 IQ average and that dumbing down world population is thus key? Sure in africa it is a cake walk.

Yesterday I chatted with an "al gore fanatic", wowow... she sounded so dumb and she is caucasian. But I said nothing because direct confrontation isnt smart.... I know I will get some important messages through when time comes.

what you also do not get is that the Revolution has to come from within - with or without guns. If the mindset doesnt change, nothing will ever change.

This destruction of Humanity happens by design, regardless of the race. If you are upset at people for a situation they havent decided fully, from their own free will... any argument is doomed. So only our own free will to eradicate the NWO should really matter. All other conflicts are useless.

13th April 2015, 06:19 PM
Hey Singular, you are awesome. Backed Book up into a corner on that one....I'd like to see, one good argument, against that post.

13th April 2015, 07:17 PM
I corrected it for you ;D

I think the dirt could actually contain some good minerals, but probably not very good to eat only that. The solution at the end was money and a stable government. I disagree though I don't think Haiti needs more money, but certainly a stable government, which is exactly what the Congo needs. However you can't expect people with an average IQ of 59 to be able to elect such a government... Return of colonialism is something that should be considered, but the colonial power should be expected to work for the betterment of the land and the people they are set to rule over. Some countries did it better during the colonial era. Congo was a horrible experience....ERRR, EXPERIMENT

13th April 2015, 08:07 PM
an horrible experience.... or... everything goes according to plan???

wasnt there a thread on here about latin america asking the US to stop meddling in its affairs?

the NWO just meddles in everyone's life.
The Geopolitics behind the Rwandan Genocide: Paul Kagame accused of War Crimes
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, November 23, 2006

Paul Kagame accused by French Court

A French judge has issued arrest warrants for nine close aides of Rwandan President Paul Kagame, in relation to the shooting down of the plane carrying Rwanda’s former president Jouvenal Habyarimana in 1994. .

French judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere has accused Kagame of ordering the shooting down of the plane, which contributed to triggering the 1994 ethnic massacres and genocide.

The court case in France should serve to clarifying the role of the RPF.

Major General Kagame, who led the RPF insurrection, was supported by the US and Britain.

The official version of the Rwandan Genocide is that it was triggered by ethnic conflict in the context of what was characterised as a “civil war”.

Below are selected excerpts of my May 2000 article entitled Installing a US Protectorate in Central Africa, which documents Paul Kagame’s role in the shooting down of the plane and the events which led up to the Genocide.

According to the testimony of Paul Mugabe, a former member of the RPF High Command Unit, Major General Paul Kagame had personally ordered the shooting down of President Habyarimana’s plane with a view to taking control of the country. He was fully aware that the assassination of Habyarimana would unleash “a genocide” against Tutsi civilians. RPA forces had been fully deployed in Kigali at the time the ethnic massacres took place and did not act to prevent it from happening:

The decision of Paul Kagame to shoot Pres. Habyarimana’s aircraft was the catalyst of an unprecedented drama in Rwandan history, and Major-General Paul Kagame took that decision with all awareness. Kagame’s ambition caused the extermination of all of our families: Tutsis, Hutus and Twas. We all lost. Kagame’s take-over took away the lives of a large number of Tutsis and caused the unnecessary exodus of millions of Hutus, many of whom were innocent under the hands of the genocide ringleaders. Some naive Rwandans proclaimed Kagame as their savior, but time has demonstrated that it was he who caused our suffering and misfortunes… Can Kagame explain to the Rwandan people why he sent Claude Dusaidi and Charles Muligande to New York and Washington to stop the UN military intervention which was supposed to be sent and protect the Rwandan people from the genocide? The reason behind avoiding that military intervention was to allow the RPF leadership the takeover of the Kigali Government and to show the world that they – the RPF – were the ones who stopped the genocide. We will all remember that the genocide occurred during three months, even though Kagame has said that he was capable of stopping it the first week after the aircraft crash. Can Major-General Paul Kagame explain why he asked to MINUAR to leave Rwandan soil within hours while the UN was examining the possibility of increasing its troops in Rwanda in order to stop the genocide?44

Paul Mugabe’s testimony regarding the shooting down of Habyarimana’s plane ordered by Kagame is corroborated by intelligence documents and information presented to the French parliamentary inquiry. Major General Paul Kagame was an instrument of Washington. The loss of African lives did not matter. The civil war in Rwanda and the ethnic massacres were an integral part of US foreign policy, carefully staged in accordance with precise strategic and economic objectives.

Despite the good diplomatic relations between Paris and Washington and the apparent unity of the Western military alliance, it was an undeclared war between France and America. By supporting the build up of Ugandan and Rwandan forces and by directly intervening in the Congolese civil war, Washington also bears a direct responsibility for the ethnic massacres committed in the Eastern Congo including several hundred thousand people who died in refugee camps.

US policy-makers were fully aware that a catastrophe was imminent. In fact four months before the genocide, the CIA had warned the US State Department in a confidential brief that the Arusha Accords would fail and “that if hostilities resumed, then upward of half a million people would die”. 45 This information was withheld from the United Nations: “it was not until the genocide was over that information was passed to Maj.-Gen. Dallaire [who was in charge of UN forces in Rwanda].” 46

Washington’s objective was to displace France, discredit the French government (which had supported the Habyarimana regime) and install an Anglo-American protectorate in Rwanda under Major General Paul Kagame. Washington deliberately did nothing to prevent the ethnic massacres....................

..................... Militarization of Uganda

The militarization of Uganda was an integral part of US foreign policy. The build-up of the Ugandan UPDF Forces and of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) had been supported by the US and Britain. The British had provided military training at the Jinja military base:

“From 1989 onwards, America supported joint RPF [Rwandan Patriotic Front]-Ugandan attacks upon Rwanda… There were at least 56 ‘situation reports’ in [US] State Department files in 1991… As American and British relations with Uganda and the RPF strengthened, so hostilities between Uganda and Rwanda escalated… By August 1990 the RPF had begun preparing an invasion with the full knowledge and approval of British intelligence. 20

Troops from Rwanda’s RPA and Uganda’s UPDF had also supported John Garang’s People’s Liberation Army in its secessionist war in southern Sudan. Washington was firmly behind these initiatives with covert support provided by the CIA. 21

Moreover, under the Africa Crisis Reaction Initiative (ACRI), Ugandan officers were also being trained by US Special Forces in collaboration with a mercenary outfit, Military Professional Resources Inc (MPRI) which was on contract with the US Department of State. MPRI had provided similar training to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the Croatian Armed Forces during the Yugoslav civil war and more recently to the Colombian Military in the context of Plan Colombia..............

Civil War in the Congo

Following the installation of a US client regime in Rwanda in 1994, US trained Rwandan and Ugandan forces intervened in former Zaire –a stronghold of French and Belgian influence under President Mobutu Sese Seko. Amply documented, US special operations troops — mainly Green Berets from the 3rd Special Forces Group based at Fort Bragg, N.C.– had been actively training the RPA. This program was a continuation of the covert support and military aid provided to the RPA prior to 1994. In turn, the tragic outcome of the Rwandan civil war including the refugee crisis had set the stage for the participation of Ugandan and Rwandan RPA in the civil war in the Congo..............

American Mining Interests

At stake in these military operations in the Congo were the extensive mining resources of Eastern and Southern Zaire including strategic reserves of cobalt — of crucial importance for the US defense industry. During the civil war several months before the downfall of Mobutu, Laurent Desire Kabila basedin Goma, Eastern Zaire had renegotiated the mining contracts with several US and British mining companies including American Mineral Fields (AMF), a company headquartered in President Bill Clinton’s hometown of Hope, Arkansas.40

Meanwhile back in Washington, IMF officials were busy reviewing Zaire’s macro-economic situation. No time was lost. The post-Mobutu economic agenda had already been decided upon. In a study released in April 1997 barely a month before President Mobutu Sese Seko fled the country, the IMF had recommended “halting currency issue completely and abruptly” as part of an economic recovery programme.41 And a few months later upon assuming power in Kinshasa, the new government of Laurent Kabila Desire was ordered by the IMF to freeze civil service wages with a view to “restoring macro-economic stability.” Eroded by hyperinflation, the average public sector wage had fallen to 30,000 new Zaires (NZ) a month, the equivalent of one U.S. dollar.42

The IMF’s demands were tantamount to maintaining the entire population in abysmal poverty. They precluded from the outset a meaningful post-war economic reconstruction, thereby contributing to fuelling the continuation of the Congolese civil war in which close to 2 million people have died........


13th April 2015, 10:19 PM
I corrected it for you ;D
Err thanks. I couldn't even remember I had misspelled it.

13th April 2015, 10:56 PM
an horrible experience.... or... everything goes according to plan???

wasnt there a thread on here about latin america asking the US to stop meddling in its affairs?

the NWO just meddles in everyone's life.
The Geopolitics behind the Rwandan Genocide: Paul Kagame accused of War Crimes
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, November 23, 2006

Paul Kagame accused by French Court

A French judge has issued arrest warrants for nine close aides of Rwandan President Paul Kagame, in relation to the shooting down of the plane carrying Rwanda’s former president Jouvenal Habyarimana in 1994. .

French judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere has accused Kagame of ordering the shooting down of the plane, which contributed to triggering the 1994 ethnic massacres and genocide.

The court case in France should serve to clarifying the role of the RPF.

Major General Kagame, who led the RPF insurrection, was supported by the US and Britain.

The official version of the Rwandan Genocide is that it was triggered by ethnic conflict in the context of what was characterised as a “civil war”.

Below are selected excerpts of my May 2000 article entitled Installing a US Protectorate in Central Africa, which documents Paul Kagame’s role in the shooting down of the plane and the events which led up to the Genocide.

According to the testimony of Paul Mugabe, a former member of the RPF High Command Unit, Major General Paul Kagame had personally ordered the shooting down of President Habyarimana’s plane with a view to taking control of the country. He was fully aware that the assassination of Habyarimana would unleash “a genocide” against Tutsi civilians. RPA forces had been fully deployed in Kigali at the time the ethnic massacres took place and did not act to prevent it from happening:

The decision of Paul Kagame to shoot Pres. Habyarimana’s aircraft was the catalyst of an unprecedented drama in Rwandan history, and Major-General Paul Kagame took that decision with all awareness. Kagame’s ambition caused the extermination of all of our families: Tutsis, Hutus and Twas. We all lost. Kagame’s take-over took away the lives of a large number of Tutsis and caused the unnecessary exodus of millions of Hutus, many of whom were innocent under the hands of the genocide ringleaders. Some naive Rwandans proclaimed Kagame as their savior, but time has demonstrated that it was he who caused our suffering and misfortunes… Can Kagame explain to the Rwandan people why he sent Claude Dusaidi and Charles Muligande to New York and Washington to stop the UN military intervention which was supposed to be sent and protect the Rwandan people from the genocide? The reason behind avoiding that military intervention was to allow the RPF leadership the takeover of the Kigali Government and to show the world that they – the RPF – were the ones who stopped the genocide. We will all remember that the genocide occurred during three months, even though Kagame has said that he was capable of stopping it the first week after the aircraft crash. Can Major-General Paul Kagame explain why he asked to MINUAR to leave Rwandan soil within hours while the UN was examining the possibility of increasing its troops in Rwanda in order to stop the genocide?44

Paul Mugabe’s testimony regarding the shooting down of Habyarimana’s plane ordered by Kagame is corroborated by intelligence documents and information presented to the French parliamentary inquiry. Major General Paul Kagame was an instrument of Washington. The loss of African lives did not matter. The civil war in Rwanda and the ethnic massacres were an integral part of US foreign policy, carefully staged in accordance with precise strategic and economic objectives.

Despite the good diplomatic relations between Paris and Washington and the apparent unity of the Western military alliance, it was an undeclared war between France and America. By supporting the build up of Ugandan and Rwandan forces and by directly intervening in the Congolese civil war, Washington also bears a direct responsibility for the ethnic massacres committed in the Eastern Congo including several hundred thousand people who died in refugee camps.

US policy-makers were fully aware that a catastrophe was imminent. In fact four months before the genocide, the CIA had warned the US State Department in a confidential brief that the Arusha Accords would fail and “that if hostilities resumed, then upward of half a million people would die”. 45 This information was withheld from the United Nations: “it was not until the genocide was over that information was passed to Maj.-Gen. Dallaire [who was in charge of UN forces in Rwanda].” 46

Washington’s objective was to displace France, discredit the French government (which had supported the Habyarimana regime) and install an Anglo-American protectorate in Rwanda under Major General Paul Kagame. Washington deliberately did nothing to prevent the ethnic massacres....................

..................... Militarization of Uganda

The militarization of Uganda was an integral part of US foreign policy. The build-up of the Ugandan UPDF Forces and of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) had been supported by the US and Britain. The British had provided military training at the Jinja military base:

“From 1989 onwards, America supported joint RPF [Rwandan Patriotic Front]-Ugandan attacks upon Rwanda… There were at least 56 ‘situation reports’ in [US] State Department files in 1991… As American and British relations with Uganda and the RPF strengthened, so hostilities between Uganda and Rwanda escalated… By August 1990 the RPF had begun preparing an invasion with the full knowledge and approval of British intelligence. 20

Troops from Rwanda’s RPA and Uganda’s UPDF had also supported John Garang’s People’s Liberation Army in its secessionist war in southern Sudan. Washington was firmly behind these initiatives with covert support provided by the CIA. 21

Moreover, under the Africa Crisis Reaction Initiative (ACRI), Ugandan officers were also being trained by US Special Forces in collaboration with a mercenary outfit, Military Professional Resources Inc (MPRI) which was on contract with the US Department of State. MPRI had provided similar training to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the Croatian Armed Forces during the Yugoslav civil war and more recently to the Colombian Military in the context of Plan Colombia..............

Civil War in the Congo

Following the installation of a US client regime in Rwanda in 1994, US trained Rwandan and Ugandan forces intervened in former Zaire –a stronghold of French and Belgian influence under President Mobutu Sese Seko. Amply documented, US special operations troops — mainly Green Berets from the 3rd Special Forces Group based at Fort Bragg, N.C.– had been actively training the RPA. This program was a continuation of the covert support and military aid provided to the RPA prior to 1994. In turn, the tragic outcome of the Rwandan civil war including the refugee crisis had set the stage for the participation of Ugandan and Rwandan RPA in the civil war in the Congo..............

American Mining Interests

At stake in these military operations in the Congo were the extensive mining resources of Eastern and Southern Zaire including strategic reserves of cobalt — of crucial importance for the US defense industry. During the civil war several months before the downfall of Mobutu, Laurent Desire Kabila basedin Goma, Eastern Zaire had renegotiated the mining contracts with several US and British mining companies including American Mineral Fields (AMF), a company headquartered in President Bill Clinton’s hometown of Hope, Arkansas.40

Meanwhile back in Washington, IMF officials were busy reviewing Zaire’s macro-economic situation. No time was lost. The post-Mobutu economic agenda had already been decided upon. In a study released in April 1997 barely a month before President Mobutu Sese Seko fled the country, the IMF had recommended “halting currency issue completely and abruptly” as part of an economic recovery programme.41 And a few months later upon assuming power in Kinshasa, the new government of Laurent Kabila Desire was ordered by the IMF to freeze civil service wages with a view to “restoring macro-economic stability.” Eroded by hyperinflation, the average public sector wage had fallen to 30,000 new Zaires (NZ) a month, the equivalent of one U.S. dollar.42

The IMF’s demands were tantamount to maintaining the entire population in abysmal poverty. They precluded from the outset a meaningful post-war economic reconstruction, thereby contributing to fuelling the continuation of the Congolese civil war in which close to 2 million people have died........

I realize now that being factually correct has no value for you. I was asking you to provide evidence post after post that EU had been involved in shooting down the plane as you claimed somewhere within the first posts of this thread. Instead of doing that you have accused me of being disruptive, supporting the NWO, not caring about my ancestors crimes... Really? Was all that only because you couldn't owe up to the fact? And now you try and sneak in an article that basically says the opposite of what you said before...


And you have the gall to correct my minor misspelling...

fuck you!

14th April 2015, 01:06 AM
I realize now that being factually correct has no value for you. I was asking you to provide evidence post after post that EU had been involved in shooting down the plane as you claimed somewhere within the first posts of this thread. Instead of doing that you have accused me of being disruptive, supporting the NWO, not caring about my ancestors crimes... Really? Was all that only because you couldn't owe up to the fact? And now you try and sneak in an article that basically says the opposite of what you said before...


And you have the gall to correct my minor misspelling...

I've avoided joining in the affray because Book and Neuro have done more than enough to point out the hypocrisy of SM's ideological position.

But honestly I fail to see how blaming the white westerners for this unfortunate massacre serves any purpose. The facts remain that blacks in the US and Africa as well as indigenous peoples from all countries need to take responsibility for their OWN actions if they're to provide any sort of real future for their offspring.

I've seen it countless times first hand here in Australia. Regardless of past atrocities, relying on others to advance their cause is a recipe for disaster.

As far as the Rwandan massacre is concerned both parties are responsible for their actions IMO, just as much as both the waring sides associated with WWII.

For sure the NWO is responsible for a lot of things, however just like you point out SM, its up to individuals to be responsible enough to shake off their oppressor, then so must the Tutsies and Hutus be responsible for their actions.

Thinking any other way is have a double standard and risk being rightfully labelled a hypocrite.

14th April 2015, 04:43 AM
Neuro, this global research article is precisely the final response to your charade since you entered this thread, because your stance in this thread has always been that low IQ africans did it it to themselves. That their misery is self inflicted. A colonialist view point which you confirm in the posting #92 and #17 . Yes, thinking this way is diminishing/denying/playing down the NWO impact on humans, especially tribal blacks.

You are the one not willing to look into the facts when saying this like this: 800,000 Africans were killed by their brothers with clubs, hammers and machetes in the middle of Africa, and it was all whiteys fault? Really?

Honestly I make no difference between EU and the US... , the EU has always existed even before they made it official, WW 1 and 2 alliance proves this. It is all kabuki theater. They both finance all sides of the conflicts in africa since ever because they are parts of the British empire. Two sides of the same coin. So arguing about who was/is backing Paul Kagame, EU or US, is kinda futile.

You are twisting things around... since the beginning I have said repeatedly that this thread intents to prove that there is no difference between low and high IQ savagery and that racism therefore is an illusion.

Taking self-responsibility now is unavoidable, we are cursed to resolve generational mistakes/misconceptions is the conclusion of this thread, regardless of the race. I have been extremely consistent but your colonialist mindset is of course against what I am conveying... your "fuck you" is understandable.

You didnt misspell, you really meant "experience" to play down the dark western legacy that has been genociding central africa for more than 1 century and because higher IQ westerners have turned a blind eye (they still do, coltan issue is just a continuation) they even were/are unable to see the growing threat that is lurking and preying on them... because they are so mind controlled into believing that their civilization is the most prestigious ever.

that westerners havent seen anything coming highlights that intellectual supremacy is another delusion, no matter how advanced technology is.

This global research article is the last nail in the coffin

I realize now that being factually correct has no value for you. I was asking you to provide evidence post after post that EU had been involved in shooting down the plane as you claimed somewhere within the first posts of this thread. Instead of doing that you have accused me of being disruptive, supporting the NWO, not caring about my ancestors crimes... Really? Was all that only because you couldn't owe up to the fact? And now you try and sneak in an article that basically says the opposite of what you said before...


And you have the gall to correct my minor misspelling...

fuck you!

And while I am at it Neuro, I think your moderation skills are lamentable.

14th April 2015, 05:31 AM
Taking responsibility is what I have been arguing for since the beginning of this thread, aeon... but we cannot do it as long as we dont address and remove the genocidal force corrupting everybody's mindset and inducing racism ... so how hypocrite am I ???

But thanks for supporting my stance while double talking. I have no other ideology than going after an ancient and very deep rooted slavery, and in order to do so, I will continue to expose ALL sides of the conflicts as it (induced) myopia that the real killer of Mankind.

This destruction of Humanity happens by design, regardless of the race. If you are upset at people for a situation they havent decided fully, from their own free will... any argument is just doomed from the start. Hence the illusion of conflicts which we have been dealing with over the last 2000 years. Anyone avoiding the big picture will never be proven correct.

Black americans never asked to be imported, their resentment toward the white community is century old. Whites should have all stand up against the importation when it started... whose fault now? Such a dead end situation can only be resolved with empathy... or the race war will turn into another genocide... back to a primitive africa like action ??? The result of low vs high IQ.


I've avoided joining in the affray because Book and Neuro have done more than enough to point out the hypocrisy of SM's ideological position.

But honestly I fail to see how blaming the white westerners for this unfortunate massacre serves any purpose. The facts remain that blacks in the US and Africa as well as indigenous peoples from all countries need to take responsibility for their OWN actions if they're to provide any sort of real future for their offspring.

I've seen it countless times first hand here in Australia. Regardless of past atrocities, relying on others to advance their cause is a recipe for disaster.

As far as the Rwandan massacre is concerned both parties are responsible for their actions IMO, just as much as both the waring sides associated with WWII.

For sure the NWO is responsible for a lot of things, however just like you point out SM, its up to individuals to be responsible enough to shake off their oppressor, then so must the Tutsies and Hutus be responsible for their actions.

Thinking any other way is have a double standard and risk being rightfully labelled a hypocrite.

14th April 2015, 08:45 AM
Taking responsibility is what I have been arguing for since the beginning of this thread ... so how hypocrite am I ?

Dindu nuffin personally for your own starving Tutsi tribe family in the Congo

:rolleyes: constantly whines that Whitey is responsible

14th April 2015, 09:14 AM
Neuro, this global research article is precisely the final response to your charade since you entered the this thread, because your stance in this thread has always been that low IQ africans did it it to themselves. That their misery is self inflicted. A colonialist view point which you confirm in the posting #92 and #17 . Yes, thinking this way is diminishing/denying/playing down the NWO impact on humans, especially tribal blacks.

Honestly I make no difference between EU and the US... , the EU has always existed even before they made it official, WW 1 and 2 alliance proves this. It is all kabuki theater. They both finance all sides of the conflicts in africa since ever because they are parts of the British empire. Two sides of the same coin. So arguing about who was/is backing Paul Kagame, EU or US, is kinda futile.

You are twisting things around... since the beginning I have said repeatedly that this thread intents to prove that there is no difference between low and high IQ savagery and that racism therefore is an illusion.

Taking self-responsibility now is unavoidable, we are cursed to resolve generational mistakes/misconceptions is the conclusion of this thread, regardless of the race. I have been extremely consistent but your colonialist mindset is of course against what I am conveying... your "fuck you" is understandable.

You didnt misspell, you really meant "experience" to play down the dark western legacy that has been genociding central africa for more than 1 century and because higher IQ westerners have turned a blind eye (they still do, coltan issue is just a continuation) they even were/are unable to see the growing threat that is lurking and preying on them... because they are so mind controlled into believing that their civilization is the most prestigious ever.

that westerners havent seen anything coming highlights that intellectual supremacy is another delusion, no matter how advanced technology is.

This global research article is the last nail in the coffin

And while I am at it Neuro, I think your moderation skills are lamentable.
Well take it up with JQP, he should be all ears.

Your not knowing the difference between EU and U.S. and not even being able to owe up to your mistake is telling of your character. How do you know that the global research web page is correct anyway? If indeed CIA was behind Paul Kagame, why did he feel the need to send to of his emmissaries to convince the U.S. NOT TO INTERVENE?

How many more of your fellow Africans do you think should be sacrificed on the altar of democracy and self determination? A country of an average IQ of 59 isn't able to self determination if the area is the size of Western Europe. Possible they could have self determination in a tribe counting 40 people, if the area they live in is guarded. So just let them kill each other off and then blame white man for too much involvement, but it is your own flesh and blood and really why should I care when you don't...

14th April 2015, 10:10 AM
...but it is your own flesh and blood and really why should I care when you don't...


Goldissima cares about her own Tutsi family as much as I do.


14th April 2015, 10:30 AM

Coltan, Gorillas and cellphones

What Is Coltan ?

Coltan, short for Columbite-tantalite is a metallic ore comprising Niobium and Tantalum, found mainly in the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (formally Zaire). When refined, coltan becomes a heat resistant powder, metallic tantalum which has unique properties for storing electrical charge. Of the 525 tons of tantalum used in the USA in 1998, 60% was used in tantalum capacitors, with a predicted growth rate of 14% per annum (from Uganda Gold Mining Ltd web site).

It is therefore a vital component in the capacitors that control current flow in cell phone circuit boards.

Mining Coltan

Coltan is mined by hand in the Congo by groups of men digging basins in streams by scrapping off the surface mud. They then "slosh" the water around the crater, which causes the Coltan ore to settle to the bottom of the crater where it is retrieved by the miners. A team can "mine" one kilo of Coltan per day.

The tech boom caused the price of Coltan to rocket to as high as US$600 per kilogram at one point, compared to a previous value of US$65 per kilogram, although it has settled down to around US$100 per kilogram at the moment. A Coltan miner can earn as much as US$200 per month, compared to a typical salary of US$10 per month for the average Congolese worker.

80% of the world's known coltan supply is in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which the UN says is subject to "highly organized and systematic exploitation."

Coltan financing war

A recent report by the UN has claimed that all the parties involved in the local civil war have been involved in the mining and sale of Coltan. One report suggested that the neighboring Rwandan army made US$250 million from selling Coltan in less than 18 months, despite there being no Coltan in Rwanda to mine. The military forces of Uganda and Burundi are also implicated in smuggling Coltan out of Congo for resale in Belgium.

A report to the United Nations security council has called for a moratorium on purchase and import of resources from the Democratic Republic of Congo, due to the ongoing civil war that has dragged in the surrounding countries.

Coltan and Gorillas

The main area where Coltan is mined, also contains the Kahuzi Biega National Park, home of the Mountain Gorilla. In Kahuzi Biega National Park the gorilla population has been cut nearly in half, from 258 to 130 as the ground is cleared to make mining easier. Not only has this reduced the available food for the Gorillas, the poverty caused by the displacement of the local populations by the miners has lead to Gorillas being killed and their meat being sold as "bush meat" to the miners and rebel armies that control the area. Within the Dem. Rep. of Congo as a whole, the U.N. Environment Program has reported that the number of eastern lowland gorillas in eight Dem. Rep. of Congo national parks has declined by 90% over the past 5 years, and only 3,000 now remain.

Due to the damage caused to the Gorilla population and their natural habitat, companies that use Coltan are now starting to demand that their Coltan only comes from legitimately mined sources and is not a byproduct of the war. American-based Kemet, the world's largest maker of tantalum capacitors, has asked its suppliers to certify that their coltan ore does not come from Dem. Rep. of Congo or from neighbouring countries. Such moves could lead to "Gorilla Safe " cellphones being marketed, much in the same way that Tuna meat is now sold as "Dolphin Safe".

Other sources

There are few alternative sources of Coltan apart from the Dem. Rep. of Congo, although the University of St Andrews geologist, Dr Adrian Finch recently reported that he has found Coltan inside extinct volcanoes in the remote North Motzfeldt region of Greenland. Dr Finch has now received a two year funding plan from the Carnegie Trust and Gino Watkins Fund to investigate the commercial viability of mining the volcanoes.

What to do ?

There is very little the "man on the street" can do to prevent Coltan exploitation as it is not a "visible" component of cellphones that can be differentiated when shopping, but continuing pressure on circuit board manufacturers has lead to many demanding that their Coltan supplies only come from legitimate sources. Similar pressure on other users of Coltan can also help to ensure that only legitimately mined and sold Coltan is used in circuit boards. At a government level, pressure on local politicians to drive awareness of the ongoing civil war in the Dem. Rep. of Congo and help to secure a resolution will help to prevent the extinction of the Mountain Gorilla.

The Tantalum-Niobium International Study Center (T.I.C.), the industry organisation representing producers, processors and consumers of tantalum and niobium around the world, said that it deplores the reported activities of illegal miners in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park and the Okapi Wildlife Reserve in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

It was agreed at the T.I.C. Executive Committee meeting in Brussels on April 3rd 2001 that the organisation would take a stand regarding the use and production of coltan mined in these World Heritage Sites.

Useful links

National Public Radio - US based radio station did a story on this issue - audio of program on their site

Born Free Foundation - a report into Coltan mining commissioned by the Foundation.

Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund - fund to save Mountain Gorillas
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14th April 2015, 05:31 PM
Dindu nuffin personally for your own starving Tutsi tribe family in the Congo

She drawing attention to the fact for you, Book.

So the next time your lodge brother asks you out on a date, you think twice.

15th April 2015, 03:31 AM
:rolleyes: constantly whines that Whitey is responsible

my family are those who raised me, my father and stepmother, are both caucasian and so are my 2 sisters and brother. Because I am a voluntaryist, I define myself as "earth citizen" and understand the threat of allowing savagery and slavery to take place. That it endangers not only my life but that of everybody as this pattern is exponential. ... the merging of individualism and humanitarianism. To change the world, a change of mindset is first necessary. More rational than that one cannot be. Those thinking otherwise are irrational and/or immoral

A repost because it seems like you missed it. Or maybe are you blinded by hatred ? You havent made any valuable point so far, so I'd think that you are just repeating the generational "I couldnt care less or they can all die". But it is precisely this very mentality that has trapped the whites themselves into believing there were safe... while they are themselves included in the depopulation agenda ... how could this be about whining? it is a FACT

a quick response to your delusion: this guy, an argentinian, is in awful shape: caused by monsanto GMOs and continual pump and dump currency debasement, he cant even afford to see a doctor. And his IQ is much higher than 59

Not too mention the IMF/WB/CIA actions in Latin america that have serious track records

NO DIFFERENCE... give africa lots of humanitarian packages, fund political oppositions and rebels, send food so they become dependent, use them as vaccine guinea pigs, redesign the borders so nomadic tribes are trapped in the desert (or reservations where food can't grow) and starving, support dictators that help plunder the country and optimize the pillage of natural resources (all this heavily documented on the net)...

NO DIFFERENCE: in the west, we are on a debt treadmill, media are a circus, politicians utterly corrupt , threatened with false flag ops, pandemics of all kinds, too bioengineered and food will become scarce at some point... there is no if but when. Fema camps are ready... and the western populaces are all going to fall into the trap if a miracle doesnt happen. And you find the time to trash africa in all that. Your reality is so narrow, I am sorry for you Book.

I think we need to reach the threshold of unbearable suffering for people to let go their blinders, but it is coming.

How so is saying that empathy rules Objective Reality arrogant... ??? Truth hurts..... read your bible that is what Jesus' message is all about, that is precisely why he says: love your enemies. They killed him for this. The majority of christians are unable to follow the bible because they just do not understand it.

Do you realize that the **real doomsday criminals** have an 150 IQ average and that dumbing down world population is thus key? Sure in africa it is a cake walk.

Yesterday I chatted with an "al gore fanatic", wowow... she sounded so dumb and she is caucasian. But I said nothing because direct confrontation isnt smart.... I know I will get some important messages through when time comes.

what you also do not get is that the Revolution has to come from within - with or without guns. If the mindset doesnt change, nothing will ever change.

This destruction of Humanity happens by design, regardless of the race. If you are upset at people for a situation they havent decided fully, from their own free will... any argument is doomed. So only our own free will to eradicate the NWO should really matter. All other conflicts are useless.

15th April 2015, 03:38 AM
Well take it up with JQP, he should be all ears.

Your not knowing the difference between EU and U.S. and not even being able to owe up to your mistake is telling of your character. How do you know that the global research web page is correct anyway? If indeed CIA was behind Paul Kagame, why did he feel the need to send to of his emmissaries to convince the U.S. NOT TO INTERVENE?

How many more of your fellow Africans do you think should be sacrificed on the altar of democracy and self determination? A country of an average IQ of 59 isn't able to self determination if the area is the size of Western Europe. Possible they could have self determination in a tribe counting 40 people, if the area they live in is guarded. So just let them kill each other off and then blame white man for too much involvement, but it is your own flesh and blood and really why should I care when you don't...
I wanted to check up on globalresearch.ca so I found the founder/owner Chussudovsky on wikipedia. I would say based on what he has done previously he seems like he is usually on the spot with his analysis, and he has been accused of being an anti-semite, despite being half-Jew. So yes Paul Kagame most likely are a CIA asset. The Hutus were aided by the French. But really it doesn't change a thing... The Hutus and Tutsis beat each other to death with clubs and they continue to do so!

15th April 2015, 03:53 AM
Cebu, since the whole planet is ruled a psychopathic mob association brainwashing all races, the best moment to change what it is will be right after the economic demise or/and ww3. People need an electroshock and lose everything they have to grasp the delusion they have been living in. But that doesnt mean that they will wake up.... it is a 50-50.

since the belgian-butcher king, it is not far fetched to say that 100,000 million primitive blacks died for the sake of wallstreet. The plunder of their natural resources. Again, savagery is in the eyes of the beholder.

everything happens for a reason... why has the Universe given tribal people so much natural wealth in the first place? EDIT: To teach a good lesson to those who think they are smarter? Those who havent seen anything coming and are now too threatened with the same Evil....

it goes both ways of course. The smarter one claims to be, the more empathic one is required to be. That is just how Natural Law of Objective Reality works.


Coltan, Gorillas and cellphones

15th April 2015, 04:28 AM
Cebu, since the whole planet is ruled a psychopathic mob association brainwashing all races, the best moment to change what it is will be right after the economic demise or/and ww3. People need an electroshock and lose everything they have to grasp the delusion they have been living in. But that doesnt mean that they will wake up.... it is a 50-50.

since the infamous belgian king, it is not far fetched to say that 100,000 million primitive blacks died for the sake of wallstreet. The plunder of their natural resources
Didn't you work on Wall Street? :)

15th April 2015, 04:51 AM
I worked on 2 documentaries exposing wall street, with a documentary film maker as a producer assistant. also for a law firm hotline helping shareholders to file for their international settlement in 3 languages. But that was until 7 years ago

this road trip teaches me every day to live much simpler.

Didn't you work on Wall Street? :)

15th April 2015, 06:12 AM
...Because I am a voluntaryist, I define myself as "earth citizen" and understand the...


Tutsi woman still waiting for Auntie Goldissima to actually do some volunteer work for their starving tribe.

:rolleyes: voluntaryist

15th April 2015, 06:18 AM
continue to show everybody your steep denial of the Humanity's destruction by design - you lost the debate and you know it.

what you do not grasp is that the more knowledge one has, the more able one is to destroy the planet... hence more empathy is required. Knowledge vs Empathy are both exponential values that work in sync.

Tutsi woman still waiting for Auntie Goldissima to actually do some volunteer work for their starving tribe.

my family are those who raised me, my father and stepmother, are both caucasian and so are my 2 sisters and brother. Because I am a voluntaryist, I define myself as "earth citizen" and understand the threat of allowing savagery and slavery to take place. That it endangers not only my life but that of everybody as this pattern is exponential. ... the merging of individualism and humanitarianism. To change the world, a change of mindset is first necessary. More rational than that one cannot be. Those thinking otherwise are irrational and/or immoral

A repost because it seems like you missed it. Or maybe are you blinded by hatred ? You havent made any valuable point so far, so I'd think that you are just repeating the generational "I couldnt care less or they can all die". But it is precisely this very mentality that has trapped the whites themselves into believing there were safe... while they are themselves included in the depopulation agenda ... how could this be about whining? it is a FACT

a quick response to your delusion: this guy, an argentinian, is in awful shape: caused by monsanto GMOs and continual pump and dump currency debasement, he cant even afford to see a doctor. And his IQ is much higher than 59

Not too mention the IMF/WB/CIA actions in Latin america that have serious track records

NO DIFFERENCE... give africa lots of humanitarian packages, fund political oppositions and rebels, send food so they become dependent, use them as vaccine guinea pigs, redesign the borders so nomadic tribes are trapped in the desert (or reservations where food can't grow) and starving, support dictators that help plunder the country and optimize the pillage of natural resources (all this heavily documented on the net)...

NO DIFFERENCE: in the west, we are on a debt treadmill, media are a circus, politicians utterly corrupt , threatened with false flag ops, pandemics of all kinds, too bioengineered and food will become scarce at some point... there is no if but when. Fema camps are ready... and the western populaces are all going to fall into the trap if a miracle doesnt happen. And you find the time to trash africa in all that. Your reality is so narrow, I am sorry for you Book.

I think we need to reach the threshold of unbearable suffering for people to let go their blinders, but it is coming.

How so is saying that empathy rules Objective Reality arrogant... ??? Truth hurts..... read your bible that is what Jesus' message is all about, that is precisely why he says: love your enemies. They killed him for this. The majority of christians are unable to follow the bible because they just do not understand it.

Do you realize that the **real doomsday criminals** have an 150 IQ average and that dumbing down world population is thus key? Sure in africa it is a cake walk.

Yesterday I chatted with an "al gore fanatic", wowow... she sounded so dumb and she is caucasian. But I said nothing because direct confrontation isnt smart.... I know I will get some important messages through when time comes.

what you also do not get is that the Revolution has to come from within - with or without guns. If the mindset doesnt change, nothing will ever change.

This destruction of Humanity happens by design, regardless of the race. If you are upset at people for a situation they havent decided fully, from their own free will... any argument is doomed. So only our own free will to eradicate the NWO should really matter. All other conflicts are useless.

The Geopolitics behind the Rwandan Genocide: Paul Kagame accused of War Crimes

15th April 2015, 06:52 AM
my family are those who raised me, my father and stepmother, are both caucasian and so are my 2 sisters and brother.

Tutsi's of 2015
Today's talk is mainly about the marking of the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide. 20 years ago the Hutu's battled against the Tutsi's in an attempt to wipe out their entire population. People continue seek justice for their loved on who have lost their lives. More the 800,000 people killed in less than 3 months. Many have fled the country to united states and neighboring countries trying to escape. Ceremonies have been held to honor those who have passed and a flame lit to burn for 100 days, the time covered for the killings.

What the future holds for the Tutsi's
20 years since the genocide Rwanda is making steps in the right direction. With poverty declining, economy growing stronger and life expectancy raising the country is doing alright. Still trying to cope with their loses the people of Rwanda are strong and I expect for the Tutsi's to be around for many more years.

I am ignoring my mother's starving Tutsi family and tribe


15th April 2015, 06:55 AM
what you do not grasp is that the more knowledge one has, the more able one is to destroy the planet... hence more empathy is required. Knowledge vs Empathy are both exponential values that work in sync

fix the above in YOUR mind if you truly wish the world to be a better place... that is YOUR responsibility... that of everybody's... no need travel to fix the world ;D

You are just using honesty, sharing private info, as way to censor information and solutions. Poor you...

Bye book, hope you will soon free yourself from your narrow NWO divide and rule.

15th April 2015, 08:00 AM
what you do not grasp is that the more knowledge one has, the more able one is to destroy the planet... hence more empathy is required. Knowledge vs Empathy are both exponential values that work in sync

fix the above in YOUR mind if you truly wish the world to be a better place... that is YOUR responsibility... that of everybody's... no need travel to fix the world ;D

You are just using honesty, sharing private info, as way to censor information and solutions. Poor you...

Bye book, hope you will soon free yourself from your narrow NWO divide and rule.
I don't think you have much of empathy at all. Nothing you say or do would indicate you do... Anyone who disagrees with your theories are trashed. You can't even admit when you are proven wrong, empathy requires humility, you have none.

15th April 2015, 08:12 AM
I don't think you have much of empathy at all. Nothing you say or do would indicate you do... Anyone who disagrees with your theories are trashed. You can't even admit when you are proven wrong, empathy requires humility, you have none.

Hahaha, you hit the nail squarely on the head there Neuro.

Her obnoxious bloviated pontificating gets mighty tiresome. Its the very reason I haven't posted for a while, I figure a stiff breeze can't blow all day, but this piece of work just keeps going on and on and on.

Pointing fingers, blaming everyone, snide remarks, uppity tantrums, passive aggression, veiled threats, gross misrepresentations of simple facts and others opinions. The list is endless. All the while not one ounce of the humility and compassion that she insists are core to her being.

Just a real piece of work...fuck... I'm just speechless sometimes...I'm just glad I don't actually have to be in the same physical space as her, what a horrible thought...)0(

I just realised this is my 1000 post, its such a shame it was spent on this wastrel, do I get a prize Neuro


15th April 2015, 08:55 AM
if you truly wish the world to be a better place... that is YOUR responsibility...

Smiling well-fed children at the Goldissima Tutsi Clinic in the Congo

I don't actually DO anything for my Tutsi tribe...you know that.

:rolleyes: Yeah...that's Whitey's responsibility

15th April 2015, 11:14 AM
you just say whatever... me wrong, wait for the total blow up...

truth always seems harsh when one can't rebuke ... the more knowledge the more empathy. Love your enemies says christ. This because Objective Reality rules over all our own subjective realities which will always represent one fragment of the whole.

chinese, israel, India, the west, russia all together may well blow up the world at some point... not ignorant tribal people. Does it make sense? The higher the IQ/Knowledge is, the more one MUST respect Life/each others... or this is the end of Humanity.

thinking that africa 100+ year bloodshed is self-inflicted while we in the West are faced with the very SAME threat, is irrational. Something you cannot disprove... so give up, Neuro! ;D

I NOW now why the NWO frames us at every street corner. It takes humility to admit that Truth is always simple... working with Objective Reality is working with the Universe... Nature... or God... call it however you want, it doesnt matter. What matters is to grasp it.

I have no interest in continuing this discussion with any of the 3 of you.

I wish you all well.

I don't think you have much of empathy at all. Nothing you say or do would indicate you do... Anyone who disagrees with your theories are trashed. You can't even admit when you are proven wrong, empathy requires humility, you have none.

15th April 2015, 12:10 PM
Empathy requires humility

Humility is not pre-requisite to empathy, Stoic Uriahcorn.


15th April 2015, 12:32 PM
Right... funny that such a remark comes from people who have participated in countless anti-blacks threads... and now that I expose the whole dirty picture (that high and low IQ savagery are same), they point the finger at me.

Humility is not pre-requisite to empathy, Stoic Uriahcorn.

15th April 2015, 12:50 PM
Forgive them, for they know not that they move lock and step with the number of the beast 666.


15th April 2015, 12:52 PM
Right... funny that such a remark comes from people who have participated in countless anti-blacks threads... and now that I expose the whole dirty picture (that high and low IQ savagery is same), they point the finger at me.
Poor you!

15th April 2015, 12:59 PM
another kind of tribe... does it look like it is self-inflicted? They are subhumans, we dont care...

(just a few links among the so many)
The Fukushima Deception

now the same happens to america and other parts of the world
Exclusive: Expert: Americans will likely pay for Fukushima radiation deception

No empathy toward the Aboriginal People in the 50s... now the boomerang effect but in much worse, the whole planet is compromised.

The Nuclear War Against Australia's Aboriginal People

Australia's nuclear industry has a shameful history of 'radioactive racism' that dates from the British bomb tests in the 1950s, writes Jim Green. The same attitudes have been evident in recent debates over uranium mines and nuclear waste, but Aboriginal peoples are fighting back!

"We will be still talking about our story in the communities up north so no one else has to go through this. We want to let the whole world know that we stood up very strong."

The British government conducted 12 nuclear bomb tests in Australia in the 1950s, most of them at Maralinga in South Australia.

Permission was not sought from affected Aboriginal groups such as the Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara, Tjarutja and Kokatha.

Thousands of people were adversely affected and the impact on Aboriginal people was particularly profound.

Many Aboriginal people suffered from radiological poisoning. There are tragic accounts of families sleeping in the bomb craters. So-called 'Native Patrol Officers' patrolled thousands of square kilometres to try to ensure that Aboriginal people were removed before nuclear tests took place - with little success.............

Radioactive ransom - dumping on the Northern Territory

Since 2006 successive federal governments have been attempting to establish a nuclear waste dump at Muckaty, 110 km north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory.

A toxic trade-off of basic services for a radioactive waste dump has been part of this story from the start. The nomination of the Muckaty site was made with the promise of $12 million compensation package comprising roads, houses and scholarships.

Muckaty Traditional Owner Kylie Sambo objected to this radioactive ransom: "I think that is a very, very stupid idea for us to sell our land to get better education and scholarships. As an Australian we should be already entitled to that."

While a small group of Traditional Owners supported the dump, a large majority were opposed and some initiated legal action in the Federal Court challenging the nomination of the Muckaty site by the federal government and the Northern Land Council (NLC).........


The nuclear industry has been responsible for some of the crudest racism in Australia's history. This radioactive racism dates from the British bomb tests in the 1950s and it has been evident in more recent debates over nuclear waste.

Since 2006 successive federal governments have been attempting to establish a nuclear waste dump at Muckaty, 110 kms north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. A toxic trade-off of basic services for a radioactive waste dump has been part of this story from the start. The nomination of the Muckaty site was made with the promise of $12 million compensation package comprising roads, houses and scholarships. Muckaty Traditional Owner Kylie Sambo objected to this radioactive ransom: "I think that is a very, very stupid idea for us to sell our land to get better education and scholarships. As an Australian we should be already entitled to that."

While a small group of Traditional Owners supported the dump, a large majority were opposed and some initiated legal action in the Federal Court challenging the nomination of the Muckaty site by the federal government and the Northern Land Council (NLC).


Australia's Secret War on Aboriginal People
by John Pilger November 7, 2013

The corridors of the Australian parliament are so white you squint. The sound is hushed; the smell is floor polish. The wooden floors shine so virtuously they reflect the cartoon portraits of prime ministers and rows of Aboriginal paintings, suspended on white walls, their blood and tears invisible.

The parliament stands in Barton, a suburb of Canberra named after the first prime minister of Australia, Edmund Barton, who drew up the White Australia Policy in 1901. "The doctrine of the equality of man," said Barton, "was never intended to apply" to those not British and white-skinned.

Barton's concern was the Chinese, known as the Yellow Peril; he made no mention of the oldest, most enduring human presence on earth: the first Australians. They did not exist. Their sophisticated care of a harsh land was of no interest. Their epic resistance did not happen. Of those who fought the British invaders of Australia, the Sydney Monitor reported in 1838: "It was resolved to exterminate the whole race of blacks in that quarter." Today, the survivors are a shaming national secret.

The town of Wilcannia, in New South Wales, is twice distinguished. It is a winner of a national Tidy Town award and its indigenous people have one of the lowest recorded life expectancies. They are usually dead by the age of 35. The Cuban government runs a literacy programme for them, as they do among the poorest of Africa. According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth report, Australia is the richest place on earth.

Politicians in Canberra are among the wealthiest citizens. Their self-endowment is legendary. Last year, the then minister for indigenous affairs, Jenny Macklin, refurbished her office at a cost to the taxpayer of $331,144.

Macklin recently claimed that, in government, she had made a "huge difference". This is true. During her tenure, the number of Aboriginal people living in slums increased by almost a third, and more than half the money spent on indigenous housing was pocketed by white contractors and a bureaucracy for which she was largely responsible. A typical, dilapidated house in an outback indigenous community must accommodate as many as 25 people. Families, the elderly and the disabled wait years for sanitation that works.

In 2009, Professor James Anaya, the respected UN Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous people, described as racist a "state of emergency" that stripped indigenous communities of their tenuous rights and services on the pretext that pedophile gangs were present in "unthinkable" numbers – a claim dismissed as false by police and the Australian Crime Commission.........

15th April 2015, 03:51 PM
truth always seems harsh when one can't rebuke ...

Goldissima Tutsi School of Singularity

:rolleyes: what might have been if only you cared about your own people


15th April 2015, 04:08 PM
didnt read it... but it is very likely that nuclear energy is a deception (besides the fact that it can be used to blow up the planet)
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
The Nuclear Power Deception
U.S. Nuclear Mythology from Electricity "Too Cheap to Meter" to "Inherently Safe" Reactors
free ebook
Apex Press, 1999 — 266 pages, paperback

15th April 2015, 04:17 PM
didnt read it... but it is very likely that nuclear energy is a deception (besides the fact that it can be used to blow up the planet)
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
The Nuclear Power Deception
U.S. Nuclear Mythology from Electricity "Too Cheap to Meter" to "Inherently Safe" Reactors
free ebook
Apex Press, 1999 — 266 pages, paperback
When pressured, divert to a different topic...

from your manual?

15th April 2015, 04:18 PM
didn't read it...

http://www.blackyouthproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/black-students-struggle-with-science-thumb-400xauto-17698.jpg http://leadingladiesoflegacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/stemgirls.jpg http://ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/4923077/preview/stock-footage-african-american-female-medical-researcher-using-microscope.jpg http://thecityinfluencer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/LPFI_Scholars_in_Chem_Lab.png

Goldissima Tutsi School of Singularity
Bridging Science and Religion in a New Global Religion, using Kabalistic Numerology, in the fight against the New World Order


15th April 2015, 05:21 PM
Dont feel pressured at all, you just do not have the mind flexibility that connects all the dots that I have because I am comfortable sitting on the fence, something you and book cant do obviously.

not only nuclear waste is endangering the entire ecosystem (and most likely fukushima was part of the plan) but could also be a hoax onto itself. I call this a double whammy. beside, can't you see the arboriginal-african destructive patterns spreading throughout the planet?

High IQ college degrees blindly fueling world scams, causing racism and class wars. Anybody smart enough can see that the issue is BEYOND the skin color and the IQ. Humanity is about to fall off the cliff because of that. Those who cant see this are under NWO mind control.

really look closer, you even can apply the meaning of this thread to the class-war

You will never nail me... because you (and book) are too polarized and that is your own trap.

When pressured, divert to a different topic...

from your manual?

15th April 2015, 05:52 PM
you already lost that debate because you do not want to know why world religions embedded numbers, including the bible... such as now your no interest whatsoever in the western influence (and their african puppets) in the drama that is tearing apart central africa ...

if you do not want to know - you will never make any sense

when I think of you I see an ostrich with its head into the sand

Bridging Science and Religion in a New Global Religion, using Kabalistic Numerology, in the fight against the New World Order

you are kindly being redirected

15th April 2015, 06:43 PM
...I am comfortable sitting on the fence...

Waiting for Auntie Goldissima to help her own Tutsi Tribe

Meanwhile...house-sitting for Whitey in Santa Fe, USA

:rolleyes: Singularity

15th April 2015, 07:36 PM
Book, you are so vain... for every pic you post, I could post one degrading whites, there are plenty of them on the internet, I did it once and thats enough because race is isnt what I am targeting but the delusion that is power/supremacy in whatever shape. And in order to do so, I have to show its deep ugliness.

In 2013 Democratic Republic of the Congo public debt was 5,969 million dollars, has increased 498 million since 2012.... http://countryeconomy.com/national-debt/democratic-republic-congo

Congo is immensely rich, has trillions of dollars in natural resources, but completely broke with 5M national debt only, and rampant inflation. No wonder that sponsored rebels abound in the area... Thanks for choosing the best pix illustrating this though.

Considering that the US has already $100tn debt for the medicaid and medicare programs only, that most jobs have been exported to china which has taken over the world economy last year, and that the housing bubble has gobbled up the middle class, it is not a mistake to assess that america is in worse shape than congo.

You are after your own illusions, book... illusions with real consequences: massive world poverty and slavery. get well soon, book...

15th April 2015, 08:32 PM
hahaha, SM posts pages and pages of useless diatribe, then gets her Tutsi ass handed to her in a couple of simple pictures, lol.

AND then proclaims to have won the argument, oh the irony :rolleyes:

SM, you're just an intellectual midget in this argument, you may as well quit before you suffer any further embarrassment, 'cause thats what it is...

Its embarrassing to see you getting all worked up after having been bitch slapped so hard, metaphorically speaking of course.


15th April 2015, 08:57 PM
hahaha, SM posts pages and pages of useless diatribe, then gets her Tutsi ass handed to her in a couple of simple pictures, lol.

AND then proclaims to have won the argument, oh the irony :rolleyes:

SM, you're just an intellectual midget in this argument, you may as well quit before you suffer any further embarrassment, 'cause thats what it is...

Its embarrassing to see you getting all worked up after having been bitch slapped so hard, metaphorically speaking of course.

embarrassment ??? you never post any hard facts, just straight insults... what do you have to say about this?

You guys are getting all worked up because you cannot deal with the conclusion: depopulation for everybody, regardless of the race, hence race is an illusion

another kind of tribe... does it look like it is self-inflicted? They are subhumans, we dont care...

(just a few links among the so many)
The Fukushima Deception

now the same happens to america and other parts of the world
Exclusive: Expert: Americans will likely pay for Fukushima radiation deception

No empathy toward the Aboriginal People in the 50s... now the boomerang effect but in much worse, the whole planet is compromised.

The Nuclear War Against Australia's Aboriginal People

Australia's nuclear industry has a shameful history of 'radioactive racism' that dates from the British bomb tests in the 1950s, writes Jim Green. The same attitudes have been evident in recent debates over uranium mines and nuclear waste, but Aboriginal peoples are fighting back!

"We will be still talking about our story in the communities up north so no one else has to go through this. We want to let the whole world know that we stood up very strong."

The British government conducted 12 nuclear bomb tests in Australia in the 1950s, most of them at Maralinga in South Australia.

Permission was not sought from affected Aboriginal groups such as the Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara, Tjarutja and Kokatha.

Thousands of people were adversely affected and the impact on Aboriginal people was particularly profound.

Many Aboriginal people suffered from radiological poisoning. There are tragic accounts of families sleeping in the bomb craters. So-called 'Native Patrol Officers' patrolled thousands of square kilometres to try to ensure that Aboriginal people were removed before nuclear tests took place - with little success.............

Radioactive ransom - dumping on the Northern Territory

Since 2006 successive federal governments have been attempting to establish a nuclear waste dump at Muckaty, 110 km north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory.

A toxic trade-off of basic services for a radioactive waste dump has been part of this story from the start. The nomination of the Muckaty site was made with the promise of $12 million compensation package comprising roads, houses and scholarships.

Muckaty Traditional Owner Kylie Sambo objected to this radioactive ransom: "I think that is a very, very stupid idea for us to sell our land to get better education and scholarships. As an Australian we should be already entitled to that."

While a small group of Traditional Owners supported the dump, a large majority were opposed and some initiated legal action in the Federal Court challenging the nomination of the Muckaty site by the federal government and the Northern Land Council (NLC).........


The nuclear industry has been responsible for some of the crudest racism in Australia's history. This radioactive racism dates from the British bomb tests in the 1950s and it has been evident in more recent debates over nuclear waste.

Since 2006 successive federal governments have been attempting to establish a nuclear waste dump at Muckaty, 110 kms north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. A toxic trade-off of basic services for a radioactive waste dump has been part of this story from the start. The nomination of the Muckaty site was made with the promise of $12 million compensation package comprising roads, houses and scholarships. Muckaty Traditional Owner Kylie Sambo objected to this radioactive ransom: "I think that is a very, very stupid idea for us to sell our land to get better education and scholarships. As an Australian we should be already entitled to that."

While a small group of Traditional Owners supported the dump, a large majority were opposed and some initiated legal action in the Federal Court challenging the nomination of the Muckaty site by the federal government and the Northern Land Council (NLC).


Australia's Secret War on Aboriginal People
by John Pilger November 7, 2013

The corridors of the Australian parliament are so white you squint. The sound is hushed; the smell is floor polish. The wooden floors shine so virtuously they reflect the cartoon portraits of prime ministers and rows of Aboriginal paintings, suspended on white walls, their blood and tears invisible.

The parliament stands in Barton, a suburb of Canberra named after the first prime minister of Australia, Edmund Barton, who drew up the White Australia Policy in 1901. "The doctrine of the equality of man," said Barton, "was never intended to apply" to those not British and white-skinned.

Barton's concern was the Chinese, known as the Yellow Peril; he made no mention of the oldest, most enduring human presence on earth: the first Australians. They did not exist. Their sophisticated care of a harsh land was of no interest. Their epic resistance did not happen. Of those who fought the British invaders of Australia, the Sydney Monitor reported in 1838: "It was resolved to exterminate the whole race of blacks in that quarter." Today, the survivors are a shaming national secret.

The town of Wilcannia, in New South Wales, is twice distinguished. It is a winner of a national Tidy Town award and its indigenous people have one of the lowest recorded life expectancies. They are usually dead by the age of 35. The Cuban government runs a literacy programme for them, as they do among the poorest of Africa. According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth report, Australia is the richest place on earth.

Politicians in Canberra are among the wealthiest citizens. Their self-endowment is legendary. Last year, the then minister for indigenous affairs, Jenny Macklin, refurbished her office at a cost to the taxpayer of $331,144.

Macklin recently claimed that, in government, she had made a "huge difference". This is true. During her tenure, the number of Aboriginal people living in slums increased by almost a third, and more than half the money spent on indigenous housing was pocketed by white contractors and a bureaucracy for which she was largely responsible. A typical, dilapidated house in an outback indigenous community must accommodate as many as 25 people. Families, the elderly and the disabled wait years for sanitation that works.

In 2009, Professor James Anaya, the respected UN Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous people, described as racist a "state of emergency" that stripped indigenous communities of their tenuous rights and services on the pretext that pedophile gangs were present in "unthinkable" numbers – a claim dismissed as false by police and the Australian Crime Commission.........

A repost because it seems like you missed it. Or maybe are you blinded by hatred ? You havent made any valuable point so far, so I'd think that you are just repeating the generational "I couldnt care less or they can all die". But it is precisely this very mentality that has trapped the whites themselves into believing there were safe... while they are themselves included in the depopulation agenda ... how could this be about whining? it is a FACT

a quick response to your delusion: this guy, an argentinian, is in awful shape: caused by monsanto GMOs and continual pump and dump currency debasement, he cant even afford to see a doctor. And his IQ is much higher than 59

Not too mention the IMF/WB/CIA actions in Latin america that have serious track records

NO DIFFERENCE... give africa lots of humanitarian packages, fund political oppositions and rebels, send food so they become dependent, use them as vaccine guinea pigs, redesign the borders so nomadic tribes are trapped in the desert (or reservations where food can't grow) and starving, support dictators that help plunder the country and optimize the pillage of natural resources (all this heavily documented on the net)...

NO DIFFERENCE: in the west, we are on a debt treadmill, media are a circus, politicians utterly corrupt , threatened with false flag ops, pandemics of all kinds, too bioengineered and food will become scarce at some point... there is no if but when. Fema camps are ready... and the western populaces are all going to fall into the trap if a miracle doesnt happen. And you find the time to trash africa in all that. Your reality is so narrow, I am sorry for you Book.

I think we need to reach the threshold of unbearable suffering for people to let go their blinders, but it is coming.

How so is saying that empathy rules Objective Reality arrogant... ??? Truth hurts..... read your bible that is what Jesus' message is all about, that is precisely why he says: love your enemies. They killed him for this. The majority of christians are unable to follow the bible because they just do not understand it.

Do you realize that the **real doomsday criminals** have an 150 IQ average and that dumbing down world population is thus key? Sure in africa it is a cake walk.

Yesterday I chatted with an "al gore fanatic", wowow... she sounded so dumb and she is caucasian. But I said nothing because direct confrontation isnt smart.... I know I will get some important messages through when time comes.

what you also do not get is that the Revolution has to come from within - with or without guns. If the mindset doesnt change, nothing will ever change.

This destruction of Humanity happens by design, regardless of the race. If you are upset at people for a situation they havent decided fully, from their own free will... any argument is doomed. So only our own free will to eradicate the NWO should really matter. All other conflicts are useless.

15th April 2015, 09:15 PM
You havent made any valuable point so far, so I'd think that you are just repeating the generational "I couldnt care less or they can all die".

Your thinking is warped. I never said anything of the sort and you have NO proof whatsoever of this.

Your just a lying shack of shit, whose opinion I don't regard with any kind of serious consideration or authority ;)

Its simply just another of your childish tantrums...now, where were we...


15th April 2015, 09:22 PM
Your thinking is warped. I never said anything of the sort and you have NO proof whatsoever of this.

Your just a lying shack of shit, whose opinion I don't regard with any kind of serious consideration or authority ;)

Its simply just another of your childish tantrums...now, where were we...


obviously you are having a tantrum in the picture you posted. what do you have to say about this?

(just a few links among the so many)
The Fukushima Deception

now the same happens to america and other parts of the world
Exclusive: Expert: Americans will likely pay for Fukushima radiation deception

No empathy toward the Aboriginal People in the 50s... now the boomerang effect but in much worse, the whole planet is compromised.

The Nuclear War Against Australia's Aboriginal People

Australia's nuclear industry has a shameful history of 'radioactive racism' that dates from the British bomb tests in the 1950s, writes Jim Green. The same attitudes have been evident in recent debates over uranium mines and nuclear waste, but Aboriginal peoples are fighting back!

"We will be still talking about our story in the communities up north so no one else has to go through this. We want to let the whole world know that we stood up very strong."

The British government conducted 12 nuclear bomb tests in Australia in the 1950s, most of them at Maralinga in South Australia.

Permission was not sought from affected Aboriginal groups such as the Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara, Tjarutja and Kokatha.

Thousands of people were adversely affected and the impact on Aboriginal people was particularly profound.

Many Aboriginal people suffered from radiological poisoning. There are tragic accounts of families sleeping in the bomb craters. So-called 'Native Patrol Officers' patrolled thousands of square kilometres to try to ensure that Aboriginal people were removed before nuclear tests took place - with little success.............

Radioactive ransom - dumping on the Northern Territory

Since 2006 successive federal governments have been attempting to establish a nuclear waste dump at Muckaty, 110 km north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory.

A toxic trade-off of basic services for a radioactive waste dump has been part of this story from the start. The nomination of the Muckaty site was made with the promise of $12 million compensation package comprising roads, houses and scholarships.

Muckaty Traditional Owner Kylie Sambo objected to this radioactive ransom: "I think that is a very, very stupid idea for us to sell our land to get better education and scholarships. As an Australian we should be already entitled to that."

While a small group of Traditional Owners supported the dump, a large majority were opposed and some initiated legal action in the Federal Court challenging the nomination of the Muckaty site by the federal government and the Northern Land Council (NLC).........


The nuclear industry has been responsible for some of the crudest racism in Australia's history. This radioactive racism dates from the British bomb tests in the 1950s and it has been evident in more recent debates over nuclear waste.

Since 2006 successive federal governments have been attempting to establish a nuclear waste dump at Muckaty, 110 kms north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. A toxic trade-off of basic services for a radioactive waste dump has been part of this story from the start. The nomination of the Muckaty site was made with the promise of $12 million compensation package comprising roads, houses and scholarships. Muckaty Traditional Owner Kylie Sambo objected to this radioactive ransom: "I think that is a very, very stupid idea for us to sell our land to get better education and scholarships. As an Australian we should be already entitled to that."

While a small group of Traditional Owners supported the dump, a large majority were opposed and some initiated legal action in the Federal Court challenging the nomination of the Muckaty site by the federal government and the Northern Land Council (NLC).


Australia's Secret War on Aboriginal People
by John Pilger November 7, 2013

The corridors of the Australian parliament are so white you squint. The sound is hushed; the smell is floor polish. The wooden floors shine so virtuously they reflect the cartoon portraits of prime ministers and rows of Aboriginal paintings, suspended on white walls, their blood and tears invisible.

The parliament stands in Barton, a suburb of Canberra named after the first prime minister of Australia, Edmund Barton, who drew up the White Australia Policy in 1901. "The doctrine of the equality of man," said Barton, "was never intended to apply" to those not British and white-skinned.

Barton's concern was the Chinese, known as the Yellow Peril; he made no mention of the oldest, most enduring human presence on earth: the first Australians. They did not exist. Their sophisticated care of a harsh land was of no interest. Their epic resistance did not happen. Of those who fought the British invaders of Australia, the Sydney Monitor reported in 1838: "It was resolved to exterminate the whole race of blacks in that quarter." Today, the survivors are a shaming national secret.

The town of Wilcannia, in New South Wales, is twice distinguished. It is a winner of a national Tidy Town award and its indigenous people have one of the lowest recorded life expectancies. They are usually dead by the age of 35. The Cuban government runs a literacy programme for them, as they do among the poorest of Africa. According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth report, Australia is the richest place on earth.

Politicians in Canberra are among the wealthiest citizens. Their self-endowment is legendary. Last year, the then minister for indigenous affairs, Jenny Macklin, refurbished her office at a cost to the taxpayer of $331,144.

Macklin recently claimed that, in government, she had made a "huge difference". This is true. During her tenure, the number of Aboriginal people living in slums increased by almost a third, and more than half the money spent on indigenous housing was pocketed by white contractors and a bureaucracy for which she was largely responsible. A typical, dilapidated house in an outback indigenous community must accommodate as many as 25 people. Families, the elderly and the disabled wait years for sanitation that works.

In 2009, Professor James Anaya, the respected UN Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous people, described as racist a "state of emergency" that stripped indigenous communities of their tenuous rights and services on the pretext that pedophile gangs were present in "unthinkable" numbers – a claim dismissed as false by police and the Australian Crime Commission.........

15th April 2015, 09:28 PM
This is considered spamming.

HT got permabaned for this, and I am going to ask that you be given a little break for what is the same infringement of the forum rules.

15th April 2015, 09:37 PM
hahaha, SM posts pages and pages of useless diatribe, then gets her Tutsi ass handed to her in a couple of simple pictures, lol. AND then proclaims to have won the argument, oh the irony :rolleyes: SM, you're just an intellectual midget in this argument, you may as well quit before you suffer any further embarrassment, 'cause thats what it is...Its embarrassing to see you getting all worked up after having been bitch slapped so hard, metaphorically speaking of course.

Let's try and help Goldissima rehabilitate her thread and salvage some kind of mutual understanding. Her actually important and serious Thread statements distilled:

In fact my birth mother partly belonged to Tutsi and Nilotic (from the Nile) tribes. I never knew her, btw...my family are those who raised me, my father and stepmother, are both caucasian and so are my 2 sisters and brother. I find your attempts to cast me as a black completely immature...since you only judge people by their pedigree, I was just born in africa, am a fully raised european...By the way, I also have italian/german/french genes. And am rhesus negative, among the 12% of world population.

actually it is most likely my first thread about a serious african issue...

before the colonization, hutus and tutsis lived along just fine together... then at the independence, the colonials decided to vote the tutsis into power (as they dont have negroid facial features?), a form of trade to plunder the country with the approval of the tutsi led gov. The rest is history, hutus' resentment grew further over the years and the resentment turned into hatred with the help of belgium and france.


1) Goldissima is half Tutsi from her birth mother and was raised in Europe by her White birth father and his extended family. She self-identifies as only being European.

2) Being actually half Tutsi, this whole historical Rwandan Genocide thingie must be very personal for her. Maybe even self-conflicting if her birth father is a member of the Colonial exploiting nation.

3) This whole thread quickly went South upon the perception that Goldissima was blaming generic Whitey, including GSUS member ancestors, for this Rwandan genocide.

http://images.dvdtalk.com/images/smilies/shrug.gif Shami-Amourae posted this brilliant summary that Goldissima herself should have concluded:

Each race has its own strengths and weaknesses. Dindus overwhelmingly are superior at athletics hence why every football team is full of Dindus. Asians are probably some of the most intelligent and come out with a ton of technology. Whites aren't necessarily the smartest, but we have a high trust society where we subconsciously believe we need to "pay a tax into the commons" which has allowed us to advance where corruption with other races has halted advancement (Asians would be far ahead of us if they had this quality.)

Jews are a parasitic race. They thrive off of the spoils of other races while maintaining a false victim complex appealing the the sympathies of their host populations. Jews haven't been able to take over much of Asian countries since Asians don't have a high trust society like Whites do and so they aren't gullible like Whites are.

Jews are mostly comprised of psychopaths. The hate all races and play each race off another. Currently Jews see Whites as a potential threat after what happened during WW2 so there is an agenda to exterminate the White race. These people are the ones who comprise the "NWO" or the "JWO" as I might call it. Jews have opened up the floodgates of immigration from non-White countries to White countries, displacing White people and ruining our culture and civilization. We are told we are Evil and Racist™ in our own homelands. We are told our people are the worst thing that's every happened to the world and all the peoples of the world suffer because of us. Yet it was the Jews who owned the slave ships who brought slaves to America where 45% of Jews in America owned slaves while only 5% of Whites did. Whites fought and died to end the slavery that Jews facilitated and created, yet like all horrible things Jews have done we got the blame since they run the media, printing presses, government, history, and so on.

If there is a superior race it's the Jews since they run the show despite being such a small population. You could also argue that Arabs, Amerindians, or Dindus (in Africa thanks to idiot Christian missionaries,) are the superior race since they are currently reproducing like rabbits. Anyone who thinks the White race is superior is a fucking retard. We are on the decline and most of our own people are pushing for our own destruction.

If it weren't for the Jews fucking shit up Dindus, Whites, Asians, and so on would live in their own countries peacefully and without trouble. Dindus were happiest and had the healthiest lifestyles as bushmen and without White civilization/high trust society propping them up they always fall back to being bushmen:


15th April 2015, 09:42 PM
because you can show **virtual violence** towards me and think you can get away with it, that it is okay... then accuse me of spamming because you wont answer my question, hence me repeating it by reposting the whole posting.

aeon, you should be (temporarily) banned now... I am not the one deciding this

But you wont answer my question because it is too disturbing to you...

This is considered spamming.

HT got permabaned for this, and I am going to ask that you be given a little break for what is the same infringement of the forum rules.

15th April 2015, 09:55 PM
Book, I am not seeing it this way... you see it according a racial/materialistic aspect, and I see it as spiritual one. And my stance will forever remain which that agrees with Objective Reality.

I am not denying the jewish component at all and I agree with what shami posted, just take the challenge up to another level, that goes beyond and encompassing subjective reality. I am NOT blaming races but POWER itself... really. I call for self-responsibility but it is just impossible to act self-responsibly when one does not know all sides of the issues. I am sure many learned much about the rwanda now.

If humanity remains stuck in the materialistic aspect of the race/class wars, NOTHING will change. We are DONE. Humanity is on the brink of becoming history.

I dont need any freudian analysis on my account... no inner conflicts, there are tons of people out there thinking like me... and from all races and which have their own forums with 1000s of members.

The issue of power goes too beyond the jews though. There is something much bigger....

15th April 2015, 09:59 PM
you already lost that debate
Sorry but there is no way Book or anyone else ever lost a debate with you, you see to have a debate you need to respond at the subject in hand, bringing in different subjects doesn't count. Your Argentinian argument, radiation argument, Aboriginal nuclear testing in Australia argument, your insane numerology argument, has nothing to do with the massacre in Rwanda, you only brought them in because you had already lost the argument re the massacre in Rwanda. Which you did already when you failed to concede that your argument about EU shooting down the plane was false. You abandoned the debate at that point. You just don't know how to debate. :)

15th April 2015, 10:01 PM
But you wont answer my question because it is too disturbing to you...

I don't recall you asking a question, maybe you need to be a little more direct in your line of questioning to solicit a serious response instead of flying off the handle with a jumbled diatribe in an unhinged fashion...


15th April 2015, 10:08 PM
the issue of power is a world disease and we find it everywhere... what I have demonstrated... dots were connected.

edit: I responded to book who used your signature to speak to me... he derailed it for for a moment.

But hey Neuro, now I know why the 2 handful of members who could have shared my views are gone. And it is a big loss for any forum not to have opposing views.

the thread is about genocide... and genocide IS genocide and showing that what primitive people go through also happens in the so-called rich west... so if you wish denying this, go ahead...

Sorry but there is no way Book or anyone else ever lost a debate with you, you see to have a debate you need to respond at the subject in hand, bringing in different subjects doesn't count. Your Argentinian argument, radiation argument, Aboriginal nuclear testing in Australia argument, your insane numerology argument, has nothing to do with the massacre in Rwanda, you only brought them in because you had already lost the argument re the massacre in Rwanda. Which you did already when you failed to concede that your argument about EU shooting down the plane was false. You abandoned the debate at that point. You just don't know how to debate. :)

15th April 2015, 10:13 PM
Book, I am not seeing it this way... you see it according a racial/materialistic aspect, and I see it as spiritual one. And my stance will forever remain that agreeing with Objective Reality.

I am not denying the jewish component at all and I agree with what shami post, just take the challenge on another level, that goes beyond and encompassing subjective reality.

If humanity remains stuck in the materialistic aspect of the race/class wars, NOTHING will change. We are DONE.

Ok. That's a start. We don't see eye-to-eye yet.

1) The real importance of this thread you started (for me) is you showing us all how the Tutsi and Hutu tribes were neighborly since forever then "divided and conquered" by who runs the real world. Your very important point here, that you keep repeating, is that it can and will happen to all of us. Your failure is in ignoring Shami's critical point that it is the jews who run the real world and cause all this racial/tribal strife.

2) I keep goading you into addressing the apparent personal inner conflict that must arise being born half Colonized Tutsi and half Colonizing European. My guess is this inner conflict is the reason for the conscious "Singular Me" declaration and why you keep embracing that new-age Singularity morality spiritual stuff.


15th April 2015, 10:14 PM
what I have demonstrated.

oh, oh, pick me, pick me!

You've demonstrated an inability to debate specific points that you brought up.

You've demonstrated a passive aggressive kind of vitriolic temperament.

You've demonstrated an inability to use logic to arrive at a sensible conclusion.

I could go on and on, just let me know if you need more...;)

15th April 2015, 10:22 PM
I am still waiting for the day you will be able to start threads that are pages long, but you have nothing to say, just straight insults and be virtually violent.

oh, oh, pick me, pick me!

You've demonstrated an inability to debate specific points that you brought up.

You've demonstrated a passive aggressive kind of vitriolic temperament.

You've demonstrated an inability to use logic to arrive at a sensible conclusion.

I could go on and on, just let me know if you need more...;)

15th April 2015, 10:28 PM
I am still waiting for the day you will be able to start threads that are pages long, but you have nothing to say

Sorry that I don't spam the forum with useless information thats either outright lies, masonic and kabalistic numerology or just distorted half truths, gross misrepresentation and ill informed misunderstandings like you but hey, thats just the way I roll ;)

15th April 2015, 10:41 PM
... today you really show who you are, thats for sure... virtual violence tells a lot about you.

everything I posted in this thread are facts though.

Sorry that I don't spam the forum with useless information thats either outright lies, masonic and kabalistic numerology or just distorted half truths, gross misrepresentation and ill informed misunderstandings like you but hey, thats just the way I roll ;)

15th April 2015, 11:12 PM
... today you really show who you are, thats for sure...everything I posted in this thread are facts though.

Lady, you wouldn't know shit if you showered in it, hahaha.


15th April 2015, 11:29 PM
But hey Neuro, now I know why the 2 handful of members who could have shared my views are gone. And it is a big loss for any forum not to have opposing views.

It's better to have an umbrella in the hand than 10 in the forest... :)

you don't know shit you are just making up and insinuating shit. Your imaginary friends that I supposedly had driven off, never existed, but send them a message it is safe to come back now. I resigned!

15th April 2015, 11:40 PM
It's better to have an umbrella in the hand than 10 in the forest... :)

you don't know shit you are just making up and insinuating shit. Your imaginary friends that I supposedly had driven off, never existed, but send them a message it is safe to come back now. I resigned!

not imaginary... nocturial egyptian, sirgonzo, vacuum... to name a few (allow a few days and I will come up with more names, since I havent seen them for a long while, I need to think), not saying that we were friends but they clearly had the same approach about Reality. BB too but he still comes every now and then.

You resigned... certainly a joke but perhaps a vacation would be good.

15th April 2015, 11:44 PM
Your imaginary friends...


Don't you remember all the Singularity rallies we used to have here Neuro?


15th April 2015, 11:48 PM
Someone should close this thread so that the French administration can declassify it later.

15th April 2015, 11:55 PM
the conclusion I want to draw is that genocides have reached a paramount of saturation of Evil on earth, and that if we do not quit seeing the society fragmented the NWO will win because the paradigm they have created for us is a mind prison. They want each of us to feel helpless.

I stand by everything I said. Genocide/slavery is genocide/slavery, they all are important issues whatever race is concerned because if we turn a blind eye to it, for whatever reason, Evil prospers and grows exponentially.... and as we can see today, threats are same for everybody and every nation. And because the threat is identical, the only solution is decentralization of the system but in order to achieve this, we cannot continue to fight among each others.

Now think whatever you wish... the clock is ticking dangerously.

wait, perhaps the Bible is new age: christ saying "love your enemies".... :D Indeed what else could he mean but that empathy is a must for societies to survive and thrive. Jews are as much part of the problem as we are.

Ok. That's a start. We don't see eye-to-eye yet.

1) The real importance of this thread you started (for me) is you showing us all how the Tutsi and Hutu tribes were neighborly since forever then "divided and conquered" by who runs the real world. Your very important point here, that you keep repeating, is that it can and will happen to all of us. Your failure is in ignoring Shami's critical point that it is the jews who run the real world and cause all this racial/tribal strife.

2) I keep goading you into addressing the apparent personal inner conflict that must arise being born half Colonized Tutsi and half Colonizing European. My guess is this inner conflict is the reason for the conscious "Singular Me" declaration and why you keep embracing that new-age Singularity morality spiritual stuff.


16th April 2015, 12:42 AM
not imaginary... nocturial egyptian, sirgonzo, vacuum... to name a few (allow a few days and I will come up with more names, since I havent seen them for a long while, I need to think), not saying that we were friends but they clearly had the same approach about Reality.

You resigned... certainly a joke but perhaps a vacation would be good.
I don't know when vacuum stopped posting, but nocturnal Egyptian and Sirgonzo had stopped posting long before I became a moderator. I don't recall having any issues with any of them. The only people I can recall I drove away with perhaps too heavy handed moderation is Book and Ximmy, and off course your kabalistic numerology friend hypertiger who I permabanned because his spamming nonsense...

16th April 2015, 01:20 AM
the conclusion I want to draw is that genocides have reached a paramount of saturation of Evil on earth, and that if we do not quit seeing the society fragmented the NWO will win because the paradigm they have created for us is a mind prison. They want each of us to feel helpless.

You NEVER talk about the persecution of western Europeans through the ages, like for example the Irish.

Poor bastards.

The thing is you don't hear them bitch and moan like you do, or the other 25 million self entitled African Americans do you? No, they get the fuck on with it, whatever that entails.

Evil prospers and grows exponentially.... and as we can see today, threats are same for everybody and every nation. And because the threat is identical, the only solution is decentralization of the system but in order to achieve this, we cannot continue to fight among each others. Now think whatever you wish... the clock is ticking dangerously.

Phew, thankfully you're here to save mankind!


Jews are as much part of the problem as we are.

Nope. Jews are at the very center of MOST racial provocations. They own the media, run our governments and print our money, ain't nothing left to control after that.

Unfortunately you're on the wrong side of history.:rolleyes:

MANY posters here have been trying to tell you that but you stubbornly cling to your flawed ideology, I imagine most of the people you claim to have left the forum probably didn't have the heart to burst your bubble.

The facts are that most here correctly identify the one racial/tribal element at the center of most of these racial antagonisms, you're actually the one on the outer on this.

You want to say the jews are antagonists as much as whitey?

That is utter bullshit.

Whitey has been falsely victimized as the main aggressor throughout history, diss-empowered and is now slowly being isolated. They don't control ANY of the levers of power and its dubious in my eyes that they ever really did. They were nothing more than patsies, set up to take the fall.

Think what you want, heck I don't really care. Just don't go around thinking we all have to believe you have the answers and that your dumb ass ideas can save us.

Your hubris stinks to high heaven. :(

16th April 2015, 01:49 AM
Ok. That's a start. We don't see eye-to-eye yet.

1) The real importance of this thread you started (for me) is you showing us all how the Tutsi and Hutu tribes were neighborly since forever then "divided and conquered" by who runs the real world. Your very important point here, that you keep repeating, is that it can and will happen to all of us. Your failure is in ignoring Shami's critical point that it is the jews who run the real world and cause all this racial/tribal strife.

2) I keep goading you into addressing the apparent personal inner conflict that must arise being born half Colonized Tutsi and half Colonizing European. My guess is this inner conflict is the reason for the conscious "Singular Me" declaration and why you keep embracing that new-age Singularity morality spiritual stuff.

Very good points. I have no challenge in aknowledging that world powers did have an impact in creating the strife between Hutu's and Tutsi's, but let's face it they are not in a position to self govern in a globalist Jewish world or even pretend they could. Funny though pre-western colonialisation Tutsi's was colonialising the Hutu's. I wonder why that is? It wasn't a relation based on equality between people as some western civilization critics may suggest. It's a fact of life stronger people dominate weaker. Jews dominate whites, more because of racial cohesion than anything else...

16th April 2015, 05:42 AM
it has nothing related to you but the overall stomfront like mood, people like myself and those who can see beyond the race war, know that freeing ourselves start with the mind first, will always be trashed and eventually will be driven away. So I am not taking it personally, that's how the world is and why precisely it is in this inextricable and deadly mess.

I was not friend with HT, and you know that. If I posted 10 times in his threads over a 7y time period that is much. I only have 1 or 2 threads on the subject.

for years I have popped up every now and then, it is only since last year I have been more active on here, but I can tell you that the racial realist threads have just gone worse. I leave them alone most of the time and when I have to something to say I do it quite respectfully... and that the racial realist like members cant do the same is is WHY many bright members were driven away.

You keep bringing up the kaballah while it is in all mainstream religions... and you mock the messenger for a fact that will NEVER-EVER-NEVER-EVER-NEVER--EVER-NEVER go away.

I don't know when vacuum stopped posting, but nocturnal Egyptian and Sirgonzo had stopped posting long before I became a moderator. I don't recall having any issues with any of them. The only people I can recall I drove away with perhaps too heavy handed moderation is Book and Ximmy, and off course your kabalistic numerology friend hypertiger who I permabanned because his spamming nonsense...

16th April 2015, 06:12 AM
I can see why we cannot agree 95% of the time

I have said many times that darwin do not apply humans, because no animal can imagine the future but live in the immediate now, that is why predation between animals does not endanger the ecosystem.

the destruction of nature and the fabric of societies is the direct result of darwin mentality. It is brainwashing.

But what you say about the jews is interesting... so empathy is causing predation when it is practiced by a minority... global sharks need empathy among themselves to install the world gov...it works both ways it obviously... how about humans starting to follow this model to stop agenda 21 ??

But I digress, saying such a thing on a racial realist forum has no chance at all. I leave it at that.

I feel so good about disagreeing with you guys and do not buy this "divide and rule BS", really. Those responding to it really help doom the planet.

Time to move on... feel free to trash me further....

Very good points. I have no challenge in aknowledging that world powers did have an impact in creating the strife between Hutu's and Tutsi's, but let's face it they are not in a position to self govern in a globalist Jewish world or even pretend they could. Funny though pre-western colonialisation Tutsi's was colonialising the Hutu's. I wonder why that is? It wasn't a relation based on equality between people as some western civilization critics may suggest. It's a fact of life stronger people dominate weaker. Jews dominate whites, more because of racial cohesion than anything else...

16th April 2015, 06:26 AM
I can see why we cannot agree 95% of the time

I have said many times that darwin do not apply humans, because no animal can imagine the future but live in the immediate now, that is why predation does not endanger the ecosystem.

the destruction of nature and the fabric of societies is the direct result of darwin mentality.

But what you say about the jews is interesting... so empathy is causing predation when it is practiced by a minority... global sharks need empathy among themselves to install the world gov...it works both ways it obviously... how about humans starting to follow this model to stop agenda 21 ??

But I digress, saying such a thing on a racial realist forum has no chance at all. I leave it at that.

I feel so good about disagreeing with you guys and do not buy this "divide and rule BS", really.
I really don't understand how any of what you said above applies to anything in the post you quoted from me.
The bolded part is funny actually. :)

16th April 2015, 06:31 AM
you said:
It's a fact of life stronger people dominate weaker. Jews dominate whites, more because of racial cohesion than anything else...

hence my reply to you... yes I feel sooo good about disagreeing with any darwinian train of thoughts.

empathy for the global sharks and divide and rule for the masses... like I said masonic knowledge is inverted.

I really don't understand how any of what you said above applies to anything in the post you quoted from me.
The bolded part is funny actually. :)

16th April 2015, 06:35 AM
it has nothing related to you but the overall stomfront like mood, people like myself and those who can see beyond the race war, know that freeing ourselves start with the mind first, will always be trashed and eventually will be driven away. So I am not taking it personally, that's how the world is and why precisely it is in this inextricable and deadly mess.

I was not friend with HT, and you know that. If I posted 10 times in his threads over a 7y time period that is much. I only have 1 or 2 threads on the subject.

for years I have popped up every now and then, it is only since last year I have been more active on here, but I can tell you that the racial realist threads have just gone worse. I leave them alone most of the time and when I have to something to say I do it quite respectfully... and that the racial realist like members cant do the same is is WHY many bright members were driven away.

You keep bringing up the kaballah while it is in all mainstream religions... and you mock the messenger for a fact that will NEVER-EVER-NEVER-EVER-NEVER--EVER-NEVER go away.
Whatever gave you the idea you are a 'messenger'? You can't even convey your message in a discussion coherently. Hmmm... Yes that must be the reason why every damned discussion you enter you have 'won'. LOL

16th April 2015, 06:35 AM
See this is the bipolar thingy I was talking about.

One minute its either throwing this almighty apocalyptic tantrum or having some psuedo religious revelation and then the next its just prozaic babbling nonsense.

Something doesn't seem right at all....:confused:

16th April 2015, 06:39 AM
you said:
It's a fact of life stronger people dominate weaker. Jews dominate whites, more because of racial cohesion than anything else...

hence my reply to you... yes I feel sooo good about disagreeing with any darwinian train of thoughts.

empathy for the global sharks and divide and rule for the masses... like I said masonic knowledge is inverted.
What Darwinian thought? Stronger people rules over weaker people? That was known long before Darwin. It's bleeding obvious to anyone with half a brain!

16th April 2015, 07:08 AM
Hmmm... Yes that must be the reason why every damned discussion you enter you have 'won'. LOL

THREAD WINNER by Determination! - Singular Goldie :)

16th April 2015, 07:13 AM
Now you turn up!

You missed all the fun, the shows over.

Goldie has had to retreat into a corner.


Some friend you are...haha :rolleyes:

16th April 2015, 08:11 AM
The only people I can recall I drove away with perhaps too heavy handed moderation is Book and Ximmy...

That Book guy was a real asshole and I'm glad he was perma-banned. Luckily, you only temp-banned Ximmy and she has returned.


16th April 2015, 08:34 AM
See this is the bipolar thingy I was talking about.



Goldissima was conceived and born half Colonized Tutsi and half Colonizing European. She must really hate the colonizing European side of her family and projects that hatred of Whitey onto us here at GSUS.

http://images.dvdtalk.com/images/smilies/shrug.gif bipolar

16th April 2015, 12:56 PM
since when winning a debate equates with giving thanks to people who resort to straight insults (even got warnings from higher up) and initiate virtual violence because it suits your pov... that precisely how all genocides start, because many think that having the (tacit) approval of the gov (or a mod) is enough for them to become more aggressive as time goes by... until the blow up as a climax. It has become such a deadly cliche which when eventually pushed to the paroxysm causes utter predation like the coltan war that has killed 4,000,000 low IQs in africa SO FAR, argentina poisoned by monsanto and nuclear contamination of the aboriginals in australia.

Everybody knows that I am a mix raced since a very long while. I have always observed decency and talked with the minimum required politeness when engaging in a dindu nuffins thread. In this thread you have mostly just used mockery. Your first posting was that it was all dindu nuffins' fault... then pagesssss later you finally admitted to the NWO induced factor. Would you have said that first, that would have saved a lot of time and helped favor a civilized discussion... I call this attempting to inflame a debate knowingly.

Indeed you and I are world apart... there were at least 100+ members from the old GIM when this forum started, how many still active? 25? There are two members who I will not name because there is no reason for me to drive them into this. But I know why they also just pop up every now and then. Racial realism is just another NWO mind construct. Excellent with facts but offers no different solution than (extreme) darwinism, which is why the entire planet is in this nefarious impasse.

I regard you as one of the worst mods ever.

Whatever gave you the idea you are a 'messenger'? You can't even convey your message in a discussion coherently. Hmmm... Yes that must be the reason why every damned discussion you enter you have 'won'. LOL

16th April 2015, 01:11 PM
Book, "love your enemies" is a sentence you will never stomach.. bring it on

Jesus a new ager ??? LOL

I feel like you will have a talk with Objective Reality at some point... either with yourself, or a child or even a grand kid.

Post all the demeaning and insulting pictures that you want... your childlike mentality has no impact on me.

16th April 2015, 01:43 PM
Everybody knows that I am a mix raced since a very long while.Racial realism is just another NWO mind construct. Excellent with facts but offers no different solution that extreme darwinism, which is why the entire planet is in this nefarious impasse.

I regard you as one of the worst mods ever.
Actually, multiculturalism (anti white) is a NWO construct. Europeans and sub Saharan Africans are a separate species, and when you mix them, you get an Arab.

16th April 2015, 02:15 PM
by excellent with facts I meant exposing the NWO for what it is...

multiculturalism is against every race, it is in nobody's interest, a set up for full fledged social wars. I have never argued in favor of it.

My take is that anything that is not voluntary - coerced under false pretense - is evil by definition.

but debating coercion is for another thread... as it touches the daunting topic of man being afraid of freedom and the future

Actually, multiculturalism (anti white) is a NWO construct. Europeans and sub Saharan Africans are a separate species, and when you mix them, you get an Arab.

16th April 2015, 02:29 PM
by excellent with facts I meant exposing the NWO for what it is...

multiculturalism is against every race, it is in nobody's interest, a set up for full fledged social wars. I have never argued in favor of it.

My take is that anything that is not voluntary - coerced under false pretense - is evil by definition.

but debating coercion is for another threat... as it touches the daunting topic of man being afraid of freedom and the futureMulticulturalism works well for:
jews.....they slither underneath it
Arab muslims...they are already mixed race, and they can only improve and conquer by taking over European neighborhoods
Chinese......they do not allow it but it is good for them if Europe does
Africans....they can only improve their looks/IQ by mixing
so it's not a threat to everyone, just Europeans

16th April 2015, 02:41 PM
multiculturalism is against every race, it is in nobody's interest, a set up for full fledged social wars. I have never argued in favor of it.


By definition, that also includes interracial breeding, a set up for full fledged family wars. Even a no-no between Tutsi and Hutu neighbors.

:rolleyes: kid ain't accepted be either tribe

16th April 2015, 03:08 PM
In this case a Tutsi is a product of occultralism. and not applicable to multi-cultural Hutu influences...

16th April 2015, 04:00 PM
Multiculturalism works well for:

jews.....Edit: (just so we're clear) they are already mixed race, and they can only improve their poor genetics, dilute their many genetic diseases and improve their looks by breeding with whites. *see article below-author explains it.
Arab muslims...they are already mixed race, and they can only improve and conquer by taking over European neighborhoods
Chinese......they do not allow it but it is good for them if Europe does
Africans....they can only improve their looks/IQ by mixing
so it's not a threat to everyone, just Europeans

Ashkenazi Jews are NOT white –
DECEMBER 5, 2014, 5:16 PM 1178

In response to Haaretz article “Jews, white privilege and the fight against racism in America” (by Benjy Cannon 4/12/14)

I would like to say loud and clear: Ashkenazi Jews are not white.

Every time I read about a Jew somewhere identifying as a white person, I cringe. As an Israeli Jew, who like most other Israeli Jews, is completely foreign to the concept of Jews being “white” I would like to address this article to my Jewish brothers and sisters in America.

Ashkenazi Jews who identify as “white”, please understand the following:

1. History and identity – As late as 1987 the US legally defined Jews as non-white. To the best of my knowledge, 50 years ago Jews had the same skin color as they do today. I deduce that white is not skin color, it is first and foremost an issue history and identity. The “white people world” is represented by its European (often colonial) history, it’s culture, heroes, it’s Kings, ethos, faith etc. – and Ashkenazi Jews are not part of that world. Their heroes are the Maccabees and not the Vikings or Joan of Arc, their Kings are David King of Israel and Hezekiah King of Judah (both archeologically confirmed historical figures) and not Kings Edward and George.

Secondly, Jews are not a “religion”. While in the Western world identities fall under the categories of religion or race, Middle Eastern people have tribal identities that are based neither the former nor the latter. Jews, similar to Pashtuns (who also often have pale skin and yet would not identify as white people) and other Middle Eastern Tribes, are neither religion nor race but a tribe. Jewish identity since the days of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel had always been a tribal/national peoplehood. While tribal practices and customs (which are often incorrectly referred to as “Judaism”) and a strong biological link between many of the members are certainly present, Israelite identity was never based on either of these. Israelite identity has always been a tribal membership that goes by lineage (being born into the Tribes of Israel) or tribal acceptance (which is incorrectly translated as “conversion”). The identity Ashkenazi Jews have today is identical to that of King David whose great grandmother was a Moabite convert, but was nonetheless a Jew by virtue of being born into the Tribes of Israel by lineage.

You are Jews not because of your “religion” (are you even religious?), but because you were born into a tribe/people called the Nation of Israel. You are not “white people” with a “Jewish religion”, you are Jews – members of a people who origniated in Judea, whether you adhere to the laws of the tribe or not.

Thirdly, Ashkenazi Jews have been the victims of Europeans and Western imperialism for centuries precisely because they were not perceived as part of the “white people world”, beginning with the Roman colonialism of their nation state and ending with 6 million of them being killed precisely because they were non-whites.

2. Culture – Whether it’s the Hebrew calendar, the tefillin they put on at their Bar Mitzvah identical to the ancient second Temple tefillin found in Qumran and across Israel or celebrating the Judean revolt for independence in our historic homeland on Hanukkah – Ashkenazi Jews have kept the entire indigenous culture, customs, traditions, books, and to a high extant language and of their ancestors – Judeans and other Israelites.

3. Biology – Although biology is not the main part of the issue, Ashkenazi Jews are not genetically white either. An extensive number of genetic studies show they originated in the Middle East, that despite European admixture they are genetic brothers of other Jews, Palestinians, Druze and Lebanese Arabs and share a highly significant amount of ancestry with Sephardi Jews to whom they are genetically almost identical. Tests also show Ahskenazi Levites are descendants of Hebrews, and Ashkenazi Cohanim share lineage with Sephardi Cohanim.

Lastly, Ashkenazi Jews, whether the world likes it or not (and apparently it does not), are direct descendants of the Tribes of Israel, as we know from history, culture, science and a little something I like to call reality. Those who wish to deny it for political or theological reasons, should try forming an alliance with holocaust deniers because the two are no different.

Jews are not white. People who try to argue otherwise are not only abrogating history and denying our people’s authentic identity, they are in fact (even if unintentionally) also practicing a form of Western imperialism, as nobody has the right to superimpose an artificial Western identity on a people with an ancient Middle Eastern-tribal identity. Nobody has the right to try and make Jews, or any other Middle Eastern people, feel they “need” to fit into the “neat” Western categories of religion and race. Nobody has the right to force Jews into identifying as white people when they are clearly not. As for Jews who identify as white without being forced to do so – please decolonize your identities and understand that the identity your claim to express is a falsification of who you really are.

16th April 2015, 04:19 PM
Thanks for responding... but I cannot go all over this thread again, and which about empowering observation (connecting all the dots) and self responsibility as we cannot revert a 500 century trend, say since the rothschild took over BoE, it is an utopia. The NWO is at least 200 years ahead, planning wise, so the best is decentralizing our own way of life.

However I think many immigrants would choose to go back to their countries (as it takes up to 5 generations to blend in fully)... if ... if central banking was abolished, because poverty too often motivates the move.

Many times I have voiced that caucausians should start moving to states where there is much less culturalism in place, such as Idaho (what I have read on the boards). Self-segregation is the wisest way to address the situation.

I wouldnt trust the mainstream EUnews too much, my son told me that many europeans are fed up with the muslims and jews since the charlie hebdo attacks. (but that was the goal most likely)
But I still think this dynamics can be used to turn the tables around.

Multiculturalism works well for:
jews.....they slither underneath it
Arab muslims...they are already mixed race, and they can only improve and conquer by taking over European neighborhoods
Chinese......they do not allow it but it is good for them if Europe does
Africans....they can only improve their looks/IQ by mixing
so it's not a threat to everyone, just Europeans

16th April 2015, 05:47 PM
Thanks for responding...


10th December 2017, 03:34 PM
Multiculturalism works well for:
jews.....they slither underneath it
Arab muslims...they are already mixed race, and they can only improve and conquer by taking over European neighborhoods
Chinese......they do not allow it but it is good for them if Europe does
Africans....they can only improve their looks/IQ by mixing
so it's not a threat to everyone, just Europeans


10th December 2017, 06:33 PM
beauty after all is in the eyes of the beholder

if every time I had to resort to pix like this one below to make a point, how am I supposed to win any realistic and rational debate? There 50% at least in africa that are not negroid and thus can learn as any caucasian, but I digress... I read that the average IQ in america is a mere 105 however... not that smart I guess after all. So lets dumb people rate dumber than themselves... what gives ???


11th December 2017, 01:18 AM
LOL do you expect to win a pic posting contest with book?

11th December 2017, 01:29 AM
not at all, much too futile and a waste of time... replace "I" with "Book/he"

if every time I have to resort to pix like this one below to make a point, how am I supposed to win any realistic and rational debate?

11th December 2017, 02:27 AM
if every time I have to resort to pix like this one below to make a point, how am I supposed to win any realistic and rational debate?
Coming to think of it, your best bet is to continue posting pics. Realism and rational isn't you... ;D

11th December 2017, 07:51 PM
...how am I supposed to win any realistic and rational debate?



Start by acknowledging the basic reason for your Universalist perspective.
