View Full Version : Breaking: Oregon gold mining stand off with blm….next bundy ranch

12th April 2015, 06:16 PM
BLM issued a cease and desist order without a court order and without 'Coordination Authorization'....with local authorities. Federal officials acting lawlessly. Possible federal land grab to seize gold rich property on behalf of Chinese government.

Galice Mining District, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON-The next Bundy Ranch incident is developing in Josephine County, Oregon. The BLM has served notice to gold miners that they have until April 25, 2015 to stop gold mining….Oath Keepers are on site…Militia on the way. BLM DID NOT seek ‘Coordination Authorization’ with the local community….Sheriff Dave Daniel is NOT considered to be a Consitutional Sheriff.

Josephine County is in Southern Oregon and Grants Pass is the County Seat…developing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephine_County,_Oregon

http://agenda21radio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/200px-Map_of_Oregon_highlighting_Josephine_County.svg_.p ng


The Shasta Lantern
Potential situation building in Southern Oregon/Central Jefferson. BLM has issued a cease and desist order to a group of miners in Josephine County 10 miles West of Grants Pass in the Galice Mining District. BLM has given the miners until April 25th to cease and desist all mining operations, remove all buildings and mining equipment. This order by BLM is not accompanied by a legal court order and has been issued on BLM supposed authority alone. Many of these claims have existed in perpituity since the 1870’s. The miners have issued a statement declaring they will resist what they believe to be an illegal order. The State of Jefferson will respond and arrive to support the miners if required. Stay tuned for updates as further information becomes available.

Galice Miners Will Do Battle With Bureau of Land Management

~ Executive Committee; Galice Mining District
There have been many questions about rumors of a battle brewing between the Bureau of Land Management and several miners within the Galice Mining District. While we cannot yet divulge any fine details (and ultimately must keep legal tactics completely private), at this time, we can confirm the following:

1. BLM recently (3/18/15) issued two Stop Orders on a mine, citing authority under their 3809 regulations, despite the fact that this is one of the oldest active claims in the country. The location date of this mine is so old that one of the location notices (the legal title to the mine) was actually first recorded in the original Galice Mining District Recorder’s book in 1876 and then later transcribed into the Josephine County Clerk’s records once the county assumed recording duties. Under the 1955 Surface Resources Act, claims of this age have exclusive surface rights unless the Department of Interior utilized a mechanism outlined in that Act to severe those surface rights. Demands to BLM to produce evidence of their surface authority in accordance to the 1955 Act have thus far garnered only “because we say so” answers and numerous stonewalling tactics. The Stop Orders came after several months of back and forth maneuvering from both sides, and are clearly retaliatory in nature.

2. BLM are in active violation, on multiple counts, of federal Freedom of Information Act statutes. (By contrast, certain mine records in the possession of the State of Oregon have been provided in a prompt and professional fashion when requested). Similar documents secured by another miner have appeared to have been “heavily parsed” of key file documents, raising suspicion that BLM is either actively suppressing the release of documents that could be very damning or has been actively destroying documents which they are obligated under Federal Law to maintain and provide on request. One of the BLM employees suspected of parsing the records in question has apparently left BLM in the last few days.

3. What few documents have been produced by BLM to date (many of which are in no way very legible) have displayed a long history of non-compliance with federal and state laws, as well as their own regulations, as well as instances of suspected forgery, fraud, extortion of real estate and other issues that suggest a well organized conspiracy that divested thousands of miners and others of their property rights, which in turn has allowed the BLM and the USFS to exercise ruthless control over the entire Public Domain of the Far West, including rights of ingress and egress.

4. A BLM mineral tech involved in this case remarked (4/8/15) to the attorney who is handling this case that he is aware that the BLM position is not “open and shut” and is proceeding on shaky ground. Ultimately, BLM’s attack on the mine is a rolling of dice in the hope that they can get their way opposed to anything grounded in reality.

Where is this all headed?


This case is headed in a direction that presents what is probably a once-in-a-generation prime opportunity to strike at the heart of the very surface management authority of the DOI and USDA and to restore the “as patent” rights of every mining claim owner in the United States by striking down the actual source of that intrusive authority.

Regardless, we intend to take BLM fully to task and will not feel sorry for any civil or criminal consequences that may be leveled upon any BLM employees who are found to be negligent of wrong doing. We are actively pursuing these individuals through a wide range of tactics with the intent to reign in these wrong doers.

At this early stage, approximately $10,000 and countless hours have been expended on research and related fees in regards to this case, which could have far reaching benefits to every miner in the country. Thus far, this effort has been taken on by several miners who have sacrificed their personal funds and their personal time to the cause. The claim owners have since retained attorney James Dole, who has successfully defeated BLM in court on numerous mining issues.

Considerably more work must be done on this case and many more records must be obtained to expose this issue on a wider level.

For those who would like to contribute to the cause of unraveling BLM’s surface authority, please make a donation below. Even small amounts help!

Thank you for your consideration.

~ Executive Committee; Galice Mining District


13th April 2015, 12:42 AM
Oregon, land patents, Chinese are coming...

Where is Ponce?

13th April 2015, 06:05 AM
I know one of the miners who works on the Applegate. (southern Josephine County.)

He was very specific, the previous county sheriff was very helpful in telling Fed cops (BLM) to go fvck themselves, i.e. in protecting miners working in his county from Fed interference.

but now there's a new sheriff in Josephine County.

i half wonder if part of this incident is the BLM testing the new sheriff to see what side he lands on.

13th April 2015, 10:20 AM
Oregon, land patents, Chinese are coming...

Where is Ponce?

Right here with eyes WIDE open, I am in Josephine county and even thou I haven't done any gold mining in seven years I did get a notice from them......I love my Land Patent and I tell as many people that I can, I don't want anyone to tell me "WE DIND'T KNOW ABOUT IT". I even told the City Council.......going to their monthly meeting tonight at 7 PM.


13th April 2015, 10:23 AM
Right here with eyes WIDE open, I am in Josephine county and even thou I haven't done any gold mining in seven years I did get a notice from them......I love my Land Patent and I tell as many people that I can, I don't want anyone to tell me "WE DIND'T KNOW ABOUT IT". I even told the City Council.......going to their monthly meeting tonight at 7 PM.


Give them hell and take no prisoners, Ponce!

13th April 2015, 10:28 AM
Right here with eyes WIDE open, I am in Josephine county and even thou I haven't done any gold mining in seven years I did get a notice from them......I love my Land Patent and I tell as many people that I can, I don't want anyone to tell me "WE DIND'T KNOW ABOUT IT". I even told the City Council.......going to their monthly meeting tonight at 7 PM.


Keep us updated on how things turn out out your way since this is right in your back yard. :)

13th April 2015, 10:33 AM
Right here with eyes WIDE open, I am in Josephine county and even thou I haven't done any gold mining in seven years I did get a notice from them......I love my Land Patent and I tell as many people that I can, I don't want anyone to tell me "WE DIND'T KNOW ABOUT IT". I even told the City Council.......going to their monthly meeting tonight at 7 PM.


You live near Jeff Rense. You two ever meet up?


Does the area he's driving in look familiar?

13th April 2015, 11:27 AM
State of Jefferson. FTW

13th April 2015, 11:51 AM
I would love to meet Jeff in person....... we both think alike, nice for crazy people hahahahahahahahh.

I will use my three minutes when talking to the council to tell them that no matter what we should never allowed Home Land Security, or anyone like them, to take a foot hold in our city, once they are in they would never leave.......we can make "special deputies sheriff" out of our own veterans from this area, they would hesitate in shooting our own people and our people would also hesitate in shooting them......


14th April 2015, 05:49 AM

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8UK-5_eZS4

You have to wonder if BLM is getting involved now that a large Gold deposit has been found at that site.


14th April 2015, 08:22 AM
Never seen so many people at the Council Meeting as there was last night, we have a place where about 8 disable veterans are staying at and some people started to attack them for something that "MIGHT" happen in the future....a couple of vets, including an X marine lady, stood up and went at it with those assholes.

I didn't have a chance to say anything....those meeting usually last for one hour and very seldom hour and half, last night it went for two hours and twenty minutes.


14th April 2015, 08:33 AM
Never seen so many people at the Council Meeting as there was last night, we have a place where about 8 disable veterans are staying at and some people started to attack them for something that "MIGHT" happen in the future....a couple of vets, including an X marine lady, stood up and went at it with those assholes.

I didn't have a chance to say anything....those meeting usually last for one hour and very seldom hour and half, last night it went for two hours and twenty minutes.


Thanks for the update Ponce. People are pissed. BLM seems to be stirring the hornets nest for some reason.

14th April 2015, 09:42 AM
Never seen so many people at the Council Meeting as there was last night, we have a place where about 8 disable veterans are staying at and some people started to attack them for something that "MIGHT" happen in the future....a couple of vets, including an X marine lady, stood up and went at it with those assholes.

I didn't have a chance to say anything....those meeting usually last for one hour and very seldom hour and half, last night it went for two hours and twenty minutes.


Was the California drought discussed and the coming flood of water refugees to Oregon?

Mass migration away from California is inevitable

The inevitability of the mass migration away from California still hasn't quite sunk in among most people who live there. Almost no one has thought about how they might afford to move out of California when the value of their own property in California will be approaching zero.

Lynn Wilson is the academic chair at Kaplan University, and she serves on the climate change delegation in the United Nations. "Civilizations in the past have had to migrate out of areas of drought," she said in a CNBC article. (4) "We may have to migrate people out of California."

Think about it: When the day comes that the water taps run dry across large urban areas, there will be a rush for people to sell their homes and move out of the state. But in this rush, the value of California homes will plummet to nearly nothing. Why's that? Because the value of a home that has no running water and likelihood of ever receiving running water is very close to zero.

There will be no buyers. There will only be sellers. And after the sellers realize they cannot sell, they will simply pack up the minivan and abandon their California properties and send their homes into foreclosure.

Areas of California will become ghost towns, much like many areas of Detroit today.

That's why the smart people are the ones trying to get out right now. The long-term reality of the water crisis hasn't sunk in with most people, so there are still buyers of real estate in the drought areas. But smart people are doing things like selling their homes in California and moving to Colorado or Oregon where water is far more plentiful. Here in Texas, we're getting a flood of Californians moving in, many of whom have seen the writing on the wall and are "headed East in search of water."

Southern Oregon needs to start thinking about the coming "mass evacuation" of California, too. The problem with the evacuation is that California is largely surrounded by desert states. If you head East into Nevada, you're in another desert where water is also scarce. Las Vegas, for example, will also become a ghost town in a matter of a few short years. That's another inevitable reality that hasn't been sufficiently acknowledged by its own citizens.

Arizona is also largely a desert state, with both Phoenix and Tucson facing their own water challenges in the years ahead.

To find water in the western USA, you either have to head North to Oregon and Washington or go far to the East, deep into Utah, Colorado or all the way to the Eastern half of Texas.

The current population of California is 38 million. Barring any miracle technology breakthrough in ocean water desalination, I'm guessing the state can likely only support about 10 million people in terms of a sustainable water supply. That means perhaps 28 million people will have to leave California and find homes somewhere else. They will be doing this at a time when nobody is buying their California properties, but they still owe money to the banks on those properties.

The net result is a mass human migration wave combined with a wave of home loan defaults as homeowners abandon their properties and walk away.

The drought, you see, will ultimately lead to a banking crisis, not just a food crisis.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046289_California_extreme_drought_human_migration. html##ixzz3XIp5Iev9

If this is a megadrought, it is just a matter of time until massive migration will become necessary.

In fact, one UN official is already talking about it…

If the state continues on this path, there may have to be thoughts about moving people out, said Lynn Wilson, academic chair at Kaplan University and who serves on the climate change delegation in the United Nations.

“Civilizations in the past have had to migrate out of areas of drought,” Wilson said. “We may have to migrate people out of California.”

Wilson added that before that would happen, every option such as importing water to the state would likely occur— but “migration can’t be taken off the table.”
So how many people will ultimately have to leave if this drought continues for many years?

5 million?

10 million?

20 million?

And where will they go?

14th April 2015, 10:03 AM
Think about it: When the day comes that the water taps run dry across large urban areas, there will be a rush for people to sell their homes and move out of the state. But in this rush, the value of California homes will plummet to nearly nothing. Why's that? Because the value of a home that has no running water and likelihood of ever receiving running water is very close to zero.

There will be no buyers. There will only be sellers.

I will become a buyer if this happens. Whenever the masses flee in fear, there will be opportunities for those of us who do not make choices based upon fear.

Sure, it could get very bad but if that happens desalination plants will be built like crazy, creating more jobs, boosting local economies. Energy projects will get top priority. Your federal taxes will help us out. For that, we thank you in advance. :)

14th April 2015, 10:15 AM
I will become a buyer if this happens. Whenever the masses flee in fear, there will be opportunities for those of us who do not make choices based upon fear.

Sure, it could get very bad but if that happens desalination plants will be built like crazy, creating more jobs, boosting local economies. Energy projects will get top priority. Your federal taxes will help us out. For that, we thank you in advance. :)

Some people aren't worried about the drought.
2 NFL teams are being planned to come to LA in 2016 and a massive water park is breaking ground in the San Fran area.
Best time to make deals when people are in fear.

I'll want to buy a nice radioactive ocean front home in Malibu if the price is right. $100,000?
Maybe stay there for the last 10 years of my life.

14th April 2015, 10:20 AM
The book on "rules and regulation" that the council uses should be a GUIDE LINE and not the law as they try to make it into. They talk more about how high or what distance a sign should be from what rather than what will happen in the near future......I am going to talk to the secretary treasurer, who as far as I am concern, is smarter than all those sitting on their high chairs and looking down at us............in 2014 more illegals came to the state of Oregon than to any other state, including California. I spoke for ten seconds to a one of the members and he didn't know about this.....or that in the last six months over 40,000 illegals farmers had lost their jobs in CA due to the shortage of water...........those who I spoke to know that there will be a water war this summer and that we will have many water refugees from CA..............nothing about gold.........V

Militia Units Ready to Defend Oregon Gold Miners In Battle with BLM
Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/militia-units-ready-to-defend-oregon-gold-miners-in-battle-with-blm/#XDpXC876Ooqh5eO4.99

14th April 2015, 12:03 PM
The book on "rules and regulation" that the council uses should be a GUIDE LINE and not the law as they try to make it into. They talk more about how high or what distance a sign should be from what rather than what will happen in the near future......I am going to talk to the secretary treasurer, who as far as I am concern, is smarter than all those sitting on their high chairs and looking down at us............in 2014 more illegals came to the state of Oregon than to any other state, including California. I spoke for ten seconds to a one of the members and he didn't know about this.....or that in the last six months over 40,000 illegals farmers had lost their jobs in CA due to the shortage of water...........those who I spoke to know that there will be a water war this summer and that we will have many water refugees from CA..............nothing about gold.........V

Militia Units Ready to Defend Oregon Gold Miners In Battle with BLM
Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/militia-units-ready-to-defend-oregon-gold-miners-in-battle-with-blm/#XDpXC876Ooqh5eO4.99

Video at link Ponce posted:


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=F8RorH44Cpw

14th April 2015, 12:40 PM
Some people aren't worried about the drought.
I'll want to buy a nice radioactive ocean front home in Malibu if the price is right. $100,000?
Maybe stay there for the last 10 years of my life.

Would you say that you're over fascinated by it?

14th April 2015, 12:44 PM

Love those wispy 'contrails'!

15th April 2015, 07:05 AM
update from a local radio station -

"Sheriff Intervenes in Dispute between Miners & B.L.M

According to a release from the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office on Monday April 6th, 2015 a member of the Bureau of Land Management Law Enforcement Division accompanied by a Josephine County Sheriff BLM Deputy contacted the claim owner of the Sugar Pine Mine. The claim owner was provided a Notice of Noncompliance and paperwork to file an appeal by the BLM Ranger.

Since that time a private security operation was implemented by the Josephine County Oath Keepers to protect the claim owners 5th Amendment right to due process.

Sheriff Daniel in an attempt to mediate this conflict has contacted and met with the Coordinator of the Oath Keepers and the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Bureau of Land Management out of Eugene. This was done to ensure the claim owner’s right to due process and avoid confrontation in the region.

The Josephine County Sheriff’s Office was informed by the BLM that no enforcement action would be taken by their organization and the claim owner is guaranteed his right to due process. Further the BLM has met with the claim owner’s attorney to ensure the appeal process."


15th April 2015, 09:11 AM
Is there a single owner of the surrounding land like Reid was in the Bundy Ranch situation, or is it just the gold?

16th April 2015, 06:44 AM

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqVnBWKRBd8

NEAR MERLIN, Ore. -- A land dispute is creating tension between miners in Josephine County and the Bureau of Land Management. The owners of the mines say they are afraid their rights to due process will not be respected and have now called in reinforcements.

The Oath Keepers of Josephine County are gathering at a piece of property near Merlin. They're in the process of setting up a staging area, in order to step in if they are needed by the Sugar Pine miners.

“Because we are constitutional group,” said Mary Emerick with Oath Keepers. “We defend the Constitution… And we are here just to make sure that they receive their Fifth Amendment rights which is due process.”

The owners called them in to help protect the property that they have mined for more than 100 years. The miners say documents they have grandfathered-in their surface rights to the property.

But the BLM says the documents are outdated, and at some point, the property has changed hands which cancels out the grandfather process. Now, the BLM says the miners have to tone down their mining operation to stay in line with the regulations.

“We’ve sent them those letters,” said BLM’s Jim Whittington. “They also have the right to appeal our notice, that it requires either a plan of operation or notice, and some informal contacts with their lawyer…it sounds like they may appeal. So if they appeal, that starts another administrative appeal process.”

The BLM says they have no intention of stepping in and that it will be a process before any action is taken. But even so, the Oath Keepers are going to make sure of that in the interest of protecting the miner's constitutional rights.

“Sometimes that's going to take days or even weeks, and we are preparing for this to potentially last that long,” said Emerick.

Josephine County Sheriff Dave Daniel also says he has been acting as a mediator between the land owners and the BLM. At this point, the only reason the Sheriff's Office would step in would be for public safety if the situation escalated.


16th April 2015, 07:27 AM
Oh the claim holders have a right to appeal against an illegal decision? If you appeal a decision you have approved BLM's right to make a decision in the matter no?

16th April 2015, 09:40 AM
Oh the claim holders have a right to appeal against an illegal decision? If you appeal a decision you have approved BLM's right to make a decision in the matter no?

That's how I read it too. Sounds like BLM is baiting them.

16th April 2015, 10:53 AM
That's how I read it too. Sounds like BLM is baiting them.

I believe so also. I imagine if these mining claims date back to 1875 they are patented mining claims.

mick silver
17th April 2015, 07:43 PM
I was ask to come out there and join them at the mine , if I do go I will be going with two guys I trust my life with them . still don't know if I am going,
this has been weighting heavy on me

17th April 2015, 07:48 PM
I was ask to come out there and join them at the mine , if I do go I will be going with two guys I trust my life with them . still don't know if I am going,
this has been weighting heavy on me

Protect family first... anything else is for fun.

mick silver
17th April 2015, 07:55 PM
Cebu there a fuse that's been ligt we are all going to play a part one way are other. I try and hold my head high walk like a man act like a man and try my best to do thing right an every day that keeps getting harder to do

19th April 2015, 04:14 PM
Liberty Brothers Radio at Sugar Pine Mine in Oregon: Oath Keepers Welcome

Some un-American Americans just don’t get it.

OMG! they shriek — these miners would dare oppose federal authority– OMG!

Contrary to the intent of this nation’s founders, some people advocate blindly following whatever statute the force of government declares to be “the law”. Some people do not see any value in questioning authority. Right here in America, to this day, exist some people who think the government did nothing wrong when it burned to death over eighty men, women, and children at Waco, Texas over an illegal “law” regarding guns. The idiotic zealots of the ATF and FBI and elements of the U.S. military totally failed to read the Second Amendment of the highest law of the land, which clearly notes that any law about guns proffered since the Second Amendment was ratified is an “infringement” of the very law they swore an Oath to protect and defend. Did I make myself clear? Let me repeat — the Constitution forbids any restrictions about any arms We The People can bear. It does not make exceptions regarding how many bullets-per-minute a gun can fire, or how long or short a gun barrel must or must not be. It simply says, “…shall not be infringed.” Yet the ATF had a problem with the Constitution and murdered more than eighty church members in a fiery death with rampant gruesome cruelty. They even shot those who tried to run out of the burning church to escape the fire.

So the ATF and FBI revealed why unchecked government “authority” was prohibited by our Constitution’s authors and the several States which ratified it. And yet some Americans to this day insist that We The People are not to question authority.

Even now there is an Internet chorus of lame-brained quasi-Americans who are spreading lies about the Oath Keepers who are standing to protect property rights for some miners in Oregon. I will not link those here because they don’t deserve the clicks, but I can tell you that some of the rumors are very nasty, and some even wish death upon the Oath Keepers who are helping protect lawful property rights from an insane government mechanism called the “BLM”. They are pumping outright lies and vicious rumors onto the Internet, and have the gall to accuse Oath Keepers of violating “the law” by standing up for the miners’ property rights and for the right to due process.

Authority-worshiping statists are falsely declaring that the Oath Keepers are not welcome there at the mines, and that the Oath Keepers are a private militia of sorts who operate outside the “law”, and that the Oath Keepers are “anti-government” — and worse. These cretins maintain that Americans must blindly follow every statute put on the books, whether a statute is pursuant to the Constitution or not, and never question “authority”. If the God-Almighty Government (GAG) says something, then it’s the By-God truth and anyone who questions it is “anti-government”. That is the progressive statist mindset. And that particular mindset is now making up lies about Oath Keepers.

Lies about Oath Keepers have been with us since April 19, 2009, when Oath Keepers held its first muster at Lexington Green, Massachusetts. Yet Oath Keepers continues to serve the Liberty movement in America to this day, on our sixth anniversary as an organization. So let’s celebrate the dawn of year seven by enjoying a timely dose of truth. Let’s hear the truth from the mine owner who invited Oath Keepers to come help him save his mine from BLM encroachment.

Oath Keepers would like to thank The LIberty Brothers Radio staff for bringing the truth about Oath Keepers at Oregon’s Sugar Pine Mine to America. From their website I have lifted their interview with Rick Barclay, owner of the Sugar Pine Mine. You can read the article by Jason Van Tatenhove of The Liberty Brothers Radio staff, who went there “boots on the ground” to film this interview. Link for Jason’s article:


Give ‘em some clicks, eh? Thank you.


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7D9LUAS_mWg

Here is a note from Jim White, the other Liberty Brother at his and Jason’s radio show:

Jim White speaking: Here is a link to our update page below. There, you can also listen to an interview with Oath Keepers Public Information Officer, Mary Eckert on the morning of 4.17, and audio from The Liberty Brothers Radio Show when Jason first arrived on the scene.


Stay tuned to The Liberty Brothers Radio Show and http://thelibertybrothers.com for up to the minute reports.


22nd April 2015, 08:13 AM
Breaking Gold Mine Update Oregon! Make Viral! Young Turks Exposed!


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lqevQsVJQDU