View Full Version : Daimler Introduces Autonomous Truck
6th May 2015, 01:09 AM
Auto-Maker Daimler introduced an autonomous truck on Tuesday night. The company says a driver must be present, but that driver has the option to relinquishing control to the vehicle. (May 6, 2015)
6th May 2015, 02:15 AM
Why must a driver be present?
6th May 2015, 02:22 AM
Why must a driver be present?
Probably legal reasons.
6th May 2015, 03:48 AM
Lack of Faith.
Planes, Trains can all drive themselves but people lack faith. Want human override.
We have operator-less trucks and trains here, but not around lots of people. Mine sites.
6th May 2015, 06:57 PM
Lack of Faith.
Planes, Trains can all drive themselves but people lack faith. Want human override.
We have operator-less trucks and trains here, but not around lots of people. Mine sites.
According to this its for legal reasons:
6th May 2015, 07:20 PM
I did raise that a while back on the google thing I think. Who is the govt going to blame when the auto drive car hits assets and destroys them, infrastructure, cars, slavetards etc?
doesn't matter, driverless cars are not for the plebs like us. The plebs will be walking or cycling, if they exist at all.
6th May 2015, 10:10 PM
According to this its for legal reasons:
I don't care what they say, the driver will fall asleep, and when he suddenly awakes he will probably on occasion override the auto and create accidents!
7th May 2015, 08:33 AM
Before long, people will need gyroscopes buried in their asses just to keep from falling down.
This sort of tech is going to turn humans into useless mush brained gimps. It's sickening.
7th May 2015, 08:57 AM
Cant count the number of times driving in West Texas and south east New Mexico on razor straight roads with a huge bunch of nothing to look at other than lots of barbed wire ,occasional jackrabbits, stubby mesquite trees and dead skunks smelling up the place for hundreds of miles in any direction. And the only traffic is you and yourself as far as the eye can see, while driving from one oil lease location to another separated by infinity.
Hard to stay awake driving on some of the most boring roads ever, would have been nice to have an autopilot to engage and catch a snooze! Most traffic the drivers are ether reading newspapers or books to keep the brain occupied.
This was the time of mandated 55 to 60 miles per speed limits, and we all would blast down the road at 75-80 or more and the highway patrol would not bother us, because they knew we were oilfield trash trying to keep schedules, so if we were not driving too insane they gave us a pass (only place in the state they would do this)
7th May 2015, 10:01 AM
Truckers union will want a pay raise.
8th May 2015, 02:06 AM
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