View Full Version : Tell Us Your Best Garage Sake / Thrift Store Finds

6th May 2015, 05:00 AM
I thought it would be fun to hear about some super duper bargains you have gotten.

I got a GENUINE alligator purse in excellent condition for $4.

Last Saturday I got some Incredible Hulk
Gamma Green Smash Fists for 50 cents.

Now, I just need to find somebody to punch out.

6th May 2015, 07:39 AM
I thought it would be fun to hear about some super duper bargains you have gotten.

I got a GENUINE alligator purse in excellent condition for $4.

Last Saturday I got some Incredible Hulk
Gamma Green Smash Fists for 50 cents.

Now, I just need to find somebody to punch out.

If you live in Louisiana, I would keep that info to yourself... LOL

6th May 2015, 08:27 AM
I posted about my thrift store here in town before, between 2000 and 2012 I bought about 150 bags of almost new clothing from them and many times with the store price tag still on them......stuff like Mr Coffee and the alike I don't know how many of them..........why?.....why some people will be trading guns, ammo, wisky, coffee, and so I want to trade 'SAFE" stuff.........I know what was needed the must in Cuba so that I have the experience to know what will be needed the most...................buy all the nails, screws and so on, that you can find.......what is junk today will be your treasure tomorrow. I have also bought a lot of stuff from the dollar store to put away.

And don't forget your tp...hahahahhaahah


6th May 2015, 08:31 AM
Agnut has a well established thread here covering bargains, tho the op's title may cover other aspects in the bargain hunt.


6th May 2015, 08:36 AM
Pluto? you have now brought hell on Earth...........ayyyyyyyyy mama.


6th May 2015, 08:37 AM
Pluto? you have now brought hell on Earth...........ayyyyyyyyy mama.


6th May 2015, 08:42 AM
Do you mean for " tp " like an Indian TeePee or what?

(My brother and his son have been to Cuba recently three times. It is some kind Texas government initiative of the Democrats here. Not sure.)

It would seem cool if there could be some kind of large piece of land and everyone had some kind of survival abode and would share items like found for cheap and make things. Where people could get by with almost no money and mainly would just trade goods and services with each other.

One thing I have learned is that people in survivalist mode do not mainly need clothing or food. They need shelter and warmth and water first of all.

I have often thought that it would be cool to cut up good 100 percent natural fabric (cotton, wool, etc.) in large squares and sew together large "quilts" that could have various uses.)

I am afraid that there are large amounts of high grade textiles in thrown away clothing that is going to waste.

6th May 2015, 08:48 AM
Picked up this nice little film camera kit a while back for $50.
Back in the mid 90's, this would have cost a couple thousand.
Believe it or not, silver halide film is not a dead medium.

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac358/jackconrad/Cameras/DSC01846.jpg (http://s915.photobucket.com/user/jackconrad/media/Cameras/DSC01846.jpg.html)

6th May 2015, 08:57 AM
Picked up this nice little film camera kit a while back for $50.
Back in the mid 90's, this would have cost a couple thousand.
Believe it or not, silver halide film is not a dead medium.

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac358/jackconrad/Cameras/DSC01846.jpg (http://s915.photobucket.com/user/jackconrad/media/Cameras/DSC01846.jpg.html)

Agreed !

Still have several thousand dollars worth (at the time) of gear, that because of digital that is starting to collect more dust than use today. Film is not dead and I hope it never dies.

But digital fills our instant gratification for immediate use and sharing, besides the form factor of being small and easier to carry than a film camera with several lenses. What used to fit in only a bag or tote, fits in the pocket.

6th May 2015, 10:53 AM
Agreed !

Still have several thousand dollars worth (at the time) of gear, that because of digital that is starting to collect more dust than use today. Film is not dead and I hope it never dies.

But digital fills our instant gratification for immediate use and sharing, besides the form factor of being small and easier to carry than a film camera with several lenses. What used to fit in only a bag or tote, fits in the pocket.

Indeed. Digital cameras, and especially smart phones make it easy for practically anyone to take pictures.
Though, I don't tend to look for garage sale or thrift store finds on digital or even film equipment these days.

If you're interested, I could give you some info on a current resale value of your old film kit, though there's plenty of information online if you know where to look.
In general, thrift stores have become just about worthless for finding good deals since so many people have instant access to ebay sold listings and so forth.
There's a growing underclass of hungry pickers that have fallen out of the working middle class in the past few years.
And then there's goodwill.com, which represents monopolistic incorporation into a for profit "thrift" industry.

6th May 2015, 11:03 AM
I do not plan to get rid of any of it, may give it some young ones here that can appreciate what it is and use in the hobby, still have all my bw darkroom equipment (art in itself) never cared for processing color.

Been sorta slowly looking for digital backs that can fit my lens/glass that make up the bulk of my gears investments. Have backs and lenses for Nikon, Minolta and some cannon backs and lenses.

But nowadays I just do not care to tote all of the gear/bulk that when younger never a second thought was given.

Thrift shops are good for a bunch of things but never my old toys!


6th May 2015, 11:23 AM
Been sorta slowly looking for digital backs that can fit my lens/glass that make up the bulk of my gears investments.

Sony mirrorless A7's have been riding the consumer crest lately for full frame 35mm digital backs. I'm still using a Sony Nex-5n. They're pretty cheap these days.
A brand new A6000 can be had for $500-ish. With a cheap adapter, they all accept pretty much any manual focus glass ever made.

Though, I still prefer one of these: :)

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac358/jackconrad/Cameras/file-200.jpg (http://s915.photobucket.com/user/jackconrad/media/Cameras/file-200.jpg.html)

8th May 2015, 03:25 AM
That Contax setup is extremely sweet! I lusted over that back in the day. And, those Zeiss lenses are top quality, even today!

If you get any of the Sony A-series, you can buy an adapter like this http://www.amazon.com/Fotodiox-Adapter-Contax-E-Mount-Camera/dp/B003Y3223S or similar, that will let you use those fine lenses on a digital camera, with limitations of course.

8th May 2015, 03:57 AM
All the time..........

Its great for a second place as a lot of stuff you already have ,you have to buy again

My favorite is building materials ect , but it was good getting some stainless steel pots and cast iron fry pans cheap for bug out.

Also got old fence palings ...used on a wood shed,

stainless steel brand new shower base for 5$

Some areas are better than others for this sort of thing............

i once brought a two bedroom ex motel unit for 6000$, moved it to our place , did some work on it and now its a nice little extra accommodation we have. Must be my favorite score.

8th May 2015, 06:28 AM
An idea is germinating in my mind.

I have a lot of stuff, some of it very nice stuff.

I was thinking of setting up a garage sale in my garage, as I have done before.

But this time will accept only labor for goods to do small odd jobs around the house, mostly outside work till I know the person better. Or maybe trade other tangible items for my items.

Do not think I will advertise but will leave garage door open with a sign on certain days and see if I get any traffic.

What think ye?

8th May 2015, 08:32 AM
Dachsie? by tp I mean toilet paper......is a running joke around here because I ha 1,850 rolls about three years ago.....less now.....is one of my ways to get ready for WTSHTF........but not my ass hahahahahahah.


8th May 2015, 03:47 PM

Ponces recurring nightmare..................