View Full Version : Why the Future of Religion Is Bleak

6th May 2015, 04:02 PM
faith monopolies have waged war on the meaning of spirituality (explore and follow your own inner higher-self without fear) since ever and now the NWO helps them collapse under their own weight, it seems.... atheism agenda doing fine

Why the Future of Religion Is Bleak
Religious institutions have survived by controlling what their adherents know, argues Tufts Prof. Daniel C. Dennett, but today that is next to impossible

April 26, 2015
‘Religion has been waning in influence for several centuries, especially in Europe and North America. There have been a few brief and local revivals, but in recent years the pace of decline has accelerated.

Today one of the largest categories of religious affiliation in the world—with more than a billion people—is no religion at all, the “Nones.” One out of six Americans is already a None; by 2050, the figure will be one out of four, according to a new Pew Research Center study. Churches are being closed by the hundreds, deconsecrated and rehabilitated as housing, offices, restaurants and the like, or just abandoned.

If this trend continues, religion largely will evaporate, at least in the West. Pockets of intense religious activity may continue, made up of people who will be more sharply differentiated from most of society in attitudes and customs, a likely source of growing tension and conflict.’

Could anything turn this decline around? Yes, unfortunately. A global plague, a world war fought over water or oil, the collapse of the Internet (and thereby almost all electronic communication) or some as-yet unimagined catastrophe could throw the remaining population into misery and fear, the soil in which religion flourishes best.


Any institution—just like a person or an organism—depends on a modicum of privacy in which to conduct its business and control its activities without too much interference and too many prying eyes. Religious institutions, since their founding millennia ago, have managed to keep secrets and to control what their flocks knew about the world, about other religions and about the inner workings of their own religion with relative ease. Today it is next to impossible.

What is particularly corrosive to religion isn’t just the newly available information that can be unearthed by the curious, but the ambient knowledge that is shared by the general populace.


6th May 2015, 06:11 PM
"religion" will not only NOT die it will be in FULL glory after the church is raptured out of here and the time of Jacob's trouble begins

Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

That "worship" will be in church buildings with their rock music, big screen TVs and the image broadcast into it

6th May 2015, 06:47 PM
The future of religion is not bleak.

The future of religion is called Cultural Marxism.


6th May 2015, 07:37 PM
Revelation 13:4 And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshiped the beast...That "worship" will be in church buildings with their rock music, big screen TVs and the image broadcast into it...

Your daughter is probably worshiping Nox the Night Drake Dragon in her bedroom as you type this.


6th May 2015, 07:53 PM
"religion" will not only NOT die it will be in FULL glory after the church is raptured out of here and the time of Jacob's trouble begins

Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

That "worship" will be in church buildings with their rock music, big screen TVs and the image broadcast into it

Raptured out of here........

sounds a bit like the frequency of our very atoms go up an octave which is happening too everyone and not exclusivity to people in a religion.

8th May 2015, 11:08 AM
meanwhile the wolves are inside the gate...

Vatican’s chief exorcist warns that practicing yoga is ‘satanic’
Thursday 7th May 2015

The successor to Father Gabriele Amorth, the Vatican’s former chief exorcist for 25 years, has come out in condemnation of fantasy novels and yoga, declaring both to cause demonic possession. Speaking to The Independent (UK), Father Cesare Truqui explained how the Roman Catholic Church has seen a steady uptick in reports of demonic possession all around the world, and that popular culture pastimes like reading Harry Potter novels and engaging in Vinyasa are largely to blame.’

Exorcism Conference At Vatican Addresses The Need For More Demon-Fighting Priests
The Huffington Post
Posted: 05/13/2014

8th May 2015, 11:33 AM
Organized religions settled with the IRS and Treasury as 501(c)(3)'s. They have given away any power or authority they have to maintain this status with 'the state'.

A new structure is called a private expressive organization. These are people who form an association to discuss things amongst themselves and not with outsiders. Presumably you could form a coop as one of these, trade raw milk, non-gmo vegetables, kosher or halal meat or other foods, or labor without interference with authorities.

Just don't try to accept outsiders into the group before they sign the articles defining what their rights and duties are.