View Full Version : About that there russian state of the art killing machine
7th trump
7th May 2015, 11:22 AM
7th May 2015, 11:56 AM
Putin spends £5m on making sure it doesn't rain on his V-Day Parade: Jets to spike clouds with chemical cocktail (but it means villages 40 miles away will get deluged)
7th May 2015, 12:17 PM
John Deere combines cannot safely navigate roundabouts
midnight rambler
7th May 2015, 12:43 PM
One would think that an airplane that costs over $350 million EACH would have a working canopy.
Lest we forget the lack of oxygen problem for F-22 pilots which persisted for YEARS (they finally figured out the F-22 g-suit keep inflating and not deflating as a necessary part of the cyclic operation of the g-suit which prevented the pilots from breathing deeply enough).
midnight rambler
7th May 2015, 12:50 PM
7th May 2015, 06:52 PM
John Deere combines cannot safely navigate roundabouts
That's not John Deere green.
7th May 2015, 07:27 PM
That's not John Deere green.
Surely is. 7th_trump works at the factory they make those in Moline in case you were wondering about the connection.
7th May 2015, 07:36 PM
7th May 2015, 07:47 PM
Surely is. 7th_trump works at the factory they make those in Moline in case you were wondering about the connection.
Must be the lighting. Just doesn't look "green" enough.
We were supposed to do a project for JD this past summer. The story goes that they were digging the pilings and black goo oozed up. I have never heard another thing about the project.
7th May 2015, 07:54 PM
We were supposed to do a project for JD this past summer. The story goes that they were digging the pilings and black goo oozed up. I have never heard another thing about the project.
As are most industrial sites where a lot of coal was used .... all toxic waste dumps. Probably the only thing they can do with it is declare it a miraculous cure for cancer and convince municipal water treatment plants to add to drinking water.
7th trump
7th May 2015, 08:48 PM
John Deere combines cannot safely navigate roundabouts
How blind are you palani?
That combine has nothing at all to do with the pictured accident. And yes that picture has been all over the plant...I believe the semi was blown over by a large gust of cross wind.
If you really want to know the truth that combine is equipped with the state of the art gps navigation system. That combine can pick a field without a driver behind the wheel. Thats already been done in the test fields just a few years ago. They are set up now that the driver is a backup in the field. They link up with the tractor pulling a wagon to unload and the driver takes his hands off the wheel for the whole process.
The gps info is taken off the planting tractor and fed into the combine system and the combine will pick the field without the operator putting a hand on the wheel.
Russia cant produce anything close to that combine. Thats why Russia will order several hundred from the East Moline plant every so often.
These Russian ordered JD combines are guarded by armed military when they arrive in Russia so they are picked clean of anything of value.
midnight rambler
7th May 2015, 09:17 PM
The F-35, the most expensive airplane ever, has no less than 719 problems which could "adversely affect aircraft performance, reliability, maintainability, and ultimately cost.”
Most expensive with a record number of problems = 'better'...right?
midnight rambler
7th May 2015, 09:19 PM
The F-35 is an historic $1 TRILLION disaster -
midnight rambler
7th May 2015, 09:22 PM
F-35 can't turn, can't climb, can't run...what a turkey. lol
midnight rambler
7th May 2015, 09:24 PM
How to build a $400 million F-35 that doesn't fly -
midnight rambler
7th May 2015, 09:28 PM
The F-35 suffers from Goldilocks syndrome - if it's fuel is too warm it shuts down -
midnight rambler
7th May 2015, 09:33 PM
The F-35 must stay 25 miles away from bad weather. lol
midnight rambler
7th May 2015, 10:12 PM
Pierre Sprey, designer of the F-16: "(The F-35) is one of the worse airplanes we've ever designed."
Pierre Sprey: "The F-35 is a lemon."
8th May 2015, 12:35 AM
Whatever you do,
don't try to tow a tank with another tank in front of thousands of onlookers.
7th trump
8th May 2015, 05:15 AM
If anybody here has any doubts to whether midnight ramblers isn't a commy russian who pledges allegiance to the same bolshevic jews who murdered millions..........take a look at his last 7 posts in response to my last post.
Russia is going to attack America from the north and this has been prophesized in the Bible thousands of years your ass this midnight traitor character will shoot an American in the back when this invasion happens...he will turn on America as he already has.
8th May 2015, 05:20 AM
he will turn on America as he already has.
Yet YOU are the one working for the company selling hundreds of combines to Russia a year to help FEED THEM!!!
7th trump
8th May 2015, 08:54 AM
Yet YOU are the one working for the company selling hundreds of combines to Russia a year to help FEED THEM!!! check doesnt come from JD.
JD sells combines to Brazil...they even have plant down there that can make any farm impliment made here in the US.'re just pissy because I destroy your pathetic stories that noone here understands and beleives are foolish........which they are.
Go eat a hot dog Palani.
midnight rambler
8th May 2015, 09:50 AM
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. --Luke 6:45
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. --Matthew 7:16-20
'Nuff said.
7th trump
8th May 2015, 11:29 AM
'Nuff said.
And what a hippocrit you are.
You prop up the very institution that is against the Al Mighty...communism that is forged right out of satans play book and then mock Gods Words.
Join Palani in eating a hot dog midnight.
Top it off with mustard and ketchup
8th May 2015, 11:52 AM check doesnt come from JD.
Ultimately ... it does.
Just like claiming that you took care of an IRS issue by sidestepping the main issue ... the source of the currency.
You still accept the currency and you still get to work for the 'system'.
Keeping more of something that has no value leaves you with something? Or NOTHING?
Is zero x 1,000 greater or less than zero x 100,000?
7th trump
8th May 2015, 12:00 PM
Ultimately ... it does.
Just like claiming that you took care of an IRS issue by sidestepping the main issue ... the source of the currency.
You still accept the currency and you still get to work for the 'system'.
Keeping more of something that has no value leaves you with something? Or NOTHING?
Is zero x 1,000 greater or less than zero x 100,000?
Show this website one (1) millionaire who's living on the street in rags eating scraps.
You're such a fool.
Lets get real..........tell me the difference in money backed by metal and money backed by faith?
I'll tell you this....theres going to be more people eating scraps with rags on thier backs with money only backed by metal.....there is not enough metal.
8th May 2015, 12:04 PM
Good example of OCD going here!
8th May 2015, 12:14 PM
tell me the difference in money backed by metal and money backed by faith?
Money backed by faith comes with serial numbers and could very easily be ransom money delivered to DB Cooper. And the FBI is going to be very curious when you receive one of these and pass it along. Money in the form of gold or silver coin have no serial number and is entirely fungible. You need not engage in contracts fully funded by a fungible currency. You only need to provide one dollars worth and the rest may be 'in other valuable considerations'.
.theres going to be more people eating scraps with rags on thier backs with money only backed by metal.....there is not enough metal. The welfare state does not recognize private property. Anything bought with fiat belongs to the Federal Reserve. They are in the process of taking back what is theirs or transferring it to China.
midnight rambler
8th May 2015, 12:21 PM
The welfare state does not recognize private property.
I've friends who pay 'property tax' on 'their' property they use at their businesses, e.g. trucks, trailers (besides the 'registration/license/tax' for vehicles and trailers), equipment and tools, heavy equipment, office furnishings, office computers, material inventory for their business, etc. (you get the picture). I try telling them, "If you pay a tax on something YOU DO NOT OWN can YOU pay a tax on something that is *yours*??"
8th May 2015, 12:25 PM
"If you pay a tax on something YOU DO NOT OWN can YOU pay a tax on something that is *yours*??"
They are buying into a technicolor version of the world rather than the dull, boring and unexciting world of black and white.
When you do this you should know your audience fairly well or be out of range. Some people really get upset when they get told they are paupers.
Take the richest guy you know, go to the Sec of State's webb site in the UCC database section, insert this guys name and town and have a look at all the paper that covers his 'toys'.
7th trump
8th May 2015, 01:57 PM
Money backed by faith comes with serial numbers and could very easily be ransom money delivered to DB Cooper. And the FBI is going to be very curious when you receive one of these and pass it along. Money in the form of gold or silver coin have no serial number and is entirely fungible. You need not engage in contracts fully funded by a fungible currency. You only need to provide one dollars worth and the rest may be 'in other valuable considerations'.
The welfare state does not recognize private property. Anything bought with fiat belongs to the Federal Reserve. They are in the process of taking back what is theirs or transferring it to China.
You're so lost in the law that the only thing you can make out of it is conspiracies and stories.
Money has nothing at all to do with ownership.
12usc 411 specifically states that the fiat dollars the government borrows from the federal reserve are obligations of the federal government.....not the federal reserve you think it does.
Keep eating hot dogs palani.
midnight rambler
8th May 2015, 01:59 PM
What's that, Donald!?!?! I can't hear you! I've been trapped in this fucking cRaptor for FIVE FUCKING HOURS!!!
8th May 2015, 02:28 PM
Money has nothing at all to do with ownership..
The money you accept determines STATUS. STATUS determines ownership.
Copper is for peasants.
Silver is for gentlemen.
Gold is for kings.
Credit is for slaves.
Check closely where you fit in this scheme of things.
7th trump
8th May 2015, 04:39 PM
The money you accept determines STATUS. STATUS determines ownership.
Copper is for peasants.
Silver is for gentlemen.
Gold is for kings.
Credit is for slaves.
Check closely where you fit in this scheme of things.
You're such a fool.
Theres only two types of citizens in this country palani that determines status.....not you're god damned belief in money.
Both green backs and frn say the paper is an obligation of the US government.,....not your phony believe that frn are obligation of the reserve banks which therefor would mean the banks have a stake in everything they purchased.
Stick to reading comic books palani while eating your hotdog!
1. The People
2. The US citizen.
The courts had held many opinions across the span of nearly 100 years since the 14th amendment about both citizenships and the courts have determined how each is different and what makes each different from each other.
midnight rambler
8th May 2015, 04:40 PM
You tell 'em Donald! Now get me out of this fucking cRaptor!!!
8th May 2015, 04:41 PM
You're such a fool.
You are a failed aviation technician who now pulls telephone wire. That about says it all.
midnight rambler
8th May 2015, 04:46 PM
You are a failed aviation technician who now pulls telephone wire. That about says it all.
I could really use a telephone in here 'cause can't hear shit inside this cRaptor. A little help, Donald?
7th trump
8th May 2015, 09:08 PM
You are a failed aviation technician who now pulls telephone wire. That about says it all.
You're projection of me is way off Palani!
Yes, I went to tech school to be an avionic tech...graduated with a 3.8 GPA. Unfortunately when I graduated in 1991 the government decided to close all their avionic repair shops in 1990 thus flooding the market to experienced techs. And guess who sucked up all the avionic openings country wide?
So I'm not a failed tech at all.
But nice try at projecting lies about me....says a lot about you though doesn't it!
Keep hanging out with midnight rambler and you'll have no reputation left what so ever!
All midnight can do to me is try and character assassinate me...that's all hes got!
Heres a thought Palani....try for once to be on the truthful side.
Dig deep .....way down deep...and ask yourself if you are truly an honest person....then and then only will you see the truth....and what you really are and whos side you are really on.
HINT.......what you will see is NOT going to be pleasing.
And the hardest thing you're ever going to have to do is change what you see about yourself.
This sums it up quite well Palani
Mathew 19:24
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Dishonest people like you don't get in either Palani!
Dig deep....real deep palani!
8th May 2015, 09:29 PM
Keep hanging out with midnight rambler and you'll have no reputation left what so ever!
You mean like you have no head?
8th May 2015, 11:15 PM
You are a failed aviation technician who now pulls telephone wire. That about says it all.
7th trump
9th May 2015, 04:20 AM
Not even close jewboo.
Try fiber optics. I designed the physical side of an "enterprise" level network for a multibillion dollar company....and installed it.....that is if you even have a clue of what "enterprise level " is.
midnight rambler
9th May 2015, 04:53 AM
I designed the physical side of an "enterprise" level network for a multibillion dollar company*....and installed it.....that is if you even have a clue of what "enterprise level " is.
Oh, now that sounds *real* important and quite a service to one's fellow man. /s
*In this world NO company becomes "a multibillion dollar company" (a legal fiction, a phantasm) without being totally aligned with the Death Cult. Thanks for confirming how I suspected you roll, Donald.
This is one of the victims of "a multibillion dollar company" and as one can clearly see he's very unhappy about it -
9th May 2015, 05:24 AM
All midnight can do to me is try and character assassinate me...that's all hes got!!
You must have learned your style from him then because that is all YOU got!!!!
9th May 2015, 05:27 AM
I designed the physical side of an "enterprise" level network for a multibillion dollar company
Like I said .. you pull wire. Except you don't pull the heavy stuff where you would have to work for your living. You pull the light stuff.
midnight rambler
9th May 2015, 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by 7th trump (
All midnight can do to me is try and character assassinate me...that's all hes got!!
Originally Posted by 7th trump
If anybody here has any doubts to whether midnight ramblers isn't a commy russian who pledges allegiance to the same bolshevic (sic) jews who murdered millions
midnight rambler
9th May 2015, 05:39 AM
Hey Donald, how about running some fiber optic cable to my cockpit so I can hear what's going on out there?? Being trapped inside this $350 million out-dated, obsolete flying turd for FIVE FUCKING HOURS without being able to hear what's going on REALLY sucks.
7th trump
9th May 2015, 08:59 AM
Like I said .. you pull wire. Except you don't pull the heavy stuff where you would have to work for your living. You pull the light stuff.
A 144 fiber count cable isnt small....and we pulled 4000ft that wasnt spliced. Did this 4 times for the backbone and then pull miles of 24 strand out to each network cabinet that were redudant. Then there was miles and miles of copper cat 6E which most of this is 30 ft in the air.
Over all project was 2million and took 2.5 years to complete. Completely rewired the factory.
7th trump
9th May 2015, 09:00 AM
Hey Donald, how about running some fiber optic cable to my cockpit so I can hear what's going on out there?? Being trapped inside this $350 million out-dated, obsolete flying turd for FIVE FUCKING HOURS without being able to hear what's going on REALLY sucks.
Yep keep showing everyone what kind of loser you really are commy!
7th trump
9th May 2015, 09:01 AM
If you hate America so much move back to your third world eastern block shit hole russian plantation.
midnight rambler
9th May 2015, 09:03 AM
A 144 fiber count cable isnt (sic) small....and we pulled 4000ft that wasnt (sic) spliced. Did this 4 times for the backbone and then pull (sic) miles of 24 strand out to each network cabinet that were redudant. (sic) Then there was miles and miles of copper cat 6E which most of this is 30 ft in the air. (sic)
Over all project was 2million and took 2.5 years to complete. Completely rewired the factory. (sic)
So you're really a grunt, a glorified ditch digger, huh? (on the 'plantation' lol) Doing the same monotonous thing day in and day out...pretty much what a robot will be doing in the future amirite?
There's this kid who was doing some work for me until I got a belly full of his nonsense and poor attitude. He's now working for a pretty good sized plumbing company building out a high rise. He's been telling a mutual friend (another plumber) he used to work with about his duties at his new job. He recently came to him boasting, "They put ME in charge of the firestop installation!" He doesn't realize that they put the zeroes on that task yet he thinks what he does is way cool 'cause *he's in charge* and he's convinced that what he's doing is *VERY important* when really any swinging dick can do the very same thing. Reminds me of you.
9th May 2015, 09:14 AM
Completely rewired the factory.
I doubt it. The electrical system is still ungrounded delta isn't it? Still have those three lights on occasional bayposts to show where the occasional ground occurs?
9th May 2015, 09:32 AM
Russia is going to attack America from the north and this has been prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago.
My dream is that Putin nukes Tel Aviv.
9th May 2015, 10:53 AM
Wouldn't worry about Putin's Russia,
he's busy sapping the lifeblood out of his own populace per global banking's vampirical prescription for V-day parades and tanks that wont move. Besides a couple jousting kossacks /chechens or a sold part to Iran to complete a temple destruction script, he's a non-issue.
7th trump
9th May 2015, 12:02 PM
So you're really a grunt, a glorified ditch digger, huh? (on the 'plantation' lol) Doing the same monotonous thing day in and day out...pretty much what a robot will be doing in the future amirite?
There's this kid who was doing some work for me until I got a belly full of his nonsense and poor attitude. He's now working for a pretty good sized plumbing company building out a high rise. He's been telling a mutual friend (another plumber) he used to work with about his duties at his new job. He recently came to him boasting, "They put ME in charge of the firestop installation!" He doesn't realize that they put the zeroes on that task yet he thinks what he does is way cool 'cause *he's in charge* and he's convinced that what he's doing is *VERY important* when really any swinging dick can do the very same thing. Reminds me of you.
Hahahahahaha......still using that old fake jew tactic of charactor assassination to get the job done. Got anything with meat to it commy jew boy?
Your russian communist hero's are nothing but murdering boot lickers for those who call themselves the chosen but are of the house of lucifer.
Your game is getting old and not many jhere are really giving a shit what you have to've got palani, jewboo and ximmy....big deal!
Three of the biggest dumb f78ks on this website.......and all you do is thank everyone which is buying your freinds...another jew trick.
Well if you want to call designing and implimenting 2 million dollar network infrustructure ditch're welcome to your opinion.
midnight rambler
9th May 2015, 06:38 PM
I know of a retired fellow who started and ran a large irrigation company with over 100 employees for four decades. He *designed* very complex irrigation systems which I doubt were any easier than designing what you claim to have designed. He will readily admit, "I was just a glorified ditch digger." And he is/was content with that. Nothing wrong with being a ditch long as you're working for yourself. OTOH 7th Dump YOU are a glorified ditch digger in the employ of 'the man' (the plantation). I'm thinking that you're a legend in your own mind and you'd be unable to start-up and run a successful company doing what you do. Of course if you do I would suggest you hurry up and learn programing for the robots you'll be using 'cause in the foreseeable future what you do will very likely be done by autonomous machines.
7th trump
9th May 2015, 08:50 PM
I know of a retired fellow who started and ran a large irrigation company with over 100 employees for four decades. He *designed* very complex irrigation systems which I doubt were any easier than designing what you claim to have designed. He will readily admit, "I was just a glorified ditch digger." And he is/was content with that. Nothing wrong with being a ditch long as you're working for yourself. OTOH 7th Dump YOU are a glorified ditch digger in the employ of 'the man' (the plantation). I'm thinking that you're a legend in your own mind and you'd be unable to start-up and run a successful company doing what you do. Of course if you do I would suggest you hurry up and learn programing for the robots you'll be using 'cause in the foreseeable future what you do will very likely be done by autonomous machines. don't install fiber optic cable with a backhoe.
As far as the robot you mean ladder logic?
Don't worry about me ...I'm already familiar with these plc's......
I already have three of the f1616 models....and take a look at the software....its a hybrid version of ladder logic thats integrated with does everything I want it to.
Ohhh....and while I'm on the subject....I'm getting certified for instrumentation through local 145 IBEW...4th class is a week from Tuesday.
Funny thing about this class....most are engineers from Clinton Iowa from the Complex plant (new name now) who paid thousands to sit in and prepare for the'm a IBEW 145 member and it only cost me cover the books and the cost of the test itself the JATC is coving for me....them its 300.00 to take the test.
And I think the class is actually credited towards a degree. I already have a Associate degree in avionics...three year apprenticeship (all goes towards a BA degree) all I need to get my BA is take a few basic classes at the local community college and wham..........I have my BA!
For hobby's I have 3 cnc machines sitting in the garage and one metal lathe. Two router cnc's, one mill cnc and a metal working lathe.
The mill cnc I use to build the other two router cnc's and mill out circuit boards I design...not to mention finishing off a few 80% lowers for myself. A coworker has me hooked on the Beagle bone black and raspberry pi.....I'm learning python, but with all the things going on I decided t ohalt the python learning (just not enough time).
We are planning on building our own 3d printer (well he is....I don't have a use for a 3d printer until a metal printer comes down in price) and using the BBB as an integrated system for the 3d printer.
And yes I have cad software...and know how to use's no big deal if you have the passion.
See midnight.....I'm nobodies fool...not even yours......any day you decide you want to learn about how to secure your rights to get off the plantation just start a thread....I'm very proficient with Social Security law and how it interplays with title do know what title 26 is ....right?
Palani hasn't a clue.....maybe you do....but then maybe I'm wrong and you don't know shit!
7th trump
9th May 2015, 08:54 PM
My dream is that Putin nukes Tel Aviv.
You don't have a clue do you!
Isreal (the fake chosen) and the bolshevics (communist Russia) are one in the same.
midnight rambler
9th May 2015, 09:09 PM
any day you decide you want to learn about how to secure your rights to get off the plantation just start a thread
What you don't know is that I've been off the plantation pretty much my entire adult life except for a couple of years early on. lol Meanwhile apparently you just keep making sure your chains are well secured at the plantation and that you dutifully keep serving the corporate state. It appears to me that NONE of your efforts serve your neighbors, ALL your efforts go to feed the beast (since you're happily, joyfully conned out of your wealth via FRNs).
7th trump
9th May 2015, 11:05 PM
What you don't know is that I've been off the plantation pretty much my entire adult life except for a couple of years early on. lol Meanwhile apparently you just keep making sure your chains are well secured at the plantation and that you dutifully keep serving the corporate state. It appears to me that NONE of your efforts serve your neighbors, ALL your efforts go to feed the beast (since you're happily, joyfully conned out of your wealth via FRNs).
Yep when you said frn ...I knew you didn't know shit and just yap your ass off.
Ok us where in Title 26 it specifically states you are being taxed by deduction from pay roll because you are being paid with frn's.
Ohhhh this will be good!
Get the pop corn people.....midnight just dropped his hotdog and ketchup is all over his pretty white dress.
midnight rambler
10th May 2015, 02:56 AM
Show us where 12USC411 has been superseded.
7th trump
10th May 2015, 05:19 AM
Show us where 12USC411 has been superseded.
Nice trick...but I told you........I'm not your fool!
You said ", ALL your efforts go to feed the beast (since you're happily, joyfully conned out of your wealth via FRNs)."....meaning somehow the IRS takes the money from everyday paychecks to run the government who in return fleeces more pay checks because I'm paid in frn's.
I know your not free off the plantation.
You want to know why I know this?
Because there is no plantation as you perceive.
You want to know what there is?
Theres ignorance.....and you're ripe full of ignorance. Infected with ignorance! You'd rather believe in fallacies birthed from ignorance than seek the truth.
You have two choices.
1. Show the statute/s from Title 26 (revenue generating title) that specifically states this belief of yours or.
2. Admit you are ignorant of any such statutes.
I already know the answer.....lets see just how honest you are. But then again I already know the answer to that question as well.
10th May 2015, 05:37 AM
Theres ignorance.....and you're ripe full of ignorance.
Ignorant is a good state to be in.
I mean it.
Here is all you really need to know about joining the ignorant state. From Bouviers 1856 Law Dictionary .... with case cites. Be aware ... only the truly ignorant will be able to read and understand this material. The educated and well informed need some other remedy.
IGNORANCE. The want of knowledge.
2. Ignorance is distinguishable from error. Ignorance is want
of knowledge; error is the non-conformity or opposition of our
ideas to the truth. Considered as a motive of our actions,
ignorance differs but little from error. They are generally found
together, and what is said of one is said of both.
Bouvier's Law Dictionary : I1 : Page 6 of 129
3. Ignorance and error, are of several kinds. 1. When
considered as to their object, they are of law and of fact. 2.
When examined as to their origin, they are voluntary or
involuntary, 3. When viewed with regard to their influence on the
affairs of men, they are essential or non-essential.
4. - §1. Ignorance of law and fact. 1. Ignorance of law,
consists in the want of knowledge of those laws which it is our
duty to understand, and which every man is presumed to know. The
law forbids any one to marry a woman whose hushand is living. If
any man, then, imagined he could marry such a woman, he would be
ignorant of the law; and, if he married her, he would commit an
error as to a matter of law. How far a party is bound to fulfil a
promise to pay, upon a supposed liability, and in ignorance of
the law, see 12 East, R. 38; 2 Jac. & Walk. 263; 5 Taunt. R.
143; 3 B. & Cresw. R. 280; 1 John. Ch. R. 512, 516; 6 John.
Ch. R. 166; 9 Cowen's R. 674; 4 Mass. R. 342; 7 Mass. R. 452;
7 Mass. R. 488; 9 Pick. R. 112; 1 Binn. R. 27. And whether he
can be relieved from a contract entered into in ignorance or
mistake of the law. 1 Atk. 591; 1 Ves. & Bea. 23, 30; 1 Chan.
Cas. 84; 2 Vern. 243; 1 John. Ch. R. 512; 2 John. Ch. R. 51;
1 Pet. S. C. R. 1; 6 John. Ch. R. 169, 170; 8 Wheat. R. 174; 2
Mason, R. 244, 342.
5. - 2. Ignorance of fact, is the want of knowledge as to the
fact in question. It would be an error resulting from ignorance
of a fact, if a man believed a certain woman to be unmarried and
free, when in fact, she was a married woman; and were he to
marry her under that belief, he would not be criminally
responsible. Ignorance of the laws of a foreign government, or of
another state; is ignorance of a fact. 9 Pick. 112. Vide, for
the difference between ignorance of law and ignorance of fact, 9
Pick. R. 112; Clef. des Lois Rom. mot Fait; Dig. 22, 6, 7.
6. - §2. Ignorance is either voluntary or involuntary. 1. It is
voluntary when a party might, by taking reasonable pains, have
acquired the necessary knowledge. For example, every man might
acquire a knowledge of the laws which have been promulgated, a
neglect to become acquainted with them is therefore voluntary
ignorance. Doct. & St. 1, 46; Plowd. 343.
7. - 2. Involuntary ignorance is that which does not proceed
from choice, and which cannot be overcome by the use of any means
of knowledge known to him
and within his power; as, the ignorance of a law which has not
yet been promulgated.
Bouvier's Law Dictionary : I1 : Page 7 of 129
8. - §3. Ignorance is either essential or non-essential. 1. By
essential ignorance is understood that which has for its object
some essential circumstance so intimately connected with the:
matter in question, and which so influences the parties that it
induces them to act in the business. For example, if A should
sell his horse to B, and at the time of the sale the horse was
dead, unknown to the parties, the fact of the death would render
the sale void. Poth. Vente, n. 3 and 4; 2 Kent, Com. 367.
9. - 2. Non-essential or accidental ignorance is that which has
not of itself any necessary connexion with the business in
question, and which is not the true consideration for enteting
into the contract; as, if a man should marry a woman whom he
believed to be rich, and she proved to be poor, this fact would
not be essential, and the marriage would therefore be good. Vide,
generally, Ed. Inj. 7; 1 Johns. h. R. 512; 2 Johns. Ch. R. 41;
S. C. 14 Johns. R 501; Dougl. 467; 2 East, R. 469; 1 Campb.
134: 5 Taunt. 379; 3 M. & S. 378; 12 East, R. 38; 1 Vern.
243; 3 P. Wms. 127, n.; 1 Bro. C. C. 92; 10 Ves. 406; 2 Madd.
R. 163; 1 V. & B. 80; 2 Atk. 112, 591; 3 P. Wms. 315; Mos.
364; Doct. & Stud. Dial. 1, c. 26, p. 92; Id. Dial. 2, ch. 46,
p. 303; 2 East, R. 469; 12 East, R. 38; 1 Fonbl. Eq. B. 1, ch.
2, §7, note v; 8 Wheat. R. 174; S. C. 1 Pet. S. C. R. 1; 1
Chan. Cas. 84; 1 Story, Eq. Jur. §137, note 1; Dig. 22, 6;
Code, 1, 16; Clef des Lois Rom. h. t.; Merl. R‚pert. h. t.; 3
Sav. Dr. Rom. Appendice viii., pp. 337 to 444.
midnight rambler
10th May 2015, 09:28 AM
Donald, you keep dancing around the elephant in the room, the elephant being the whole charade that FRNs entail. No point whatsoever going into a discussion about title 26 UNLESS AND UNTIL one can fully comprehend the purpose of FRNs* (12USC411 IS written in PLAIN ENGLISH after all). Either show us where 12USC411 has been superseded (or nullified) as you claim or STFU.
*and for no other purpose, per 12USC411
midnight rambler
10th May 2015, 09:33 AM
BTW Donald, your repeated use of "I'm nobody's fool!" and "I'm not your fool!" is actually a subconscious admission of "I AM (both a nobody and) a fool!"
7th trump
10th May 2015, 02:49 PM
BTW Donald, your repeated use of "I'm nobody's fool!" and "I'm not your fool!" is actually a subconscious admission of "I AM (both a nobody and) a fool!"
I didnt think you had a clue of what you're talking about when it comes to 12usc 411.
And your response is very predictable.
And now you're a psychologist on top of being a non expert of frn's and statute 12usc411.
Thanks for playing neutered yourself.
All you have left is your greasy hotdog.
7th trump
10th May 2015, 02:50 PM
Donald, you keep dancing around the elephant in the room, the elephant being the whole charade that FRNs entail. No point whatsoever going into a discussion about title 26 UNLESS AND UNTIL one can fully comprehend the purpose of FRNs* (12USC411 IS written in PLAIN ENGLISH after all). Either show us where 12USC411 has been superseded (or nullified) as you claim or STFU.
*and for no other purpose, per 12USC411
You said frn are what causes a person to be on a plantation....please show me in title 26 where the use of frn's imposes taxes on ones paycheck?
midnight rambler
10th May 2015, 04:17 PM
There's no point to any further discussion UNLESS AND UNTIL you show us where 12USC411 has been superseded or nullified.
I say that the PLAIN ENGLISH of 12USC411 makes the intent PERFECTLY CLEAR, so clear a child could comprehend it. Yet you make the claim that 12USC411 doesn't mean what it CLEARLY STATES IN PLAIN ENGLISH. Substantiate your claim that 12USC411 is superseded or nullified with actual proof or continue to make yourself look like a moron (or fool, take your pick).
midnight rambler
10th May 2015, 04:19 PM
You said frn are what causes a person to be on a plantation
No, I assert being an 'employee' (of a creation of the corporate state, iow a legal fiction, a phantasm, an imaginary thing) is what places one on the plantation. Of course dealing in FRNs naturally complicates matters.
7th trump
10th May 2015, 06:54 PM
There's no point to any further discussion UNLESS AND UNTIL you show us where 12USC411 has been superseded or nullified.
I say that the PLAIN ENGLISH of 12USC411 makes the intent PERFECTLY CLEAR, so clear a child could comprehend it. Yet you make the claim that 12USC411 doesn't mean what it CLEARLY STATES IN PLAIN ENGLISH. Substantiate your claim that 12USC411 is superseded or nullified with actual proof or continue to make yourself look like a moron (or fool, take your pick).
I never said anything superseded 12usc 411....all I ever said about 12usc 411 is in response to palani's fallacy of it in relation to payroll taxes.
You're employer deducts from payroll because of 26usc 3121(b) "employment"....not because of 12usc 411.
midnight rambler
10th May 2015, 07:31 PM
So you now concur that FRNs are "issued...for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents...and for no other purpose"??
7th trump
10th May 2015, 08:05 PM
So you now concur that FRNs are "issued...for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents...and for no other purpose"??
Absolutely not
You're like palani...cant read nor comprehend a damn thing.
12usc 411 is a three part statute...............why do you latch onto one section and ignore the other two sections of 12usc411?
You nor palani have ever looked the definition to "federal reserve agent" have you?
Nope you two fools haven't....and yet you're gonna tell everyone you know all about this statute regardless if someone like me comes along and exposes you for not being a diligent researcher.....whos the fool here....certainly is not me!
12 U.S. Code § 411 - Issuance to reserve banks; nature of obligation; redemption
Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank.
midnight rambler
10th May 2015, 08:19 PM
The title, which you're attempting to grasp at in a desperate attempt to twist the intent, has no effect in law. It's the body of any statute that matters, NOT the title. (naturally you being Mr. Contrarian will deny what most serious researchers take for granted)
7th trump
10th May 2015, 08:25 PM
The title, which you're attempting to grasp at in a desperate attempt to twist the intent, has no effect in law. It's the body of any statute that matters, NOT the title. (naturally you being Mr. Contrarian will deny what most serious researchers take for granted)
Stick with eating your hotdog and reading "see spot run".
11th May 2015, 03:38 AM
what causes people to be on the slave plantation is the national debt which was called in 1933 and remains to this day unpaid and for all intents and purposes, unpayable. However, it is not clear what happened to the bankrupted entity. I guess given that the executive calls itself an Administration it is a different entity that the bankrupted one. A bankrupt cannot administer it's own bankruptcy so an Administrator has to do it for them. If the Administrator can not find the means or declines to use those means (if found) for the resolution of the bankruptcy then nothing will happen except more of the same.
I wonder if, at a level such as these organisations (governments) is there a time in which a bankrupt nation should be discharged? Has it every happened to the USofA or not? It would seem not, however as we know, not everything is as it seems.
What happened to the old government? Was is abandoned sine die? Anyone know?
7th trump
11th May 2015, 04:59 AM
what causes people to be on the slave plantation is the national debt which was called in 1933 and remains to this day unpaid and for all intents and purposes, unpayable. However, it is not clear what happened to the bankrupted entity. I guess given that the executive calls itself an Administration it is a different entity that the bankrupted one. A bankrupt cannot administer it's own bankruptcy so an Administrator has to do it for them. If the Administrator can not find the means or declines to use those means (if found) for the resolution of the bankruptcy then nothing will happen except more of the same.
I wonder if, at a level such as these organisations (governments) is there a time in which a bankrupt nation should be discharged? Has it every happened to the USofA or not? It would seem not, however as we know, not everything is as it seems.
What happened to the old government? Was is abandoned sine die? Anyone know?
As long as the US Constitution is still intact the old government is alive. Evidence of the old government is still upheld in the form of statutes. Once such statute is this one.
42usc 1983
Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.
I used this statute to defend myself from an Act of Congress called the Social Security Act of August 14, 1935. This Act defines labor earnings as "wages" which are found in Title 26 as the mechanism to extract wealth from source by deduction and withholding of any individual who participates in Social Security.
When you participate in Social Security you must participate as a "US citizen"...and not as "The People". "The People" agreed to the US Constitution to keep their government limited and not being a subject of that government. You cannot get the benefits of the government where they subsidize Social Security by taxing at source while wanting to be a king. This is why when you sign a W4 its signed under penalty of perjury of being a "US citizen" rather than "The People". There are numerous court cites dealing with the two citizenships and how they differ from each other.
"A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government ..."
Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383
“The governments of the United States and of each state of the several states are distinct from one another. The rights of a citizen under one may be quite different from those which he has under the other”.
Colgate v. Harvey, 296 U.S. 404; 56 S.Ct. 252 (1935)
“There is a difference between privileges and immunities belonging to the citizens of the United States as such, and those belonging to the citizens of each state as such”.
Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41 (1900)
“The rights and privileges, and immunities which the fourteenth constitutional amendment and Rev. St. section 1979 , for its enforcement, were designated to protect, are such as belonging to citizens of the United States as such, and not as citizens of a state”.
Wadleigh v. Newhall 136 F. 941 (1905)
“...rights of national citizenship as distinct from the fundamental or natural rights inherent in state citizenship”.
Madden v. Kentucky, 309 U.S. 83: 84 L.Ed. 590 (1940)
Simply put palani nor midnight have a clue as to what causes taxation on labor at source (being on the plantation)....believe me palani just regurgitates fallacies he reads off websites.......and midnight is even more clueless...both are lazy and would rather believe in lies than any truth. And they both make up lies to protect their lies.
FRN's has nothing at all do to with the subject of taxation. The first income tax Act was in 1862 and has been revised ever since and added in the Social Security Act of 1935 (Chapter 21 of Subtitle C "[U]Employment Taxes) with the 1939 revised codes. The Social Security Act defines "employment" for a purpose and that same definition is found in Title 26 under 26usc 3121(b) which is under Subtitle C- Employment Taxes which started all the way back to the original 1862 Tax Act.
11th May 2015, 05:34 AM
12usc 411 is a three part statute...............why do you latch onto one section and ignore the other two sections of 12usc411?
Right. Dream on. Three sections and each part independent? Then why does it state in your first section
"as hereinafter set forth"?
Your first section is tied to both the second and third section.
HEREINAFTER : in the following part of this writing or document
11th May 2015, 05:40 AM
Stick with eating your hotdog and reading "see spot run".
A suitable response from a failed avionics tech who now pulls cables.
Here is a riddle for you.
A journeyman instructs his apprentice to pull in 57 blue wires a distance of 75 yards. Then he goes on break. When he comes back the wires are pulled but the apprentice has not numbered any of them. The journeyman tells him that he is going on another break for 20 minutes and when he comes back he expects all the wires to be numbered on both ends. This allows the apprentice time to take one trip down and one trip back. He had no special tools other than those you would find in an electricians bag.
How did he do it.
7th trump
11th May 2015, 08:48 AM
A suitable response from a failed avionics tech who now pulls cables.
Here is a riddle for you.
A journeyman instructs his apprentice to pull in 57 blue wires a distance of 75 yards. Then he goes on break. When he comes back the wires are pulled but the apprentice has not numbered any of them. The journeyman tells him that he is going on another break for 20 minutes and when he comes back he expects all the wires to be numbered on both ends. This allows the apprentice time to take one trip down and one trip back. He had no special tools other than those you would find in an electricians bag.
How did he do it.
The blue cat 6 wires I use all have their own individual identifying number already printed on it.....dont need to label anything.....and most of the time I dont.
Nope I'm no failed tech. I'm here at this plant now for 15 years because I'm requested by Deere to be here. My salary is already calculated in Deeres expense budget. But I dont work for Deere.
Nice try at charactor assassination dont have much but an old jewish trick.
7th trump
11th May 2015, 09:01 AM
Right. Dream on. Three sections and each part independent? Then why does it state in your first section
"as hereinafter set forth"?
Your first section is tied to both the second and third section.
HEREINAFTER : in the following part of this writing or document
You really are set bent on showing everyone your ignorance at understanding law...heck I dont have to do much but just point out all your short comings.
Anyway I'll answer....just t oshow everyone the fool you are.
Frn's have no other purpose in the relation between the issuance of frn's from the reserve system to reserve banks.....meaning they cannot be obligations of the reserve system. Basically the reserve system cannot issue frns to anything else besides a reserve bank. And its the US government who calls up for the issuance and collects from these banks. Its a system where the government authorized the reserve to take over the duties of the US Treasury.....and theres steps in place to keep the money system healthy....thats all you're looking at. There is no conspiracy as you are wanting to beleive.
This isnt rocket science either....just use the grey matter between your ears and occasionally clean your ears.
midnight rambler
11th May 2015, 10:35 AM
Apparently you're a very poor employee in that you're stealing time from your employer while on the clock to surf the 'net.
11th May 2015, 11:16 AM
I designed the physical side of an "enterprise" level network for a multibillion dollar company....and installed it.
At work, they call 7th trump, "The miracle worker."
7th trump
11th May 2015, 11:21 AM
At work, they call 7th trump, "The miracle worker."
Actully a coworker who travels to Iowa City everyday is referenced in that local as "The Legend".
I'm just the guy everyone knows as "Do the shit right or you wont be coming back".
11th May 2015, 12:11 PM
You're all death dealers and game players... !
11th May 2015, 04:39 PM
The blue cat 6 wires I use all have their own individual identifying number.
I am not talking cat 6 wires. I am talking 57 individual blue wires.
Apparently you cannot work within the constraints of the problem.
11th May 2015, 04:43 PM
There is no conspiracy as you are wanting to beleive.
You are the one looking for conspiracy. I believe government took a turn, I don't like that turn and I am telling you WHY I don't like that turn.
The road forked and you took the easy road. My road is a little more interesting and much more satisfying. I simply don't agree to go along with the swill you stand in line to consume.
7th trump
11th May 2015, 05:11 PM
I am not talking cat 6 wires. I am talking 57 individual blue wires.
Apparently you cannot work within the constraints of the problem.
Why would I care about 57 wires?
I don't deal in wires I deal in fiber optics and cat 6.
So whats the answer then?
7th trump
11th May 2015, 05:13 PM
You are the one looking for conspiracy. I believe government took a turn, I don't like that turn and I am telling you WHY I don't like that turn.
The road forked and you took the easy road. My road is a little more interesting and much more satisfying. I simply don't agree to go along with the swill you stand in line to consume.
Yes, you do believe in've hit on every known conspiracies when it deals with the government possible.
You're in denial because I've proven everyone of your fallacies to be lies.
11th May 2015, 05:52 PM
So whats the answer then?
You have to pay to play. You have no irons in the fire. Evidently no incentive to improve yourself.
11th May 2015, 05:53 PM
Yes, you do believe in conspiracies.
Only a conceited a$$ would presume to tell me what I believe.
As you are dense be assured I am considering you to fit that description.
7th trump
11th May 2015, 06:21 PM
Only a conceited a$$ would presume to tell me what I believe.
As you are dense be assured I am considering you to fit that description.
I never said what you must believe...only that what you believe is a fallacy and not based on anything solid.
11th May 2015, 06:51 PM
what you believe is a fallacy and not based on anything solid.
Everything I know is based upon giving proper notice and as well as an opportunity to inquire. The result are concepts called LACHES and ESTOPPEL.
Now that does not make my position RIGHT. It just says you cannot argue a point after you have relinquished your opportunity to inquire.
You don't get an infinite pass on DUE PROCESS you know. If you don't respond you lose the opportunity to do so at a later time.
7th trump
12th May 2015, 11:21 AM
Everything I know is based upon giving proper notice and as well as an opportunity to inquire. The result are concepts called LACHES and ESTOPPEL.
Now that does not make my position RIGHT. It just says you cannot argue a point after you have relinquished your opportunity to inquire.
You don't get an infinite pass on DUE PROCESS you know. If you don't respond you lose the opportunity to do so at a later time. know procedure.....but what are you going to tell them you discovered?
1. fallacies you cannot prove or-
2. actual laws on the books that are easily understood?
12th May 2015, 11:34 AM
what are you going to tell them you discovered?
Everything that is subject to being discovered has been discovered. That only leaves things that have been ABANDONED or are currently POSSESSED.
Now what can you think of that might be considered ABANDONED?
Try to think of LAW while you ponder this question.
17th June 2015, 11:58 AM
17th June 2015, 01:24 PM
Putin adds 40 nukes
Nothing like feeding the lemming fire...
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