View Full Version : SilverFuturist: Is $880 gold 67% probable this year?

9th May 2015, 02:33 AM
Many chart readers say gold has a 67% chance of falling below
$900 this year. The second, and more important guess - if it falls that low, how long will it stay there?

Joe sez:


AppleInvestor (Ernie Varitimos) makes his predictions on precious metals (watch this!):



Ernie has a history of making good calls. His calls usually coincide with Martin Armstrong's calls.

Here he says he thinks Silver will go down to $10-11:

9th May 2015, 03:27 AM
I think there is a very strong possibility gold and silver will plummet by election year.


Strong economic recovery

Election years are usually made to look the best to keep the existing criminal party in office

99% of the population are more then happy to allow the government to take society cashless

Most of the world is glued to their electronic government control devices. People are completely controlled already.

The majority of the population are nothing but a bunch of scared sheep that will do what they're told in fear of losing their mundane shitty lives

Those who print electronic money can accomplish anything

Government and congress are paid hefty salaries for doing nothing, in electronic digits

The younger generations care nothing about gold and silver

Younger generations can barely scrape by

The elite are happy buying hard assets like real estate, land, stocks, and luxury items with electronic money

The Jews never lost control of the economy, or markets...they only profit more by their movements. The Jews control it all!

Government can always easily scare the population away from buying or selling PM's at a moments notice

The only people in the US that have any balls to stand up are the blacks, because of police brutality and poverty

The stock market will be pumped up another 3,000 points in the next 1 1/2 years, making it the best place to invest

9th May 2015, 04:40 AM
I smell bagels........

9th May 2015, 05:11 AM
I smell bagels........

Everyone should be able to smell bagels. The entire population has their heads up Jews asses.

9th May 2015, 06:47 AM
Or like everything else in this upside down world. Gold could go up. Its a time of uncertainty more than anything else. Everyone is trying to "guess" what the future will bring with charts/graphs and other instruments of measure that really don't have any bearing or effect on this manipulated market. We're all just anxiously awaiting what the cabal will do, hoping for best, preparing for the worst (if we can even fathom what that is or how it will manifest). The only thing that is certain is the smell of bagels in the air.....

9th May 2015, 06:49 AM
Or like everything else in this upside down world. Gold could go up. Its a time of uncertainty more than anything else. Everyone is trying to "guess" what the future will bring with charts/graphs and other instruments of measure that really don't have any bearing or effect on this manipulated market. We're all just anxiously awaiting what the cabal will do, hoping for best, preparing for the worst (if we can even fathom what that is or how it will manifest). The only thing that is certain is the smell of bagels in the air.....

I'm trying to post as many credible opinions as I can find. Basically people who I follow since they have some track record of being correct.

No one talks Gold/Silver anymore on this forum.

9th May 2015, 10:06 AM
My opinion has changed over the last few months. My gut is telling me there will be a shock in the financial markets later this year, which will boost interest and values of precious metals (and crypto-currencies). JP Morgan is buying physical silver hand over fist, so I bet they know something is coming. I forecast silver over $20 by years end.

9th May 2015, 10:43 AM
Or like everything else in this upside down world. Gold could go up. Its a time of uncertainty more than anything else. Everyone is trying to "guess" what the future will bring with charts/graphs and other instruments of measure that really don't have any bearing or effect on this manipulated market. We're all just anxiously awaiting what the cabal will do, hoping for best, preparing for the worst (if we can even fathom what that is or how it will manifest). The only thing that is certain is the smell of bagels in the air...

Perfect summation.

9th May 2015, 11:23 AM
66.6% to be exact and get all our chi in align.

My prediction is any value gold sheds so to will he dollar.

9th May 2015, 11:40 AM
We're all just anxiously awaiting what the cabal will do, hoping for best, preparing for the worst (if we can even fathom what that is or how it will manifest).

What does hoping for the best mean?
Hoping for a super solar flare that wipes the power grid and satellites out, ending tptb control, destroying the evil destructive elite?

What is the worst to be prepared for?
Preparing for a worse shitty world because nothing happens and tptb continues their destruction of society, they keep tightening the control grid, while they steal the last of our wealth?

There was a time a few years back, that I thought PM buyers could overwhelm the system. I no longer believe that.
I no longer believe the good can win against tptb.
The only way to win the game, is if we all lose together and the planet is no longer fit for human life...if you can call seeing everyone lose, a win.

9th May 2015, 12:04 PM
The only way to win the game, is if we all lose together and the planet is no longer fit for human life...if you can call seeing everyone lose, a win.



9th May 2015, 12:05 PM
What does hoping for the best mean?

To me, hoping for the best is an individual thing. Hoping to continues living a good healthy life, hoping family is doing well, etc.

EE, there's too many things beyond our control. The way good wins, is by good people doing good things despite all the evil that exists in the system.

The way I figure it, if life keeps getting better and better, that's hoping for the best. We prepare for the worst, but who really wants that to happen? There will be a lot of misery around if that happens, even if we as individuals are prepared.

14th May 2015, 09:06 PM
Update from Ernie:


Don Harrold interviews Ernie:


19th May 2015, 03:58 AM
It's difficult to make predictions about the gold prices, but recent analysis says that the demand for gold is rising, not only in India and China but also in Europe. So this rising demand may set the prices high. So let's hope to see it rising soon.

19th May 2015, 08:15 AM
It's difficult to make predictions about the gold prices,

Thanks, ComputerYe. I had it in my mind that predicting gold prices was easy, and it's been keeping me up at night as to why this isn't so.

Now, I understand. It's not easy. I hope I sleep better at night now.

19th May 2015, 01:43 PM
Thanks, ComputerYe. I had it in my mind that predicting gold prices was easy,

This explains the astral projections/ obe's

Can't you look on Mrs. Yellen's shelf for the price set?


19th May 2015, 02:29 PM
Can't you look on Mrs. Yellen's shelf for the price set?

I thought I'd come visit you first, but then I saw the GTFO message and left.

19th May 2015, 07:59 PM
I thought I'd come visit you first, but then I saw the GTFO message and left.

Me?, She's probably got paranormal sensors setup to electrocute yur soul.. lol

20th May 2015, 12:26 AM
Me?, She's probably got paranormal sensors setup to electrocute yur soul.. lol
He'll boil in a cauldron full of semen forever...