View Full Version : Good Science versus Bad Science - some helpful links

10th May 2015, 08:01 AM
Here are two interesting discussions on science.

As long as moral depravity, that is, the worship of money and power determine and guide science, we the people will continue to suffer, physically and mentally and spiritually, at the hands of fake truth obtained via the bribery, blackmail and extortion grid that operates our world now.

You cannot have true science and true truth without God's supremacy and the moral law written on our hearts.


Tonight, Sunday, May 10, at 7 PM Eastern Time, there will be a live webcast of a Christian Physicist speaking

on "Science and Faith: The Myth of Conflict."

Both the dinner and lecture are free, and no reservations are required. We look forward to welcoming you this evening!


Science and Faith: The Myth of Conflict
Prof. Stephen M. Barr, Ph.D.
Sunday, May 10 @ 6:00 p.m. ET

Is the Catholic Church hostile to science? Is there an inherent contradiction between the scientific and religious worldviews? Has modern science debunked Catholic beliefs about the world and man’s place in it? Join the ICC and Dr. Stephen Barr as we look at the historical, philosophical, and scientific cbackground of the relationship between science and religion, and discover how they need not be at odds.

Dinner included; lecture to begin @ 7:00 p.m. No RSVP required.
St. Agnes Church Hall

1910 North Randolph Street, Arlington, VA 22207

Outside our area? Click here to watch this event via live internet broadcast.





GMO Threats: The Junk Science Exposed
Our Guest - Jonathan Latham, Ph.D. holds a Master’s degree in Crop Genetics and a Ph.D. in Virology. He is the Co-founder and Executive Director of the Bioscience Resource Project and the editor of IndependentScienceNews.org. In this program, you’ll discover what’s really happening to our food supply in ways you’ve NEVER heard about from the mainstream media. Find out why the Food and Drug Administration can NOT be trusted; the problem with (most) GMO science; plus much more! -

See more at: http://www.naturalhealth365.com/talkhourshow.html#sthash.e5tigNWD.dpuf