View Full Version : Wolfgang Halbig Confronts CT Gov. Dannel Malloy (2 mins)

16th May 2015, 01:31 AM
Just posted @ Dr. James Tracy's memoryholeblog, although the confrontation took place in April:

May 15, 2015 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/05/15/wolfgang-halbig-confronts-connecticut-gov-dannel-malloy/)
Wolfgang Halbig Confronts Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/05/15/wolfgang-halbig-confronts-connecticut-gov-dannel-malloy/) 23 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/05/15/wolfgang-halbig-confronts-connecticut-gov-dannel-malloy/#comments)

by James Tracy (http://memoryholeblog.com/author/truthgulag/) • Videos (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/home/videos/) • Tags: censorship (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/censorship/), Sandy Hook Elementary (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/sandy-hook-elementary/)
https://memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/ims.png?w=474 (https://memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/ims.png)Independent Media Solidarity


When Connecticut Governor, Dannel Malloy spoke at a press conference on the evening of the Sandy Hook inciden he said something vague in a sense yet generated great interest in another sense. The interest shared by school safety expert, Wolfgang Halbig and others led to Mr. Halbig to ask the Governor to clarify what he meant. At the press conference, the Governor said, “The Lieutenant Governor and I have been…” at which time he paused at length. He continued, “…spoken to, in an attempt that we might be prepared for something like this playing itself out in our state.” More… (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/05/15/wolfgang-halbig-confronts-connecticut-gov-dannel-malloy/#more-17779)



16th June 2015, 09:47 AM
Just wanted to say a special thanks to Wolfgang Halbig for his REAL efforts to get Sandy Hook truth. Here is a person who actually DID SOMETHING.

He confronted the Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission and requested several crucial records, records that were not privileged or exempted records but records that should have been easily and forthrightly given to a FOIA request such a Wolf submitted since February of 2013, just two months after the Sandy Hook event.

Wolf had a hearing in April and June of 2015, hearings that should not even have been necessary.

The CT. FOIA Commission used every trick in the book to delay and make difficult what they should have just timely handed over with no difficulty to Wolfgang IF IF IF IF all they told us about the "Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre" had been true.

But it was all a huge hoax so they had to delay and delay in giving records.

The work orders he requested were obvious fakes. They were not records of work orders that had been properly executed. Note of them were signed. And they were just irregularly pushed into Wolfgang's hand in Ct the evening before his first hearing in April. They were shoddy, last minute, fake work orders. If the Sandy Hook school had actually been an open functioning with about 460 students as told to us, there would have been several work orders to fix some serious problems with the building, including not being in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and several other infractions that were left unrepaired and a danger to young children. The fact that they gave irregular, incomplete, falsified appearing records about two years after the request for records show most of us that the school was an unoccupied nonfunction school that was put out to pasture and just being used as a storage warehouse for the school district. The work order were not signed. The Commission gave some phone excuse to WH's attorney, Kay Wilson, as to why the work orders were missing key information that should have been on them.

For all the other records requests that WH made, there was alwasy, consistently some hitch, some extreme suspicious irregularity to the records provided. All of the records that were provided were provided way way past the deadline that the federal and ct. law said they had to be provided to the citizen.

It was a huge commedy of errors. Some attorney named Frank put on his low-quality righteously angry attorney routine. All he did was show himself as an evil horse's ass.

Thank you, Wolfgang, for DOING SOMETHING and showing us even more about the giant evil corrupt Sandy Hook Hoax and the corrupt government officials still trying peddle and dump this garbage on Americans.

From now on when I hear the word Connecticut I will think evil corrupt lying scum.