View Full Version : Experts: Entire generation of baby sea lions good explanation for it?
18th May 2015, 02:55 AM
Guardian: Pacific Ocean “turning into a desert” off California — Experts: Entire generation of baby sea lions is dying; It’s incredible, it’s so unusual and there’s no good explanation for it; Expect same thing to happen again next year — Carts filled with emaciated dead bodies (PHOTOS)
Published: May 17th, 2015 at 7:41 pm ET
By ENENews
Email Article Email Article
The Guardian, May 11, 2015 (emphasis added): The waters of the Pacific off the coast of California are… so transparent it’s possible to see the sandy bottom… [The] clear water is a sign that the ocean is turning into a desert… 2,700 [sea lion pups] have already stranded in 2015 [NOAA reports it is now over 3,000 as of May 5] – a sign that something is seriously wrong… [NOAA's Justin] Viezbicke sees it as a normal part of the cycle of nature, and notes that the climatologists… have yet to see evidence that climate change is involved. (CAPTION: A cart of deceased malnourished and dehydrated sea lions)
Shawn Johnson, Marine Mammal Center head veterinarian, Mar 20, 2015: “We’re having a tsunami of sea lions… it’s been incredible.” — Ira Flatow, host: “I’m getting a mental picture of the beaches just littered with these sea lions up and down the coast, is that correct?” — Johnson: “Yes. Especially down toward the southern part of California. There literally are sea lions on every beach… The lucky ones are making it to the beaches where we can find them”… — Flatow: “Are all the little pups going to die? A great number of them? Are you going to see no next generation, is it that dire?” — Johnson: “Yes, yes… The biologists out on the rookeries are saying that a whole cohort of these pups, thousands and thousands, are not surviving.”
The Guardian, May 7, 2015: The [sea lion pup] influx… is abating, but experts have warned of a repeat next year unless the Pacific Ocean swiftly cools… “It’s dropped off but we’re still receiving sea lions,” said Laura Scherr, of the Marine Mammal Center… “They’re coming in very emaciated – really just a bag of bones near death”… leaving them vulnerable to pneumonia, parasites and other ailments, she said. “They’re very sick“… The number of pups coming ashore has fallen [said Viezbicke]… The reduction reflected the finite number of sea lions, not improving conditions, he said. “There are only so many pups that are born.” Viezbicke said there were no estimates for how many had died.
Are the numbers ‘abating’ or ‘falling’? NOAA’s latest data shows 215 in the first 5 days of May — 43 per day, on pace to be the worst month on record. Yet the actual strandings are even higher; NOAA totals appear to only include pups taken to care centers, not total strandings:
Viezbicke: “[This number doesn’t even represent all the strandings] because a lot of the animal centers are at capacity, they’ve been leaving the animals on the beach… The numbers are a low representation of what’s coming in.”
Peter Wallerstein of Marine Animal Rescue: “We have to leave a lot on the beach… The care center would probably euthanize them if we brought them.”
What about ‘experts’ who warn the only hope of this ending is for the Pacific to ‘swiftly cool’?
Nate Mantua, NOAA: “[An unusually large number of sea lions stranding in 2013 was a red flag] there was a food availability problem even before the ocean got warm.”
Johnson: This has never happened before… It’s incredible. It’s so unusual, and there’s no really good explanation for it.
18th May 2015, 03:07 AM
there’s no really good explanation for it.
idiots ( 13%2F01%2Freassessing-health-effects-fukushima-daiichi-nuclear-accident&ei=wZNaVceEHoea8QWPloOYAw&psig=AFQjCNEm9IB4L9-j5O6wXJicvJzJiD384w&ust=1432085825590855)
18th May 2015, 04:27 AM
what are people thinking of this? Is it reported anywhere people will see it or is it passed over? Does it get mentioned on the news there? Local affiliates only probably.
It wouldn't make news here. Sometimes whale beachings do because whales are like elephants. Smart with long memories. Epic to watch breaching the water.
It is astounding beyond words though. You would have to say looking back at what has been done in the past of human history. The size of the atrocities and the resultant death, this one is off the scale. Truly an evilness that is incomparable in history. I consider the geoengineering over the california and other western states coupled with this. A two pronged attack.
oh and I was reading today the Government expects to let the oil spill continue for another 100 years. Absolutely zero effort here. The company responsible for the spill, and the clean up has only 1 employee and an unknown amount of funds remaining after spending some amount like $100 million or more. Abandoned much? Like the James Hardie company in australia. They just set up a trust and walked away.
In a sensible world, the Government would implement the clean up to get it done and then seize the assets of the company for reimbursement. Governments don't seem to be able to mobilize a state of emergency for the effects of corporations but they can for protests and the like.
18th May 2015, 04:54 AM
In a sensible world, the Government would implement the clean up to get it done and then seize the assets of the company for reimbursement. Governments don't seem to be able to mobilize a state of emergency for the effects of corporations but they can for protests and the like.
The "corporations, or company" is the government!
18th May 2015, 05:21 AM
yes, this is clear now. Corporatism on the back of communitarianism. But its just labels.
The mindset is incomprehensible. I just have to assume it's evil for evils sake. When faced with that you have to question what these people really are. They surely can't be from us. They have to be from something else.
18th May 2015, 07:00 AM
there’s no good explanation for it;
Yes, in fact, there is a good explanation for it. An explanation, I posted, that was covered in another thread. I guess that explanation doesn't matter because, since it's not fuku related, nobody cares or wants to hear it.
18th May 2015, 07:27 AM
Yes, in fact, there is a good explanation for it. An explanation, I posted, that was covered in another thread. I guess that explanation doesn't matter because, since it's not fuku related, nobody cares or wants to hear it.
18th May 2015, 07:37 AM
The bait fish population has crashed, some think it is very much weather related, seas too hot and the food chain starting with plankton has collapsed from the bottom up.
Big and bad El Nino warming the sea and the reason California is turning into a dry dust bowl and frying pan !
Others think it is a combination of weather and overfishing that is sucking everything edible or not as in krill that gets turned into krill oil.
Then there is some that can link the fact of ocean acidification is stripping calcium carbonate out of the water that is killing plankton, shell fish and coral reefs because there is not enough calcium to grow shells.
Take your pick, some or all of it is the cause.
IMHO it is a cluster fuck of planetary dimensions!
18th May 2015, 08:11 AM
Yes, in fact, there is a good explanation for it. An explanation, I posted, that was covered in another thread. I guess that explanation doesn't matter because, since it's not fuku related, nobody cares or wants to hear it.
Why do almost all the experts in all these studies keep scratching their heads, when you know the answer?
I'd like to also hear your thoughts why the government and MSM has never spoken of the three total melt-downs, but we do get a daily dose of ISIS is here to kill us?
The majority of people in the US don't even know there was 3 melt-downs and an explosion...the rest think the problem went away. They all know about ISIS!
There's a good chance the western drought will go away in the next few fact, it might rain so hard next year that 30 million dollar homes will be sliding off the sides of mountains.
Do you think the billions of gallons of radioactive water pouring into the Pacific will go away in our lifetime? Not to mention all the radioactive heavy material that that showered us after the nuclear explosion.
PS: Sorry this scares you, but if I posted rainbows and unicorns instead of posting about this...would it make it go away?
Feel good song!
Your Radiation This Week #7
Posted by Bob Nichols on May 15, 2015
May 8 to May 15, 2015
(San Francisco) May 15, 2015 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood.
Let’s get right to it.
*Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument. Partial Counts are noted. Uncounted radiation would make the Count higher.
496 CPM Concord, NH Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM. WELCOME – NEW TO LIST
318 CPM Boston, MA Partial Radiation Data Only.
175 CPM New York City Partial.
388 CPM Raleigh, NC Partial.
279 CPM Atlanta, GA Partial.
450 CPM Miami, FL Partial.
202 CPM Chicago, IL Partial.
575 CPM Ft Wayne, IN Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
175 CPM Indianapolis, IN Partial
404 CPM Lincoln, NE, Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
251 CPM Des Moines, IA Partial.
401 CPM Aberdeen, SD Partial.
507 CPM Rapid City, SD Partial.
300 CPM Kansas City, KA Partial.
297 CPM Tulsa, OK Partial.
533 CPM Little Rock, AR Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
277 CPM Dallas, TX Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
485 CPM San Angelo, TX Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
273 CPM Lubbock, TX Partial.
375 CPM South Valley, NM Partial.
576 CPM Albuquerque, NM Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
430 CPM Grand Junction, CO Partial.
712 CPM Billings, MT Partial.
523 CPM Phoenix, AZ Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
854 CPM Tucson, AZ Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM. HIGHEST
154 CPM Las Vegas, NV Partial.
545 CPM San Diego, CA Partial.
723 CPM Bakersfield, CA Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
313 CPM Los Angeles, CA Partial.
216 CPM San Francisco, CA Partial.
459 CPM Spokane, WA Partial
Across the United States from East to West and North to South, this is Your Radiation This Week.
Where are the Alphas ?
Alpha radiation is not mentioned in the EPA or EPA derived websites. The best measurement of Alpha radiation is most often from your own Monitor, often called a Geiger Counter. The Monitors are widely available and quite legal to own in the States.
Other than that the Alphas have largely gone missing in official or reports derived from official data. That means that all of the measurements in Your Radiation This Week are lower than the radiation actually is. The numbers are lower since they are taken from the “official” numbers. Since this is a known fact, not a hypothetical, you are urged to be Alert.
Alpha Rays from a Radioactive Particle in Lung Tissue
This is a picture of a radioactive particle’s radioactive tracks in the lung of an ape. These are the tracks of Alpha radiation over a period of 48 hours from a particle of Plutonium. Of course, these particles are all over the world now and doing the same thing in your lungs. The range of the Alpha radiation is about 20 human cells and all are obliterated within this range.[6]
Black Star shows tracks of Alpha particles in an Ape's lung, much like yours alpha_ana
These are the tracks of Alpha radiation over a period of 48 hours from a particle of Plutonium.
It is a simple matter for the US Department of Defense and affiliated agencies to request tissue samples from obliging and cooperative medical examiners across the country. The actual radiation poisoning levels of the population can be tracked this way. That way the DOD accurately tracks the Gamma and Beta radiation in the United States’ population and the increase in radiation poisoning over time.
It is incorrect to assume that the DOD will tell Americans anything about their radioactive status. That is not their job. That task is left to the EPA which analyzes and prepares the data for public release after consultation with state and federal officials. No data or public announcements have yet been made except the familiar “There is No Immediate Danger.” That is to say you won’t get sick and die in the the next few seconds. It is probably quite true, actually.
There are exceptions, of course. An excursion inside the exploded reactor buildings in Japan will take you down immediately.
Last week a reader asked a question about Cesium137 in the atmosphere and air travel. Of course, there are about 2,000 other radioactive isotopes with the Cesium137. The Cesium137 and all its radioactive cousins are in the air and airplane with you. That is certainly not a good thing, it is called radiation poisoning.
There is a lot of discussion on line and face to face in meetings, large and small, whether there is more Rad or less Rad at 40,000 ft, or 12 192 meters. A person certainly is moving through more air at speed than when on the ground. This is all the more reason to have your own radiation meter if you travel by air since the Rad gets in the airplane.
The radioactive material gets all over the aircraft, too, inside and out. The Rad has the same aging, embrittling, poisonous effect on metal, plastic, fasteners and other items in airplanes as it does in people. Radiation is just really, really nasty stuff. Look up the Wigner Effect when you get a chance. You’ll be glad you did.
Eugene Wigner
Eugene Wigner, discovered Wigner Effect of radiation.
It is named after Mr. Wigner, who discovered it. Wigner was another of Ed Teller’s long time acquaintances. Teller was the director of the Livermore Nuke Weapons Lab, in Livermore, CA.
They knew all about the Wigner effect at the Lab, the government knew it… everybody except the people out in the general public; the ones who still fly in airplanes subject to the Wigner effect.[7] They did not know it then; they do not know it now. They are Shorts, however.
Sources and Notes
1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at Don’t skip the “2” in www2.
2. The EPA based reporting of, an LLC.
3. * This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations have reporting Beta Radiation Monitors. Gamma Radiation Monitors are functioning at all these locations.
4. “…If you pollute when you DO KNOW there is NO safe dose with respect to causing extra cases of deadly cancers or heritable effects, you are committing premeditated random murder.” – John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D. (1918-2007), associate director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1963-1969) — Comments on a Petition for Rulemaking to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 21, 1994.
5. CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation, This Week.’” Apr 3, 2015.
6. Photo by Robert Del Tredici from his book entitled At Work In The Fields Of The Bomb (Harper and Row, 1987)
7. I just got over 500,000 hits when I Googled: Wigner Effect
and I Googled: Wigner dust is everywhere
Copyright@Bob Nichols May 15 2015, Permission is granted to copy and distribute provided the text, Sources and Copyright are included.
Fukushima triggers unprecedented increase in airline pilot & passenger heart attacks, cancers, radiation illness symptoms. Interview recorded Feb 2oth 2014.
Not in the news!
Does this begin to sound like a cover-up yet?
About the Sailors
United States sailors were exposed to radiation during a rescue mission following the Japan Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant meltdown on March 11, 2011. All 75–100 first responders are now sick from radiation poisoning after rushing to help Japan's earthquake and tsunami victims. Furthermore, the offspring of those who have been affected have also been determined to be at risk.
Nearly 250 sailors have contacted us and this number is increasing daily. Sailors who were exposed to radiation have developed cancer, leukemia, and a host of medical problems. We believe this is the result of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) negligently and intentionally hiding the truth about the dangerous levels of radiation releases.
The Sailors' Stories in Their Own Words
1. Male Sailor,, Age 35:
“I currently suffer from: progressive ascending muscle weakness which has left me 100 percent wheelchair dependent, switching between my manual and power wheelchairs dependent on the day; neurogenic bladder, resulting in self-catheterization every 4 hours; migraine headaches; short-term memory impairment; muscle spasms; and depend on my wife for assistance with activities of daily living.
2. Female Sailor, Age 26:
“Since returning from “Operation Tomodachi” I have had ulcers, H Pylori infections, stomach issues, severe nausea, weight loss, terrible migraines, and my gallbladder removed.”
3. Male Sailor, Age_23:
“Upon my return from Operation Tomodachi, I began losing my eyesight. I lost all vision in my left eye and most vision in my right eye. I am unable to read street signs and am no longer able to drive. Prior to Operation Tomodachi, I had 20/20 eyesight, wore no glasses and had no corrective eye surgery….I know of no family members who have had leukemia.”
4. Female Sailor, Age 24:
“I learned that I was exposed to radiation during “Operation Tomodachi” when, in April and May of 2012, I lost consciousness on two separate occasions, resulting in a fall to the ground, which broke my nose….I was then sent to a Navy Neurologist in San Diego, who diagnosed me with Oligoastrocytoma Brain Cancer. The doctor identified a two centimeter by three centimeter (2 cm by 3 cm) brain tumor in my left frontal lobe; it was grade two.”
5. Male Sailor, Age 37:
“I was exposed to radiation during “Operation Tomodachi” during my station in Japan. My doctor… has been requesting blood tests and physical checkups at the , and I am also being treated at the Active Duty and Mental Health clinics. My son, who is just fourteen (14) years old, was diagnosed with ALL, “Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia,” in January of 2013.
6. Female Sailor, Age 28:
“During “Operation Tomodachi”, I began having migraine and sinus issues. I am being treated….for the migraines and sinus problems. I am being treated… for Anxiety.”
7. Male Sailor, Age 29:
“After my return from “Operation Tomodachi,” in September of 2011, I began to experience pains up and down the right side of my body, as well as terrible pains in my left testicle, as if I had been hit with something….These tests determined that I had cancerous tumors in my blood and testicle; they determined that it was “Seminoma Cancer.”
8. Female Sailor, Age 25:
“Upon my return from “Operation Tomodachi” I began having thyroid issues, stomach cramps, irregular menstrual cycles, diarrhea, severe headaches, and digestive issues constantly vomiting. Additionally, I know of no family members who have had all of these issues.”
9. Male Sailor, Age 27:
“During “Operation Tomodachi”, I began getting severe headaches. Immediately after the radiation exposure, I developed a lump on my jaw. Shortly after, another lump developed on my thigh and another between myeyes. In addition, my whole body shakes.”
10. Female Sailor, Age 30:
“During “Operation Tomodachi”, I began having irregular menstrual cycles, “Dysfunctional uterine bleeding”….I started having migraine and asthma issues immediately after being exposed to the radiation. I was treated by 6 different doctors trying to identify the cause of my uterine bleeding with no success.
11. Male Sailor, Age 43:
“After “Operation Tomadachi”, I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in late 2012. I had a total Thyroidectomy, received radioactive treatment to remove remaining cancer. I suffer from Hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure, weight gain, ankle/joint pain and will require full body scans for the rest of my life.
13. Wife of Sailor:
“My husband, was exposed to radiation particles…assisting in “Operation Tomadachi”, beginning in March 2011…our son who was born on November 14, 2012 at eight (8) months was diagnosed with brain and spine cancer…We were told that our son had Primitive Neuro Ectodermal Tumors (PNET), stage 4 cancer with poor prognosis…”
14. Male Sailor, Age 24:
“During “Operation Tomadachi I was exposed to radiation. Within several days, I was treated for right eye irritation and swollen eyelid…I have had declining hearing loss, declining sex drive, diagnosed with Insomnia, Anxiety, treated for cough and diarrhea, chronic headaches to present and treatment for unexplained abscesses…on my butt and inner thighs….”
15. Female Sailor, Age 32:
“During “Operation Tomadachi” I began having migraine headaches, irregular menstrual cycles, knee surgery, breast surgery and leg surgery to remove unexplained mass from these areas…I have continual anxiety…I am being treated for PTSD…as well as Hyperthyroid condition.”
16. Male Sailor, Age 35:
“Since… “Operation Tomadachi”, I have suffered from…severe migraine headaches, trouble sleeping, feeling tired and sluggish…, trouble remembering things, trouble focusing on and completing tasks, joint pain, tingling in legs, ringing in ears, erectile dysfunction, and occasional minor rectal bleeding.”
17. Female Sailor, Age 24:
“During “Operation Tomadachi”… I began having depression, anxiety disorder, adjustment disorder, ringing in the ears, skin disorders, surgery on my left knee, and irregular menstrual cycles. I am currently being treated…conducting neuro feedback…in endocrinology for the above stated disorders associated with radiation exposure…”
18. Male Sailor, Age 21:
“During Operation Tomadachi…. I experienced depression, anxiety, severe stomach pain, sleeplessness, weight loss and fatigue. I… was subsequently diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. I have also had cyst growing on my thyroid.”
19. Female Sailor, Age 23:
“During “Operation Tomadachi”, I began having nose bleeds…I have been treated…for Grave’s disease and Thyroid associated problems.”
20. Female Sailor, Age 30:
“During “Operation Tomadachi”, I began having allergy and coughing issues, anxiety and depression….I am also being treated…for the recent removal of my thyroid due to excessive nodules.”
21. Male Sailor, Age 27:
“During “Operation Tomadachi”, I began having headaches sinus issues and tired all the time…surgically removed a bone growth on my right scapula… have identified a new lump on my leg….
22. Male Sailor, Age 40:
“I was exposed to radiation during “Operation Tomodachi” when, on the date of the Tsunami….I had to resign from my last job, where I was employed for four(4) months, at Mobile SD in San Diego, CA because my back, neck, and entire right side of my body were cramping up and hurting from sitting in a chair too long. I am being treated…
18th May 2015, 11:35 AM
Is barely an El Nino, and Not a result of Global Warming. Compressed jet stream due to solar variance.
They will have you believe man made impact for everything at this point to promote new carbon currencies.
18th May 2015, 03:08 PM
PS: Sorry this scares you, but if I posted rainbows and unicorns instead of posting about this...would it make it go away?
Nothing scares me anymore, but I tell are starting to piss me off.
I'm not going to repeat things in this thread. If you keep posting BS after BS, worthless articles, all you do is paint an agenda that is false.
The fact is, the good explanation for it, is El Nino. Read Dogman's post.
18th May 2015, 03:09 PM
The bait fish population has crashed, some think it is very much weather related, seas too hot and the food chain starting with plankton has collapsed from the bottom up.
Big and bad El Nino warming the sea and the reason California is turning into a dry dust bowl and frying pan !
Others think it is a combination of weather and overfishing that is sucking everything edible or not as in krill that gets turned into krill oil.
Then there is some that can link the fact of ocean acidification is stripping calcium carbonate out of the water that is killing plankton, shell fish and coral reefs because there is not enough calcium to grow shells.
Take your pick, some or all of it is the cause.
IMHO it is a cluster fuck of planetary diminutions!
Bump. Thanks, Dogman.
18th May 2015, 03:14 PM
Could be a combination of things. I can't disreagrd Fuku. That could be wiping out the plankton. Underwter volcanic activity could be spewing nasties into the water. How "scientists" are unable to measure chemical makeup to explain this is silly. I don't see this as a warming issue.
18th May 2015, 03:17 PM
Humm ?
mick silver
18th May 2015, 03:20 PM
I seen two dead pups this morning driving down the road
18th May 2015, 03:23 PM
I seen two dead pups this morning driving down the road
18th May 2015, 03:23 PM
Humm ?
Yeah- CNN- Confused Nitwit Network
I would call that bull shit, but bull shit is useful in the garden.
18th May 2015, 03:30 PM
Or take your pick !
But we all know the world is really flat and the center of the universe, anyone believing other wise are just wackos and heretics.
18th May 2015, 04:36 PM
Nothing scares me anymore, but I tell are starting to piss me off.
I'm not going to repeat things in this thread. If you keep posting BS after BS, worthless articles, all you do is paint an agenda that is false.
The fact is, the good explanation for it, is El Nino. Read Dogman's post.
If there's that much sea life dying and there's an explanation for it...why is it not in the MSM news?
We know Fuku is greatly affecting sea life off the coast of Japan and I do believe the sailors on the USS Ronald Reagan got severely sick. Do you think these are false too?
I've followed this story from day one, now I guess I'll just drop it because you think it affects only you?
The real agenda you speak of comes directly from the government.
Every article of any importance that is allowed in the news, is controlled by the government. There is always an agenda. If they allowed it to be shown, it benefits them.
Take ISIS always in the news...the government wants more war, more war spending, more profit and more support from the people
Ferguson...the government wants more control, government doesn't want people to be allowed to assemble
Shootings...Government wants to restrict, or take away everyone's firearms
On the opposite end, absent in the news...
Oil still pumping into Gulf of Mexico...government is in bed with big oil and doesn't want to pay for more clean up
IRS corruption story went away...big credibility problem for the government extortionist
Fuku government completely silent...tremendous problem for government in bed with nuclear industry
9/11, building 7 hidden in plain sight...could have implicated government and Israel in 9/11 attack
Like I said, all the stories that are sensationalized in the news have a government agenda. Even the junk news has an distract.
18th May 2015, 05:07 PM
If there's that much sea life dying and there's an explanation for it...why is it not in the MSM news?
We know Fuku is greatly affecting sea life off the coast of Japan and I do believe the sailors on the USS Ronald Reagan got severely sick. Do you think these are false too?
I've followed this story from day one, now I guess I'll just drop it because you think it affects only you?
Look, I have a problem with this article, and you for assuming 1) it affects only me, and secondly, that I'm scared of the truth.
The truth is that these baby sea lions are starving to death. The title of YOUR thread, says there's "no good explanation". The explanation, is they are not getting enough to eat.
If you did not eat, and you started starving, are you going to blame fukushima for that? are you going to blame chemtrails? No, you are starving, you should be blaming lack of food.
18th May 2015, 05:46 PM
Look, I have a problem with this article, and you for assuming 1) it affects only me, and secondly, that I'm scared of the truth.
The truth is that these baby sea lions are starving to death. The title of YOUR thread, says there's "no good explanation". The explanation, is they are not getting enough to eat.
If you did not eat, and you started starving, are you going to blame fukushima for that? are you going to blame chemtrails? No, you are starving, you should be blaming lack of food.
and we need to be asking, lack of food because?
18th May 2015, 05:56 PM
and we need to be asking, lack of food because?
I thought everyone would be satisfied with the "no good explanation for it" reason. That way you can use your imagination and pick which ever reason why they might be starving, you would like to choose to believe. It's very convenient that way. Makes everyone happy.
Let's just blame fukushima. Some might like to choose chemtrails as a reason, and I respect that. It's up to you to pick your own, special, reason.
I was told though, by several sources, that the mother's are abandoning these pups. I took a picture of one on the dock, here locally. It's in a thread, somewhere on the forum.
Mother's can't care for their pups. They have to go offshore for food, and can't take care of them.
18th May 2015, 05:56 PM
Bump. Thanks, Dogman.. No problem, but you have to understand some people see , read, believe and understand only what they want to believe in despite of what a majority holds to.
Edit: The mother's can not feed their pups because they can not find food to eat for the milk to feed the pups, plus not enough food close to shore for the young pups to find.
18th May 2015, 05:59 PM
so are the pups really abandoned or are they being left there temporarily? And we think they are abandoned?? Mum comes back to find their pups been nicked.
18th May 2015, 06:21 PM
I thought everyone would be satisfied with the "no good explanation for it" reason. That way you can use your imagination and pick which ever reason why they might be starving, you would like to choose to believe. It's very convenient that way. Makes everyone happy.
Let's just blame fukushima. Some might like to choose chemtrails as a reason, and I respect that. It's up to you to pick your own, special, reason.
I was told though, by several sources, that the mother's are abandoning these pups. I took a picture of one on the dock, here locally. It's in a thread, somewhere on the forum.
Mother's can't care for their pups. They have to go offshore for food, and can't take care of them.
Look man, this has become a touchy subject, and I think it does have you freaked out a bit. You've only addressed the sea lions and not the whales, pelicans, sea birds, salmon, starfish, crabs, krill, sardines, on and on, all dying.
To keep the the peace, I will not post any doom that might remotely affect anyone here again.
Sorry for the hard feelings.
Call me crazy, but I didn't buy the government story of 9/11 from day one either.
18th May 2015, 06:32 PM
Look man, this has become a touchy subject, and I think it does have you freaked out a bit. You've only addressed the sea lions and not the whales, pelicans, sea birds, salmon, starfish, crabs, krill, sardines, on and on, all dying.
To keep the the peace, I will not post any doom that might remotely affect anyone here again.
Sorry for the hard feelings.
Call me crazy, but I didn't buy the government story of 9/11 from day one either.
EE, accept the fact that I'm going to disagree with you on this subject.
Don't accuse me of being scared and unaware.
Other than than, I don't want to get in your way, or hinder you from posting threads we need, and should be discussing.
We discuss doom, bring it on.
18th May 2015, 07:23 PM
EE, accept the fact that I'm going to disagree with you on this subject.
Don't accuse me of being scared and unaware.
Other than than, I don't want to get in your way, or hinder you from posting threads we need, and should be discussing.
We discuss doom, bring it on.
Everyone has a duty to disagree, but when you get pissed or upset, it's what makes me think you are freaked out.
I won't agree with you on things either and it doesn't change our friendship.
I think we don't agree that I believe cops no longer protect and serve the people. I believe they are trained today, to look at all of us being criminals, law breakers and a revenue source for their masters.
I don't think we agree in that I fully believe the Jews are behind it all, run it all and take it all. It's so blatant and obvious a blind man should be able to see it.
I won't post anymore Fuku doom out of respect for our California friends. Sorry to the guys and girls.
18th May 2015, 07:34 PM
Fukushima is killing everything in the Pacific....................
18th May 2015, 07:55 PM
Everyone has a duty to disagree, but when you get pissed or upset, it's what makes me think you are freaked out.
I won't agree with you on things either and it doesn't change our friendship.
I think we don't agree that I believe cops no longer protect and serve the people. I believe they are trained today, to look at all of us being criminals, law breakers and a revenue source for their masters.
I don't think we agree in that I fully believe the Jews are behind it all, run it all and take it all. It's so blatant and obvious a blind man should be able to see it.
I won't post anymore Fuku doom out of respect for our California friends. Sorry to the guys and girls.
You know, fuck it.
EE, you are a brother to me and I'm at the point of just saying, fuck it. Post Fuku doom, we need to know the opinions on it all.
I doubt I'll be around much longer.
What a world we live in.
18th May 2015, 08:44 PM
18th May 2015, 09:11 PM
Hitch did mention that he was taking doses of iodine, large populations dying from low level radiation doesn't fit any past result.
Typically its a large percentage of deformity, even of the given food source spotty in effect.
18th May 2015, 10:52 PM
Hitch did mention that he was taking doses of iodine, large populations dying from low level radiation doesn't fit any past result.
Typically its a large percentage of deformity, even of the given food source spotty in effect.
Dude... That's only if you believe it.
If it consumes everything than that is real to YOU! Not me or anyone else here. What ever happened to buying a brother a beer?
18th May 2015, 11:59 PM
What ever happened to buying a brother a beer?
That's ok, if yur arm doesn't dislocate at the elbow due to advance radiation poisoning.
About that Persistent Polar Vortex
Atmospheric Rossby waves on Earth are giant meanders in high-altitude winds with major influence on weather. These Rossby waves are associated with pressure systems and the jet stream. Oceanic Rossby waves move along the thermocline: that is, the boundary between the warm upper layer of the ocean and the cold deeper part of the ocean.
mick silver
20th May 2015, 09:04 PM
So do the moms do this every year run off and let theirs pups die because they cant find food
20th May 2015, 10:29 PM
So do the moms do this every year run off and let theirs pups die because they cant find food
No, they have a choice, their own survival or the pups....not both.
We do the same. Shut off EBT cards and see what happens in the ghetto. Mama is gettin her chicken wings, regardless.
20th May 2015, 10:51 PM
Stop me if you've heard this. So, a baby seal walks into a club...
21st May 2015, 03:34 AM
No, they have a choice, their own survival or the pups....not both.
We do the same. Shut off EBT cards and see what happens in the ghetto. Mama is gettin her chicken wings, regardless.
Maybe we'll get to see what happens soon enough?
Look what Arizona is doing. Who do you think are the most people on the their welfare system?
My guess is many will scatter like la cucarachas when a light is turned on. Many cucarachas will scurry to another "very liberal welfare state" and new cucarachas will bypass AZ all together.
Which state, idk?
Arizona sharply limits welfare to 12 months
AP 11:44 a.m. MST May 20, 2015
Arizona's leaders cut off help to 2,700 kids
Facing a $1 billion budget deficit, Arizona's Republican-led Legislature has reduced the lifetime limit for welfare recipients to the shortest window in the nation.
Low-income families on welfare will now have their benefits cut off after just 12 months.
As a result, the Arizona Department of Economic Security will drop at least 1,600 families — including more than 2,700 children — from the state's federally funded welfare program on July 1, 2016.
The cuts of at least $4 million reflect a prevailing mood among the lawmakers in control in Arizona that welfare, Medicaid and other public assistance programs are crutches that keep the poor from getting back on their feet and achieving their potential.
"I tell my kids all the time that the decisions we make have rewards or consequences, and if I don't ever let them face those consequences, they can't get back on the path to rewards," Republican Sen. Kelli Ward, R-Lake Havasu City, said during debate on the budget. "As a society, we are encouraging people at times to make poor decisions and then we reward them."
Cutting off these benefits after just one year isn't fair, said Jessica Lopez, 23, who gave birth to her son while living in a domestic violence shelter and has struggled to hold onto jobs because she has dyslexia and didn't finish high school.
"We're all human," said Lopez, who got $133 per month for about a year until she qualified for a larger federal disability check. "Everybody has problems. Everybody is different. When people ask for help, we should be able to get it without having to be looked at wrong."
Most states impose a five-year limit on welfare benefits. Thirteen states limit it to two years or less, and Texas has a tiered time limit that can be as little as 12 months but allows children to continue to receive funding even after the parents have been cut, welfare policy analyst Liz Schott said.
Long-term welfare recipients are often the most vulnerable, suffering from mental and physical disabilities, poor job histories and little education, she said. But without welfare, they'll likely show up in other ways that will cost taxpayers, from emergency rooms to shelters to the criminal justice system, Schott said.
"The reason they are on public assistance is because many of them are not really succeeding in the workforce," said Schott, a senior fellow at the Center of Budget and Policy Priorities, a non-partisan research organization.
Arizona's Legislature cut the budgets of an array of programs to meet the governor's no-tax-increase pledge. The bill that included the welfare cuts received overwhelming support earlier this spring from Republicans, with just one Democrat voting in favor.
The Legislature also passed a law seeking to force anyone getting Medicaid to have a job, and cutting off those benefits after five years. And Republican leaders are suing their own state to block a centerpiece of President Barack Obama's health care law, which expanded Medicaid to give more poor people health insurance.
If they prevail, more than 300,000 poor Arizonans could lose their coverage.
Republican Gov. Doug Ducey's office called all these cuts necessary to protect taxpayers and K-12 classrooms — even though the source of the money is the federal government.
Arizona's welfare is entirely federally funded through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, but that money comes in a block grant, and Republicans want to use it instead for agencies such as the state's Department of Child Safety.
"The bipartisan, balanced budget passed by the Legislature and signed by the governor protects Arizona's most vulnerable, while avoiding a tax increase," said Daniel Scarpinato, governor's office spokesman.
Democratic Rep. Andrew Sherwood, D-Tempe, said the Republicans made these cuts hastily, voting in the middle of the night in March to avoid transparency.
"This is a very small investment, but it is critical to people who need it the most," Sherwood said. "You're talking about desperate families, those who are unemployed and underemployed. Single mothers and parents with kids."
Former President Bill Clinton signed the block grant law in 1997, making good on a campaign promise to "end welfare as we know it." The federal government still requires states to make sure recipients have a job, are looking for work, going to school or trying to go to school, but states retain broad discretion in imposing restrictions.
21st May 2015, 04:17 AM
Yep. That right thar is wonna them fukupolywogglefish. Me an Clem was out fishin one day an seen wonna them comin right at us. Ain't goin fishin no more. They eat sea lions, six packs, license plates, volkswagens, propane tanks and anybuddy who is fishin.
mick silver
26th May 2015, 09:13 AM
its not the same my kids get food before I would but that's my world ...
No, they have a choice, their own survival or the pups....not both.
We do the same. Shut off EBT cards and see what happens in the ghetto. Mama is gettin her chicken wings, regardless.
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