View Full Version : Governments Giving Fossil Fuel Companies $10 Million a Minute

19th May 2015, 08:25 AM
are they getting taxpayers' $$$ to prevent the oil bubble from imploding?

Governments Giving Fossil Fuel Companies $10 Million a Minute: IMF
Tuesday 19th May 2015

‘The fossil fuel industry receives $5.3 trillion a year in government subsidies, despite its disastrous toll on the environment, human health, and other global inequality issues, a new report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published Monday has found.

That means that governments worldwide are spending $10 million every minute to fund energy companies—more than the estimated public health spending for the entire globe, IMF economists Benedict Clements and Vitor Gaspar wrote in a blog post accompanying the report (pdf).

“These estimates are shocking,” Clements and Gaspar wrote. “The number for 2015 is more than double the US$2 trillion we had previously estimated for 2011.”‘
