View Full Version : China saves up 30,000 tons of gold to topple US dollar from global reign

20th May 2015, 05:46 PM
China saves up 30,000 tons of gold to topple US dollar from global reign 15.05.2015

China is waiting for the right moment to remove the US dollar from economic reign. Once the US dollar loses its leadership, China plans to make the yuan world's first currency. According to Duowei News, to ensure its domination, China is saving up gold. According to unconfirmed reports, China already has about 30,000 tons of the precious metal. If this is true, it means that China will be capable of brining the US dollar down in an instant. Also read: China becomes world's largest producer of gold (http://english.pravda.ru/business/finance/08-02-2011/116819-china_gold-0/) Economic analyst Jing Zhou believes that in order to challenge such a powerful economy as that of the United States, one will need a very large amount of gold. In addition, the Chinese authorities expect that the Chinese national currency will be added on the list of IMF reserve currencies that already includes the dollar, the euro, the pound sterling and the Japanese yen. Thus, Beijing is getting ready to topple the US dollar by increasing its gold reserves. Noteworthy, Russia also sticks to a similar tactic: since 2005, the country has doubled its gold reserves. As of late 2014, Russia was ranked fifth in the world in terms of gold reserves

"If China does have 30,000 tons of gold, then the yuan will have a very strong shield to protect itself. Even if it is not true, it is clear that China collects gold very actively. In addition, China's position in global financial markets has increased considerably," Duowei News said. Also read: The Fed, the dollar, gold and the petrodollar (http://english.pravda.ru/business/finance/02-04-2015/130176-fed_dollar_gold_petrodollar-0/)

Analysts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development believe that the Chinese economy will rank first in the world by 2016б while its national currency will obtain the status of the main global reserve currency. However, information about 30,000 tons of Chinese gold has not received confirmation from official sources. Sudden and quick changes in world economy are very unlikely. Vice-president of the Golden Mint House, Alexey Vyazovsky, said in an interview with Pravda.Ru that China increases gold reserves without far-reaching plans just because gold is "eternally valuable." However, the expert did not exclude the appearance of the so-called golden yuan. Pravda.Ru


20th May 2015, 09:29 PM
What difference does it make how much gold they have?

20th May 2015, 09:39 PM
I really doubt China can function or survive without looting America intellectual capital and having slave labor.

Once automation kicks into gear and America starts producing all of it's product with robots in America I don't think China will survive. It will fragment and crumble back into rice paddies and bucktooth peasants with pointy straw hats.

Seriously you guys give China too much credit. They are a total house of cards.

21st May 2015, 04:22 AM
What difference does it make how much gold they have?

my thought too.... it is not like they will give gold to anyone who wants it. A fiat currency will not be gold based. Gold is for the rich controllers- not for the common slobs.

Twisted Titan
21st May 2015, 06:05 AM
I really doubt China can function or survive without looting America intellectual capital and having slave labor.

Once automation kicks into gear and America starts producing all of it's product with robots in America I don't think China will survive. It will fragment and crumble back into rice paddies and bucktooth peasants with pointy straw hats.

Seriously you guys give China too much credit. They are a total house of cards.

You make a mockery of history

Power has always flowed from the asian contintent.

And when Eroupe finish destroying its own lands it eyed the far east they traded all their silver for chinese goods and when they had no more the gooks told them to pound sand

They couldnt beat them military so the shot them full of Dope and they waged war by that deception( gee that ryhmes with something but i forget right now)

I can drone on about but the point i want to make is this.

The worst thing you can do is underestimate someone cause you set yourself up to get your @$$ handed back to you.


21st May 2015, 08:44 AM
my thought too.... it is not like they will give gold to anyone who wants it. A fiat currency will not be gold based. Gold is for the rich controllers- not for the common slobs.
Exactly. And if they want the yuan to be the worlds reserve currency they are going to have to beat the US in a war. I dont see that happening. They can build 20 subs to our 1 but will they float? They have the worlds manufacturing base only because the US sent over our manufacturing base to rake in the profits and send the pollution to China where it goes unregulated.
I dont see people rushing out to buy the latest China designed phone, car, computer, stereo equipment ect.. China does great making cheap disposable shit and thats what consumers are being sold. Our society runs on it.
50 years ago you could buy a refrigerator that would work for 50 years. Now your lucky if it works for 5. A complete and total waste of resources just for the sake of corporate profits.

21st May 2015, 08:49 AM
Exactly. And if they want the yuan to be the worlds reserve currency they are going to have to beat the US in a war. I dont see that happening. They can build 20 subs to our 1 but will they float? They have the worlds manufacturing base only because the US sent over our manufacturing base to rake in the profits and send the pollution to China where it goes unregulated.
I dont see people rushing out to buy the latest China designed phone, car, computer, stereo equipment ect.. China does great making cheap disposable shit and thats what consumers are being sold. Our society runs on it.
50 years ago you could buy a refrigerator that would work for 50 years. Now your lucky if it works for 5. A complete and total waste of resources just for the sake of corporate profits.

Which war? a ground invasion, or the one where they take out to power grid and internet...a one day war?

21st May 2015, 11:25 AM
Which war? a ground invasion, or the one where they take out to power grid and internet...a one day war?
So if they were balsy enough to take out the power grid we surrender? Internet, I think we could live without it. It might be a shock at first but people would probably get used to it and start talking to each other again. I seriously doubt they have the capability to take out the power grid but even if they did it would be back up before long and it wouldnt stop the war machine from doing its thing.
China also holds about 4 trillion is US dollar reserves, do they really want that to become worthless?

Twisted Titan
21st May 2015, 12:11 PM
China is spending those dollar reserves at the speed of light.

They probally own 1/3 0f africa by proxy support of pet projects.

21st May 2015, 12:41 PM
China has come from the stone age to the computer and space age in less than 40 years. They did this with IMF money as the globalists planned their ascension and use. They were given technology, military secrets, ready-made factories, access to top education in the US, raw resources, refineries, and most favored nation trade status. It was ALL handed over to them. Driving Boston & Cambridge I have to deal with Asian morons on the roads. They are the absolute worst drivers. Very few are nimble or have any foresight. Very few are entreprenurial in a customer-oriented way. Add to this that China is not a free society, the ability to work for rewards is limited. Instead, cheating, cheapening product and dishonesty thrive.