View Full Version : FBI Agent Slips Reveals True Purpose of JADE HELM 15

23rd May 2015, 12:25 PM
It sounds like they are preparing for a ground invasion of Iran.

I would assume there may be a false flag or something to "force" us into this war too.


I remember a military contractor in California telling me this shit was going to happen in person when I asked him "What are they preparing for" about 2.5 years ago.

midnight rambler
23rd May 2015, 12:30 PM
So are they teaching the troops to speak Farsi, or are they simply going to hose down those who don't comply quickly enough 'cause they don't speak English?

After listening to the video I gather that the FiBbIe was talking out his ass and ANY conclusion derived from that is pure speculation (note the faux laugh the FiBbIe vocalizes). I seriously doubt that JH '15 has anything to do with the ME and has EVERYTHING to do with putting a psyop on the people of the several states.

How does one say 'Master the human domain' in Farsi?? And the Dutch sabot ghost image in the JH '15 logo, what does that have to do with the ME?? ???

No, I assert that the purpose of JH '15 is highly compartmentalized, just like most operations are, and the low level grunt doesn't know shit about what's *really* going on until after the fact.

23rd May 2015, 12:42 PM
No, I assert that the purpose of JH '15 is highly compartmentalized, just like most operations are, and the low level grunt doesn't really know shit about what's *really* going on until after the fact.

That's probably true too. They could be preparing for both for all we know. The idiocy of our government knows no bounds though. They base everything on their ability to have unlimited funds of printed money doing everything.

mick silver
26th May 2015, 08:02 AM
it's all about more control but over who the big one

mick silver
27th May 2015, 09:54 AM
http://www.businessinsider.com/jade-helm-conspiracy-theory-2015-5 Some people in Texas think the government is secretly planning a giant military coup to invade the state