View Full Version : At Gunpoint, Mother Agrees to Allow Jewish Judge to Mutilate Her Son’s Penis

23rd May 2015, 09:46 PM
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Chase-Hironimus-618x346.png (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Chase-Hironimus.png)
Chase Hironimus will have his penis forcibly mutilated against his will on the order of a Jewish judge. In what will likely be the last chapter in a saga of a woman trying to save her son’s penis from being brutally mutilated in a satantic Jewish ritual, the Jewish judge presiding over the case has kidnapped the mother and forced her to sign an agreement allowing the father to circumcise the boy against his will.

The fact that we in America now have Jews ruling that their ancient, evil genital mutilation practices be performed on our children shows the level of sickness we have sunk to as a society.
Palm Beach Post (http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/update-boynton-mom-agrees-to-let-son-be-circumcise/nmMHq/):
With her hands shaking and tears streaming down her face, a shackled Boynton Beach woman on Friday signed a consent form allowing her 4 1/2-year-old son to be circumcised, ending a two-month battle with the boy’s father that became a social media sensation.

Heather Hironimus, who spent two months in hiding with her son until her arrest last week, had little choice.

Unless the 31-year-old wanted to remain in the Palm Beach County jail indefinitely, Circuit Judge Jeffrey Gillen made it clear she had to give her son’s father, Dennis Nebus, permission to have the operation performed.
While she initially balked, after consulting privately with her attorney for about 15 minutes, Hironimus told Gillen she’d changed her mind. Nebus and his attorneys rushed back into the courtroom in the South County Courthouse and produced the agreement. With her arms shackled, Hironimus signed it.

This is a Jew literally kidnapping a woman and forcing her to give legal consent for a ritual to be performed on her child.

http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/052315-circumcision-flap-5.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/052315-circumcision-flap-5.jpg)

http://s28.postimg.org/l0tgyi80t/11222588_1069093693107637_7762064880824291340_n.jp g
Heather had exactly zero feminists coming to her defense as she was forced by the government to abandon her one real duty as a woman, which is to protect her child.

The father he is irrelevant. He is just some type of psychopathic madman who is willing to use the integrity of his boy’s genitals to hurt his former sex partner. The issue here is the fact that Jews now run our government so completely that they are allowed to force women to sexually mutilate their children.


(http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Dennis-Nevis.jpg)Psychopath Dennis Nevis leaves the courtroom with a smug look on his face after having successfully achieved the right to mutilate his fatherless son’s penis.

The consent form she signed initially to have this “operation” performed when the boy – Chase is his name – was an infant is also irrelevant, as the boy now has personal autonomy and has vocalized his desire to keep his foreskin.
How is it possible this isn’t being taken to a higher court? I don’t even know.
While Gillen released her from the civil contempt charge, she remains jailed on a charge of interfering with child custody. She missed the chance to go before a criminal court judge Friday because she was appearing before Gillen.
She is scheduled for arraignment, where bond is likely to be set, on Tuesday. She faces a maximum five-year prison sentence if convicted.
Facebook and other social media sites exploded with news of Hironimus’ actions.

Nebus and his attorneys declined comment as did Thomas Hunker, who represents Hironimus. A gag order imposed by Gillen prevents them from talking about the case.
But, during the hearing, attorney May Cain, who represents Nebus, said the 47-year-old Boca Raton man has been the subject of death threats and he is worried about the safety of his son.
Gillen, a former attorney for the Florida Department of Children & Families, said he, too, was worried about potential backlash from what he described as “fringe groups.”
“I am fearful for this child,” he said. “I’m fearful this child might be be abducted.”

“Fringe groups,” Jew? Why not come out and call us “anti-Semites”? That’s how you would define anyone who is opposed to your satanic genital mutilation rituals, is it not?
You desert monkeys are the ones who invented this sick practice and forced it on us like you forced all the rest of the sickness in our society. Surely, opposition to penis mutilation is opposition to Jewishness and as we all know, all opposition to Jewishness is a form of racial hatred.
Just say it, Gillen.
Gillen temporarily suspended the couple’s agreed-upon parenting plan, giving Nebus sole authority to decide where his son lives, goes to school and what kind of health care he receives.
Since the boy was returned to Nebus after Hironimus’ arrest, no circumcision has been scheduled, Cain said. But, she said, because Hironimus in the past has appeared at doctor’s offices to block the procedure and others may now follow her lead, “It may be necessary for him to go out of state, if and when it happens.”
Gillen gave Nebus permission to take his son out of the state, if necessary, to have a circumcision.

Mary Hironimus, who left the courtroom before her daughter reluctantly agreed to the procedure, sat outside the courthouse, crying softly, after the hearing. “I’d like to see my grandson,” she said.
She said it was useless trying to reason with Nebus. “It’s got to be his way,” she said.

For his part, Gillen is moving on. Having presided over the most controversial case of his 2 1/2-year judicial career, he is moving to a new division on June 1 as part of a routine transfer. A new judge will decide the still-thorny issues about the child’s future, including how often he will see his parents.
But, before stepping aside, Gillen offered words of advice to Nebus and Hironimus.

“You are going to have to learn to deal with each other in a civil and amicable manner,” he said. “You don’t take the law into your own hands. You don’t make unilateral decisions. You may never have been married, but you will always be this little guy’s parents.”

This is a monumental event, which most people are not fully comprehending the significance of.
If we have given over the penises of our boys to these Jews, what exactly do we have left?


23rd May 2015, 09:51 PM
It seems Oprah needs more foreskins for her facial cream.

Yes seriously:


23rd May 2015, 11:07 PM
http://cnet2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2014/12/10/84648188-2875-45ee-a9b5-2f30aa1d6c49/resize/770x578/d4deed15585b41eb99094fe40d9912a4/mcnuggets7.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=imgres&cd=&ved=0CAwQjRwwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnet.com%2Fnews%2Fwhats-really-in-a-mcdonalds-chicken-mcnugget-former-mythbuster-finds-out%2F&ei=fGphVYv6ItLl8AWupYOoCQ&psig=AFQjCNFZg9_nIfESXg3x1RcSktX8MSWgxA&ust=1432534012655022)

Twisted Titan
24th May 2015, 04:37 AM
Heather had exactly zero feminists coming to her defense as she was forced by the government to abandon her one real duty as a woman, which is to protect her child.

Because they got the order to stand down.

All the proof you need they are controlled opposition.

25th May 2015, 09:48 PM
happy to see the OP article named dajoo, "...being brutally mutilated in a satantic Jewish ritual, the Jewish judge presiding over the case has kidnapped the mother and forced her to sign an agreement allowing the father to circumcise the boy against his will."

most here critical of male genital mutilation will already know this material, but the pretty gal doesn't hurt!

CIRCUMCISION: The Truth!! (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/05/circumcision-truth.html)


Posted by WHOOLI (http://www.blogger.com/profile/12745432266860223770) at 5:41 AM 1 comment: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=6921154961710871771)

mick silver
26th May 2015, 06:56 AM
we are all getting what we have paid for . short lesson on how we will all get f...ed in time there no rule of law it also gone