View Full Version : License

28th May 2015, 04:47 AM
is defined as permission given to do that which would otherwise be unlawful.

A state operated enterprise like a 501(c)(3) church requires a state issued license to join two people in marriage. The two people may apply for the license but the illegal activity without it is on the part of the PREACHER. It is a source of amusement to me that people think that THEIR activity is what is licensed when it is the preacher who has been given this ‘special’ privilege. Try this experiment: Take your girlfriend around to 15-20 different churches and tell 'em you want to get married but do not want the state involved with their license. See how many preachers are willing to marry you [p.s.... this is just an experiment ... you don't actually have to go through with it ... on second thought pick a stranger rather than a gf lest ye be 'snagged' ... hooked like a fish and reeled in]

In the same manner … a drivers license handed to a state trooper gives him permission to not bring you in under arrest. The trooper is the one who has the privilege the same as the preacher in the case of the marriage license… YOU aren’t the one being given the privilege … the state actor is.

28th May 2015, 05:00 AM
is defined as permission given to do that which would otherwise be unlawful.

A state operated enterprise like a 501(c)(3) church requires a state issued license to join two people in marriage. The two people may apply for the license but the illegal activity without it is on the part of the PREACHER. It is a source of amusement to me that people think that THEIR activity is what is licensed when it is the preacher who has been given this ‘special’ privilege. Try this experiment: Take your girlfriend around to 15-20 different churches and tell 'em you want to get married but do not want the state involved with their license. See how many preachers are willing to marry you [p.s.... this is just an experiment ... you don't actually have to go through with it ... on second thought pick a stranger rather than a gf lest ye be 'snagged' ... hooked like a fish and reeled in]

In the same manner … a drivers license handed to a state trooper gives him permission to not bring you in under arrest. The trooper is the one who has the privilege the same as the preacher in the case of the marriage license… YOU aren’t the one being given the privilege … the state actor is.

Interesting, but I'm not understanding why this would be the case. Care to explain further?

28th May 2015, 05:23 AM
Interesting, but I'm not understanding why this would be the case. Care to explain further?

There is no illegal activity associated with marriage other than on the part of the state .... should a state enterprise like a 501(c)(3) church perform an illegal ceremony of joining two people without the license they could lose their tax-free status. Think about it ... if you were to create something don't you believe you have a right to control that thing? The state did not create people. The state did create the 501(c)(3) artificial entity (aka 'the church'). Or rather they created the container and the church volunteered into it rather than be faced with being taxed for involving themselves in commerce.

People are trained from birth (programmed) to believe they must follow the thought patterns laid down for them by the state. Learn to open your eyes and see these alternate universes. It is all a matter of perception and thought.

7th trump
28th May 2015, 09:57 AM
Hahahahahaha....I see your promoting more lies palani!
The church really has nothing to do wih the license itself.
The licence is originally for whites to marry blacks. And nothing has changed since.
You put your ssn down on the marrage licence which denotes "US citizen" which the courts have numerous times said US citizens are the colored races.
You know so much about the 14th amendment but yet dont have a damn clue.

You just want to spread lies and conspiracies...when the truth is right in front of you.

28th May 2015, 11:57 AM
If your servants don't bother to define it for you then it must not be truth?

the truth is right in front of you.

Your user name should be Catfish ... all I have to do is offer some bait and I can rely on you snapping it up.

7th trump
28th May 2015, 02:24 PM
If your servants don't bother to define it for you then it must not be truth?

Your user name should be Catfish ... all I have to do is offer some bait and I can rely on you snapping it up.

And you never prove me wrong....and yet to this day haven't........all you do is play semantic games and never give straight up answers.
Thanks for confirmation you don't have a clue.

28th May 2015, 03:37 PM
Thanks for confirmation.

No. Thank you for not rebutting anything I wrote.

28th May 2015, 03:52 PM
Hahahahahaha....I see your promoting more lies palani!
The church really has nothing to do wih the license itself.
The licence is originally for whites to marry blacks. And nothing has changed since.
You put your ssn down on the marrage licence which denotes "US citizen" which the courts have numerous times said US citizens are the colored races.
You know so much about the 14th amendment but yet dont have a damn clue.

You just want to spread lies and conspiracies...when the truth is right in front of you.
So when I go to the Pi and get nmarrie I dont need a license so I can tell immigration to pound sand and just let my wife in?

7th trump
28th May 2015, 06:08 PM
No. Thank you for not rebutting anything I wrote.

Ohhh..I did...you're just ignorant to see it.

7th trump
28th May 2015, 06:09 PM
So when I go to the Pi and get nmarrie I dont need a license so I can tell immigration to pound sand and just let my wife in?


28th May 2015, 06:21 PM
you're just ignorant to see it.

Thanks again ... but I have not been invited to sit on a jury.... and I doubt if you are qualified to sit on one.

IGNORAMUS, practice. We are ignorant. This word, which in law
means we are uninformed, is written on a bill by a grand jury,
when they find that there is not sufficient evidence to authorize
their finding it a true bill.

28th May 2015, 06:39 PM
If your servants don't bother to define it for you then it must not be truth?

Your user name should be Catfish ... all I have to do is offer some bait and I can rely on you snapping it up.

He already has an alternate user name...

the 7th trump chicken

7th trump
28th May 2015, 07:55 PM
Thanks again ... but I have not been invited to sit on a jury.... and I doubt if you are qualified to sit on one.

You've been summoned before palani.
Theres only one way you cannot be called up....and you haven't shown me you know what it is....so don't bullshit me...I'm not your fool. Maybe the rest of the gang here is your fool, but I'm not.

29th May 2015, 03:41 AM
You've been summoned before


7th trump
29th May 2015, 06:16 AM
You have an active ssn palani, so you get summons to jury duty just like any other person does....you can lie and pretend all you want to these people on this site, but I know you're just foolish liar bedazzling your audience.
You can yap your jaws all you want about this old bullshit thats older than the ssn....it doesnt mean a damn thing. The ssn puts you and anyone using the number smack dab in the middle of congresses jurisdiction as a "US citizen".
Nothing you do with your bullshit of reciting old outdated law or what ever it is is going to change anything.
I've posted and reposted court cites that explains the jurisidiction and where the jurisdiction for "The People" sits.
It sits ditrectly in each State of the Union.....not the feds who offer you the benefits of the federal government which you can only get by signing under penalty of perjury of being a "US citizen"......their jurisdiction.

All you do is spew conspiracy from being lost in the law........you're a fool and you're lost!

29th May 2015, 06:37 AM
You can yap your jaws

How many jaws do you believe I have? You hear voices?

7th trump
29th May 2015, 06:41 AM
How many jaws do you believe I have? You hear voices?

And there you go folks.....all you ever want to know about palani and his childish games.

Thats all the answer you'll ever get....its like Lucy pulling the ball away from Charlie Brown as he goes to kick it.
Never ask palani a question....you'll never get an answer!....because the reality of it is he doesnt know the answer!

29th May 2015, 06:48 AM
Never ask palani a question

Where have you asked a question?

Seriously .... your rhetoric where it lacks quality does not suffer from quantity.

7th trump
29th May 2015, 07:45 AM
Where have you asked a question?

Seriously .... your rhetoric where it lacks quality does not suffer from quantity.

And there you go folks.....all you ever want to know about palani and his childish games.

Thats all the answer you'll ever get....its like Lucy pulling the ball away from Charlie Brown as he goes to kick it.
Never ask palani a question....you'll never get an answer!....because the reality of it is he doesnt know the answer!

29th May 2015, 08:05 AM
And there you go folks.....all you ever want to know about palani and his childish games.

Thats all the answer you'll ever get....its like Lucy pulling the ball away from Charlie Brown as he goes to kick it.
Never ask palani a question....you'll never get an answer!....because the reality of it is he doesnt know the answer!

Repeating a previous post is not a childish act?