View Full Version : NSA Forced to Stop Spying on Americans by Monday

30th May 2015, 07:25 PM
NSA Forced to Stop Spying on Americans by Monday (http://www.activistpost.com/2015/05/nsa-forced-to-stop-spying-on-americans.html)

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AoOyNbYCXe8/VWoX1OpLjrI/AAAAAAAAoSw/OLYDoUOE5ZU/s200/NSA-CIA-Edward-Snowden.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AoOyNbYCXe8/VWoX1OpLjrI/AAAAAAAAoSw/OLYDoUOE5ZU/s1600/NSA-CIA-Edward-Snowden.jpg)
By Claire Bernish

After all the outrage and controversy since Edward Snowden (http://theantimedia.org/?s=edward+snowden) made the program known to the world, the bulk collection of US phone records will cease as of 5pm (East Coast) on June 1st. After the NSA did not petition the secretive FISA Court for a 90-day extension, the nearly 14-year run of the hugely contentious metadata dragnet (http://www.amazon.com/No-Place-Hide-Snowden-Surveillance/dp/1250062586?tag=permacultucom-20&linkCode=w13&linkID=&ref_=assoc_res_sw_cr_dka_cra_t0_result_3&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Factivistpost.net%2Fbanners%2Fa mazon.htm) has finally met its demise.

“We did not file an application for reauthorization,” an NSA official told (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/may/23/nsa-bulk-phone-records-collection-usa-freedom-act-senate) The Guardian.

Use of Section 215 of the Patriot Act to justify bulk data collection was deemed illegal (http://theantimedia.org/federal-appeals-court-rules-nsa-data-collection-is-illegal/) by a federal appeals court on May 7, much to the delight of civil rights advocates and others who were alarmed to discover such an enormously invasive governmental overreach. No injunction was ordered with that ruling since the court felt its decision would ostensibly lead to sunsetting the provision on June 1st.

The Obama Administration announced (http://truthinmedia.com/breaking-obama-admin-to-begin-winding-down-nsas-phone-records-spying-program-in-three-days/) that it would order the NSA (http://www.amazon.com/The-Shadow-Factory-Eavesdropping-America/dp/0307279391?tag=permacultucom-20&linkCode=w13&linkID=&ref_=assoc_res_sw_cr_dka_cra_t0_result_1&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Factivistpost.net%2Fbanners%2Fa mazon.htm) to wind down its spy programs which target Americans if Congress did not extend section 2015 of the Patriot Act by May 22nd. Congress didn’t extend it thanks to an hours-long bipartisan filibuster, so the program began shutting down (http://truthinmedia.com/after-senate-fails-to-extend-patriot-act-nsa-begins-shutdown-of-bulk-spying-program/) last week.

After a great deal of wrangling on the Senate floor on Saturday, the USA Freedom Act was defeated after failing to garner enough support. Though marketed to the public as a way to halt the NSA’s spying, the act would permit new bulk data collection (http://theantimedia.org/media-falsely-selling-usa-freedom-act-as-genuine-reform-to-nsa-spying/) on millions of Americans. It would also renew Patriot Act provisions that allow the FBI to access business records.

Once the Freedom Act was voted down, Sen Mitch McConnell scrambled to pass a temporary renewal of the Patriot Act’s Section 215 with aspirations to compromise on the bill when Congress returns in June. His attempts were thwarted. McConnell is a diehard proponent of an extensive surveillance program, calling this “a high-threat period” for domestic spying.

Though the NSA’s role as a data collector for Americans has now come to an end, the Freedom Act — if passed — would transfer that duty to phone companies. The government would then have access to the information. Included in the legislation, is a transition period of at least six months for developing the necessary technology to carry out the program.

Sen Rand Paul, who wants the ability to constrain parts of the act through amendment, expressed concerns (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/24/us/politics/senate-nsa-surveillance.html?_r=0) about its premise:

This is […] about whether or not a warrant with a single name of a single company can be used to collect all the records. All of the phone records of all of the people in our country with a single warrant. Our forefathers would be aghast. The Senate reconvenes on May 31st to attempt an agreement about the bill although the chances that it will occur are remote.

“For the first time, a majority of senators took a stand against simply rubber-stamping provisions of the Patriot Act that have been used to spy on Americans. It’s disappointing that the Senate couldn’t coalesce around far-reaching reform, but in its absence the Senate should simply let the expiring provisions sunset,” said Michael Macleod-Ball from the ACLU’s Washington office.

Fittingly, the NSA’s notorious surveillance dragnet ended almost as surreptitiously as it began.

Claire Bernish writes for TheAntiMedia.org (http://theantimedia.org/), where this article first appeared (http://theantimedia.org/nsa-forced-to-stop-spying-on-americans-by-monday/). Tune in! The Anti-Media radio show (http://ucy.tv/Default.aspx?PID=124&T=Anti-Media+Radio) airs Monday through Friday @ 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific.

This article may be re-posted in full with attribution. http://www.activistpost.com/2015/05/nsa-forced-to-stop-spying-on-americans.html

30th May 2015, 07:32 PM

30th May 2015, 07:40 PM


30th May 2015, 07:42 PM
moving to dark ops. Turn the lights off on your way out.

The NSA should convert its massive data retention facilities into gaming servers and facebook servers. Results should be the same.

mick silver
31st May 2015, 08:42 AM
they will just write a new bill to go around the old one .... back door anyone

31st May 2015, 09:38 AM
they will just write a new bill to go around the old one .... back door anyoneWhy go through all the trouble of trying to legalize spying? It ain't spying if your mark knows you're doing it.

They got caught, so they say "oops, ya caught us! We won't do that anymore! Honest!"

... and they'll just keep on doing it because stupid people will believe they actually stopped.

Seriously, who is going to stop them?

31st May 2015, 12:52 PM
What new things are they adding into the re-authorization?

31st May 2015, 01:13 PM
Sure they will !

Wonder who watches the watchers watching us, at the top of the chain?

Lip service will be given only, doing what is said but not is done !

31st May 2015, 01:58 PM
Why go through all the trouble of trying to legalize spying? It ain't spying if your mark knows you're doing it.

They got caught, so they say "oops, ya caught us! We won't do that anymore! Honest!"

... and they'll just keep on doing it because stupid people will believe they actually stopped.

Seriously, who is going to stop them?

And then eventually another Ed Snowden will come forward as a whistleblower, and the same thing will happen again.

31st May 2015, 04:10 PM
And then eventually another Ed Snowden will come forward as a whistleblower, and the same thing will happen again.

Or maybe society at large will just get used to being watched all the time (as I believe has already happened, as the majority is willing to put 98% of their personal info onto social media anyhow), and go on with life.

IMO, not only do most people not care if they are spied on, they like the idea that someone, somewhere might actually want to scrutinize their pathetic lives.

31st May 2015, 05:10 PM
Or maybe society at large will just get used to being watched all the time (as I believe has already happened, as the majority is willing to put 98% of their personal info onto social media anyhow), and go on with life.

IMO, not only do most people not care if they are spied on, they like the idea that someone, somewhere might actually want to scrutinize their pathetic lives.

You know, you are probably right. It's crazy to think that back in the 70's the outrage over spying was so bad we had a president resign over it. Nowadays really nobody cares.

31st May 2015, 05:40 PM
You know, you are probably right. It's crazy to think that back in the 70's the outrage over spying was so bad we had a president resign over it. Nowadays really nobody cares.

loyalty cards. Which I don't have, raised eyebrow, f'ing weirdo. Everyone has them and dutifully whips them out to scan them on the barcode scanner when purchasing. I was reading my receipt docket and it has an item telling me how many loyalty points I missed out on.... you f'ing weirdo....

Soon there will be points for "reporting" someone to the authora-tize. You will be able to get an extra 1% off your grocery bills. Now that's a loyalty program.

I bet there are a ton of organisations who already do or would love to scan through all your purchases to see if you are breaking a law or statute or guildeline or rule. I think IBM can help with that.

mick silver
1st June 2015, 04:59 AM
Surveillance powers lapse with no deal in Senate

Twisted Titan
1st June 2015, 08:19 AM
this might play in with the larger false flag that has to come,so when it happens the state will be able to point at the public and say since we lost our spying Power this tragedy happened and it's all your fault so now we need even more power and the sheep will gladly offer it up

. never let a good crisis go to waste especially when you are the one that's creating it

1st June 2015, 09:34 AM
Without Rand standing so strongly against renewing the Patriot Act, I believe renewing it would have sailed right through with the rest of the limp dick congress.

I haven't heard the question asked anywhere, if a know terrorist with terrorist ties is making calls to terrorist organizations...is it really a problem for the government to get a warrant on this person...do they even need a warrant in this case?

The Patriot Act as it was, assumed we are all terrorists until proven otherwise.

1st June 2015, 09:43 AM
Without Rand standing so strongly against renewing the Patriot Act, I believe renewing it would have sailed right through with the rest of the limp dick congress.

I haven't heard the question asked anywhere, if a know terrorist with terrorist ties is making calls to terrorist organizations...is it really a problem for the government to get a warrant on this person...do they even need a warrant in this case?

The Patriot Act as it was, "IT" assumed we are all terrorists until proven otherwise.

Your last sentence sum's it up nicely with a qualifying word addition !