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30th May 2015, 08:32 PM
Claim: Science Has Proven Conspiracy Theorists Will Literally Believe Anything (http://www.activistpost.com/2015/05/claim-science-has-proven-conspiracy.html)
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-psxgkSeXn4k/VWjcFI4jSxI/AAAAAAAAoQY/U557Eo3YzzQ/s200/sciencex.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-psxgkSeXn4k/VWjcFI4jSxI/AAAAAAAAoQY/U557Eo3YzzQ/s1600/sciencex.jpg)By Melissa Dykes

Have you taken your dose of propaganda today?

It’s time to attack those crazy conspiracy theorists again.

According to Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/05/29/science-just-proved-that-conspiracy-theorists-will-literally-believe-anything_n_7467484.html) (and a bevy of other mainstream outlets reporting on this like flies to roadkill), conspiracy theorists will literally believe anything, which, if we’re being literal here, is literally wrong because I literally didn’t believe Huff Po’s headline when I read it.

The latest nonsense:

The team looked at 1000s of users who commented on science news pages or conspiracy theory pages within Facebook. What they then found was that the users who looked at conspiracy theory pages almost exclusively spent their time browsing similar pages.

Conversely they found that users who looked at scientific pages would explore more, looking at a wide range of other pages on different subjects.

Not content with this the researchers then posted 5,000 troll comments on both types of pages to see the results. These included:

‘Did you know ‘chem trails’ trails from planes have been chemically analysed and found to contain viagra.’ Now this is going to come as a shock, but the conspiracy theorists believed every word, no matter how ridiculous the comments got. It apparently reached the point where the comments had descended into full satire and they were still believe them.

Oh yeah? Well these days I believe scientists will validate anything they’re paid to… and then our mainstream establishment media runs with it.

We live in a technocracy under the magical sparkling banner of the modern scientific dictatorship. An agenda needs pushed? Science, bought and paid for by governments and billionaires and multinational corporations, is your authority to tell you what you need to be told to continue functioning at the most basic, most controllable consumer level.

By the way, just days ago, the Editor-in-Chief of one of the world’s most well-known medical journals The Lancet came out and said half of all the scientific literature is actually false (http://www.collective-evolution.com/2015/05/16/editor-in-chief-of-worlds-best-known-medical-journal-half-of-all-the-literature-is-false/):

The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.

This is quite disturbing, given the fact that all of these studies (which are industry sponsored) are used to develop drugs/vaccines to supposedly help people, train medical staff, educate medical students and more. Gee… you think?

Well, we aren’t supposed to think. The science is supposed to do the thinking for us.

The reality is you can’t open any of these supposedly prestigious journals today and read something and just trust it because it was printed in there. First you have to find out who wrote it, and then you have to find out who paid that guy… and why…

You’ll see the mainstream media jump all over these “scientific” studies and report them lovingly in the news (if it fits the agenda of the day).

But if a study is later found to be false, do they ever go back and correct their mistake? Set the record (and the trusting public) straight?

Not likely, and if so, definitely not loudly.

Science for Sale: Get Your Very Own Industry-Funded Studies Today!


30th May 2015, 11:55 PM
The University of Queensland is offering a free course on how to combat climate deniers. How to attack them and shut them down. Not anything to do with FACTs but just how to shut down "debate". They always call for debate, but only on their terms. Those terms are, there is only one side to the debate.

Marxism at its best.