View Full Version : Florida based rocket scientist is America’s best Climate Prediction Expert

mick silver
7th June 2015, 10:03 AM
Florida based rocket scientist is America’s best Climate Prediction Experthttp://watchdogwire.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/florida/files/2013/03/climate_change_encyclopaedia-630x286.jpg (http://watchdogwire.com/florida/2013/03/25/florida-based-rocket-scientist-is-americas-best-climate-prediction-expert/)
Move over Al Gore, here comes John Casey (javascript:void(0))March 25, 2013
by Dr. Richard Swier (http://watchdogwire.com/florida/author/drswier/)

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Who Is America’s Best Climate Prediction Expert? It’s a fair enough question, given all our government and the mainstream media have been telling us about the threats we all face from climate change (a.k.a. man-made global warming).
With twenty five years and tens of billions of dollars spent by the US government alone on understanding what the causes and effects of climate change are, surely someone has risen to the top in terms of making accurate climate change predictions, right?
The answer is likely a surprise to most. I have an idea who this person is.
According to any number of internet searches, there is one person who may well rank number one in this question of who the best American climate prediction expert is. He has risked it all in publishing his predictions on line, with the science to back it up for all to see, and critique. In doing so, this lone researcher has been subjected to the ‘slings and arrows’ of the established scientific community and those who have invested so much capital, political power and personal prestige at making sure manmade global warming and its experts come out on top.
Despite being heavily criticized for years, this person has amassed an impressive list of major climate predictions that as of today makes him one of the best if not the best climate expert in the Americas. However he is not as you may surmise, on the list of the thousands of researchers the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN-IPCC) has been using for its many climate reports. He is not a solar physicist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and definitely does not work for NASA’s Goddard center where much of the US media gets its manmade climate info. He is not on the staff at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or any of its several centers that deal extensively with climate change research. He is not a PhD professor at some prestigious university and also is not working for the Department of Defense or any national science agency.
In fact, this maverick among climate researchers is a single individual with a courageous band of other scientists from around the world who have, with little funding to speak of have been operating out of a small office with no special interests assisting from either side of the climate debate. Yet this team, led by this one person have routinely beat the best US government science agencies and the United Nations (UN) for the past six years in telling us what the Earth’s climate is doing and what it will do in the future.
http://gilchristcountyteaparty.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/John-Casey.jpgJohn L. Casey, President of the Space and Science Research Corporation

Mr. Casey has had a distinguished career in any case. A former White House space policy adviser consultant to NASA Headquarters and a space shuttle engineer with a major aerospace contractor, he is no stranger to tackling and solving tough problems. For example, after the space shuttle Challenger accident in January 1986, NASA brought him in to chair an internal investigation into the breakdown in quality and space flight safety systems that were at the heart of the tragedy.
Many years later in 2007, while doing some solar physics research he stumbled on a curious pattern among sunspots that would prove to be the most important problem he had ever confronted – what causes climate change and what is the planet’s next climate era going to be like? A few months later after completing his research, he made several a startling announcements to the world. In April and May of 2007 he said:
1. Global warming was about to end, within three years!
2. The Sun was going to begin a “solar hibernation” beginning with the next solar cycle #24 (which began in 2008). This hibernation would result in a record reduction in the energy output of the Sun.
3. The Earth’s atmosphere and oceans were about to begin a long term drop in temperatures lasting for decades.
4. A new cold climate era was beginning that posed a serious threat to all with the potential to bring global crop damage and loss of life through starvation, cold weather fatalities, and social upheaval on a historic scale.
He proposed that a new climate theory which he called the “Relational Cycle Theory” or simply the “RC Theory” should replace the greenhouse gas theory of manmade climate change and asserted that the Sun and not mankind was the primary cause of climate change.
His announcement and predictions at that time were received with hostility reminiscent of that Galileo received by the Catholic Church when he said the Sun was at the center of the solar system instead of the Church’s opinion that the Earth was. Once more, by saying the Sun was at the center (of climate change) and not the Earth (not mankind), he immediately was attacked by all sides of the global warming debate including conservatives and liberals. He was slandered and demeaned by members of the established scientific community, some of whom were reaping windfall research grants to study man’s emissions of CO2. So called ‘authorities’ at prominent internet science blog sites were equally as unkind. The most prominent science periodicals and many in the media as well as the government did even worse – they ignored him!
Even Casey admits his timing was bad for his predictions by saying, “My announcements and predictions could not have come at a worse time. Both presidential party candidates were saying manmade global warming was real and they were going to fix it. Al Gore and the UN were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work in alerting the world to the effects of man’s industrial emissions on the climate. Many former friends stopped returning may calls or emails. My message was one that no one wanted to hear.”
http://i43.tower.com/images/mm117984686/cold-sun-john-l-casey-paperback-cover-art.jpgNow six years later much has changed. Scientists outside the US and not tied to US politics or US government research funding began to take notice of his work. In June of 2011 when he published his internationally acclaimed climate science book, “Cold Sun (http://www.amazon.com/Cold-Sun-John-L-Casey/dp/1426967918),” it included some of the strongest endorsements yet seen from other scientists for a climate book. Other scientists have called his work “…simply a great work!” or “…adds a brilliant page to the history of science…,” or “…this is an Earth-shattering book!”
Here we are in early 2013 and his diligence in getting his word out about what is really happening with the climate for all to read has led to Mr. Casey becoming the most often quoted and referenced on the web on the subject of climate change to a cold era. He still sees a few lingering critics repeat personal attacks and derogatory remarks from 2008 but no one has countered any of his science. They can’t!
Other scientists have joined his team and are actively cooperating with him in their own countries by trying to alert their countrymen to the dangers of the coming cold climate. His prominent and vocal stance on the next climate change has made it easier for others to now come forward to make similar predictions. Past researchers who made such forecasts many years before Casey are now seeing a resurrection from the dusty science journals where their research was buried and are once again seeing the light of day.
Because of his success in climate prediction, other scientists from around the world in earthquake research have now asked him to help in the great humanitarian cause of saving thousands of lives yearly by finally predicting the world’s largest quakes well in advance. As of December 2012, this new group has already had some success!
He is now frequently called on to do interviews and speak to large groups of interested citizens on his RC Theory, his book “Cold Sun,” and most importantly how to prepare for the coming difficult cold climate.
In March of this year Mr. Casey stepped up the gain on describing what is happening with the Earth’s climate by publishing the Global Climate Status Report (http://watchdogwire.com/florida/2013/02/19/global-climate-status-report-sent-to-senator-reid-and-speaker-boehner/) (GCSR) ©. This heavily researched and data filled resource he and his supporting scientists have published, is intended for all individuals and leaders who want to have a different perspective on climate change from the one they have been receiving from the government and the media. As Casey puts it, “Too long now our people and our leaders have been given only one side, the wrong side, of the climate change story. With the regular publication of the GCSR, anyone can now have a single source for the true status of the Earth’s climate rather than the heavily politicized version we have been force fed for twenty five years now.”
But what about the accuracy of his predictions?
Why should he be on our list of candidates for America’s best climate researcher? This one is easy. All his predictions, as disruptive and controversial as they were in 2007, have now either come to pass or are about to! This remarkable record according to internet searches is without peer. Casey acknowledges this by commenting, “No other climate researcher that I can find has such a public record for similar major climate predictions. There is nothing predicted by the UN-IPCC, NASA or NOAA from 2007-2008 that comes even close to what I was forecasting. In fact they all said that global temperatures could only go up for the foreseeable future and yet as I correctly predicted, they have been dropping.”
But, there is something else.
Among his major predictions he made a very specific one of a detailed scientific nature that goes far beyond simple chance that some may ascribe to it. In early 2007, he contacted NASA’s top solar physicist to discuss what Casey believed was a significant error by NASA in predicting the behavior of the Sun during the next 11-year solar cycle (cycle #24). Casey said at the time that NASA was, “way off” in its calculations for the peak year and level of activity for the next solar cycle. NASA was at the time saying cycle #24 was going to be of record high level of activity and as measured by sunspot count would be at least 145 average sunspot count, likely much higher, and peaking in 2011. Casey, on the other hand, said his math showed the peak would be in 2012 and would be no more than 74 sunspots at peak. In other words Casey told NASA they were more than 100 % in error! The NASA opinion in a joint conference with NOAA scientists went the same. They all said cycle #24 was going to be one of the most energetic ever.
This month, NASA, after making downward adjustments with NOAA every year since 2007, have now issued their latest forecast for cycle #24. Guess what? Now in the peak period for cycle#24, NASA says the peak will be this year, in 2013 with an average of 70 sunspots plus or minus 18 with a likely final cycle average of 69 sunspots! It looks like Casey has done it again – he has beat the US government best scientists on predicting the very complicated nature of the Sun’s behavior to an astounding level of accuracy! And he did it with a shoe string budget by himself, compared to these science agencies who had thousands of researchers, state of the art advanced computers and billions of dollars at their disposal.
According to one of Casey’s now growing number of supporters in a recent email, a Mr. RV said “In 2007 you said the (cycle#24) peak would be in 2012 and the sunspot count would not be greater than 74, half of what NASA was saying…Your prediction turned out to be SPOT ON! Congratulations on your prediction. That was nothing short of awesome.”
But what about the peak in 2013 as NASA now predicts. Casey said the peak of activity would be in 2012. Actually he got that call right also, Casey elaborates with, “ Most except a few solar physicists are not even aware that the typical 11-year solar cycle has a double peak, the first being the primary followed a year or two later by a lesser secondary peak. We then average the two as the cycle winds down and we are certain both peaks have passed. If we look at a chart of sunspots for cycle #24 we did in fact have the primary peak in 2012 as I predicted.”
When it comes to picking America’s best climate prediction expert there are also some intangibles I think we should consider. The first that comes to mind is how tough a challenge was it for the researcher to make his predictions? Were they easy to make scientifically, or were they controversial and likely to bring the researcher much criticism? It takes a lot of endurance to last out a solar cycle and maintain one’s opinion in face of incredible public, media, scientific, and political opposition.
Second is purpose. Casey from the outset has said his goal and that of his company, SSRC is to do what they could to alert the people to the next climate change so they can be prepared for what he calls a “life altering event.” He never expected to get rich as many “warmists” have by pushing manmade climate change. He has on the contrary, spent all he had keeping his research going and the lights on in his little office. As to purpose, Casey reflects on a quote from his book “Cold Sun,” by George Elliott, by saying, “I think Elliott was right with his question, ‘What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other?’ ”
Is there any doubt. Casey gets my vote. He is not only America’s best climate prediction expert, but he is also among America’s best, period!
References: NASA’s latest Solar Cycle prediction (http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/predict.shtml)
PAPER: 20-year hiatus in rising temperatures has climate scientists ‘puzzled’… (http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/features/twenty-year-hiatus-in-rising-temperatures-has-climate-scientists-puzzled/story-e6frg6z6-1226609140980)
REPORT: 500 stranded on drifting ice floes… (http://www.myfoxny.com/story/21827822/500-stranded-on-drifting-ice-floes)
PAPER: It’s the cold, not global warming, we should be worried about… (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/elderhealth/9959856/Its-the-cold-not-global-warming-that-we-should-be-worried-about.html)

mick silver
7th June 2015, 10:08 AM
free online book ... Place a Copy of John Casey’s Book, Dark Winter, in Every Home in America!”

mick silver
7th June 2015, 10:21 AM
NASA Consultant John Casey Exposes Global Warming Fraud !https://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/nasa-consultant-john-casey-exposes-global-warming-fraud/

mick silver
7th June 2015, 10:23 AM
“Bottom line is there is clearly a huge error in the USHCN adjustments which has added a non-existent one degree hockey stick warming to the official US temperature record, and I now know just where to look for it in their code,” Goddard wrote (http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2014/01/19/just-hit-the-noaa-motherlode/). “NOAA made a big deal about 2012 blowing away all temperature records, but the temperature they reported is the result of a huge error. This affects all NOAA and NASA U.S. temperature graphs, and is part of the cause of this famous shift.” Citing satellite data, Goddard also said that by 2008, U.S. temperatures had cooled down below 1980s and 90s levels.
The “adjustment” schemes in the official U.S. dataset are so drastic, according to Goddard’s analysis, that they managed to “turn a 90 year cooling trend into a warming trend,” he said, suggesting that there may be a “software bug” at work. “Bottom line is that the [NOAA National Climatic Data Center] U.S. temperature record is completely broken, and meaningless,” Goddard concluded. “Adjustments that used to go flat after 1990 now go up exponentially. Adjustments which are documented as positive are implemented as negative.”
Respected climatologist and NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer actually showed evidence of what Goddard described as early as April of 2012, saying that “virtually all of the USHCN warming since 1973 appears to be the result of adjustments NOAA has made to the data.” Commenting on the latest findings, Dr. Spencer said that his own examination of the data and corrections to account for urban heat island (UHI) effects “support Steve’s contention that there’s something funny going on in the USHCN data.” He also called the NOAA methodology for adjusting the data “opaque” and said he believes it is prone to serious errors.
“Clearly, adjustments to surface temperature data are at least as large as the global warming signal being sought” (emphasis in original), concluded Dr. Spencer, who served as senior scientist for climate studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center before leaving to work at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. “Until a transparent analysis of the USHCN methodology is carried out, and alternative methods and temperature datasets are tested, I can’t bring myself to believe any U.S. government pronouncements regarding record warm temperatures.”
In its latest newsletter (http://www.sepp.org/twtwfiles/2014/TWTW%201-25-14%20B.pdf), the Science and Environmental Policy Project highlighted Goddard’s findings on “spurious warming” in the official U.S. temperature record, noting that elements of the data manipulation have been reported previously by other experts. “All this makes announcements of a certain year being the X hottest in the historic record highly questionable,” the organization said, echoing remarks by other scientists. “Once a dataset is compromised, can its integrity be restored?”
Climatologists Patrick Michaels and Paul “Chip” Knappenberger at the Cato Institute's Center for the Study of Science, meanwhile, drew attention to the problems in an article arguing that 2013 was “another nail in the coffin” for catastrophic man-made global warming theories (http://www.cato.org/blog/closing-books-2013-another-year-another-nail-coffin-disastrous-global-warming). “Please be advised that this history has been repeatedly ‘revised’ to either make temperatures colder in the earlier years or warmer at the end,” they wrote. “Not one ‘adjustment’ has the opposite effect, a clear contravention of logic and probability.”
“It’s a fact that if you just take all the thousands of fairly evenly-spaced ‘official’ weather stations around the country and average them up since 1895, that you won’t get much of a warming trend at all,” the respected climate scientists continued. “Consequently a major and ongoing federal effort has been to try and cram these numbers into the box imposed by the theory that gives the government the most power — i.e., strong global warming.”
The New American reached out to the agencies involved in the scandal for answers about the allegations. “There is no doubt that NOAA's temperature record is scientifically sound and reliable,” NOAA claimed in an official statement, despite the fact that there are many well-documented doubts. “To ensure accuracy of the record, scientists use peer-reviewed methods to account for all potential inaccuracies in the temperature readings such as changes in station location, instrumentation replacement and urban heat effects.”
When asked in a follow-up whether the findings suggesting that the data “adjustments” had turned a cooling trend into warming or whether there were any inaccuracies in Goddard’s analysis, the agency did not respond. “Scientists also have other ways of confirming warming using many other independent measurements such as declining lake and river ice and snow cover extent, and increasing temperatures as measured from satellites and weather balloons and others,” the NOAA statement added.
As The New American has reported extensively in recent months, despite NOAA’s claims, its own data show that Antarctic sea-ice coverage hit record levels again in 2013 (http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/17470-nasa-data-global-warming-still-on-pause-sea-ice-hit-record). Sea-ice coverage globally on Dec. 31, 2013, meanwhile, was the highest since records began. Finally, snow coverage for the Northern Hemisphere last year was the fourth highest on record, according to data from Rutgers University’s Global Snow Lab (http://climate.rutgers.edu/snowcover/images/nhland_season1.png). NOAA did not respond to subsequent requests for comment on the issues.
Separately, Deputy Director Gavin Schmidt at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies told The New American that the agency is “committed to producing as accurate an analysis as possible and any errors or corrections in the source data are fixed as soon as practical as they are discovered.” Schmidt also said that the issues raised by Goddard were “not particularly convincing — just pointing out that something changes is not the same as demonstrating that it has changed because of an error.”
“Specific issues with this dataset are more productively addressed to the NOAA team that puts it together,” Schmidt said, adding that other datasets supported global warming as well. “More broadly, it is important to note that this claim is associated solely with the U.S. and globally these issues are of minor importance (even if verified).... As we stressed in our press briefing, exact rankings of specific years globally are sensitive to different analysis methods and source data, but long term trends are clear in multiple, independently verified and independently processed data sets.”
Even if the controversial “adjustments” of the U.S. temperature record criticized by numerous experts are accepted as legitimate, countless scientists said this month that the latest data from U.S. government bureaucracies confirmed again that “global warming” has been on so-called “pause” for some 17 years (http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/17470-nasa-data-global-warming-still-on-pause-sea-ice-hit-record) — and counting. All 73 United Nations climate models predicted significant warming over the same period. The record high Antarctic sea-ice coverage confirmed again this month by NASA and NOAA, surpassing the previous records set the year before, also defied alarmist forecasts of shrinking polar ice.
The findings highlighted by Goddard and other experts bring to mind the infamous “Climategate (http://www.thenewamerican.com/search?q=climategate)” scandal, too. In a series of explosive leaked e-mails, many of the leading “climate scientists” behind the UN-backed theories on alleged man-made global warming were exposed conspiring to “hide the decline” in temperatures to further what was referred to as the “cause.” The documents also showed, among other revelations, that the alarmists were plotting to silence scientists who dissented from their controversial theory.
In the end, Climategate led to what many analysts still suggest may have been the beginning of the end for the effort to impose global carbon taxes on humanity. Since then, the climate models behind the alarmism have become increasingly discredited as the predictions failed to materialize. Indeed, as The New American has been reporting in recent months, experts say 2013 was potentially the most devastating year so far for proponents of catastrophic man-made global-warming theories, with reality increasingly at odds with the models and predictions.
It remains to be seen whether the latest allegations by Goddard and others of improper U.S. government temperature-data manipulation will serve to hasten what analysts say is the ongoing implosion of global-warming alarmism (http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/6820-global-warming-alarmism-dying-a-slow-death). At this point, however, a growing number of climate experts and scientists around the world are forecasting a period of potentially dangerous global cooling (http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/17324-global-warming-alarmism-melting-as-record-cold-sweeps-nation) in the years and decades ahead.
Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, science, politics, and more. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com .
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mick silver
7th June 2015, 10:24 AM
UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity Written by Alex Newman (http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/itemlist/user/68-alexnewman)

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If the United Nations and fellow climate alarmists get their way on restricting carbon dioxide, the poor will soon be getting poorer — much, much poorer — especially in places such as Africa, Latin America, and large swaths of Asia. It is hardly an exaggeration to suggest that millions could die of starvation, cold, and more. Despite bogus promises of abundant, government-mandated “green” energy (think Solyndra), Europeans, Americans, Japanese, and others who live in developed countries will suffer greatly, too. The devastation will be particularly severe among the least well-off.

Earth’s would-be rulers, however, do not seem to care. The radical UN plan to fight “climate change,” as outlined by the global body amid the implosion of its man-made global-warming theory, would dramatically curtail available energy supplies. If adopted, nobody disputes the fact that the scheme would grant unprecedented powers over people, businesses, and governments to planetary bureaucrats. The multi-trillion-dollar ploy would also wreak havoc on the global economy — virtually every human activity, including breathing, releases carbon dioxide.

On top of that, experts say the plan would have virtually no effect on the climate. Indeed, all of the UN climate models have already been thoroughly debunked as global warming, in defiance of hysterical predictions, stopped over a decade and a half ago (see companion article on page 25). But the agenda was never really to stop “global cooling,” “global warming,” or even “climate change,” so it is hardly surprising to learn that the UN is nowhere near ready to give up on its vision of complete planetary dominance.

The “Budget” to “Save” the World

With its latest report, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) formally called for national rulers to help foist what it calls a “carbon budget” on humanity — rationing CO2 emissions in a supposed effort to stop potential future temperature increases. The global body’s “solution” to the alleged anthropogenic (man-made) global-warming problem, however, can be summarized neatly without any mention of “climate” or “carbon”: More power and money for governments and international bureaucrats; less freedom and prosperity for humanity as a whole.

Based on the findings of its widely ridiculed Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), the UN “carbon budget” would, among other measures, drastically limit man-made CO2 emissions — and therefore limit energy production and all economic activity — by empowering a global climate regime to rule over humanity. Prices, of course, would necessarily skyrocket — the cost of everything from food and electricity to gasoline and travel would inevitably soar.

As part of the global body’s first-ever “carbon budget” calculations, the UN claims that its decrees must be adhered to in order to offer a “50 percent” chance of keeping global warming below two degrees Celsius. “Limiting climate change will require substantial and sustained reductions of greenhouse gas emissions,” claimed the summary report, implausibly arguing that anything over its dubious targets would lead to the “most dangerous” effects of global warming.

It goes into much more detail, too, presenting lots of numbers to give the impression that its claims are more than just arbitrary figures cooked up by power-hungry bureaucrats and tax-funded alarmists. “Limiting the warming caused by anthropogenic CO2 emissions alone with a probability of >33 per cent, >50 per cent, and >66 per cent to less than 2°C since the period 1861-1880, will require cumulative CO2 emissions from all anthropogenic sources to stay between 0 and about 1560 GtC [gigatons of carbon], 0 and about 1210 GtC, and 0 and about 1000 GtC since that period respectively,” the report claims. “An amount of 531 [446 to 616] GtC, was already emitted by 2011.”

In simpler terms, the overall amount of carbon that the UN claims humanity can be allowed to emit is around one trillion metric tons — somewhere between 820 billion and 1.5 trillion, depending on the “probability” desired by governments and dictators. However, the IPCC report claims that by 2011, people had already used up between half and two-thirds of their allowable “carbon budget,” and other factors may mean the budget should be even lower.

The top CO2 limit, the politically selected UN experts warned, will be reached within a matter of decades if rulers do not work together through the UN to impose what even some proponents describe as “radical policies.” Radical might actually be an understatement — literally everyone and everything would have to submit to UN decrees.

To enforce its vision, the UN and its allies hope to finally secure a planetary treaty creating the carbon regime by 2015. Despite the best efforts of international bureaucrats and more than a few national governments, previous attempts at foisting the UN-run scheme on humanity have failed — most notably in Copenhagen. However, the UN climate establishment does not plan to give up on its machinations.

The top UN “climate” bureaucrat, Christiana Figueres, for instance, claimed the most recent IPCC report underscored the need for “urgent action” to restrict carbon. “To steer humanity out of the high danger zone, governments must step up immediate climate action and craft an agreement in 2015 that helps to scale up and speed up the global response,” she demanded.

It was not immediately clear how the UN thought humanity’s “carbon budget” should be divided up — how much CO2 Americans should be allowed to emit versus, say, Europeans, Chinese, Africans, Indians, and so on. “In essence, the scientists were putting a big carbon pie on the table and asking: How are we going to carve this thing up?” reported the New York Times, adding that the Obama administration intervened to ensure the inclusion of the “carbon budget” in the latest IPCC report. “Suppose countries got a piece proportionate to their share of world population. The United States, with less than 5 percent, would get a sliver.”

More concrete UN policy demands are expected by early 2014, when another section of the IPCC report is due to be released. The schemes outlined in the upcoming document, produced by one of the UN’s global-warming working groups, will undoubtedly be seized upon ahead of the 2015 UN climate summit in Paris by power-hungry planetary bureaucrats, governments, dictators, crony capitalists, and other special interests hoping to benefit from the alarmism.

Global Support for UN Carbon Budget

Analysts, even in the establishment media, pointed out that one of the key purposes of the IPCC report was actually to help provide a semblance of public support for the anti-CO2 regulatory scheme sought by would-be global authorities. And already, as if on cue, UN schemers, communist dictatorships, and Western powers are loudly lining up behind the plot. In many cases — the Obama administration’s schemes, for example — efforts to fasten the elements of the regime on populations are already under way.

Even before the IPCC report was released, the Obama administration’s scandal-plagued EPA was issuing lawless decrees to force energy companies to comply with impossible-to-meet caps on emissions of what it ludicrously refers to as carbon “pollution.” Critics noted that the administration would further devastate the fragile U.S. economy with its anti-carbon scheming. Still, Obama has made the “climate” crusade a key element of his agenda, and more “executive actions” are expected if Congress continues to tolerate the assaults.

After the latest IPCC report was released, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry promptly issued a statement agreeing with its findings and pretending that it was all really “science,” using the term five times in the brief document. “If ever there were an issue that demanded greater cooperation, partnership, and committed diplomacy, this is it,” Kerry said, using nice terms to describe the UN-empowerment agenda under the pretext of fighting alleged anthropogenic global warming. “We will work with our partners around the world through ambitious actions to reduce emissions, transform our energy economy, and help the most vulnerable cope with the effects of climate change.”

Obama’s radical science czar John Hol­dren, who in 1977 proposed forced abortions and secretly drugging the water supply with sterilants to deal with a supposed population crisis that never came, echoed Kerry’s alarmism. In comments about the IPCC’s claims — even though 100 percent of its climate models were wrong — he said, “The kinds of harm already being experienced from climate change will continue to worsen unless and until comprehensive and vigorous action to reduce emissions is undertaken worldwide.”

European Union “Climate Commissioner” Connie Hedegaard, another prominent alarmist whose job depends on the perpetuation of global-warming theories, demanded that the UN’s “carbon budget” for humanity be taken into account during the 2015 UN “climate” summit. “Hopefully this will add momentum for governments to act — 2015 is the deadline when all governments must be ready to commit internationally,” the EU climate czar decreed. “The EU is getting ready with our 2030 climate and energy targets that we will present before year end.”

The communist dictatorship ruling mainland China has also jumped on the anti-CO2 bandwagon, though most analysts expect it to demand that Western populations bear most of the crushing “carbon budget” burden. “If we continue with business as usual, the long-term average temperature increase is more likely to be between 3.6°C and 5.3°C (compared with pre-industrial levels), with most of the increase occurring in this century,” alleged Su Wei, the regime’s “chief climate change negotiator.”

In the United Kingdom, establishment politicians on both sides of the supposed political spectrum seized on the findings as well. “The publication of a carbon budget by the IPCC increases the urgency and importance of the UN process and of future CoP [UN Conference of the Parties] meetings,” Conservative party Parliamentarian Tim Yeo was quoted as saying.

“Work should start at once on the establishment of a fair apportionment of emissions country by country, based on the principle of contraction and convergence,” he added. “Greater efforts must be made to develop a worldwide emissions trading system since cap and trade is the one policy tool whose successful deployment could guarantee that the IPCC carbon budget is met.”

Despite the renewed wave of ferocious alarmism from the UN and dictatorial threats from the Obama administration, Americans do not appear to be very concerned about the “climate” non-issue. A recent poll by the Pew Research Center, for example, showed that just two in five Americans consider supposed “global climate change” to be a major threat to the country — among the lowest on the list of concerns, and about at the same level as “political instability in Pakistan.”

In Australia, voters recently delivered a landslide victory to a political coalition that vowed to kill a costly carbon tax and rein in the climate alarmism machine. In Britain, the hysteria is dying, too, though officials have already adopted a five-year-plan “carbon budget” for British subjects. Aside from the almost comically alarmist U.K. Guardian, even much of the world media appears to be taking a step back. But even though it has become clear that the climate emperor has no clothes, the agenda behind it marches on.

As UN alarmists become increasingly shrill while their wild demands become more transparent and outlandish, their theories are falling apart at breathtaking speed. That means the planetary body and national governments, which are desperately seeking to expand their own power under the guise of saving the climate, are in a race against time to get the global carbon/governmental regime in place.

Carbon, as scientists know, is crucial to life on Earth. Fossil fuels, meanwhile, have been the life-blood of civilization for generations, lifting billions out of poverty while drastically extending life. If the UN and alarmist governments get their carbon budget, though, human progress and the economy would be crushed — ensuring that dealing with natural climate changes, which have always occurred, will be all the more difficult.

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