View Full Version : Remote viewing

8th June 2015, 04:51 AM
It's a little after 4:30 am here. There's been some strange things going on here lately. The main thing for me, is that I wake up between 4 and 4:30 am each morning, ready to start my day.

Something happened this morning though. I have a crazy neighbor. The good kind of crazy though. Great guy, always looking after everyone. But, he is a conspiracy theorist on steroids, he's hellbent that .gov is after him as an individual. He claims high up .gov operatives have a personal agenda against him. Yesterday, he mumbled something about remote viewing.

So, I've been waking up this early and don't know why.

This morning, at 4:30 am, I'm pouring myself a cup of coffee, and I hear this neighbor start yelling. He's yelling "get out of here!" multiple times very loudly. I poke my head outside and everything is peaceful.

I'm just wondering, if remote viewing is possible by .gov, and if this neighbor is correct. Maybe there's a reason we both happen to be awake at 4 am when most folks are sleeping away.


Twisted Titan
8th June 2015, 05:18 AM
I think its just your internal clock is hardwired for time.

Having a neighbor like that is blessing and curse because he aware but has not got past the fear/ panic phase ....where you can make effective desicions to protect yourself.

But at the end of the day.....allways go with your gut

midnight rambler
8th June 2015, 06:22 AM
That jewpedia article is utter nonsense. The DoD would not have pursued CRV* (CONTROLLED remote viewing, which is an established scientific protocol pioneered by Ingo Swann via the Stanford Institute) for over 20 years if it wasn't getting them results. The Russians were doing 'remote viewing' before the DoD which is what got the DoD onto CRV. It definitely works. I spent four long days with Lyn Buchanan at his home with five other people taking his basic class. Lyn is the real deal. Lyn told us, "Everyone has psychic ability just like everyone can sing. Some people can sing better than others."

Your neighbor is just being paranoid. I guarantee you there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING he has going on which would cause even one person to spend the time and effort looking into his life via CRV. Why spend time doing something like that when there are so many other ways of directly fucking with him with much more positive results (e.g. using some sort of directed energy so he hears voices)??

*there's CRV and then there's people who HAPHAZARDLY use any psychic ability they may have (which they may call remote viewing) to look into other people's lives (as opposed to just psychically going somewhere else in space and time), and in doing so, even when using CRV, there's always the possibility of being 'sucked in' and taking on the things going on in someone else's life and getting 'stuck' there (there's a protocol for solving that 'sucked in' problem with CRV)

8th June 2015, 06:30 AM
I think its just your internal clock is hardwired for time.

Having a neighbor like that is blessing and curse because he aware but has not got past the fear/ panic phase ....where you can make effective desicions to protect yourself.

But at the end of the day.....allways go with your gut

Yeah, my clock is wired to get up early. I don't mind though, I'd be out fishing right now if this dang fog would clear up. It was rather alarming though, to hear a neighbor, who's by himself yelling at nobody to "get out of here".

8th June 2015, 06:34 AM
That jewpedia article is utter nonsense. The DoD would not have pursued CRV* (CONTROLLED remote viewing, which is an established scientific protocol pioneered by Ingo Swann via the Stanford Institute) for over 20 years if it wasn't getting them results. The Russians were doing 'remote viewing' before the DoD which is what got the DoD onto CRV. It definitely works. I spent four long days with Lyn Buchanan at his home with five other people taking his basic class. Lyn is the real deal. Lyn told us, "Everyone has psychic ability just like everyone can sing. Some people can sing better than others."

Your neighbor is just being paranoid. I guarantee you there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING he has going on which would cause even one person to spend the time and effort looking into his life via CRV. Why spend time doing something like that when there are so many other ways of directly fucking with him with much more positive results (e.g. using some sort of directed energy so he hears voices)??

*there's CRV and then there's people who HAPHAZARDLY use any psychic ability they may have (which they may call remote viewing) to look into other people's lives (as opposed to just psychically going somewhere else in space and time), and in doing so, even when using CRV, there's always the possibility of being 'sucked in' and taking on the things going on in someone else's life and getting 'stuck' there (there's a protocol for solving that 'sucked in' problem with CRV)

Thanks midnight, this is a very helpful post. I'll have to do some research on CRV now, it's new topic, for me at least which I know nothing about.

I'm used to having crazy neighbors, heck I'm sure I'm viewed as crazy too. I have another neighbor whom I told about some experiences I've had on the boat, and he swears the boat is haunted. He says I have "long antennas" just as himself, basically meaning the ability to sense things I suppose.

midnight rambler
8th June 2015, 10:39 AM
Thanks midnight, this is a very helpful post. I'll have to do some research on CRV now, it's new topic, for me at least which I know nothing about.

I'm used to having crazy neighbors, heck I'm sure I'm viewed as crazy too. I have another neighbor whom I told about some experiences I've had on the boat, and he swears the boat is haunted. He says I have "long antennas" just as himself, basically meaning the ability to sense things I suppose.

If you want to really get to the red meat research the work of Ingo Swann.

And check out Lyn Buchanan, he's a character.



8th June 2015, 11:38 AM
Thanks midnight, this is a very helpful post. I'll have to do some research on CRV now, it's new topic, for me at least which I know nothing about.

I'm used to having crazy neighbors, heck I'm sure I'm viewed as crazy too. I have another neighbor whom I told about some experiences I've had on the boat, and he swears the boat is haunted. He says I have "long antennas" just as himself, basically meaning the ability to sense things I suppose.

It's along the same lines of Astral Projection. Instead of your conscientiousness leaving your body you just view something or someone remotely.

What always interested me was Telekinesis. There has been documented evidence of a Russian woman (Nina Kulagina) stopping the heart of a frog just by thought alone. One of the scientist even volunteered to see if she could stop his heart. He wore a heart monitor and Nina began stopping his heart. After the experiment he reported that it felt like he was having a heart attack.

It's been a number of years since I've read it, but I do remember making a pin wheel and moving it with just thought which I thought was extremely exciting. Even getting it to change directions feels like an immense accomplishment. I was never able to make a pencil move or anything like that. Just the pin wheel, but when I did I could feel a small spot of pressure on my forehead. I think if you took a 3D model and followed it through my head I believe it would of led directly to the pituitary gland. Or the 3rd eye in ancient beliefs.

midnight rambler
8th June 2015, 12:31 PM
It's along the same lines of Astral Projection. Instead of your conscientiousness leaving your body you just view something or someone remotely.

What always interested me was Telekinesis. There has been documented evidence of a Russian woman (Nina Kulagina) stopping the heart of a frog just by thought alone. One of the scientist even volunteered to see if she could stop his heart. He wore a heart monitor and Nina began stopping his heart. After the experiment he reported that it felt like he was having a heart attack.

It's been a number of years since I've read it, but I do remember making a pin wheel and moving it with just thought which I thought was extremely exciting. Even getting it to change directions feels like an immense accomplishment. I was never able to make a pencil move or anything like that. Just the pin wheel, but when I did I could feel a small spot of pressure on my forehead. I think if you took a 3D model and followed it through my head I believe it would of led directly to the pituitary gland. Or the 3rd eye in ancient beliefs.

There's one of those antique bookcases with the wood framed glass doors in Lyn's living room. Inside it are forks (no spoons, that'd be too easy) that have the tines 'annealed' (bent and twisted) in all sorts of contortions. These were annealed by Lyn and some of his students. Alongside the annealed forks is a yellow #2 pencil tied in a knot with no slack (this was done by Lori who became one of his instructors). The yellow paint is still on the pencil however the paint is cracked and split where it got stretched. Lyn advised us they had x-rayed the pencil and the lead inside the pencil was not broken.

When Lyn was 12-13 he was able to throw a rock through objects such as corrugated sheet metal without leaving a hole. He was showing off to this little red-haired girl he was infatuated with by passing a rock through a dinner plate as he held the dinner plate with the rock sitting on top of it. The little girl's father was a deacon at the local Church of Christ Church and his daughter told him what Lyn had done with the rock popping out the bottom of the dinner plate without breaking it. The next day the deacon and his pastor stopped Lyn on his way home from school and said, "My daughter says you can do a trick with a dinner plate and a rock, can you do that for us?" (they were real thoughtful and had brought a dinner plate and a rock). Lyn, feeling real proud of himself said, "Yeah, sure" and proceeded to replicate what he did the day before. Before the rock hit the ground the deacon and pastor body slammed Lyn to the ground and were shouting, "LORD GET THE DEVIL OUT OF THIS BOY!!!" That scared the shit out of young Lyn and he didn't do any such thing ever again, until that incident where he inadvertently took out the entire computer network for the US Army in Europe in front of several witnesses (and that's where he was recruited for his participation in the DoD's psychic endeavors).

9th June 2015, 06:40 AM
This remote viewing test is a serious WTF. I tried the first target and got the color, shape, and temp correct.


Twisted Titan
9th June 2015, 06:49 AM
It's along the same lines of Astral Projection. Instead of your conscientiousness leaving your body you just view something or someone remotely.

What always interested me was Telekinesis. There has been documented evidence of a Russian woman (Nina Kulagina) stopping the heart of a frog just by thought alone. One of the scientist even volunteered to see if she could stop his heart. He wore a heart monitor and Nina began stopping his heart. After the experiment he reported that it felt like he was having a heart attack.

It's been a number of years since I've read it, but I do remember making a pin wheel and moving it with just thought which I thought was extremely exciting. Even getting it to change directions feels like an immense accomplishment. I was never able to make a pencil move or anything like that. Just the pin wheel, but when I did I could feel a small spot of pressure on my forehead. I think if you took a 3D model and followed it through my head I believe it would of led directly to the pituitary gland. Or the 3rd eye in ancient beliefs.

the pituitary gland is also known as the master gland. and is also the gland that gets calcified when you drink fluoride. why don't you think that that's a coincidence?

9th June 2015, 06:58 AM
the pituitary gland is also known as the master gland. and is also the gland that gets calcified when you drink fluoride. why don't you think that that's a coincidence?

Oh I don't think it's a coincidence at all. Removing fluoride from the body decalcifies the pituitary gland as well. With my next order of Liposomal Vitamin C, I'll be adding Boron to my mix of vitamins. I've been steering clear of fluoridated drinking water for about 2 years now.

9th June 2015, 07:08 AM
the pituitary gland is also known as the master gland. and is also the gland that gets calcified when you drink fluoride. why don't you think that that's a coincidence?

To add to this point, iodine deficiency is the leading cause of brain damage in the world. Also, iodine protects against fluoride toxicity and Americans are leading the world in fluoride exposure.


The toxicity of modern life is impacting iodine levels and in the countries that fluoridate their water this impact is maximized. It is well known that the toxic halides: fluoride and bromide, having structure similar to iodine, can competitively inhibit iodine absorption and binding in the body. All the halogens use the same receptors in the body so fluoride’s danger for people is centered in great part on this fact.

Americans and Brazilians, who are more exposed to fluoride than other populations, have a desperate need for more iodine. Taking iodine in its nascent form is not only the best way to increase iodine levels in the safest and most effective way possible for adults and children whose thyroids are already compromised, but it will also greatly aid in ridding the body of dangerous fluoride, bromide, chlorine, perchlorates and heavy metals.

10th June 2015, 03:39 PM
This remote viewing test is a serious WTF. I tried the first target and got the color, shape, and temp correct.


Very cool. I also did the first target. At first I saw the normal multi colored speckles as always, then a vibrating upside down triangle appeared. It was wavering back and forth with the borders of the triangle changing from ice blue to deep green, kind of shimmering. It reminded me of a child's toy top spinning while a little top heavy. I opened my eyes, clicked for the answer and saw a still picture of a 50's style weather balloon of the same shape. The pic was taken on a cold crisp day with snow on the ground and a blue bird sky. I can imagine it swaying and shimmering in the breeze. When I have the time I'll do the other tests.

midnight rambler
10th June 2015, 05:35 PM
From the CRV yahoo group, Lori is the one who tied the pencil in a knot.

Hello, Friends and Students of CRV!

Lori Williams will be teaching a 3-day Basic CRV workshop in Amsterdam, Netherlands October 16-18, and is offering a FREE CRV Webinar for anyone with questions about CRV.

The Webinar will be via GoToMeeting.com at 1300 hrs (1 p.m.) Central Time, 2000 hours (8 p.m.) in Amsterdam and most of Europe. If you know of anyone new to CRV who would like to attend, please pass this information on to them. Here is the link:

FREE Online Intro to CRV WEBINAR for Europe

Fri, Jun 12, 2015 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

(info redacted so as to not publish on the interwebs, make a note on your calendars and PM me a few days in advance for the details to listen in)

10th June 2015, 07:40 PM
Very cool. I also did the first target. At first I saw the normal multi colored speckles as always, then a vibrating upside down triangle appeared. It was wavering back and forth with the borders of the triangle changing from ice blue to deep green, kind of shimmering. It reminded me of a child's toy top spinning while a little top heavy. I opened my eyes, clicked for the answer and saw a still picture of a 50's style weather balloon of the same shape. The pic was taken on a cold crisp day with snow on the ground and a blue bird sky. I can imagine it swaying and shimmering in the breeze. When I have the time I'll do the other tests.

To be honest, I'm a little reluctant to do the other tests. I cleared my mind and focused on the target name. I had a paper and pen handy. I saw a white shape emitting energy, shimmering, like you describe. I opened my eyes and drew it on the paper. Then continued. I thought of what I felt temp wise. I felt cold for some reason. I then looked at the answer. I was right on what I saw, and felt.

This was cool, but a little creepy, imo. There's a lot we don't know. I'd like to try the other tests, but will wait until I'm ready, in the right mindset. Wild stuff. Thank you for trying this out. I feel a bit less crazy now. :) Cheers.