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mick silver
11th June 2015, 02:29 PM
Hungry FBI Creating Fake Terrorists

By Philippe Gastonne - June 09, 2015

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In the 14 years since 9/11, you can count about six real terrorist attacks in the United States. These include the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013, as well as failed attacks, such as the time when a man named Faisal Shahzad tried to deliver a car bomb to Times Square. In those same 14 years, the Bureau, however, has bragged about how it's foiled dozens of terrorism plots. In all, the FBI has arrested more than 175 people in aggressive, undercover counterterrorism stings.
These operations, which are usually led by an informant, provide the means and opportunity, and sometimes even the idea, for mentally ill and economically desperate people to become what we now term terrorists.
These informants nab people like Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh. Both are mentally ill. Abdul-Latif had a history of huffing gasoline and attempting suicide. Mujahidh had schizoaffective disorder, he had trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy. In 2012, the FBI arrested these two men for conspiring to attack a military recruiting station outside Seattle with weapons provided, of course, by the FBI. The FBI's informant was Robert Childs, a convicted rapist and child molester who was paid 90,000 dollars for his work on the case. This isn't an outlier. – Trevor Aaronson, TED Talk (http://www.ted.com/talks/trevor_aaronson_how_this_fbi_strategy_is_actually_ creating_us_based_terrorists/transcript?language=en#t-68681), March 2015
The FBI has a problem. Not enough terrorists are plotting to attack the United States, so agents find they must manufacture more of them. The method appears to be working, too. Dozens of FBI-appointed terrorists now sit safely in prison and no longer threaten the "Homeland."
Unfortunately, Trevor Aaronson's reporting suggests most of these people never threatened the Homeland in the first place. They had two problems. First, they suffer from serious mental illness. Second, they trusted the FBI's paid informants.
In an earlier era, we called this "entrapment" and law enforcement officials discouraged it. They weren't especially concerned about civil rights, but budgets were tighter and they had plenty of other low-hanging fruit.
All this changed after 9/11 when anti-terrorism became the FBI's top priority. The bureau found itself awash in cash and under pressure to deliver results. A national paranoia had citizens seeing potential terrorists behind every tree.
Something else happened, too. The number of people diagnosed with serious mental illness shot higher while the nation's capacity to care for them plummeted. Jails found themselves operating as de facto psychiatric wards, their cells filled with people who had tenuous connections to reality.
This neat coincidence helped the FBI solve its problem. Agents dangled cash to recruit informants who would then entice their "friends" into fictitious terror plots. The Bureau would then bust these plots open to great fanfare, allowing it to show success and keep the budget growing.
The strategy had the beneficial side effect of bolstering public fears. With terror plots in the headlines almost every month, voters gladly accepted loss of civil liberties and lavish anti-terror spending. News accounts routinely shaded over the missing connections to actual terrorists.
So, we are now in a "minority report" nation where the mere inclination to commit a crime, if given the opportunity, is enough to imprison people for life. How far will the FBI push this logic?
Practically everyone pushes the bounds of legality every day. We drive through intersections without making a complete stop. We drive 20 miles per hour over the limit when we don't see any police cars. We put liquids in our carry-on bags. Would we push the law even more if a trusted friend encouraged it? Probably so, but we would draw a line somewhere.
The FBI knows this. Targeting people with impaired judgment greatly increases their odds of "success." Mentally ill people often don't know when to stop. The strategy is working well, so it will likely continue.
As with most government programs, this one will probably expand far beyond its original intent. What else might we see? Maybe fake accountants advising people how to dodge taxes? Faux pharmacies dispensing drugs without prescriptions? Imitation taxidermists selling endangered species fur?
The possibilities are endless. So, apparently, is government's hunger for control.

- See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/36340/Hungry-FBI-Creating-Fake-Terrorists/#sthash.SgxJLWch.dpuf

mick silver
11th June 2015, 02:30 PM
Big Brother is Watching Closer Than You Think
By Philippe Gastonne - June 03, 2015

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Aviation buff John Zimmerman was at a weekly gathering of neighbors Friday night when he noticed something peculiar: a small plane circling a route overhead that didn't make sense to him.
It was dark, so a sightseeing flight didn't make sense, and when Zimmerman pulled up more information on an aviation phone app he routinely checks, he had immediate concerns.
The plane's flight path, recorded by the website flightradar24.com, would eventually show that it circled downtown Minneapolis, the Mall of America and Southdale Center at low altitude for hours starting at 10:30 p.m., slipping off radar just after 3 a.m.
"I thought, 'Holy crap,' " said Zimmerman.
Bearing the call sign N361DB, the plane is one of three Cessna 182T Skylanes registered to LCB Leasing of Bristow, Va., according to FAA records. The Virginia secretary of state has no record of an LCB Leasing. Virtually no other information could be learned about the company.
Zimmerman's curiosity might have ended there if it weren't for something he heard from his aviation network recently: A plane registered to NG Research — also located in Bristow — that circled Baltimore for hours after recent violent protests there was in fact an FBI plane that's part of a widespread but little known surveillance program, according to a report by the Washington Post.
Similar flights have since been spotted near Chicago, Boston and in California, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. – Minneapolis Star-Tribune (http://www.startribune.com/nighttime-flight-circles-low-over-twin-cities-for-hours/305398901/), May 29, 2015
There was a time in America when fear of government observation would get one accused of tinfoil-hat paranoia. Those days are gone. Thanks to Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers, we know Big Brother is watching. The only question is how close.
The newest development is that Big Brother seems to have a secret air force. Mysterious, ostensibly private planes are loitering over major cities in the same way U.S. drones loiter over Pakistan.
Unlike drones, the observation planes are not armed with Hellfire missiles – at least so far as we know. This does not mean they are harmless. If they contain the same kind of advanced imagery equipment the military deploys overseas, the potential loss of privacy is breathtaking.
Big Brother watches at ground level, too. Earlier this year a Denver TV news station found hidden cameras in a post office parking lot (http://kdvr.com/2015/03/11/mysterious-spy-cameras-collecting-data-at-post-offices/). Disguised as utility equipment, the cameras could capture and record the license plates and facial features of postal patrons. The Postal Inspection Service admitted it had installed the devices but would not explain why.
Even local governments are getting in on the act. Paradise Valley, Arizona recently installed two dozen hidden cameras inside fake saguaro cactus plants (http://www.fox10phoenix.com/story/28999731/2015/05/07/hidden-cact-eye-paradise-valley-installs-cameras-in-cactus). After initially refusing comment, officials said the cameras would read license plates to identify stolen cars. The faux cacti were purely aesthetic, they said.
Whatever the reason, it is safe to assume we are now under some kind of government surveillance almost every minute of the day. Exactly how the ubiquitous observation enhances national security or makes citizens any safer is unclear.
What if you don't like being watched? The government's answer, if it were willing to give one, would have to be, "Tough luck." Short of moving underground, staying off camera is practically impossible. Big Brother snaps your picture every time you drive on a public road or enter a public building.
If you want to smile for the camera, you'll have to smile all day.

- See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/36331/Big-Brother-is-Watching-Closer-Than-You-Think/#sthash.GlO00cqh.dpuf

12th June 2015, 12:38 AM
I got this far.

In the 14 years since 9/11, you can count about six real terrorist attacks in the United States. These include the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013