View Full Version : Hellish New Statue Unveiled in London

11th June 2015, 02:51 PM
Hellish New Statue Unveiled in London; What Were They Thinking?
Thursday 11th June 2015


‘There’s a new statue on public display in London that is meant to “inspire” and “delight” those who pass it on their daily commute, though we’re thinking words like “terrify,” “horrify” and “petrify” are more fitting for this particular piece of art.

It’s called ‘She Guardian,’ and Russian artist Dashi Namdakov has spent the last two years sculpting the towering figure out of four massive tons of bronze. Measuring 36-feet high, the artist says the attention-grabbing piece expresses a sense of maternal protectiveness, which we totally understand.



11th June 2015, 02:57 PM
No more H.P. Lovecraft for you !

11th June 2015, 03:18 PM

Good grief that is so ugly, I cannot bear to look at it..................

11th June 2015, 03:23 PM
Here in Denver, outside the airport is this beast:


11th June 2015, 03:24 PM
Here in Denver, outside the airport is this beast:

Well thank your stars at least it is not pink !


11th June 2015, 03:38 PM

11th June 2015, 04:49 PM
Here in Denver, outside the airport is this beast:


I believe this one fell on the creator and killed him before it was fully standing.

Twisted Titan
11th June 2015, 06:27 PM
I think it PERFECTLY depicts the feminist movement

So dam ugly there is not a fricken soul that would want to willfully have anything to do with it.

11th June 2015, 06:32 PM
Some thoughts

Sam W. (https://disqus.com/by/disqus_6yfKIlywjb/) • 2 days ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2070578194) I think this statue is fantastic. It's certainly not something one sees every day and for that I'm grateful. I like to see public art that is challenging to one's sensibilities about beauty and aesthetics.

Mad Monk (https://disqus.com/by/disqus_9oM9P7pGnC/) • a day ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2071900767) Such a fitting tribute to Margaret Thatcher,
this is the memorial they have been talking about yes??

Mary-Beth Featherwolf Wheelock (https://disqus.com/by/marybethfeatherwolfwheelock/) • a day ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2073009263) The statue is wonderful! Absolutely love it. Also, there aren't any cloven hooves, just claws and paws. To be honest, I think any parent who felt their child was being threatened would feel like that statue looks. Reminds me of the Gargoyles used on churches and cathedrals to ward against evil.

Spookygirl Insandiego (https://disqus.com/by/spookygirlinsandiego/) Mary-Beth Featherwolf Wheelock (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2073009263) • 7 hours ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2074251070) I'm not a mother, but I can guarantee you, if someone tried to hurt my kids I would immediately morph into a carbon copy of that statue. LOL
I think it's an amazing piece of art. Not to everyone's tastes but amazing nonetheless. It would be cool if they could make and sell miniature versions of it!

Rhias Hall (https://disqus.com/by/rhiashall/) • a day ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2072093308) I'm wishing there were a gift shop where I could get a smaller, domestic, version to protect my house. I love it!

Laura Austen (https://disqus.com/by/lauraausten/) • 2 days ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2071026067) amazing, i want one

Nicholas Brent Byrd (https://disqus.com/by/NicholasBrentByrd/) • 19 hours ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2073237735) I...see a winged hellcat that's nursing, not that disturbing as art goes. At one point in history it would have been the head of the town thief on a pike, I choose the hellcat.

Jess Cost (https://disqus.com/by/jesscost/) • a day ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2072906101) I think it's amazing. At least it's not riddled with those creepy, fat little cherubs that the Christians are so fond of....

Kate Dicey (https://disqus.com/by/katedicey/) • a day ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2072107188) I would love to see this every morning on my way to work. That would mean I'd have to have it in my garden, as I work at home... Well, if the folk don't like it where it is, they can park it at mine any time they like!

SevenThunders (https://disqus.com/by/seventhunders/) • a day ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2073003996) Why am I surprised at all the support for glorifying evil in the UK? Once the gospel is rejected, the void will be filled by Lucifer. This is so called art simply reflects the inner decay of the soul. Congratulations, your future is looking rather dim.

http://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/users/2697/2411/avatar92.jpg?1338736343 (https://disqus.com/by/ElsaKroese/)
Elsa Kroese (https://disqus.com/by/ElsaKroese/) • 15 hours ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2073458788) I think it looks amazing :D

Desmond (https://disqus.com/by/disqus_a4AfSc6GGe/) • 18 hours ago (http://ihorror.com/hellish-new-statue-unveiled-in-london-what-were-they-thinking/#comment-2073244386) I absolutely love it! I think it is brilliant. I'm very jealous of Londoners right now.

11th June 2015, 06:51 PM
Snuff Puppets

Contains nakedness and simulated childbirth.


Wonderful stuff.

11th June 2015, 07:16 PM


NWO Mind Bending Public Ugly Art in Plymouth England - Brian Gerrish

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-1msFGTFhjIo/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/xUZjGx-1i1s/s88-c-k-no/photo.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/user/mranthonyjhilder) Anthony Hilder (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwExDhfDIdvEo4jz1BhyAVA)



Uploaded on Oct 8, 2011
a rcoones video: (by permission from rcoones)

Mileau...the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops. How does public Art affect the group mind in Plymouth.

Public Art commissioned to condition you. Brian Gerrish leads us on a tour in Plymouth England showing you public art meant to condition your outlook and affect your space. Art in public does affect people...their outlook .... their perceptions... and expectations their attitude. Clever manipulation by those who commission the artists to condition you. Some of the art goes back to Egyptian power sculpture obelisks which end in a pyramid at the top. The Vatican, Washington DC, and the City of London have such obelisks. All are independent states. When one looks upon art such as these what are they saying? What do they represent? What hidden meanings are being hidden right out in the open? The effect they have on you is intended and certain people who carry agendas have left their mark hidden in plain view.
The UK Column

Sustainable Plymouth?....humm...check out Freedom Advocates for the true meaning of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21

Shot on location by the Free World Alliance Camera Crew in England (rcoones)

Anthony J Hilder Videos On UK Paradigm Shift TV Sky CH 203 GMT & simulcast on the Net:

http://www.paradigmshift.tv/view/sche... (http://www.paradigmshift.tv/view/schedule)

https://www.facebook.com/#!/anthonyjh... (https://www.facebook.com/#%21/anthonyjhilder)

@anthonyjhilder https://twitter.com/

11th June 2015, 07:23 PM
It was actually Brian's show UKColumn.org from yesterday where I saw this monstrocity. He's had a few on the show over the years.

We have similar things cropping up around our city. I've spoken about them before. Disgusting and bizzare things, but not always both together. Definitely dark minds at work.

I'm waiting for the one eyed goat. See who else has that vision.

11th June 2015, 10:46 PM
Well thank your stars at least it is not pink !

That would be horrible!

11th June 2015, 11:15 PM

12th June 2015, 01:07 AM
It was actually Brian's show UKColumn.org from yesterday where I saw this monstrocity. He's had a few on the show over the years.

We have similar things cropping up around our city. I've spoken about them before. Disgusting and bizzare things, but not always both together. Definitely dark minds at work.

I'm waiting for the one eyed goat. See who else has that vision.

Is Gerrish's show daily, or weekly? I sort of forget about him when I'm trolling around for some truth-porn podcasts to load up on the MP3 player. Prolly coz his shows seem to all be YTube only, no mp3 provided! :(

And surprisingly, Gerrish really doesn't seem to make the rounds as guest on other hosts' podcasts... he'd be great on Red Ice, VEastwood, Rense... et al. When I was more into Gerrish, listening/watching many of his older talks on YT, I did note that he omitted zion.dajooz from his spiels. The one exception was a talk I watched where, near the very end when he was taking audience Q&A, he was asked about zionism. He nodded knowingly during the question, and answered something to the effect of, yes very rich avenue of inquiry, and he encourages people to investigate this topic. He didn't offer anything of substance re his own views, or otherwise give anything specific to chew on...

And since I mentioned Vinny Eastwood (who's had several elite pedophilia experts as guests) in the short list above, I'll go on a further tangent and say, VE is 'guilty' of the same sin of omission re zion.dajooz which I just charged Gerrish with above. Well I listened to the latest show VE has posted, and I was really disappointed by hearing him recite several of the WW2, eeevil-nazis & holohoax lies, in response to a question from the show's hostess (VE was guest) about "neo-nazis" in the alt-media/Truth movement. VE even jammed in a line about how he's "investigated their claims..." and he disagrees with them, without any elaboration or specifics.... reminiscent of (VE's original idol) AJ's "I've got the documents; Arabs own Hollywood!" line(s). The discussion consumes most of the 2nd half hour of this one hour show:

Jehovah's Witnesses Exposed Video Deleted? Vinny Sticks Up For John Campbell And Jordan Maxwell. The Bridge With Kira (http://www.TheVinnyEastwoodShow.com/2015-vinny-on-other-shows/jehovahs-witnesses-exposed-video-deleted-vinny-sticks-up-for-john-campbell-and-jordan-maxwell-the-bridge-with-kira)


False claims against a video featuring Santos Bonacci & Jordan Maxwell exposing Jehovah's witnesses are being challenged on youtube, the man named Joseph Dolezal who's stolen all of Jordan Maxwells work now appears to believe that he owns all Jordan's future work, including all radio shows and youtube videos he appears in now or in the future!

Disputes have been filed and upheld thank goodness but Mr Dolezal has yet to back off his false claims of ownership.
Original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYJHZYa1CRg
Also, John Campbell, one of NZ's major anti-government journalists is having his show cancelled and even though Vinny doesn't agree with him on most things, the right to speak truth to power is one we should ALL be sticking up for, or else, we shall all be next.

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/yt_audio_bridge_with_kiera_young_vinny_eastwood_20 15.mp3)

yt_audio_bridge_with_kiera_young_vinny_eastwood_20 15.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/yt_audio_bridge_with_kiera_young_vinny_eastwood_20 15.mp3)

12th June 2015, 01:26 AM
most weekdays days.

pods are here: http://www.ukcolumn.org/podcast/rss.xml

12th June 2015, 02:28 AM
Why is there a statue of Ariel Sharon in Mogadishu?

12th June 2015, 02:35 AM
Actually does anyone know what it is...........

12th June 2015, 07:06 AM
The artist in question: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dashi_Namdakov

He is Buryat by ethnicity, not Slav. Was brought up as Buryat-Buddhist. Basically he is a Russian-educated Mongolian.

They also paid him for a statue of Genghis Khan http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-17703290

12th June 2015, 10:23 AM
I love vinnie's shows and his guests are always well chosen. I dont think there is one source that delivers the whole truth.... each of them has its own persepctive. We also learn from biases if doing our home work. If I were a guest on a show, I would also skip "that's the jews" and speak of the sumeria and ancient egypt instead, the roots of today's evil.

Is Gerrish's show daily, or weekly? I sort of forget about him when I'm trolling around for some truth-porn podcasts to load up on the MP3 player. Prolly coz his shows seem to all be YTube only, no mp3 provided! :(

And surprisingly, Gerrish really doesn't seem to make the rounds as guest on other hosts' podcasts... he'd be great on Red Ice, VEastwood, Rense... et al. When I was more into Gerrish, listening/watching many of his older talks on YT, I did note that he omitted zion.dajooz from his spiels. The one exception was a talk I watched where, near the very end when he was taking audience Q&A, he was asked about zionism. He nodded knowingly during the question, and answered something to the effect of, yes very rich avenue of inquiry, and he encourages people to investigate this topic. He didn't offer anything of substance re his own views, or otherwise give anything specific to chew on...

And since I mentioned Vinny Eastwood (who's had several elite pedophilia experts as guests) in the short list above, I'll go on a further tangent and say, VE is 'guilty' of the same sin of omission re zion.dajooz which I just charged Gerrish with above. Well I listened to the latest show VE has posted, and I was really disappointed by hearing him recite several of the WW2, eeevil-nazis & holohoax lies, in response to a question from the show's hostess (VE was guest) about "neo-nazis" in the alt-media/Truth movement. VE even jammed in a line about how he's "investigated their claims..." and he disagrees with them, without any elaboration or specifics.... reminiscent of (VE's original idol) AJ's "I've got the documents; Arabs own Hollywood!" line(s). The discussion consumes most of the 2nd half hour of this one hour show:

14th June 2015, 09:05 PM
most weekdays days.

pods are here: http://www.ukcolumn.org/podcast/rss.xml

I clicked your link last friday and it went to a nice directory of their UKC News podcasts as MP3 files :). I downloaded and listened to the June 12 show. Now today I returned to grab an older show or two; and the link just goes to a "...no search results" page. I risk sounding retarded here but, I poked around their menus looking for a podcasts page, and didn't see anything! :( U know where it went?

14th June 2015, 09:13 PM
I love vinnie's shows and his guests are always well chosen. I dont think there is one source that delivers the whole truth.... each of them has its own persepctive. We also learn from biases if doing our home work. If I were a guest on a show, I would also skip "that's the jews" and speak of the sumeria and ancient egypt instead, the roots of today's evil.

My beef was Vinny's not merely omitting the kosher elephant in the room which is his usual tact, but in the show I noted above he actually regurgitated their eeeevil nazis lies, and the holohoax narrative about industrial scale extermination. Prominent jooz themselves are on record saying the holohoax is central to their power ("shield & sword...").

14th June 2015, 09:31 PM
They're doin some real sick shit in Philadelphia recently too near Penns landing.

I think the idea is to make recent monuments look historical, but yet so horrific that they finally get torn down and history is forgotten forever.

14th June 2015, 09:33 PM
I clicked your link last friday and it went to a nice directory of their UKC News podcasts as MP3 files :). I downloaded and listened to the June 12 show. Now today I returned to grab an older show or two; and the link just goes to a "...no search results" page. I risk sounding retarded here but, I poked around their menus looking for a podcasts page, and didn't see anything! :( U know where it went?

Pat, I think they have redesigned their web site and launched the new one over the past weekend. So don't know where the feed has gone but mine is showing empty as well

They are showing the past couple weeks of the video show here: http://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-news-archive

But not the MP3's that I can find so far. Will keep an eye on it and update when I know more.

14th June 2015, 09:44 PM
Irish Memorial in Philly.

What an eyesore, is just painful to even be in the vicinity of it. Is like king kong took a dump there,


14th June 2015, 10:56 PM
Irish Memorial in Philly.

What an eyesore, is just painful to even be in the vicinity of it. Is like king kong took a dump there,

looks like a bunch of Liliputins working on a big shoe? Really, what's it supposed to be depicting?!

15th June 2015, 07:15 AM
Potato famine immigrants.


15th June 2015, 07:36 AM
Potato famine immigrants.

So besides looking like shit, literally; it enshrines the official fake "potato famine" whitewash of true history...
Thread: Irish Holocaust ("famine") discussion podcast (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60961-Irish-Holocaust-%28-quot-famine-quot-%29-discussion-podcast)

15th June 2015, 08:59 AM
I'll have to review that, it never did make sense that potatoes were a sole culprits to mass migration. lol what a world...

18th June 2015, 11:19 PM
Pat, The UK Column Podcasts are back up online.

here: http://www.ukcolumn.org/audio-podcasts