View Full Version : E3 2015 Coverage - Check out some of this new technology
15th June 2015, 03:58 PM
Wanted to posts some cool stuff I'm seeing at E3. It's basically a yearly thing were new video games and technology is unveiled.
15th June 2015, 03:58 PM
I'm not a Minecraft fan, but this new Minecraft update allows for 3D Holograms on a physical table. I've never seen anything like this...pretty cool:
RussiaToday covered it too:
15th June 2015, 07:30 PM
The Japanese Endless Story?
This looks fun:
15th June 2015, 08:23 PM
Like modern Indiana Jones:
16th June 2015, 06:52 AM
Like modern Indiana Jones:
Looks like one i could play, but it would lead to frustration and much cursing.
If anyone were in the same room they'd probably have to leave. :)
16th June 2015, 07:17 AM
Looks like one i could play, but it would lead to frustration and much cursing.
If anyone were in the same room they'd probably have to leave. :)
Just watch Uncharted on YouTube. You can start here with the prequel (chronologically first part of the story flashback.) I've watched these videos like a dozen times. Just so friggen awesome.
After watching these two just watch the first game in order. It's like a movie. Just better.
22nd June 2015, 06:56 AM
3D Waifu...
If you don't know a Waifu is a virtual reality "wife" that replaces a real life girlfriend/wife. People marry these things.
22nd June 2015, 07:10 AM
Korean Otaku Marries Fate Testarossa Dakimakura
Author: Artefact
Categories: Anime (, News (
Date: Mar 5, 2010 20:34 JST
Tags: Dakimakura (, Fate Testarossa (, Korea (, Marriage (, Nanoha (, Onanism (, Otaku (, Ronery (, TV ( (
A Korean otaku has married his Fate Testarossa ( dakimakura, with Korean media dutifully covering both his dating activities with the anime-inspired pillow, and the ceremony where the couple became man and pillowcase. (
Fate Testarossa is of course already well known as the character perpetually vying with Nanoha for the position of most popular magical girl in Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha.
Here he takes her out on a date to the theme park, accompanied by a TV crew ( (
A dinner at a restaurant – Fate seems to be enjoying her meal: (
His room: (
The groom kisses his new wife at the ceremony: (
This of course comes not so long after a man married his DS/Nene (, and some time after an otaku petition for the right to wed 2D characters (
Although not an issue ever likely to be taken seriously when dealing with printed cotton sheets, once simulated virtual partners and companion robots become commonplace the matter might become rather more pressing.
22nd June 2015, 09:46 AM
No computer will ever be able to reproduce the eternal bitch that is the human female.
22nd June 2015, 06:00 PM
3D Waifu...
If you don't know a Waifu is a virtual reality "wife" that replaces a real life girlfriend/wife. People marry these things.
I Ogled a Schoolgirl in Sony's Virtual Reality (
Yep, it’s creepy.
Summer Lesson, a VR experiment for Sony’s Project Morpheus headset produced by Namco Bandai, is a powerful virtual reality experience. It’s also disturbing and awkward and, well, kind of pornographic.
No, she doesn’t get naked. It’s not that kind of lesson — at least, not literally. And yet it’s clearly a strong hint about how sex will sell in virtual reality, even in places where actual VR porn ( might be off the menu ( The VR industry hasn’t been willing to talk about porn, because they don’t want that to be the focus of the conversation, but Summer Lesson is a concession that, yes, VR will be a platform for those kinds of experiences.
It’s a pretty simple demo, really. You’re sitting on the porch of a traditional Japanese house on a beautiful beach. You’re minding your own business, enjoying the summer breeze. Sea, sky, sunflowers and a nice gentle wind—nature in perfect harmony. A ripe watermelon sits on a table. Looks tasty. You can’t stand up or walk around, but you can look (and lean) around to see inside the beautifully detailed house.
Then she comes along—a beautiful blond Caucasian girl with short shorts, a form-fitting semi-transparent top, and a ridiculous figure to go with them. She asks me if I can be her sensei, teach her a little Japanese. How could I say no? Of course, even if I wanted to say no, I couldn’t. If I refuse her, she just laughs and continues.
I look her up and down. Yep, she’s hot. And then things go to the creepy place.
Yep, it’s creepy.
Summer Lesson, a VR experiment for Sony’s Project Morpheus headset produced by Namco Bandai, is a powerful virtual reality experience. It’s also disturbing and awkward and, well, kind of pornographic.
No, she doesn’t get naked. It’s not that kind of lesson — at least, not literally. And yet it’s clearly a strong hint about how sex will sell in virtual reality, even in places where actual VR porn ( might be off the menu ( The VR industry hasn’t been willing to talk about porn, because they don’t want that to be the focus of the conversation, but Summer Lesson is a concession that, yes, VR will be a platform for those kinds of experiences.
It’s a pretty simple demo, really. You’re sitting on the porch of a traditional Japanese house on a beautiful beach. You’re minding your own business, enjoying the summer breeze. Sea, sky, sunflowers and a nice gentle wind—nature in perfect harmony. A ripe watermelon sits on a table. Looks tasty. You can’t stand up or walk around, but you can look (and lean) around to see inside the beautifully detailed house.
Then she comes along—a beautiful blond Caucasian girl with short shorts, a form-fitting semi-transparent top, and a ridiculous figure to go with them. She asks me if I can be her sensei, teach her a little Japanese. How could I say no? Of course, even if I wanted to say no, I couldn’t. If I refuse her, she just laughs and continues.
I look her up and down. Yep, she’s hot. And then things go to the creepy place.
The innocent, carefree way she talks to me, my inability to get up off the porch, and the facts that I grow sunflowers and own traditional Japanese beachfront property bring me to a realization. I am probably old. I am an old perverted man looking this girl up and down. I’ve actually stumbled into a very specific fantasy. I try to put it out of my mind.
As the demo goes on, it encourages my bad behavior. She has me lean inclose to check her Japanese homework. Oh look, she’s so happy she just discovered a word that means “love”! She loses her guitar pick, and puts herself in a couple of vaguely compromising positions while she searches for it.
Suddenly, she asks me to hold very still, and gets really close to me. Is she going to kiss me? My perverted old man-heart skips a beat.
Nope, she was just trying to catch a butterfly that had landed on my shoulder. But how about that nice red bra, eh? Awkward.
At the end of the demo, a weird man stumbles onto the property, announces that he’s the film director, and congratulates you on your acting. Great job! You don’t need to feel bad if you looked at her lustily, reads the game’s subtext, because she was an adult actress, not an innocent girl.
Which was kind of nice of them, because the game’s director—also a man—was watching me the whole time, and I’m not sure how to explain my behavior. I wind up smiling and telling him how impressive it was that she got so close. He smiles and nods.
This isn’t the first version of Summer Lesson, by the way. The first, featuring a Japanese schoolgirl (, was even more overtly sexual. Japanese players ( esponded to that version by saying things like “I wouldn’t want anyone watching me while I played,” and “I think I’m in love.” The subtext is hardly subtext at all.
This is one of the VR demos that Sony is using to sell Project Morpheus to early adopters whom they hope will lead the consumer market. The hook seems to be that you can leer at schoolgirls, and the “lesson” is that you won’t get in trouble for it.
5th August 2015, 04:40 AM
Mirrors Edge Catalyst
5th August 2015, 08:19 AM
Looks like someone mirrored Ximmy avatar..
7th October 2015, 04:24 PM
Japan’s Health Ministry Fears Summer Lesson Will Destroy Population, Begs Sony Not to Release Game by Jack ( · September 1, 2014
Announced at Sony’s Tokyo Game Show press conference, Summer Lesson ( is a virtual reality game where it appears you will tutor a Japanese schoolgirl using Project Morpheus. If this is released, public officials fear Japan’s population will hit zero before 2100. (
7th October 2015, 05:14 PM
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