View Full Version : The War on the Confederate Flag

23rd June 2015, 12:13 PM
Shocked no one is talking about this yet, but it's turning into a frightening struggle to protect the 1st Amendment.

Walmart, Sears, and other big box retailers are removing it.

There's word Amazon and E-bay will remove it too:


23rd June 2015, 12:14 PM
The blatant status signaling over the Confederate flag in the last few days has me about ready to cash it in. I get it. You're a really good person. Southern whites who keep that rebel flag around are really bad people, and so is anyone who defends them. Thank God that he sent that young man to kill nine people so that you'd have an opportunity to show everyone else what a good person you are, how much better-bred you are than Southern white trash.

God, it feels so good to collectively blame this crime on people we hate, doesn't it? Can't blame terrorism on Muslims. Can't blame a disastrously high black murder rate on black people. Can't blame single motherhood or child murder on women. Can't blame a degenerate entertainment industry on Jews. But by golly, those toothless hicks down in Dixie with those rebel flags and their racism...now there's a real out-group we can all be united against. Can't have an in-group without an out-group to posture against in order to maintain status. Sorry, Southern whites, you're it, and dead black people are just another way for us to gain advantage against you.

You all disgust me. You're disgusting people. Nine innocent people are dead, and all you can think about is writing some self-important pseudophilosophical blather about how much Southerners suck and how they all need to feel real bad and to some degree personally guilty about this.

I'm not a Southerner at all. I like to imagine heaven as one endless March to the Sea under the blessed visage of William T Sherman. But if we Yankees don't have to feel real bad about the wreckage of Detroit, about the depredations of the financial industry, about the degradation of all that is good and right spewing out of New York TV studios, and about everything else that goes wrong up here, then you can go right straight to hell if you want me to join you in your preening little parade over how much better we are than them.

Four white people tied up, murdered, and burned in DC? No big deal. Talking about black-on-white crime gets you disapproval from the people you want to impress. It's probably racist of me to even know that happened. Five people shot in church in Baton Rouge? Who cares! Killer was black! Eight dead in Tyrone, Missouri? Gross, they were all small-town whites. There's no angle for me to work there, no way to let everyone know just how righteous I really I am.

Don't act like your blog posts and Facebook statuses are about racism, or about blacks, or about the killing. They're about you. I see it right through it, and you disgust me. You are disgusting, loathsome people, and there is no depth to which you will not stoop to morally posture.


23rd June 2015, 12:15 PM
This whole thing is very scary. It's amazing how people can be rallied in a frenzy like this to censor speech. These people are foaming at the mouth bonkers. It's very prevalent on the Republican side too. To me this is more about the end of Freedom of Speech than the flag. The flag isn't that important except that it's a symbol against Federal government tyranny and what happens when the Feds overstep their bounds and break the law.

I've been trolling comment sections all over the place and Republicans seem split 50/50.

Supreme Cuck Glenn Beck is on board with America's Fundamental Transformation


23rd June 2015, 12:26 PM
Sales of Some Confederate Flags Skyrocket on Amazon

Jun 23, 2015, 2:05 PM ET
By SUSANNA KIM (http://abcnews.go.com/author/susanna_kim) Susanna Kim More from Susanna » (http://abcnews.go.com/author/susanna_kim)
Business Digital Reporter

http://a.abcnews.com/images/Business/gty_confederate_flag_store_window_jc_150623_16x9_9 92.jpg A Confederate flag covers a window of a store in a small town in Georgia on June 21, 2015.
Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post via Getty Images

While Walmart (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/business/companies/walmart.htm), Sears and eBay have announced a ban on Confederate flag (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/confederate-flag.htm) sales, mega online seller Amazon is enjoying their brisk business -- with one product’s sales rank up 3,620 percent.
The top five biggest sales rank gainers on Amazon.com, or "movers and shakers," in the last 24 hours are all Confederate flag products, according to the website.

Walmart Decides to Stop Selling Confederate Flag Merchandise Amid Uproar Over Rebel Banner (http://abcnews.go.com/US/walmart-decides-stop-selling-confederate-flag-merchandise-amid/story?id=31954689)

EBay Bans Sale of Confederate Flag Products (http://abcnews.go.com/Business/ebay-stop-selling-confederate-flag-products/story?id=31971048)

The top product, with a sales rank that increased 3,620 percent, is a Confederate flag that's 3 feet by 5 feet and costs $1.80. The sales rank was 186th and is now No. 5, according to the website, which states that the rankings are updated hourly.

http://a.abcnews.com/images/Business/ht_confederate_flag_amazon_jc_150623_4x3_992.jpgAm azon.com

PHOTO: A view of the Amazon "Movers & Shakers" list created on June 23, 2015 shows a jump in popularity of Confederate flags.

Amazon did not respond to a request for comment.
Kerry McCoy, founder and president of FlagandBanner.com, based in Arkansas, told ABC News that sales of Confederate flags through her business in Little Rock, Arkansas, were "so-so" yesterday, but things have changed rapidly since Walmart, Sears, Kmart and additional politicians have called for their ban.
"We are getting a lot of calls for them and not for hate purposes but rather in fear that they will somehow become unavailable in the near future," McCoy said.
While Walmart, eBay, Kmart and Sears have announced the ban of Confederate flag products, McCoy said she will continue to sell all flags through her business in Arkansas as long as it is legal.
"We represent all Americans. It is not the place of Arkansas’ FlagandBanner.com to judge its customers We are providers not politicians," she said. "History buffs and re-enacters love the Civil War for its contributions to our country. As long as it is lawful we will represent all Americans at FlagandBanner.com, which include but not limited to Gay Pride, Tea Party, Democrats, Republicans, Native Americans, etc."

23rd June 2015, 12:30 PM
None of this is surprising in the least, in fact all of us should have fully expected this. Backlash against white people and culture is aggressively encouraged. Nobody would expect rally cries to ban the Mexican flag when a hispanic man goes on a rampage.

23rd June 2015, 12:33 PM
Sales of Some Confederate Flags Skyrocket on Amazon

While Walmart (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/business/companies/walmart.htm), Sears and eBay have announced a ban on Confederate flag (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/confederate-flag.htm) sales, mega online seller Amazon is enjoying their brisk business -- with one product’s sales rank up 3,620 percent.
The top five biggest sales rank gainers on Amazon.com, or "movers and shakers," in the last 24 hours are all Confederate flag products, according to the website.

Found it:

23rd June 2015, 12:34 PM
None of this is surprising in the least, in fact all of us should have fully expected this. Backlash against white people and culture is aggressively encouraged. Nobody would expect rally cries to ban the Mexican flag when a hispanic man goes on a rampage.

This is why I'm being so openly racist now. If we don't fight back we'll literally be genocided. This isn't a joke. This is life and death stuff if it keeps going the way it is going.

23rd June 2015, 02:03 PM
This is why I'm being so openly racist now. If we don't fight back we'll literally be genocided. This isn't a joke. This is life and death stuff if it keeps going the way it is going.

Eventually, the small remnant of pure whites left will realize they are dying out, and maybe then they will fight for themselves. It may be too late at that time though.


23rd June 2015, 02:27 PM
Breitbart is turning against it. Some Conservative news agencies are starting to grow balls:

23rd June 2015, 02:52 PM




23rd June 2015, 03:04 PM
Funny since Hillary is coming out against it.


23rd June 2015, 03:16 PM
"God's Chosen" Jew Supremacist Flag

http://smileys.emoticonsonly.com/emoticons/i/israel-1641.gif<--- The only real Racial Supremacist

23rd June 2015, 03:31 PM
https://8ch.net/pol/thumb/1435089115622.jpg (https://8ch.net/pol/src/1435089115622.jpg)
Flag of people who allowed slavery in the 19th century, a century where most great powers also did

Flag of people who illegaly occupy land of a different group and treat them as third-class citizens in 2015
Not Racist

23rd June 2015, 03:49 PM
This is why I'm being so openly racist now. If we don't fight back we'll literally be genocided. This isn't a joke. This is life and death stuff if it keeps going the way it is going.

Shami, the confederate flag is not about race though. Don't give in to the agenda and the media misrepresentation of it.

That flag, is about state's rights. It flies in defiance of big .gov involvement. When I see that flag fly, I think of a big middle finger to feds, not race. That's what they want, everything to be race issue.

Sometimes I think about what our country would be like today if the south had won the war.

23rd June 2015, 04:13 PM
Shami, the confederate flag is not about race though. Don't give in to the agenda and the media misrepresentation of it.

That flag, is about state's rights. It flies in defiance of big .gov involvement. When I see that flag fly, I think of a big middle finger to feds, not race. That's what they want, everything to be race issue.

Sometimes I think about what our country would be like today if the south had won the war.

I understand your point but the Left is projecting their hatred of White people onto the Confederate Flag. Before Friday whenever I saw the Confederate Flag I would think Dukes of Hazard and Southern Pride. It had no racial meaning to me. Whites and Blacks fought for the Confederacy, but that information is mostly lost down the memory hole.


You can't convince Cultural Marxists of the states angle thing since it goes against the narrative. They've already changed history in their minds so I'd rather turn their narrative on it's head. You cannot go on the defense with the Left, or try to explain facts to them since they just scream out ad hominems, and pound their chests like the mouth breathing idiots they are.

I'd rather fight fire with fire at this point since it's the only thing that seems to get us anywhere. Stop playing on the defense. The Left always is winning when they have you on the defense.

23rd June 2015, 04:53 PM
They give symbols greater power by banning them.

23rd June 2015, 05:16 PM
They give symbols greater power by banning them.

Not unless it goes down the memory hole.

Americans don't have long term memory.

mick silver
23rd June 2015, 05:46 PM

23rd June 2015, 05:53 PM
Relax ,the gays still have their flag............(rainbow abuse)http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1881333/images/o-GAY-FLAG-facebook.jpg

This ^ is an upside down (occult trickery) of a good symbol below......

looks like gays put sexuality at the top and spirituality at the bottom....


mick silver
23rd June 2015, 05:53 PM
what next, the Dukes of Hazzard was a bunch of racists? No more Beau and Luke Duke on the tube? Keep reach'in, blacks, you're wasting a lot of time on things that don't matter. And along for the ride...yellow media and white guilt whites

23rd June 2015, 05:56 PM
Ashleigh Banfield just said on CNN we should tear down all Thomas Jefferson monuments because he owned slaves...



23rd June 2015, 05:57 PM
what next, the Dukes of Hazzard was a bunch of racists? No more Beau and Luke Duke on the tube? Keep reach'in, blacks, you're wasting a lot of time on things that don't matter. And along for the ride...yellow media and white guilt whites

Fuck who cares, bring the Daisy Dukes!

23rd June 2015, 06:06 PM
Martial law arrives for whatever reason they create ,

that is if it isnt there already

the flag becomes illegal,

as it is something to rally the people behind,

in the end having one of these flags will become a crime punishable by death........................

23rd June 2015, 06:07 PM
Holy shit! Breitbart just admitted the Holodomor while exposing Amazon's hypocrisy.


In a marketing move that will shock no one, Amazon removed the Confederate flag after a howling mob (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/06/23/amazon-ebay-ban-confederate-flag-merchandise/) of both liberals and brown-nosing (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/06/22/national-reviews-managing-editor-confederacy-without-valor-i-do-not-respect-your-ancestors-service-or-sacrifice/) conservatives demanded the “symbol of hate” be stricken from its shelves.
But these comrades can rest easy, knowing that they’ll have plenty of opportunities to stock up on Communist merchandise after their latest purge.

Amazon sells a huge variety of shirts, posters, you-name-it featuring the hammer and sickle (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=stalin+t-shirt&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Astalin+t-shirt), Joseph Stalin’s mustache (http://www.amazon.com/AlStyle-Stalin-Stache-Communism-T-Shirt/dp/B00UCGFU52/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1435087552&sr=8-11&keywords=stalin+t-shirt), all things Che Guevara (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_14?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Che+Guevara&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3AChe+Guevara), Vladimir Lenin (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_14?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=vladimir+lenin+poster&sprefix=vladimir+lenin%2Caps%2C147&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Avladimir+lenin+poster) and other colorful revolutionaries who fought to make the world a better place, man. Guevara’s book Guerilla Warfare is on sale in four different formats. In one of the worst genocides in modern times, Stalin forcibly starved Ukrainian peasants in what’s known as the Holodomor (http://www.holodomorct.org/accounts.html), a “terror-famine” that left anywhere from 2.4 million to 7.5 million Ukrainian peasants dead in 1933.

Communism is chic: Amazon’s senior vice president Jay Carney proudly features (http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/12/jay-carneys-gourmet-kitchen-is-filled-with-communist-propaganda/?print=1) Soviet Union war propaganda in his lavish home, after all. “Have you enlisted in the army?” (http://www.washingtonian.com/mom/features/balancing-act/) a poster featured by The Washingtonian Magazine photo splash asks.
Helpful reminder — Communism led to the deaths of 94 million people (http://reason.com/blog/2013/03/13/communism-killed-94m-in-20th-century) world-wide within a hundred years. That’s approximately 93,999,991 more murders than a drug-addled, fatherless loser committed in Charleston.

23rd June 2015, 06:37 PM
Shami, the confederate flag is not about race though. Don't give in to the agenda and the media misrepresentation of it.

That flag, is about state's rights. It flies in defiance of big .gov involvement. When I see that flag fly, I think of a big middle finger to feds, not race. That's what they want, everything to be race issue.

Sometimes I think about what our country would be like today if the south had won the war.

^ ^ ^ This is exactly, totally right.

23rd June 2015, 07:52 PM
...what next, the Dukes of Hazzard was a bunch of racists? No more Beau and Luke Duke on the tube?

Makin' sheckels for jew teevee producers


Stupid teevee distraction while the jews robbed us blind. The confederate flag has even less value to me that the USA flag today.

24th June 2015, 01:12 AM
WTF?! They are now removing the Mississippi flag in Boise since Muh Feelings

24th June 2015, 03:56 AM


24th June 2015, 05:32 AM
I expect this to get removed from YouTube for hate speech:


24th June 2015, 05:55 AM
What about The Federal Reserve symbol from all dollars?


Its oppressing me too. (note those nasty prison bars)

24th June 2015, 05:56 AM
What about The Federal Reserve symbol from all dollars?


Its oppressing me too.

Only Jews get to define what is oppressive.

mick silver
24th June 2015, 07:20 AM
Yes, You're a Racist -- And a Traitor
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-e-price/yes-youre-a-racist----and-a-traitor_b_7640654.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 Yes, You're a Racist -- And a Traitor Posted: 06/23/2015 7:14 am EDT Updated: 06/23/2015 7:59 am EDT

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While I was out jogging (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6nFhcI4tgI) this morning, I passed a neighbor's house that I have passed every day for almost three years. Usually I stroll right on by without giving it a second thought. Today, though... today was different. I stopped in my tracks and blankly stared until a car honked at me to move out of the way.
This house flies a Confederate flag.
I don't live in South Carolina or even Maryland. I live in a small town in Central Pennsylvania, 50 miles north of Gettysburg -- the site of the most famous victory of the Civil War. Yet even here, a few hundred feet from my front door flies the unambiguous symbol of hatred, racism and treason.
Normally, this would elicit some fleeting contempt and I would go about my day. But with the slayings in Charleston (http://time.com/3928072/charleston-death-penalty/) very much on my mind, I found myself getting angry... very angry.
Angry at this person, this "neighbor" of mine. Angry at the culture that permits such blatant hatred. Angry at the media who provide cover for the ignorant. Angry at the teachers who perpetuate historical falsehoods. Angry at myself for not being angry before.
You see, I study traditional culture. More specifically, I study the ways in which today's culture manufactures and reinforces traditions through mass media. Folklorists have a unique disciplinary perspective for this sort of analysis because there was this period of time when the field was mired in "romantic nationalism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romantic_nationalism)." The "true character" of a people was said to be rooted in the culture of the volk and was glorified and incorporated into more modern political movements. Like Nazism (http://www.jstor.org/stable/539497). So folklorists have a keen interest in serving as the sort-of keepers of cultural authenticity, if you will. If anyone should be highlighting the ways in which "traditions" are being manufactured, distorted and consumed, it is us... me.
http://s.huffpost.com/images/social/pin_icon_onhover.png (http://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffingtonpost.com%2Fjohn-e-price%2Fyes-youre-a-racist----and-a-traitor_b_7640654.html%3Fncid%3Dtxtlnkusaolp000005 92&media=http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3105090/thumbs/h-CONFEDERATE-FLAG-488x239.jpg&description=Yes, Youre a Racist -- And a Traitor&nbsp;|&nbsp;John E. Price)http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3105090/thumbs/h-CONFEDERATE-FLAG-488x239.jpg
In America today, the most prominent, prevalent and pernicious of these revisionist movements is the Lost Cause (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy) narrative: the idea that the Civil War was a romantic struggle for freedom against an oppressive government trying to enforce cultural change. There are scores of books (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=lost+cause) on this topic, and you should check those out at your local library. But probably the most famous popular culture Lost Cause text is Gone With The Wind (both book and movie).
I hate Gone With the Wind. I hate everything about it. I hate its portrayal of the Civil War. I hate its portrayal of Southern aristocrats. I hate its popularity. I hate that it's become an iconic movie. I hate that it was ever made in the first place.
Gone With the Wind is Birth of a Nation with less horses. The movie, and its position among the American cinematic pantheon, has done more to further the ahistoric Lost Cause bullshit than any other single production. Because that's the fundamental problem with the Lost Cause narrative: it's not true.
Let's go one-by-one through some typical Lost Cause-tinged revisionist talking points:
The Civil War was about economics, not slavery!

Yes, the Civil War was about the economics of slavery.

The Civil War was about states' rights, not slavery!

Yes, the Civil War was about the states' right to maintain slavery.

That's not the Confederate flag!

True, it's the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, which actually makes your usage even worse. It's the banner under which men fought and died to enact secession.

Heritage not hate!

Funny story: The heritage is hate. This is my favorite talking point because it sets up a false dichotomy and then tries to pretend "heritage" is a signifier for some romantic, noble culture just waiting to be recaptured. When Lindsay Graham says things (http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2015/06/19/lindsey-graham-confederate-flag-new-day.cnn) like, "The flag represents to some people a civil war, and that was the symbol of one side. To others it's a racist symbol, and it's been used by people, it's been used in a racist way," he makes a mockery of the history. Yes, Senator, it does represent one side of the Civil War: the side that advocated slavery and secession. It's the flag of treason.

The savagery of slavery is offensive enough to justify any level of outrage. The disgusting post-war history of the Ku Klux Klan is offensive enough to justify any level of outrage. But what might be the most absurd part of this neo-Confederate "heritage" romanticism is that its advocates are simply glorifying treason.
Remember that time South Carolina attacked Fort Sumter? That's the literal (http://www.vocabulary.com/articles/chooseyourwords/figuratively-literally/) definition of treason. And I quote Article III, Section 3 (https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleiii) of the U.S. Constitution: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." Not exactly abstract legalese that requires a ton of parsing.
The states that seceded to become the Confederacy were actively engaged in open war against the United States government. A war they started because of the election of a man they deemed "hostile to slavery (http://teachingamericanhistory.org/library/document/south-carolina-declaration-of-causes-of-secession/)." A war they fought to maintain the "heaven ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race (https://books.google.com/books?id=vuRCAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA416&dq=%22as+a+people+we+are+fighting+to%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=G5UTVYnsK9O5ogS8p4LIAg&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=%22as%20a%20people%20we%20are%20fighting%20to%22&f=false)." A war they lost (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrG0AwUJQDQ).
But it was a war based on a fundamental social conflict that is still not resolved and simmers under the zeitgeist, rearing its ugly head every so often to remind us it hasn't gone anywhere. It was not resolved in 1865, not in 1965, and sadly, not in 2015 (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/issues/racism.htm).
The "heritage" of the Confederacy, the enduring belief in Lost Cause romanticism, the invention and adoption of revisionist "traditions" and culture, has become society's Old Faithful: a cultural geyser that periodically lets off steam; a spectacle at which we ogle and wax poetic about the fragility of our condition. But one day it'll explode and it'll be a catastrophe from which we might not recover.
The tragedy of America is that this is all self-inflicted. This trajectory to self-destruction doesn't have to be the outcome. As Jon Stewart so eloquently (http://thedailyshow.cc.com/full-episodes/rilcea/june-18--2015---malala-yousafzai) pointed out, "Al Qaeda... ISIS... they're not shit on the damage we can apparently do to ourselves on a regular basis."
The troglodyte that killed those people in South Carolina wanted to fire the opening shots in a new race war. He is a Confederate in every sense of the word. He is a white supremacist. He is a terrorist. He is a traitor.
The worst part is that he is not some aberration. Oh, we want to comfort and assure ourselves that he is, that he has some mental issue, or that he's evil, or some other easy excuse that absolves us all of responsibility.
His actions were heinous, but he is the product of a media environment and culture that protects the ignorant and glorifies division. This is the "heritage" celebrated by those who fly the Confederate flag. By those like my neighbor.
And what about my neighbor? In a perfect world, I would ring his doorbell and have a reasonable discussion with him about how what he's doing is offensive and ahistoric and I'd love to correct his understanding of the entire mess. But the sad fact is, he's not alone, either.
In my time here I've seen scores of Confederate bumper stickers, license plates, and even other flags. Neo-Confederate revisionism is everywhere. It's not confined to "dumb rednecks" or red-state voters or Nascar fans or any other easy stereotype we use to deceive ourselves and dismiss painful realities. It's not even confined to older generations. The killer in South Carolina is 21. He's a Millennial. He's one of us.
And every day that we don't react to that that information, every day we don't internalize this conflict, every day we tell ourselves nothing is wrong, every day we claim we can't be racist because we have black friends, every day we share some viral cat video instead of watch the news, every day we don't knock on our neighbor's door... is another day nothing will change.
A version of this post originally appeared on Medium (https://medium.com/@thejohnprice/yes-you-re-a-racist-and-a-traitor-6c4bb12c5b63).

mick silver
24th June 2015, 07:26 AM
http://l2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/op_pMmi5OvUW6meex0NrkA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTcwMDtpbD1wbGFuZTtweW 9mZj0wO3E9NzU7dz0xMDM4/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/ap_webfeeds/ab5dfb3c0401371c7a0f6a706700d804.jpg

Twisted Titan
24th June 2015, 07:26 AM
Shami, the confederate flag is not about race though. Don't give in to the agenda and the media misrepresentation of it.

That flag, is about state's rights. It flies in defiance of big .gov involvement. When I see that flag fly, I think of a big middle finger to feds, not race. That's what they want, everything to be race issue.

Sometimes I think about what our country would be like today if the south had won the war.

It would be closer to what jackson envisioned...which was the freeest america ever was.

The gubbermint would have learned that States Rights trumps federal rights and within its borders excercises sumpreme authority

Had the south one... slavery would be a non issue because manufacturing invovations ( because would be free of retarding regulations) would have made it obsolete.

24th June 2015, 07:27 AM
The United States was founded by traitors and racial realists.

24th June 2015, 07:53 AM
does that mean that websites like BeWild.com will have to stop selling their Southern-themed Cannabis T-Shirts ?


24th June 2015, 08:25 AM
does that mean that websites like BeWild.com will have to stop selling their Southern-themed Cannabis T-Shirts ?

Thinking the hoopla is directed at the actual battle flag and not so much about the others using all or part of the theme

Hopefully this current insanity will die down?

But methinks the battle flag flown from any gov public areas is doomed!

Forum Runner

Silver Rocket Bitches!
24th June 2015, 08:46 AM
This song will need to be banned for hate speech!


24th June 2015, 09:18 AM



24th June 2015, 09:22 AM
Yet even here, a few hundred feet from my front door flies the unambiguous symbol of hatred, racism and treason.
Normally, this would elicit some fleeting contempt and I would go about my day. But with the slayings in Charleston very much on my mind, I found myself getting angry... very angry.
Angry at this person, this "neighbor" of mine. Angry at the culture that permits such blatant hatred. Angry at the media who provide cover for the ignorant. Angry at the teachers who perpetuate historical falsehoods. Angry at myself for not being angry before.

This has got to be the clearest example of psychological projection I've ever come across. To this person, the confederate flag represents hate, racism, and treason, therefore anyone who has one must be a hate filled treasonous racist.

24th June 2015, 09:24 AM
This has got to be the clearest example of psychological projection I've ever come across. To this person, the confederate flag represents hate, racism, and treason, therefore anyone who has one must be a hate filled treasonous racist.

...While the person whining about it is the one describing how angry they are while accusing their neighbor of being the angry one.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
24th June 2015, 11:37 AM
Holy shit this snowball is rolling downhill quick. Quick as anything I can remember. We went from a mass shooting a few days ago to a referendum on the confederate flag to white people being the biggest terrorist group in the US. I've got the feeling TPTB are desperate to foment a reaction. What next!

24th June 2015, 11:50 AM
As lawmakers squabble and major retailers pull the Confederate flag from store shelves and websites, Warner Bros. has essentially announced the death of a cultural icon. “General Lee,” the 1969 Dodge Charger driven in the CBS TV show The Dukes of Hazzard, has taken its last ride with the old south, as Warner Bros. consumer marketing team has announced a decision to stop the licensing of General Lee toys and other items featuring the flag.



24th June 2015, 01:14 PM

Let's envision how this would go down if any other race were called out like this.

Black Americans are Biggest Terror Threat: RACIST!
Hispanic Americans are Biggest Terror Threat: RACIST!
Asian Americans are Biggest Terror Threat: RACIST!
Jewish Americans are Biggest Terror Threat: RACIST!
Middle Eastern Americans are Biggest Terror Threat: RACIST!

White Americans are Biggest Terror Threat: Scientific Study

24th June 2015, 02:01 PM
Mark Dice video...


Angelo John Gage (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsqf9vZfB5vOeJBnR3J6w1Q) video...


24th June 2015, 02:29 PM
8 things you didn’t know about the Confederate flag


EMAIL (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/8-things-didnt-know-confederate-flag/#)

BY Daniel Costa-Roberts (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/author/robertsd/) June 21, 2015 at 3:17 PM EDT
Watch South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s press conference at 4 p.m. EDT Monday. She is expected to address the Confederate flag controversy.Following the massacre in Charleston (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/know-far-dylann-roofs-motivations/), South Carolina on Wednesday in which a gunman shot and killed nine people attending bible study at a historic black church, the Confederate battle flag — also called the rebel flag, the southern cross and the Dixie flag — has been the subject of contentious debate.
On Saturday, former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney took to Twitter to call for the flag’s removal from the grounds of the state capitol in Columbia, South Carolina, and over 400,000 people have signed a MoveOn.org petition (http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/remove-the-confederate-3?source=s.fb&r_by=13364375) demanding that the government of South Carolina remove the flag from “all government places.”
Here are eight things you may not have known about this contentious Confederate emblem.
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/RTX1B110-1024x694.jpgA Confederate flag is seen during a party to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War, Santa Barbara D’Oeste, Brazil, April 26, 2015. The flag has become the subject of controversy following Wednesday’s racially-motivated mass shooting in Charleston, South Carolina. Photo by Paulo Whitaker/Reuters


Huckabee: 2016 candidates should avoid Confederate flag debate (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/huckabee-presidential-candidates-stay-confederate-flag-debate/)
Website emerges with photos of accused Charleston shooter, manifesto (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/charleston-shooter-reportedly-published-manifesto/)
Video: Slain Rev. Clementa Pinckney from PBS documentary 'The African Americans' (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/gunned-rev-pinckney-black-votes-matter/)

1. The Confederate battle flag was never the official flag of the Confederacy.The Confederate States of America went through three different flags during the Civil War, but the battle flag wasn’t one of them. Instead, the flag that most people associate with the Confederacy was the battle flag of Gen. Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia.
Designed by the Confederate politician William Porcher Miles, the flag was rejected for use as the Confederacy’s official emblem, although it was incorporated into the two later flags as a canton (http://www.netstate.com/states/symb/flags/flag_terminology.htm). It only came to be the flag most prominently associated with the Confederacy after the South lost the war.
2. The flag is divisive, but most Americans may not care.
Roughly one in ten Americans feels positively when they see the Confederate flag displayed, according to a 2011 Pew Research Center poll (http://www.people-press.org/2011/04/08/civil-war-at-150-still-relevant-still-divisive/). The same study showed that 30 percent of Americans reported a negative reaction to seeing the flag on display.
But the majority, 58 percent, reported feeling neither positive nor negative. The poll also showed that African-Americans, Democrats and the highly educated were more likely to perceive the flag negatively.
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/confed.jpgMississippi fans in stands with Confederate flags during a sporting event in 1993. Photo by Patrick Murphy-Racey/Sports Illustrated/Getty Images

3. The flag began to take on a new significance in the 20th century.
In the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, the battle flag was used mostly at veterans’ events and to commemorate fallen Confederate soldiers. The flag took on new associations in the 1940s, when it began to appear more frequently in contexts unrelated to the Civil War, such as University of Mississippi football games.
In 1948, the newly-formed segregationist Dixiecrat party (http://www.pbs.org/now/politics/dixiecrats.html) adopted the flag as a symbol of resistance to the federal government. In the years that followed, the battle flag became an important part of segregationist symbolism, and was featured prominently on the 1956 redesign of Georgia’s state flag, a legislative decision that was likely at least partly (https://web.archive.org/web/20141204200939/http://www.senate.ga.gov/sro/Documents/StudyCommRpts/00StateFlag.pdf)a response to the Supreme Court’s decision to desegregate school two years earlier. The flag has also been used by the Ku Klux Klan, though it is not the Klan’s official flag.
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/RTR4UDAD-1024x513.jpgThe design of a proposed “Sons of the Confederacy” Texas state license plate is shown in this handout illustration provided by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles March 20, 2015. Photo from Department of Motor Vehicles/Handout via Reuters

4. The Supreme Court recently ruled that Texas could refuse to issue Confederate flag specialty license plates.
In a 5-4 decision, the court ruled against the nonprofit Sons of Confederate Veterans in Texas. The group had applied to create a specialty license plate that featured the battle flag and argued that Texas’s licensing board violated their First Amendment rights by denying the application. Although the ruling came the day after the massacre in Charleston, the court heard arguments in the case in March.
5. The NAACP has long led a boycott against South Carolina because of the battle flag on display at the capitol.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has led an economic boycott of South Carolina for years. In 2000, activists managed to have the flag moved from the dome of the capitol building to a memorial to Confederate soldiers nearby on the Statehouse grounds, but the boycott remains in effect.
Two days after the Charleston shooting, NAACP President Cornell Brooks reiterated the demand that South Carolina remove the flag.
“One of the ways we can bring that flag down is by writing to companies, engaging companies that are thinking about doing business in South Carolina, speaking to the governor, speaking to the legislature and saying the flag has to come down,” Brooks said, according to the Charleston City Paper (http://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/TheBattery/archives/2015/06/19/naacp-doubles-down-on-confederate-flag-removal-in-columbia).
The NCAA also has a partial ban (http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/03/20/ncaa_confederate_flag_ban_the_reason_march_madness _never_reaches_south_carolina.html) on sporting events in South Carolina because of the state’s decision to display the flag.
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/RTX1HF3B-1024x734.jpgThe U.S. flag and South Carolina state flag flies at half staff to honor the nine people killed in the Charleston murders as the confederate battle flag also flies on the grounds of the South Carolina State House in Columbia, SC June 20, 2015. Photo by Jason Miczek/Reuters

6. The battle flag on South Carolina’s statehouse grounds can’t be lowered.
Although the American flag and South Carolina state flag were lowered in mourning for the victims of the church shooting, the Confederate flag on display at the statehouse was not, because it is affixed to the flag pole and cannot be lowered, it can only be removed, The Washington Post reported (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/06/19/why-south-carolinas-confederate-flag-isnt-at-half-mast-after-church-shooting/).
7. Five Southern states have legal protection for the flag, but California bans it.
Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina and Louisiana all have laws on the books that ban desecration of the Confederate flag. The laws are unenforceable, though, because the Supreme Court has ruled that desecrating a flag is protected by the First Amendment (http://time.com/3907444/flag-supreme-court-history/).
California passed a bill in 2014 (http://www.latimes.com/local/political/la-me-pc-confederate-flag-bill-20140820-story.html) that banned the state government from displaying or selling merchandise bearing the Confederate flag.
8. Mississippi is the only state whose flag still features the battle flag.
Mississippi is the only state whose flag still contains the confederate flag since Georgia changed its flag in 2003. In a statewide referendum in 2001, Mississippians voted 2-to-1 (http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/18/us/mississippi-votes-wide-margin-keep-state-flag-that-includes-confederate-emblem.html) in favor of keeping the flag, which features the Confederate emblem as a canton in the top left corner.http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/8-things-didnt-know-confederate-flag/

24th June 2015, 02:50 PM

They are going to ban the movie Gone With the Wind now.

Lou Lumenick in today’s New York Post (http://nypost.com/2015/06/24/gone-with-the-wind-should-go-the-way-of-the-confederate-flag/):

If the Confederate flag is finally going to be consigned to museums as an ugly symbol of racism, what about the beloved film offering the most iconic glimpse of that flag in American culture?

I’m talking, of course, about “Gone with the Wind[.]’’ …

But what does it say about us as a nation if we continue to embrace a movie that, in the final analysis, stands for many of the same things as the Confederate flag that flutters so dramatically over the dead and wounded soldiers at the Atlanta train station just before the “GWTW’’ intermission?

Warner Bros. just stopped licensing another of pop culture’s most visible uses of the Confederate flag — toy replicas of the General Lee, an orange Dodge Charger from “The Dukes of Hazzard’’ — as retailers like Amazon and Walmart have finally backed away from selling merchandise with that racist symbol.

That studio sent “Gone with the Wind’’ back into theaters for its 75th anniversary in partnership with its sister company Turner Classic Movies in 2014, but I have a feeling the movie’s days as a cash cow are numbered. It’s showing on July 4 at the Museum of Modern Art as part of the museum’s salute to the 100th anniversary of Technicolor — and maybe that’s where this much-loved but undeniably racist artifact really belongs

24th June 2015, 03:43 PM
Just for a grin, I wonder how many reading this were alive and also were aware of the church bombing that killed those 4 kids in 1963 ?

That was one step too far that changed the nation, mainly because of tv bringing images into every home.

One thing reading about it , it is another thing living and seeing it evolve in person, and the fun when they integrated my school. Fun times in the town, got a few bumps on me during those times.

That act in many ways really started the civil rights movement in so many ways.

Many see this shooting in the same light as way back then.

Just a thought on a why so much national outrage and political crayfishing is happening now.

24th June 2015, 04:07 PM

24th June 2015, 04:13 PM
I would say that NBC is more of a threat............

24th June 2015, 04:20 PM
Just for a grin, I wonder how many reading this were alive and also were aware of the church bombing that killed those 4 kids in 1963 ?

That was one step too far that changed the nation, mainly because of tv bringing images into every home.

One thing reading about it , it is another thing living and seeing it evolve in person, and the fun when they integrated my school. Fun times in the town, got a few bumps on me during those times.

That act in many ways really started the civil rights movement in so many ways.

Many see this shooting in the same light as way back then.

Just a thought on a why so much national outrage and political crayfishing is happening now.

24th June 2015, 04:22 PM
Yep remember it and the local wakeup that happened here !

Forum Runner

24th June 2015, 04:27 PM
Yep remember it and the local wakeup that happened here !

Forum Runner

It was about a month before the Kennedy assasination.

24th June 2015, 04:29 PM
From what I have seen and read this event is being used to destroy the recorded history of the US. They want to erase everything that has happened in the history of the US. For instance they want to erase Thomas Jefferson from US history. I guess it is to destroy signs of freedom fighting. Signs of standing up to Tyranny.

24th June 2015, 04:37 PM
It was about a month before the Kennedy assassination.

yep a double whammy. I was in the 7th grade and believe it or not my teachers last name was Kennedy, the intercom called all the teachers into the office, and when he came back he was crying. School was let out shortly later, for many years after I was ashamed of my state and anything about it. Only times wear made that stigma wear off.

This shooting is in many ways if not more now than the bombing had back then is making a huge impact, and how and where it will end still remains to be written.

All good o boy instigated.

24th June 2015, 10:53 PM
This has got to be the clearest example of psychological projection I've ever come across. To this person, the confederate flag represents hate, racism, and treason, therefore anyone who has one must be a hate filled treasonous racist.

It's so ridiculous, I'm not even sure I should take it seriously?

24th June 2015, 10:54 PM
Holy shit this snowball is rolling downhill quick. Quick as anything I can remember. We went from a mass shooting a few days ago to a referendum on the confederate flag to white people being the biggest terrorist group in the US. I've got the feeling TPTB are desperate to foment a reaction. What next!
Current progression is almost too fast to keep up with. I figure that is by design.

25th June 2015, 03:37 AM
ramzpaul video...


Half Sense
25th June 2015, 06:40 AM
I think they'll try to ban the whole South. Sorry, can't have an area called Alabama anymore. It just promotes racism to use these names and symbols. Even the outline of the state of Alabama is racist. We'll have to remove those racist state lines.

Maybe this is the real reason for Jade Helm - round up all the Southern Whites and replace them with Hispanics and Chinese.

25th June 2015, 08:15 AM
ramzpaul video...


He's right. Something about this video just 'clicked'. Like a light switch turning on.

25th June 2015, 08:21 AM
He's right. Something about this video just 'clicked'. Like a light switch turning on.

Oh no, someone keep Hitch away from all black churches.

25th June 2015, 08:35 AM
He's right. Something about this video just 'clicked'. Like a light switch turning on.

Oh no, we created another Hitler Ben Garrison.




25th June 2015, 08:36 AM
He's right. Something about this video just 'clicked'. Like a light switch turning on.

Yes, and hopefully for many others as well. It's about time that people wake up and realize that if it's OK for every other stinking race on this planet to fight for racial purity, heritage and culture, than GD it it's ok for white people too.

25th June 2015, 08:42 AM
I can see the bio already, ex-law turned lonely fisherman in Hitch Kampf.

25th June 2015, 08:59 AM
Geez, give me a fucking break.

Bullshit is bullshit though. They want a race war, and certain 'races' seem to be programming us that they are superior.

25th June 2015, 09:33 AM
I say let them ban the confederate flag, it will then be a martyred exhaulted symbol forever living in history as the pemier unique symbol item banned in the "free" U.S.

Generations of those who come after us will prey to its glory.

25th June 2015, 10:05 AM

25th June 2015, 10:17 AM
Sounds like a boon just sitting there waiting to be trounced upon.

Get me some red white and blue cloth dye.

25th June 2015, 10:18 AM
This is why I'm being so openly racist now. If we don't fight back we'll literally be genocided. This isn't a joke. This is life and death stuff if it keeps going the way it is going.
You're ******* right!

25th June 2015, 11:25 AM
Just for a grin, I wonder how many reading this were alive and also were aware of the church bombing that killed those 4 kids in 1963 ?

That was one step too far that changed the nationFalse Flag

25th June 2015, 11:49 AM

25th June 2015, 01:01 PM

25th June 2015, 01:52 PM
Shame, not going to be able to do those civil war reinactments properly anymore...

Gonna have to just give the rebel side a checkered flag from the raceway or something..?

25th June 2015, 01:57 PM
Shame, not going to be able to do those civil war reinactments properly anymore...

Gonna have to just give the rebel side a checkered flag from the raceway or something..?

NASCAR banned the flag too. No more left turns for Dixie.

25th June 2015, 02:01 PM
NASCAR banned the flag too. No more left turns for Dixie.

Really? When one of it chief founders and stars drove many laps under one?

Is there even a black driver in all of NASCAR?

25th June 2015, 03:55 PM
Is there even a black driver in all of NASCAR?

That's over the line nigga! There has been 4 and 2 took the win...

MARTINSVILLE, Va. -- Darrell Wallace Jr. (http://sports.espn.go.com/rpm/driver?seriesId=4&driverId=4534) became the second black driver to win on NASCAR's national level and first in a half-century, taking the Truck Series race Saturday at Martinsville Speedway.
Wendell Scott won in Jacksonville, Fla., in December 1963 in what is now known as the Sprint Cup Series, the highest of NASCAR's three national levels.

25th June 2015, 04:17 PM

25th June 2015, 04:30 PM
Petty and Earnhardt used to take victory laps with the rebel flag.

25th June 2015, 05:09 PM
N.C. Man Corners Market On Confederate Flag
After church massacre, rebel symbol multiplies outside home


JUNE 25--Seeking to unload a Confederate flag? Perhaps you should look up Edward Lee West.

In the wake of the South Carolina church massacre, West has moved to further cover his North Carolina home in the rebel flag.

The above photo shows the 69-year-old West’s Arrington Avenue home in his largely African-American neighborhood in Rocky Mount, a city about 60 miles east of Raleigh.

The below photo shows West’s modest spread as it appeared when a Google Street View car drove by three years ago.


West is seen at right in a mug shot taken following a 2010 arrest for assault with a deadly weapon (he eventually pleaded guilty to illegally discharging a weapon). His rap sheet includes numerous arrests, many involving gun counts.

West is due in court next month on a probation violation charge stemming from his conviction earlier this year for “Assault Pointing Gun,” according to court and corrections department records. West was sentenced to two years probation in that misdemeanor case.

25th June 2015, 06:15 PM
Breaking news: Liberals don't want history at all. Museums shouldn't exist just fucking trash it because it might hurt someone feelings if it's not displayed next to their agenda.

Displaying the flag in, say, the South Carolina State Museum would provide little improvement over flying it at the Capitol, unless the museum made the effort to provide context that would explain the flag’s place in the state’s, and the nation’s, history.
What might such an exhibit look like? It would need to tell the history behind the flag. It is a symbol of white supremacy, and museums should acknowledge it as such.

Full article: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history/2015/06/confederate_flag_it_doesn_t_belong_at_the_south_ca rolina_capitol_it_doesn.html

http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/history/2015/06/150625_HIST_SouthCarolinaConfederate.jpg.CROP.orig inal-original.jpg

25th June 2015, 06:35 PM

It is also important to remember that a host of products lining grocery store shelves to this day, including Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix and Aunt Jemima Syrup, are also very much linked to Southern racism.


25th June 2015, 06:42 PM
Fake shit at that.

25th June 2015, 06:55 PM


Was this court verdict racist?

Aunt Jemima 'Heirs' (http://www.tmz.com/2015/02/19/aunt-jemima-lawsuit-judge-throws-out-3-billion-royalties-case/)Cutoff From Pancake Billions (http://www.tmz.com/2015/02/19/aunt-jemima-lawsuit-judge-throws-out-3-billion-royalties-case/)

Two guys claiming to be heirs to the real life Aunt Jemima couldn't pour it on thick enough to convince a judge -- their shot at $3 billion just got tossed out of court.

According to docs obtained by TMZ ... D.W. Hunter and Larnell Evans, Jr. went to court armed with a pretty thin story to prove they're the great-grandsons of Anna Short Harrington -- who portrayed Aunt J. from 1935 until the '50s.

As TMZ first reported ... the men sued PepsiCo, Quaker Oats, and 2 other companies for royalties they feel Harrington had been screwed out of (http://www.tmz.com/2014/08/09/aunt-jemima-royalties-lawsuit-2-billion-pancakes/) while her image was being used to hawk flapjacks.
Once they got to court ... Hunter told the judge his grandmother once gave him a photo of Harrington -- a photo he no longer has -- and claimed that proved his relation. Hunter and Evans also said they tried to locate Harrington's grave in Syracuse, NY.

Not shockingly, the judge said that so-called evidence fell flatter than a ... well, you know.
Case dismissed.

25th June 2015, 07:39 PM
In my opinion, this is a distraction (or maybe you could call it a two-pronged attack).

They're distracting all the white people while they do a hard push to get the TPP through. It's happening right now. The TPP was struggling, but it's something that can't fail because it is so important to this. It is essentially the new world order.

mick silver
26th June 2015, 12:12 PM
Drive-By Truckers, Lynyrd Skynyrd on the Confederate Flag’s Meaning"I lived in the South my entire life...but it’s way, way past time to move on," says Patterson Hood of the Drive-By Truckers.June 26, 2015 10:30 AM

Share on email (http://radio.com/2015/06/26/lynyrd-skynryd-confederate-flag-drive-by-truckers/#)

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https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/johnny-van-zant-confederate-flag-by-frazer-harrison.jpg?w=620&h=349&crop=1Johnny Van Zant of Lynyrd Skynyrd (Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

Related Tags: Confederate flag (http://radio.com/tag/confederate-flag/), Drive-By Truckers (http://radio.com/tag/drive-by-truckers/), Lynyrd Skynyrd (http://radio.com/tag/lynyrd-skynyrd/), Southern rock (http://radio.com/tag/southern-rock/)
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By Brian Ives
Three years ago, Gary Rossington, a founding member of iconic Southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd (http://radio.com/tag/lynyrd-skynyrd/), made a bold statement. The band, he said, were no longer going to use the Confederate flag in their merchandise because hate groups had “kidnapped” it.
“Through the years, people like the KKK and skinheads kinda kidnapped the Dixie or Southern flag from its tradition and the heritage of the soldiers,” Rossington told CNN (http://newsroom.blogs.cnn.com/2012/09/09/lynyrd-skynyrd-talks-southern-roots/). The decision, he said, was to avoid associating their musichttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://radio.com/2015/06/26/lynyrd-skynryd-confederate-flag-drive-by-truckers/#) and their fans with any of “the race stuff” or “the bad things” associated with the flag. “We’re proud to be American,” Rossington said, explaining that they were more comfortable displaying the American flag.
Related: Lynyrd Skynryd’s Pronounced Leh-Nerd Skin-Nerd Gives Birth to Southern Rock (http://radio.com/2013/08/14/not-fade-away-pronounced-leh-nerd-skin-nerd-gives-birth-to-southern-rock/)
At the time, such a proclamation didn’t go over well (http://newsroom.blogs.cnn.com/2012/09/09/lynyrd-skynyrd-talks-southern-roots/) with their fans (“Imposters, frauds, fakes, wannabes, shadows, skeletons, posers,” ran one of many comments (http://newsroom.blogs.cnn.com/2012/09/09/lynyrd-skynyrd-talks-southern-roots/)).
The band eventually backpedaled a bit. For instance, when I interviewed Rossington, singerhttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://radio.com/2015/06/26/lynyrd-skynryd-confederate-flag-drive-by-truckers/#) Johnny Van Zant and longtime guitarist Rickey Medlocke in 2012, Rossington said the band hadn’t actually gotten rid of the flag entirely after all. “Johnny still puts the Dixie flag around his microphone for ‘Sweet Home Alabama,’ and we put a whole flag over the piano,” he explained. “We don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings. But we’re still so proud to be Southern and to fly the Dixie flag.”

https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/lynyrd-skynyrd.jpg?w=1860 (https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/lynyrd-skynyrd.jpg) Johnny Van Zant, Gary Rossington and Rickey Medlocke of Lynyrd Skynyrd in 2012 (Credit: Radio.com)Medlocke expounded on the issue. “Here’s the deal,” he told me. “It’s not about hatred. The Confederate flag has been so blown out of proportion. If the South had won the war, that’d be the national flag. But they didn’t. It’s heritage and not hate.” But, he conceded: “The world is bad enough as it is. If we end up fighting amongst ourselves, that’s not where it’s at.”

Today, however—in the days after the tragic hate crime (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/9-dead-in-shooting-in-historic-black-south-carolina-church/) in Charleston, S.C. that left nine churchgoers dead—Lynyrd Skynyrd are not the only ones looking to distance themselves from the flag.
Charleston shooter Dylann Roof’s racist ideology and his association with the Confederate flag became a flashpoint for Americans to renew the discussion as to whether the the flag was about “heritage not hate.” For instance, just this week lawmakers in South Carolina voted overwhelmingly (http://atlanta.cbslocal.com/2015/06/23/south-carolina-lawmakers-overwhelmingly-vote-to-debate-confederate-flag/) to consider removing the Confederate flag from their Statehouse grounds. “We are not going to allow this symbol to divide us any longer,” said South Carolina governor Nikki Haley in a June 22 speech (http://www.heraldonline.com/news/politics-government/article25178683.html) calling for the flag’s removal. “The fact that people are choosing to use it as a sign of hate is a something we cannot stand.”
Four Confederate flags were also taken down (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/confederate-flags-alabama-capitol/) from the grounds of the Alabama capitol on Wednesday (June 24) at the order of Gov. Robert Bentley. On top of that, retailers including Sears, Walmart, Amazon and eBay have stopped selling (http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/22/politics/confederate-flag-walmart-south-carolina/) merchandise emblazoned with the Confederate flag.

https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/lynyrd-skynyrd-by-geoff-burke-getty.jpg?w=1920 (https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/lynyrd-skynyrd-by-geoff-burke-getty.jpg)[I]Rickey Medlocke, Johnny Van Zant and Gary Rossington of Lynyrd Skynyrd (Geoff Burke/Getty Images)Many Southerners wave/carry/wear the Confederate flag as a personal symbol; they see it as representing a heritage that’s an integral component of their identity. They’re from the South and they’re proud of it. But from another, truer perspective (http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/08/americas-simple-minded-obsession-with-the-confederate-flag/261236/), the flag symbolizes decades—centuries, actually—of hatred (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/krystie-yandoli/confederate-flag-racism-debate_b_3876157.html), prejudice and oppression.
Interestingly, the flag’s widespread use is relatively recent. Originally the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia (and often incorrectly referred to (http://www.latimes.com/visuals/graphics/la-na-g-confederate-flag-history-20150623-htmlstory.html) as the ‘Stars and Bars’), it didn’t gain popularity among Southerners until the mid-20th century—nearly 100 years after the Civil War had ended.
Even some of the states that display it prominently only started doing after World War II. According to a 2000 report by the Georgia State Senate research office (http://www.senate.ga.gov/sro/Documents/StudyCommRpts/00StateFlag.pdf), Georgia incorporated the Confederate logo into their state flag in 1956 (https://web.archive.org/web/20141204200939/http://www.senate.ga.gov/sro/Documents/StudyCommRpts/00StateFlag.pdf) as a symbol of resistance against the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, which ruled that segregating schools was unconstitutional. The same reporthttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://radio.com/2015/06/26/lynyrd-skynryd-confederate-flag-drive-by-truckers/#) said that in 1961, Alabama Governor George Wallace raised the Confederate flag over the State Capitol dome in Montgomery to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Civil War. The same year, South Carolina raised the battle flag (http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/jun/22/eugene-robinson/confederate-flag-wasnt-flown-south-carolina-state-/) on the grounds of its Capitol.
The Atlantic wrote in 2012 (http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/08/americas-simple-minded-obsession-with-the-confederate-flag/261236/) that “the flag’s most lasting legacy—and the source of much of the controversy today—can be traced to its use as a symbol of ‘Massive Resistance’ by the Dixiecrats beginning in 1948.” This legacy, writer and Civil War historian Kevin M. Levin adds, continued on “through the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s.”
With the rise of Southern rock in the 1970s, the flag found a new audience among music fans, too. Lynyrd Skynyrd often flew the flag during shows, and others picked up on it as well. The 1970s also saw the flag emblazoned on the General Lee, the famous muscle car on TV showhttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://radio.com/2015/06/26/lynyrd-skynryd-confederate-flag-drive-by-truckers/#) The Dukes of Hazzard (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxD0PqVlt5Q).
Lynyrd Skynyrd were unavailable to update their comments in 2012 regarding the Confederate flag. However two members of another band from the region, one that perhaps embodies Southern rock more than anyone over the past decade and a half, were available: the Drive-By Truckers (https://cbsradionews.wordpress.com/tag/drive-by-truckers/).
Singer/songwriters Patterson Hood and Mike Cooley have plenty to say on the topic, and their perspective is decidedly different from that of the average Skynyrd fan.
“I’m from Alabama,” says Patterson Hood, “I lived in the South my entire life. I have ancestors who fought in that ill-begotten war, but it’s way, way past time to move on … That [Civil] War was what, 150 years ago? It’s time to move on. It should have been a moot point years ago. The flag represents an act of war against the United States.”

Patterson says that no matter what heritage or history debate exists, the Confederate flag was always about racism.
“It’s like the swastika,” he says, “which has been around for thousands of years, but it will forever, for all eternity, be considered part of the Holocaust, one of the most terrible things humanity has ever done to itself. The Confederate flag is like that; and the events of last week added a new dimension to it.”

https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/drive-by-truckers-by-maria.jpg?w=1920 (https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/drive-by-truckers-by-maria.jpg) The Drive-By Truckers (Photo by Maria Ives for Radio.com)“The flag was put there to antagonize and intimidate,” he says, about its initial erection over the Capital. “During the Civil Rights era, Southern states started flying those flags and putting the logo on their state flags to remind black people what they thought their place was. It was just that simple.”
The thing that I’m always trying to understand is, why is it so important to so many Southerners?
“When you grow up here,” MikeCooley explains, “You study the Civil War in school, and all you know is it was the North and the South, and you’re from the South, so that’s your team. You know that black people were slaves at one time, but that’s so hard to get your head around. So you’re learning about this in your class, and you’re kind of rooting for the South to win. Because that’s your team. Some of us grew out of that, most of us didn’t.”
Hood says that this is changing over time. “The people who feel that way are probably going to feel that way until they die. But there are more and more people who live in the South who are a little more enlightened.”

https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/patterson-hood-kurt-wolff.jpg?w=1860 (https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/patterson-hood-kurt-wolff.jpg) Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers (Photo by Kurt Wolff)Hood now lives in Athens, Georgia, a somewhat progressive zone in a very conservative state, but Cooley still resides in Alabama.
“I live in the reddest district in one of the reddest states in the country,” Cooley says. “And I don’t feel like I’m surrounded by brainwashed a–holes at all. But there’s a meanness in the way that the South expresses itself politically, that is not reflective of what kind of people they are, and most of it is rooted in Civil War resentment.”
He continues: “Those people are a shrinking minority, but we love to point the cameras at the most extreme people. When you see people protesting or organizing for some kind of liberal cause, it’s always the hippies in the drum circles that you see on TV. And when the media is looking at the conservative side, they look at the people who are foaming at the mouth.”
Both Hood and Cooley feel that most Southern states will end up disassociating from the rebel flag, but as much for economic reasons as anything else.
“I guarantee they’re getting pressure from a lot of companies and businesses, as they should, to move on,” Hood says. “Money talks, and that’s the language that the Republicans listen to.”
Cooley adds, “They’ll find a face-saving way to vote for it, a few politicians will get thrown under the bus, and they’ll probably be taken care of for life.”
Related: Live Review: Drive-By Truckers Play Rare Acoustic Show (http://radio.com/2014/03/03/drive-by-truckers-patterson-hood-and-mike-cooley-acoustic-review/)
But hopefully, they say, in the near future, the flag will be something that lives in museums, as a reminder of the past, not something that people display in the present.
“People say ‘The South will rise again,'” Hood says. “The South will never rise again as long as we keep our heads up our asses. I feel very strongly about it. I’m from Alabama. I lived in the South my entire life. I have ancestors who fought in that ill-begotten war, but it’s way, way past time to move on.”
But that “moving on” likely will take a while. Local and federal government can make any number of laws and proclamations to get rid of the Confederate flag from state buildings, and that’s a great start, because as the members of both the Drive-By Truckers and Lynyrd Skynyrd point out, that symbol has represented hate and prejudice for too long. However, it’s going to take more than a few proclamations to change how people feel about something that is so central to their personal identity.
To really heal the divide in this country, we can’t break our collective arms patting ourselves on the back for moving past Confederate symbolism. We all need to take a hard look at the causes for racism, and at what is driving those who stand on either side of the issue. Part of that will surely entail the recognition that anyone and everyone—Southerners included—be able to express their pride in their faith and values.
Or to return to Gary Rossington’s quote: “We don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings. But we’re still so proud to be Southern.”

https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/johnny-van-zant-american-flag-vest-christopher-polk.jpg?w=1920 (https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/johnny-van-zant-american-flag-vest-christopher-polk.jpg)(Christopher Polk/Getty Images)

midnight rambler
26th June 2015, 01:30 PM
FUCK Lynyrd Skynyrd. They trim their sheets to whichever way the wind is blowing. They are blatantly anti-gun and unapologetic about it.

26th June 2015, 01:35 PM


26th June 2015, 01:36 PM
If the FLAG is under attack then that still leaves the SEAL and the COAT OF ARMS unmolested.

26th June 2015, 01:41 PM
Here is your new flag slaves...


26th June 2015, 02:56 PM


This guy is a mainstream comedian on Fox News sometimes. Pretty good stuff.

26th June 2015, 03:27 PM
What do they put in the water in the US , talk about obedient slaves...........

The book burning begins: Movies, book covers and computer games being banished… calls for taking down the American flag, bulldozing Southern memorials, removing flags from children’s toys and more

June 26, 2015 12:07 pm EDT 8 Comments (https://www.intellihub.com/the-book-burning-begins-movies-book-covers-and-computer-games-being-banished-calls-for-taking-down-the-american-flag-bulldozing-southern-memorials-removing-flags-from-childrens-toys-and-more/#disqus_thread)
Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.intellihub.com%2Fth e-book-burning-begins-movies-book-covers-and-computer-games-being-banished-calls-for-taking-down-the-american-flag-bulldozing-southern-memorials-removing-flags-from-childrens-toys-and-more%2F)Twitter (https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=The+book+burning+begins%3A+Movies%2C+bo ok+covers+and+computer+games+being+banished...+and +more&via=intellihubnews&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.intellihub.com%2Fthe-book-burning-begins-movies-book-covers-and-computer-games-being-banished-calls-for-taking-down-the-american-flag-bulldozing-southern-memorials-removing-flags-from-childrens-toys-and-more%2F)Google (https://plus.google.com/share?text=The+book+burning+begins%3A+Movies%2C+bo ok+covers+and+computer+games+being+banished...+cal ls+for+taking+down+the+American+flag%2C+bulldozing +Southern+memorials%2C+removing+flags+from+childre n%27s+toys+and+more&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.intellihub.com%2Fthe-book-burning-begins-movies-book-covers-and-computer-games-being-banished-calls-for-taking-down-the-american-flag-bulldozing-southern-memorials-removing-flags-from-childrens-toys-and-more%2F)Print (http://www.printfriendly.com/print/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.intellihub.com%2Fthe-book-burning-begins-movies-book-covers-and-computer-games-being-banished-calls-for-taking-down-the-american-flag-bulldozing-southern-memorials-removing-flags-from-childrens-toys-and-more%2F&item=The+book+burning+begins%3A+Movies%2C+book+cov ers+and+computer+games+being+banished...+calls+for +taking+down+the+American+flag%2C+bulldozing+South ern+memorials%2C+removing+flags+from+children%27s+ toys+and+more)Mail

Navin Rajagopalan/Flickr

America’s descent into a totalitarian regime of hysterical thought police is nearly complete

By Mike Adams | Natural News (http://www.naturalnews.com/050201_book_burning_American_flag_historical_monum ents.html)
In just the last 72 hours, total P.C. insanity has swept the nation and all its big retailers as howling leftist maniacs have used the label “tolerance” to initiate what can only be called a modern-day book burning and Orwellian censorship of artistic expression:
• A leftist movie critic and member of the new thought police regime has called for banning the movie Gone With the Wind, stating in pure P.C. babbledygook: “The more subtle racism of ‘Gone with the Wind’ is in some ways more insidious, going to great lengths to enshrine the myth that the Civil War wasn’t fought over slavery — an institution the film unabashedly romanticizes.”
• Apple, forever a corporate pusher of the P.C. agenda, has now banned Civil War games from iTunes because those games display the Confederate flag! Revisionist history is alive and well at Apple, it seems, where even factual historical simulations are going to be memory-holed under Apple’s new dictatorial thought control policies. Yes, even works of digital art are no longer “tolerated” at Apple.
• There’s now open talk of recalling all books featuring the Confederate flag on their covers. As Inquisitr.com now points out, “Many authors have written about the Confederacy and included flags on the covers of their books. Unfortunately, those same authors may be required to spend unnecessary money to revamp their covers to meet the new Amazon standards.”
So now, in the new P.C. America run by the ravenous thought police, you can’t even write about American history if you show the flag! And so the memory-holing begins… the only flag that will soon be “legal” to display in America will, of course, be the gay pride flag…
• The push is now on to bulldoze historical monuments depicting Civil War leaders of the South. As reported by Nola.com, calls have begun to destroy the Robert E. Lee statue in New Orleans. Yes, history shall be destroyed via bulldozer if the radical leftist thought police have their way.
• Not to be outdone, a CNN thought police operative has now suggested we should destroy the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C.! “CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield this week questioned whether the Jefferson Memorial should be taken down because Jefferson owned slaves,” reports the LA Times. “At the University of Texas, Austin, a public statue of Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, was reportedly vandalized this week with the words ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Bump the Chumps.'”
• The massive vandalism of historical statues by thought control activists has now been initiated. “Statues on the Austin campus of Robert E. Lee, who commanded the Confederate army, and Albert Sidney Johnston, a Confederate general who died during the Civil War, were also vandalized in recent days,” says the LA Times. It’s not just the books that the leftist want to burn now: It’s also the entire record of Southern history! It makes me wonder: will the screaming, zombie-minded leftists also tear down all the historical buildings of the South, brick by brick? Is there any limit to their desire to destroy the fabric of America and replace it with their totalitarian agenda of “obedient tolerance”?
• Taking it all one step further, Louis Farrakhan is now suggesting that the American flag needs to come down! Apparently, the American flag is now also a symbol of racism and hatred that the “tolerant” left cannot tolerate. What flag do you suppose they should put in its place? A surrender flag?
• Even children’s toys are no longer safe from the thought police. All toy cars from the Dukes of Hazzard television show are now being memory-holed and stripped of the Confederate flag they once carried. As SHTFplan.com reports, “They’ve been pushing for it for over 150 years and this year the politically correct anti-Confederate flag movement may have finally achieved its ultimate goal. ”
Leftist thought police claim they are the only “tolerant” ones
Astonishingly, this total thought police push for revisionist history and book burning is all taking place under the banner of “tolerance!”
Yep, the “party of tolerance” is now demanding the book burning, the demolition of historical statues, the banning of historical game simulations, the memory-holing of Hollywood movies and even the elimination of the national flag of the United States of America! The political left, which falsely claims to support “the arts” and free expression, is now spearheading its own movement to silence all expression it does not agree with.
And now it’s all so obvious: This isn’t tolerance. This is a new cultural civil war — a brazen attempt to marginalize, demonize and ultimately eliminate all images, symbolism, art and free expression that does not obediently fall in line with the narrative of the political left.
To accomplish their agenda, leftist thought police will destroy art, destroy history and viciously attack anyone who dares point out the total, runaway insanity of what’s really happening right now. Where the left once demanded “tolerance,” it now demands totalitarian obedience.
I reject this insanity, and you should too
Personally, I reject this insanity. Whatever happened to the left’s promise of “diversity” and tolerance? It has vanished virtually overnight, replaced by a new neo-Nazi-like regime ripped right of the dystopian sci-fi film Equilibrium, where all art is criminalized and the citizens are required to take their daily medications to remain calm and “peaceful.”
This is a sad day for this nation. This is the day that I have come to fully realize that we are probably headed for a new Civil War, because the thought police on the radical left truly have no tolerance at all. There is no limit to the destruction they seek and the hatred they express for others. They hate America, the American flag, people who go to church, people who legally own firearms and any real diversity of thought. They demand total obedience to their twisted agenda in a classic Orwellian move to banish symbols of southern pride, claiming that the only acceptable “pride” in the new intolerant America is gay pride.
I don’t have anything at all against gay people, but if tolerance doesn’t work both ways, it isn’t tolerance at all. This week, the radical left has proven itself to be a group of thought conformity extremists who have long abandoned any real tolerance and who now seek the absolute destruction of anything they do not condone.
Here’s a graphic I came up with to depict what’s really going on. Share it widely:
By the way, if you want to know what REAL tolerance sounds like, check out the song and music video I released called Wide Awake. Click here for the downloadable MP3 and full lyrics.


27th June 2015, 12:00 AM
Goin the way jesus did, new religion forthcoming.

Takeusdown guy is a keeper, think I'll make him a banner on my facebook page. lol!

27th June 2015, 02:27 PM

Try to make this video go viral if you can.

27th June 2015, 02:57 PM

Confederate rally: A group of at least 300 people in Tampa Bay, Florida, went on a rally waving hundreds of controversial Confederate battle flags


Combative: Fans of the rebel banner stuck flags on their vehicles and wore defiant t-shirts, such as the one pictured above. Confederate flags have been taken down across the United States since Confederate enthusiast Dylann Roof massacred nine people in Charleston


'Heritage': Those who went on the rally said they were trying to commemorate their cultural heritage and not flame racial tensions


Powerful opponents: Lawmakers in southern states including Alabama and South Carolina have decided to remove the flag from state government buildings

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/06/27/15/2A04E67800000578-3141339-Roped_in_This_dog_was_also_part_of_the_Dixieland_c elebration_whi-a-40_1435415500425.jpg

Roped in: This dog was also part of the Dixieland celebration, which came on the same day as President Obama condemned the flag


Rebels without applause: The Confederate battle banner was used sporadically during the Civil War, but has become and enduring symbol of the rebel South

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/06/27/15/2A04FE5D00000578-3141339-Keep_truckin_Zachery_Campbell_above_is_pictured_po sing_in_his_pi-a-38_1435415500421.jpg

Keep truckin': Zachery Campbell, above, is pictured posing in his pickup truck with a large Confederate flag

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/06/27/15/2A05098D00000578-3141339-Dedication_Campbell_pictured_above_showed_off_a_Co nfederate_tatt-a-39_1435415500423.jpg

Dedication: Campbell, pictured above, showed off a Confederate tattoo, alongside crossed pistols, during the ride

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/06/27/15/2A04B88100000578-3141339-Supporter_Dennis_Leasure_dressed_in_biker_gear_is_ pictured_above-a-41_1435415500426.jpg

27th June 2015, 02:58 PM
Supporter: Dennis Leasure, dressed in biker gear, is pictured above before the rally started, with his pet dog, Dixie Poo
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/06/27/15/2A05011400000578-3141339-Gun_rights_This_southern_driver_s_flag_also_displa yed_his_enthus-a-43_1435415500456.jpg

Gun rights: This southern driver's flag also displayed his enthusiasm for firearms

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/06/27/15/2A05088D00000578-3141339-Differentiation_Some_of_the_attendees_spoke_about_ how_the_flag_s-a-42_1435415500454.jpg

Differentiation: Some of the attendees spoke about how the flag should not symbolize racism and oppression, but innocuously celebrate the South

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/06/27/15/2A050A0D00000578-3141339-_Redneck_girl_Destiny_Mooneyham_18_is_pictured_abo ve_with_Dennis-a-44_1435415500475.jpg

'Redneck girl': Destiny Mooneyham, 18, is pictured above with Dennis Wiles, before the 'Ride for Pride' event

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/06/27/15/2A05034C00000578-3141339-Ready_to_roll_This_biker_adorned_his_Harley_Davids on_with_a_conf-a-45_1435415500477.jpg

Ready to roll: This biker adorned his Harley Davidson with a confederate flag before heading out with some 300 other vehicles

27th June 2015, 04:14 PM
Nice diversion of the TPP rush and the gay agenda, what else is in the works I don't know about?

Silver Rocket Bitches!
28th June 2015, 06:01 AM

28th June 2015, 06:55 PM

Artist's Impression Of This Week In America (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06-28/artists-impression-week-america)

28th June 2015, 10:42 PM
it was a little odd reading this headline, penned by the PhD prof James Tracy;

June 28, 2015 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/06/28/the-transnational-corporate-niggerization-of-america/)
The Transnational Corporate “Niggerization” of America (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/06/28/the-transnational-corporate-niggerization-of-america/) 22 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/06/28/the-transnational-corporate-niggerization-of-america/#comments)

by James Tracy (http://memoryholeblog.com/author/truthgulag/) • Home (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/home/) • Tags: academe (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/academe/), Charleston shooting (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/charleston-shooting/), economy (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/economy/)

On June 22 notable black scholar Cornel West remarked (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/06/22/cornel_west_on_obama_the_first_black_president_has _become_the_first_niggerized_black_president.html) that President Obama’s inability to label the Charleston shooting an act of “white supremacism” effectively “Niggerized” the Commander in Chief. “I would say the first black president has become the first ‘Niggerized’ black president” West told CNN.

Why? A Niggarized black person is a person who is afraid and scared and intimidated when it comes to putting a spotlight on white supremacy and fighting against white supremacy.



More… (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/06/28/the-transnational-corporate-niggerization-of-america/#more-18251)

29th June 2015, 04:02 AM
white supremacy

FFS over a probable FF attack, my GOD this cuntry is falling fast.

29th June 2015, 04:39 AM
it was a little odd reading this headline, penned by the PhD prof James Tracy;

June 28, 2015 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/06/28/the-transnational-corporate-niggerization-of-america/)
The Transnational Corporate “Niggerization” of America (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/06/28/the-transnational-corporate-niggerization-of-america/) 22 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/06/28/the-transnational-corporate-niggerization-of-america/#comments)

by James Tracy (http://memoryholeblog.com/author/truthgulag/) • Home (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/home/) • Tags: academe (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/academe/), Charleston shooting (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/charleston-shooting/), economy (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/economy/)

On June 22 notable black scholar Cornel West remarked (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/06/22/cornel_west_on_obama_the_first_black_president_has _become_the_first_niggerized_black_president.html) that President Obama’s inability to label the Charleston shooting an act of “white supremacism” effectively “Niggerized” the Commander in Chief. “I would say the first black president has become the first ‘Niggerized’ black president” West told CNN.

Why? A Niggarized black person is a person who is afraid and scared and intimidated when it comes to putting a spotlight on white supremacy and fighting against white supremacy.



More… (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/06/28/the-transnational-corporate-niggerization-of-america/#more-18251)

Cornel thinks the president is black? He probably thinks Bruce J is a women and gay marriage is legit

30th June 2015, 04:53 PM

30th June 2015, 06:18 PM
this John Friend interview is much broader than just the flag; I just wanted to post it somewhere. about 80 minutes, download MP3 (http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/TODAY-WITH-JOHN-FRIEND.mp3)

Monday, June 29, 2015
On The Crazz Files w/ Adam Crazz (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/06/on-crazz-files-w-adam-crazz.html)

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2xLRoitLf-s/VZIZk8FNIHI/AAAAAAAAEus/39iUEmDKGOY/s400/Picture%2B2.png (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2xLRoitLf-s/VZIZk8FNIHI/AAAAAAAAEus/39iUEmDKGOY/s1600/Picture%2B2.png)

Earlier this evening, I was a guest on The Crazz Files (http://crazzfiles.com/), an independent podcast program based in Australia. We discussed a variety of issues, including the alleged Charleston shooting and the plethora of anti-White, un-American agendas being advanced in its aftermath. You can download the entire program here (http://crazzfiles.com/john-friend/).

Posted by The Realist Report (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 9:26 PM 1 comment: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/06/on-crazz-files-w-adam-crazz.html#comment-form)

John Friend: The Realist Report (http://crazzfiles.com/john-friend/)
Posted on June 30, 2015 by The Crazz Files (http://crazzfiles.com/author/adam/) in Podcasts (http://crazzfiles.com/category/podcasts/) // 0 Comments

Podcast: Play in new window (http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/TODAY-WITH-JOHN-FRIEND.mp3) | Download (http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/TODAY-WITH-JOHN-FRIEND.mp3)


A VARIETY of clues to the motives of Dylann Storm Roof, the suspect in last week’s mass shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., have emerged. First, we saw the patches he wore on his jacket in a Facebook photo: the flags of regimes in South Africa and Rhodesia that brutally enforced white minority rule.

Then, a further cache of photos of Mr. Roof — seen in several bearing a Confederate flag — was discovered on a website, Last Rhodesian, registered in his name, together with a manifesto, a hodgepodge of white supremacist ideas. The author (most likely Mr. Roof) calls on whites to take “drastic action” to regain dominance in America and Europe.

These themes, popular among white supremacists in the United States, are also signs of the growing globalization of white nationalism. When we think of the Islamist terrorism of groups like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, we recognize their international dimension. When it comes to far-right domestic terrorism, we don’t.

Americans tend to view attacks like the mass murder in Charleston as isolated hate crimes, the work of a deranged racist or group of zealots lashing out in anger, unconnected to a broader movement. This view we can no longer afford to indulge.

When, according to survivors (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/19/us/charleston-church-shooting.html), Mr. Roof told the victims at the prayer meeting that black people were “taking over the country,” he was expressing sentiments that unite white nationalists from the United States and Canada to Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Unlike those of the civil rights era, whose main goal was to maintain Jim Crow in the American South, today’s white supremacists don’t see borders; they see a white tribe under attack by people of color across the globe. […]

It has been pointed (http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2015/06/south-caroolina-church-shooting-10.html) out by numerous commentators (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/06/20/south-carolina-church-shooting-were-dylann-roof-photos-digitally-altered/) that the photos of Storm Roof posing with the Confederate flag and with patches of the flags of South Africa and Rhodesia under White rule on his jacket appear to be photoshopped. Storm Roof’s alleged manifesto makes a number of accurate arguments regarding racial matters, including the biological differences between Blacks and Whites, the outrageous and underreported phenomenon of Black-on-White violent crime, and the lack of racial consciousness amongst the vast majority of Whites in America (and around the world), but it has not been proven that the manifesto was actually written by Storm Roof, nor does it prove he actually committed this purported mass shooting.

The entire situation in Charleston is extremely bizarre, and it has not been conclusively demonstrated a shooting even took place in the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church resulting in the deaths of 9 individuals. The Obama DOJ is already handing out millions of dollars (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/06/22/obama-doj-in-29-million-charleston-shooting-payout/) to the alleged victim family members, many of whom have given incredibly scripted and phony interviews to the mainstream mass media. Do you honestly believe these purported “victim family members” are genuine?

The Op-Ed published by the leaders of the SPLC argue that “White supremacists” (read: racially conscious White people who care about the future of their family, children, communities, and nations) see the White race “under attack by people of color across the globe,” a fact which is demonstrated on a daily basis.

White people are the only people in the entire world who are not allowed to have their own sovereign nation states, political parties and lobbies, schools, neighborhoods, media outlets, and any other exclusively all White organizations. “Diversity” and “multiculturalism” (codewords for White genocide (http://whitegenocideproject.com/)) are state sanctioned and enforced. Millions of non-White immigrations – legal and illegal – are flooding into White nations every year. Whites are violently attacked in their homes and on their streets. They are verbally and psychologically abused and slandered in their schools and history books. The mass media and elite political class are openly hostile to the interests of Whites.

There is a war being waged on Whites all around the world. And it emanates from the organized Jewish community, who have always been and will always remain hostile to traditional Western civilization (http://www.therealistreport.com/2012/12/organized-jewry-destroyers-of-western.html). These are facts that are easily verifiable for anyone who takes the time to do it.

Dees and Cohen go on to lament the fact that pro-White activists, intellectuals, writers, and leaders are developing effective public relations strategies (such as “the mantra” (http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/the-white-mantra/)), organizing political parties, spreading information via blogs, radio programs, and websites, networking with other nationalist and racially-oriented groups in Europe and elsewhere, and otherwise connecting with individuals via the Internet who care about the future of the White race. How dare White people challenge and resist their own destruction!

The Op-Ed (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/22/opinion/white-supremacists-without-borders.html?_r=0) concludes:

The movement is bound to produce more violence, not necessarily from organized groups but from lone wolves like Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist who killed more than 70 people in his country in 2011 because he wanted “to save Europe from Islam.” Mr. Breivik had ties to American white nationalists as a registered user of Stormfront, a web forum founded by a former Ku Klux Klan leader that has more than 300,000 members (about two-thirds are American).

Europe has also seen the rise of a powerful, far-right political movement that rejects multiculturalism. The anti-Semitic Jobbik Party in Hungary and the neo-fascist Golden Dawn in Greece are prime examples. In Germany, there has been a series of murders by neo-Nazis. Britain, too, is experiencing an upswing of nationalist, anti-immigrant politics.

This month, S.P.L.C. staffers will join activists from the United States and Europe at a conference in Budapest about this transnational white supremacism that is emerging as the world grows more connected by technology. The message of white genocide is spreading. White nationalists look beyond borders for confirmation that their race is under attack, and they share their ideas in the echo chamber of racist websites.

The days of thinking of domestic terrorism as the work of a few Klansmen or belligerent skinheads are over. We know Islamic terrorists are thinking globally, and we confront that threat. We’ve been too slow to realize that white supremacists are doing the same.

The SPLC and other anti-White hate groups expect us to simply accept our displacement and destruction. They are actively attempting to silence us and target us, arguing that we must be viewed as the next “scary boogeyman” in the never ending “Global War on Terror.” This is unacceptable, and a sure sign that the enemies of the White race recognize our time is coming – finally.

Posted by www.therealistreport.com (http://www.therealistreport.com)
Music By Hostile Objects https://hostileobjects.bandcamp.com

4th July 2015, 01:23 AM
Eventually, the small remnant of pure whites left will realize they are dying out, and maybe then they will fight for themselves. It may be too late at that time though.

Last generation of White Adamites = End of the World = Return of Jesus Christ. No worries. I used to worry deeply about "the end of the White race." Now I understand it must come to pass, and this Earth, with everything on it, will pass away.

9th July 2015, 06:00 PM
Council begins process of removing Nathan Bedford Forrest’s remains (http://wreg.com/2015/07/07/statue-debate-heats-up-as-city-council-gets-set-to-vote/)

On Tuesday evening the Memphis City Council unanimously passed a resolution to remove Nathan Bedford Forrest’s remains from under his statue in the Health Sciences Park on Union Avenue. However, there is still a long road ahead before the remains would be moved to a new location. According to the city council’s attorney, Chancery Court would also have to sign off on the removal of the remains and the family of Forrest would be involved in the decision as well. The removal of the statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest is a separate issue. The removal of the statue has been proposed as an ordinance before the council which will have to be read before the council three times before it can be approved. From there it will be presented to the Tennessee Historic Commission but there is no timeline for when they will make a decision. The next time the commission is scheduled to meet is in October.
On Tuesday officials with Elmwood Cemetery said they would be willing to help with the moving of Forrest’s and his wife’s remains to the cemetery in Memphis but said they did not want to become the new home of the statue.
As of now it is unknown where the statue would go if the commission approves the removal.
“It is no longer politically correct to glorify someone who was a slave trader, someone who was a racist on public property,” said City Council member Myron Lowery.
Lowery has spear headed the removal of Nathan Bedford Forrest’s grave and statue from the park once named after him.
Tuesday, Lowery said recent tragedies were what has propelled the change, two years after the city changed the park’s name.
“It was clearly after what happened in South Carolina. It was clearly after what happened in the state capital of Tennessee,” he said.
Sons of the Confederate Veterans spokesperson, Lee Millar, said last month’s shooting proved why the statue should stay where it is at Health Science Park.
“I think it’s disgusting that people use the shooting in Charleston and use those victims to forward their own agenda and join this anti Confederate hysteria that’s going on,” said Millar.
He called the response in Memphis and other parts of the country a knee jerk reaction.
“To attack something like that now I feel is just really misguided,” he said.
Katherine Blalock, who lived in Whitehaven, said her great grandfather served in the Confederate Army with Forrest.
She was against its removal.
“We need to have a coming together of people, not a divide and conquer,” she explained.
What will happen to Nathan Bedford Forrest’s statue?
It could take months to get that answer, but Councilman Edmund Ford, Junior said there’s a more important question that must be asked.
“Even when all the flags have been taken down and when all the artifacts have been moved, what do we do next as a people?” he asked.

9th July 2015, 06:16 PM
Kid Rock Responds to Al Sharpton’s Demand that he Stop Using Confederate Flag in Typical Kid Rock Style Press Release (VIDEO)
Al Sharpton wants music star Kid Rock to stop using the historic Confederate battle flag. Sharpton even went so far as to have his National Action Network organization officially demand Kid Rock immediately stop depicting the flag in any and every way.

Megyn Kelly discussed this on her show last night. At some point during the discussion Kid Rock actually sent in a statement. The statement was short and to the point.

“Please Tell The People Who Are Protesting to Kiss My ass”

Pretty blunt.



9th July 2015, 07:30 PM
Council begins process of removing Nathan Bedford Forrest’s remains (http://wreg.com/2015/07/07/statue-debate-heats-up-as-city-council-gets-set-to-vote/)

If someone proposed digging up ancient American Indian graves to build a hospital, these subhumans would be joining in the protest against it.

mick silver
10th July 2015, 09:35 AM
lets not stop with the flag lets remove George Washington from history also he owned slaves

10th July 2015, 10:28 AM
Not sure where it is you guys live anymore, aint the U.S. though.

10th July 2015, 10:31 AM
Humm ?

Both are good, always liked Joan for her stands against the system.



Then there is the original.



(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnyeqyCiLdo)And book this old flag has more honor than the one you fly, there is no comparison between them. And I have no doubt this flag would have fought everything you stand for back in the day..Because it stood for honor and your flag has never did, then, now or ever, count yourself in the lack of honor or respect mix also!

10th July 2015, 11:14 AM
Rebellion used to be celebrated in this country; no longer. I bet half these 'tards would wet themselves if they had to actually consider that this country was founded by open and violent rebellion against their government!! If all traces of this country's rebellious past must now be eliminated from the public, well there's not much left really.

10th July 2015, 06:27 PM
Never Forget!

11th July 2015, 12:34 AM
Walmart to ‘melt’ class rings bearing Confederate flag rather than complete orders


An Arkansas woman who went to pick up the class ring she ordered from Walmart left disappointed, after store officials told her the retailer's new policy barred them from turning the item over -- because it bore an image of the Confederate flag.

Elaine Glidewell told KFSM someone from the store in Fort Smith called her to pick up the ring she'd ordered for her nephew, but when she arrived on Tuesday, a clerk told her she couldn’t have it. The ring had been ordered before Walmart stopped selling items bearing images of the flag, in the wake of controversy that stemmed from a racially-charged shooting in South Carolina.

“I wanted to cry,” Glidewell told KFSM, adding that the store clerk said the ring would be "melted."

11th July 2015, 12:50 PM
Orinda legislator asks Fort Bragg to change its name; town scoffs


midnight rambler
11th July 2015, 12:55 PM
Orinda legislator asks Fort Bragg to change its name; town scoffs


"For too long, we've accepted their names in our midst and almost forgotten what the leaders of the Confederacy stood for. It is essential that we stand up and put a stop to commemorating men who actively fought to retain the foul and murderous institution of slavery," Glazer wrote in his July 8 letter.

Those slimy Satan worshipers are trying as hard as possible to hijack history to fit their agenda.

"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past."

George Orwell's final warning, "Don't let it happen, it depends on you." is very striking in the way he looks into the camera as he says that.


11th July 2015, 12:58 PM
Those slimy Satan worshipers are trying as hard as possible to hijack history to fit their agenda.

So far, the US Army says it won't change the names of Ft. Bragg, Ft. Hood, and others:


11th July 2015, 08:20 PM
I finally got my CBF today! Took some time, but it was worth it. High-quality nylon with sewn stars, made in the CSA!

It looks like Ruffin Flag Company (Washington, Georgia) has not buckled to the Nigger- & faggot-led campaign, and continues to have CBFs available:


They are wholesale-quantities only, but the prices are excellent if you want to buy a lot and sell them locally.

12th July 2015, 07:25 AM
I finally got my CBF today! Took some time, but it was worth it. High-quality nylon with sewn stars, made in the CSA!

It looks like Ruffin Flag Company (Washington, Georgia) has not buckled to the Nigger- & faggot-led campaign, and continues to have CBFs available:


They are wholesale-quantities only, but the prices are excellent if you want to buy a lot and sell them locally.

They may not have caved, but they ain't gonna refuse the FRNs... LOL

12th July 2015, 08:25 AM
Maybe there's a place in flag burning Palestine, or book burning Europe these people come from?

12th July 2015, 10:18 AM
This reads like the JBTs wanted to get some here.

‘Offended’ flea market shopper calls 911 over Confederate merchandise

A shopper perusing the merchandise at the Redwood Country Flea Market was so offended by a vendor selling Confederate and Nazi historical memorabilia, the person actually called 911.

Wallingford, Connecticut police were dispatched to the flea market to investigate.

The police chief William Wright tells News 8 (http://wtnh.com/2015/07/10/wallingford-police-called-after-nazi-confederate-merchandise-found-at-flea-market/) “the reason no one was arrested was because the items were being sold on private property” — not to mention no laws were broken.

“There was a table set up with this material,” Wright says, according to Journal-Record (http://www.myrecordjournal.com/wallingford/wallingfordnews/7490124-129/wallingford-police-look-into-complaint-about-nazi-confederate-items-sold.html). “It’s not criminally illegal, but obviously it offended this person. It causes some people a sense of being uncomfortable. Certainly the owner could preclude this merchandise.”

The town resident who called 911 said there were helmets with swastikas, images of Hitler and other historical Nazi items.

“I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he tells the paper. “I had to run. My grandmother had numbers,” referring to the digits the Nazis would tattoo on prisoners.

The caller complained that the Confederate items were “not authentic” and were replicas of flags and weapons.

He says the seller told him “he was selling so much he can’t keep it in stock.”

Jason Teal, president of the Meriden-Wallingford NAACP, was contacted to see what he thought.

“It’s difficult because it’s on private property and it’s considered free speech,” Teal says.

According to the paper, the complainant also called Mayor William W. Dickinson Jr., who promptly called Chief Wright.

“I had to check with the chief over what is actionable and what isn’t,” according to the mayor. “Unless something violates state or federal law, there’s no jurisdiction for government to do anything. We had to ask, is it something controlled by law?”

And the assistant regional director of the Anti-Defamation League in Connecticut sees a difference between authentic memorabilia and “cheap replicas” “used as symbols of hate.”

“It’s unfortunate that under the law people have the right to sell these things; but it doesn’t mean they should sell these things,” Joshua Sayles says.

“It’s not a crime but I would call it hate. People look at the situation in Charleston and say it’s down in the South. But this stuff is here in Connecticut.”

12th July 2015, 10:40 AM
Its a mistake to assume national socialism requires a singular race of peoples.

12th July 2015, 10:59 AM
“I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he tells the paper. “I had to run. My grandmother had numbers,” referring to the digits the Nazis would tattoo on prisoners."


12th July 2015, 11:02 AM
A bit over the top no? The cops should have arrested whoever called 911 since it was not an emergency.

12th July 2015, 11:02 AM

12th July 2015, 11:10 AM

12th July 2015, 11:44 AM
Wonder what that kid who shotup the black church is thinking about all this?

Assuming it was shot up

12th July 2015, 11:47 AM
Wonder what that kid who shotup the black church is thinking about all this?

Assuming it was shot up

Probably working on getting a grip that he screwed the pooch big time and knowing that his life (as short as it is now) is now over. And that there are consequences for ones actions and some suck big time.

12th July 2015, 11:54 AM

This is great! LMFAO... I would have never have thought of this.

12th July 2015, 12:28 PM
Probably working on getting a grip that he screwed the pooch big time and knowing that his life (as short as it is now) is now over. And that there are consequences for ones actions and some suck big time.

Either that or that he is jesus. By the adulation of those that have followed him.

12th July 2015, 12:32 PM

Someone please slap some sense into that hysterical woman crying about "that symbol of hate." I almost wanted to throw up.

12th July 2015, 12:33 PM
Wonder what that kid who shotup the black church is thinking about all this?

Assuming it was shot up

Glad I'm not alone in "considering" it didn't happen, at least not as the System claims.

12th July 2015, 12:37 PM
Didn't happen at all, this is a total fabrication.

12th July 2015, 12:48 PM

Gee, a Black guy who is not "offended"? What's wrong with him?! LOL

I don't agree with Manning's conclusions (that Johnny Reb will "rise"), but he's always a good listen.

12th July 2015, 12:52 PM
Didn't happen at all, this is a total fabrication.

Way, way too "convenient" for the agenda implemented almost immediately afterwards. Shades of 9/11. The meme of "Black Christians 'sacrificing' their lives 'for humanity'" smacks of a mockery of Christ.

How do we "know" what happened in Charleston? The System. Any independent evidence? No. None, whatsoever. "They" can create any "experience" they want and the vast majority won't question its "reality" lest they be called "insane 'conspiracy theorists'."

12th July 2015, 03:22 PM
Went to the flea market to grab some flags for 1 fern each, sure enough sold out which I guessed but had to try. 2 months ago I got one for my son, a 3 x 5 made in china deal that you don't want to sit in the light or it will fade. Chinese guy had a case of 250 almost full last time, gone. Walked around and people had the same thing for sale $30.00 each for the same shitty chinese thing! I tried tho.

12th July 2015, 03:40 PM
Kid Rock has long been a fan of the Confederate flag. He’s used it as a backdrop for his tours (http://newsninja2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/kid-rockconfederate-flag.jpg), and has been flying it publically for so long he’s practically become one of the Dukes Of Hazzard (http://toprightnewscom.c.presscdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/kidrock2.jpg).


Thus, it should come as no surprise that Rock—a native of Detroit, a city that’s about 400 miles north of the Mason-Dixon line—is not too fond (http://www.ew.com/article/2015/07/10/kid-rock-confederate-flag-protesters-kiss-my-ass?hootPostID=66b53126e4b2dd7a846d30e9599341ba) of the recent (and totally justified) kerfuffle over the Confederate flag. After Detroit-area representatives from Al Sharpton’s National Action Network spoke out about Rock’s use of the flag, calling the rap-rocker “the home-town hero who is a zero with the Confederate flag” and saying the flag “represents genocide to most of Detroit,” Rock released a one-sentence statement to Fox News: “Please tell the people who are protesting to kiss my ass.”

While that is certainly the type of sparkling rhetoric one would expect from the man that wrote “Bawitdaba,” Rock’s careless attitude could end up hurting at least one Detroit institution. The National Action Network has said its members will now boycott the Detroit Historical Museum, where Rock is included in an exhibit about 100 years of music in Detroit.

12th July 2015, 03:43 PM
Kid Rock has long been a fan of the Confederate flag. He’s used it as a backdrop for his tours (http://newsninja2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/kid-rockconfederate-flag.jpg), and has been flying it publically for so long he’s practically become one of the Dukes Of Hazzard (http://toprightnewscom.c.presscdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/kidrock2.jpg).


Thus, it should come as no surprise that Rock—a native of Detroit, a city that’s about 400 miles north of the Mason-Dixon line—is not too fond (http://www.ew.com/article/2015/07/10/kid-rock-confederate-flag-protesters-kiss-my-ass?hootPostID=66b53126e4b2dd7a846d30e9599341ba) of the recent (and totally justified) kerfuffle over the Confederate flag. After Detroit-area representatives from Al Sharpton’s National Action Network spoke out about Rock’s use of the flag, calling the rap-rocker “the home-town hero who is a zero with the Confederate flag” and saying the flag “represents genocide to most of Detroit,” Rock released a one-sentence statement to Fox News: “Please tell the people who are protesting to kiss my ass.”

While that is certainly the type of sparkling rhetoric one would expect from the man that wrote “Bawitdaba,” Rock’s careless attitude could end up hurting at least one Detroit institution. The National Action Network has said its members will now boycott the Detroit Historical Museum, where Rock is included in an exhibit about 100 years of music in Detroit.

Kid Rock's mixed race son (part Black):


These SOBs are either totally insane and/or insanely deceitful - I'm not sure which much of the time any more - to call him a "racist."

12th July 2015, 06:27 PM
Courtesy of Max aka Lucky Strike...

Thousands ride in support of Confederate flag at Marion County complex



Ocala Police Department Sgt. Erica Hay said the ride was rerouted away from the Northwoods neighborhood after some residents threatened to shoot into the procession.

So, Jewsmedia, care to tell us which side is full of hate?

12th July 2015, 06:49 PM
Ocala police investigating after shots fired near Confederate flag rally


Residents of the predominately African-American neighborhood dispute that the gunfire came from their complex. They said they were being harassed by the demonstrators and the shots came from people participating in the Pride Ride.

“They come, they watch them run through on their motorcycles, running red lights and throwing beer bottles. The police didn’t stop them or nothing,” said Ocala resident Jason Carter.

We Dindu Nuffin!

midnight rambler
12th July 2015, 06:59 PM
“They come, they watch them run through on their motorcycles, running red lights and throwing beer bottles."


Damn those OMGs! (outlaw motorcycle gangs)

running red lights and throwing beer bottles.

Sure. I believe that. /s

12th July 2015, 07:04 PM
Niggers asking to be shot:


People are now doing a ‪#‎noFlagginchallenge‬ ... by walking to someone's house and snatch the confederate flag off and run...this is a dangerous challenge


Black woman's comment:

The latest trend in lawlessness is the “‪#‎NoFlagginChallenge‬.” It’s where people run up to houses where the Confederate Flag is flying and steal it right off the pole.
Per my Conversation with "Carmon Sense" This is going to get someone shot. Infringing on freedom of speech. Be careful..that sword has a double edge.

12th July 2015, 07:08 PM
Hey, look, another photo that doesn't "fit" the Jewsmedia agenda!

https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/l/t1.0-9/10426579_1458505824471571_4335191832622894009_n.jp g?oh=ce9f4f68118c9f86d8bb9a64d2952eef&oe=562798C6

13th July 2015, 02:02 PM
Shopper Calls 911 to Report Confederate Merchandise

The politically correct mania over historical symbols has officially reached a fever pitch. Last weekend, a shopper was examining the wares of a vendor at the Redwood County Flea Market in Connecticut. There he found (gasp) Confederate and Nazi memorabilia. So what did he do? He called the cops of course (http://www.theamericanmirror.com/offended-flea-market-shopper-calls-911-over-confederate-merchandise/).

He later told the newspapers that “I was shaking and almost vomiting…I had to run. My grandmother had numbers.” He said in reference to the numbers tattooed on concentration camp victims.


- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/shopp....oim1tu7Z.dpuf (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/shopper-calls-911-to-report-confederate-merchandise_072015#sthash.oim1tu7Z.dpuf)

13th July 2015, 02:14 PM
Shopper Calls 911 to Report Confederate Merchandise

The politically correct mania over historical symbols has officially reached a fever pitch. Last weekend, a shopper was examining the wares of a vendor at the Redwood County Flea Market in Connecticut. There he found (gasp) Confederate and Nazi memorabilia. So what did he do? He called the cops of course (http://www.theamericanmirror.com/offended-flea-market-shopper-calls-911-over-confederate-merchandise/).

He later told the newspapers that “I was shaking and almost vomiting…I had to run. My grandmother had numbers.” He said in reference to the numbers tattooed on concentration camp victims.


- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/shopp....oim1tu7Z.dpuf (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/shopper-calls-911-to-report-confederate-merchandise_072015#sthash.oim1tu7Z.dpuf)


An officer responded to the Redwood Flea Market on South Turnpike Road Sunday to investigate the report and found Nazi and Confederate memorabilia for sale. He told the complainant, who is Jewish, there was nothing police could do because the merchandise was on private property.


13th July 2015, 05:33 PM
NAACP wants removal of Confederate generals from Stone Mountain (http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/naacp-wants-removal-confederate-generals-stone-mou/nmyKH/)

"When I'm out here, and I have to be honest, when I'm out here enjoying Stone Mountain, I'm thinking about what it has to offer for what I'm coming for," Shackelford said.

Why does she keep her last name?

13th July 2015, 05:35 PM
Hey, look, another photo that doesn't "fit" the Jewsmedia agenda!

https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/l/t1.0-9/10426579_1458505824471571_4335191832622894009_n.jp g?oh=ce9f4f68118c9f86d8bb9a64d2952eef&oe=562798C6



13th July 2015, 05:53 PM
Why is everyone complaining , they have given everyone a new flag , they even fly it at an air force base...................

13th July 2015, 10:03 PM
Why is everyone complaining , they have given everyone a new flag , they even fly it at an air force base...................

I think even the most rabid patriotard can agree that one should be burned...

mick silver
14th July 2015, 07:08 AM

mick silver
14th July 2015, 07:10 AM

6th August 2015, 01:32 AM
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.08.05 http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/08/jeff-rense-radio-show-20150805.html Listen Download Hour 1 - Webster Griffin Tarpley - World In Crisis Listen Download Hour 2 - David Duke - Confederate Flag Absurdity Listen Download Hour 3 - Jay Weidner - A Conversation 56k CF Renses' site Download From Archive.org Posted by zapoper at 3:02 AM No comments:

23rd August 2015, 02:10 AM
vid @ red ice, haven't watched, crap net connection ATM :( http://www.redicecreations.com/TV/2015/Insight-Rebels-Rainbows.php Insight - Capture the Flag: Rebels & Rainbows July 2, 2015 The White House turned into a rainbow as the Supreme Court declared same-sex marriage legal nationwide, bypassing state sovereignty. While the country is wooed with rainbow magic, have they now forgiven the government of their many trespasses? How concerned are they about human rights, while removing the Confederate flag in the south? Tearing down one symbol and lifting up another is not about tolerance and love, it's about hate. It's not about equality, it's about revenge. This is a campaign of hate, cloaked in rainbows.

10th September 2015, 09:05 PM


Amazon.com Inc., the American- based international online retail giant, has removed a blood-spattered Israeli flag available emblazoned on a shower curtain, cell phone cover, welcome mat, mouse pad, umbrella, or pillow throw from its website after drawing the opprobrium of its customers, who likened the products to Holocaust-era anti-Semitism.

midnight rambler
10th September 2015, 09:08 PM
The good ol' red, white, and blue.

'opprobrium'...I learned a new word.

Ok, so one can't say anything unpleasant or untoward regarding God's own people. Got it.

10th September 2015, 09:14 PM


Amazon.com Inc., the American- based international online retail giant, has removed a blood-spattered Israeli flag available emblazoned on a shower curtain, cell phone cover, welcome mat, mouse pad, umbrella, or pillow throw from its website after drawing the opprobrium of its customers, who likened the products to Holocaust-era anti-Semitism.

Did the current Israeli flag exist during the "Holo(hoax)caust"

If not, then the whole point is nonsensical and moot, as usual.

ETA: oh wow, look at this...

The flag of Israel (Hebrew (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_language): דגל ישראל Degel Yisra'el, Arabic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_language): علم إسرائيل 'Alam Isra'īl) was adopted on October 28, 1948, five months after the establishment of the State of Israel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_Israel). It depicts a blue hexagram (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagram) on a white background, between two horizontal blue stripes.

How could this be related to the holohoax when the flag didn't even fucking exist when it was supposedly happening?

13th October 2015, 05:46 AM


We need to start charging Christians with terrorism. The Bible is a homophobic racist book of Hate and needs to go. This is the year 2015.

13th October 2015, 05:57 AM


13th October 2015, 10:41 AM

13th October 2015, 11:03 AM


13th October 2015, 11:18 AM
Why is everyone trying to derail this thread?

11th July 2016, 08:17 PM

11th July 2016, 10:03 PM
I am surprised that with the Trump phenomenon (i.e., anti-political-correctness), it is not already back-up permanently.