View Full Version : Merkaba activation............
30th June 2015, 02:29 AM
An interesting mediation/breathing technique .......
pdf com%2Fmerkabah-star-tetrahedron.pdf&ei=LlGSVZmuOeLSmgWfkoDgDw&usg=AFQjCNFY7LT6RGHMkyfOHkj97JLmcENH0A&bvm=bv.96783405,d.dGY
21st July 2015, 02:34 AM
21st July 2015, 02:17 PM
Honest branding:
A 3D version of the Star of Remphan ("David").
Notice the name Metatron...a demon from the Babylonian Talmud.
21st July 2015, 02:36 PM
Whenever you see or hear the term, "true knowledge," you know its not based on any personal studying or discipline in reading texts.
It is some form of ethereal spirit entering the mind, like a demon. Cults use this method to gain converts.
The ability for a human to fly without any mechanical aid is one belief of this "true knowledge." It is a lie.
Western Knowledge is based on building blocks of past disciplines, understanding them, taking them to the next step.
In the Western tradition "Human Flight" comes by pondering birds, making kites, drawing designs, studying aerodynamics, enhancing with mechanics, and onward.
Eastern Flight:
Western Flight:
21st July 2015, 07:34 PM
Whenever you see or hear the term, "true knowledge," you know its not based on any personal studying or discipline in reading texts.
It is some form of ethereal spirit entering the mind, like a demon. Cults use this method to gain converts.
The ability for a human to fly without any mechanical aid is one belief of this "true knowledge." It is a lie.
Western Knowledge is based on building blocks of past disciplines, understanding them, taking them to the next step.
In the Western tradition "Human Flight" comes by pondering birds, making kites, drawing designs, studying aerodynamics, enhancing with mechanics, and onward.
Eastern Flight:
Western Flight:
Ximmy, you have a body, we all do. Your body can not fly. Your soul can. Your body is just a temporary vessel, in this physical world, but your soul is who you are, in creation, by God. It's our souls that is what defines us by God, and by being given the gift of life, in a body on this Earth, it's up to us to do the best we can with that gift.
21st July 2015, 07:40 PM
"TM" has worked for me for over 40 years !
When I really need to center myself, hardest thing is to stay regular practicing it !
22nd July 2015, 06:05 AM
"TM" has worked for me for over 40 years !
When I really need to center myself, hardest thing is to stay regular practicing it !
Hey Dogman, just curious, but what is TM?
22nd July 2015, 07:03 AM
Hey Dogman, just curious, but what is TM?
Transcendental Meditation
22nd July 2015, 01:42 PM
"TM" has worked for me for over 40 years !
WHY am I not surprised!!
Transcendental Meditation: How I Paid $2,500 For a Password to Inner Peace
Create World Peace and National Invincibility
22nd July 2015, 01:48 PM
Ximmy, you have a body, we all do. Your body can not fly. Your soul can. Your body is just a temporary vessel, in this physical world, but your soul is who you are, in creation, by God. It's our souls that is what defines us by God, and by being given the gift of life, in a body on this Earth, it's up to us to do the best we can with that gift.
Considering ximmy noted demonic possession, I doubt she disagrees (much) with what you write here. But what she said is correct: these New Age cults work with demons to "achieve" what they do.
22nd July 2015, 09:37 PM
Considering ximmy noted demonic possession, I doubt she disagrees (much) with what you write here. But what she said is correct: these New Age cults work with demons to "achieve" what they do.
I do agree. However, from a spiritual sense, I just wanted to post she's focusing on our physical creation, not our souls or what's beyond our physical bodies.
One one hand, it's probably better folks think they are the same (even if they are not), that way they can stay grounded.
22nd July 2015, 09:44 PM
I do agree. However, from a spiritual sense, I just wanted to post she's focusing on our physical creation, not our souls or what's beyond our physical bodies.
One one hand, it's probably better folks think they are the same (even if they are not), that way they can stay grounded.
I understand.
People do not realize that without the aegis of Jesus Christ protecting them, screwing around with "the spirit world" is a very dangerous thing. "Familiar spirits" that claim they "want to help you" are almost always interested in helping themselves, to you.
22nd July 2015, 10:55 PM
People do not realize that without the aegis of Jesus Christ protecting them, screwing around with "the spirit world" is a very dangerous thing. "Familiar spirits" that claim they "want to help you" are almost always interested in helping themselves, to you.
Hypothetically....if a person who knows Jesus Christ is with him, whom worships God, and yet the spirit world still contacts him....
Crimethink, I don't think all spirits are evil. There is a lot we don't know about. Having faith is important.
23rd July 2015, 04:19 PM
Hypothetically....if a person who knows Jesus Christ is with him, whom worships God, and yet the spirit world still contacts him....
Crimethink, I don't think all spirits are evil. There is a lot we don't know about. Having faith is important.
The bottom line: any spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus Christ is a demon. Any that does is an angel.
23rd July 2015, 05:11 PM
Honest branding:
A 3D version of the Star of Remphan ("David").
Notice the name Metatron...a demon from the Babylonian Talmud.
Your ignorance is overwhelming..........
23rd July 2015, 05:23 PM
Let me just say that everyone is not ready for their merkaba activation .
I have practiced and teach tai chi for a number of decades now and am very familiar with energy within ones self.
I am not normally interested in meditation but the merkaba is a real field of energy around us that has been shut down eons ago and can be reactivated. ie the fall of man
So the merkaba is a real thing and not make believe . We all have one and now is the time to activate it .
Laugh and scoff all you want or consider the merkaba the work of demons or that it looks like a Jewish star ect.
My brief experiences with this meditation of 17 breaths plus 1 breath is that it does work and activates a field of energy that is around us.
23rd July 2015, 05:26 PM
The bottom line: any spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus Christ is a demon. Any that does is an angel.
In your mind , people think,act from their minds , but our true self lies in our heart, the seat of love.
The mind is kinda the seat of insanity.
I am only putting up this info knowing that most will throw rocks at it,but it may resonate with a few.
Plus there is no bottom line , we are a living ,breathing unit, never the same twice.
23rd July 2015, 05:27 PM
I'll believe in merkaba activation when monks fly.
23rd July 2015, 05:31 PM
I understand.
People do not realize that without the aegis of Jesus Christ protecting them, screwing around with "the spirit world" is a very dangerous thing. "Familiar spirits" that claim they "want to help you" are almost always interested in helping themselves, to you.
So who is screwing around in the spirit world.................with your merkaba shut down like it has been since forever , you are then at the mercy of the things you talk about.
Im talking about reclaiming ourselves, as ourselves for ourselves.
23rd July 2015, 05:32 PM
I'll believe in merkaba activation when monks fly.
There is no need for you to believe in anything Ximmy , how would it help if you did.
23rd July 2015, 05:36 PM
There is no need for you to believe in anything Ximmy , how would it help if you did.
23rd July 2015, 05:46 PM
"TM" has worked for me for over 40 years !
When I really need to center myself, hardest thing is to stay regular practicing it !
When TM first came out people thought it was the work of the devil ect but now its a normal part of life, tai chi also was like that.
People think they can sit back in their big soft chair and not do anything spiritually because they belong to some massive religious organization and its all taken care of.
Well Ive got news for you guys , get of your backsides and reclaim yourselves.
23rd July 2015, 05:49 PM
This is people relying on some one or something on the outside of them selves and therefore become lost................yea forget our own hearts..............
23rd July 2015, 05:56 PM
When TM first came out people thought it was the work of the devil ect but now its a normal part of life, tai chi also was like that.
People think they can sit back in their big soft chair and not do anything spiritually because they belong to some massive religious organization and its all taken care of.
Well Ive got news for you guys , get of your backsides and reclaim yourselves.
Yea !
A very interesting girlfriend back when got me started in it. Was not part of that yogi cult, no money needed or being told what mantra to use, picked my own but now do not even need to use one, just a quiet place only and even that is not really needed!
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23rd July 2015, 06:07 PM
It helps to quieten the mind............
The merkaba activation is more like a tool or key to unlock a part of us that has been dormant for a long is real , it can be measured and this is a reason I like it .
My only wish is for people to explore this subject further and make up their own minds instead of the outrageous fear campaigners..............
Its always the same , something not understood becomes the work of the devil to scare people off instead of a way to become the Christ consciousness.
23rd July 2015, 06:25 PM
23rd July 2015, 06:27 PM lls%2Fsingle_sun_flower-wide.jpg&sp=6512370637dd107f88d42e32f49e1c29
23rd July 2015, 09:33 PM
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, by Drunvalo Melchizedek pdf
23rd July 2015, 10:12 PM
Your ignorance is overwhelming..........
Your denial of reality is extraordinary. Do you know who Metatron is? It's a demon in the Babylonian Talmud...look it up! The Talmud, which is satanic, claims he is an "angel."
You are playing with fire.
23rd July 2015, 10:24 PM
The bottom line: any spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus Christ is a demon. Any that does is an angel.
How do we find that out though? It's not that easy, if a spirit contacts you. You can't just ask that question. Honestly, Crimethink, it's beyond us. What we have is faith, in Jesus. This is why we have faith.
24th July 2015, 03:12 AM
As Shami is oft to say, this guy is another LARPer. "Live Action Role Playing" as an "enlightened priest." "Drunvalo Melchizedek," LOL. Adopting a play name even.
Child's play for adults. And just about the same intellectual level.
24th July 2015, 03:13 AM
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, by Drunvalo Melchizedek
He probably wants us to pick it from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil.
24th July 2015, 03:14 AM
How do we find that out though? It's not that easy, if a spirit contacts you. You can't just ask that question. Honestly, Crimethink, it's beyond us. What we have is faith, in Jesus. This is why we have faith.
YES, you can - and must - ask that question! If a spirit comes to you, and it does not volunteer its authority, ask it, "in whose name do you come to me?" If not Yahushua ha-Mashiach (Jesus Christ), order it away in that Name (Jesus Christ).
24th July 2015, 05:23 PM
Your denial of reality is extraordinary. Do you know who Metatron is? It's a demon in the Babylonian Talmud...look it up! The Talmud, which is satanic, claims he is an "angel."
You are playing with fire.
The devil is under the bed .........................what is it like being a religious nut case.................
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Metatron's Cube is a name for a sacred geometric figure composed of 13 equal circles with lines from the center of each circle extending out to the centers of the other 12 circles. Some New Age teachers call a variant of this figure the "Fruit of Life".
24th July 2015, 05:24 PM
How do we find that out though? It's not that easy, if a spirit contacts you. You can't just ask that question. Honestly, Crimethink, it's beyond us. What we have is faith, in Jesus. This is why we have faith.
People have faith in the gov, or the bankers also..........................
24th July 2015, 06:44 PM
The devil is under the bed .........................what is it like being a religious nut case.................
I don't know, why don't you tell us?
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Metatron's Cube is a name for a sacred geometric figure composed of 13 equal circles with lines from the center of each circle extending out to the centers of the other 12 circles. Some New Age teachers call a variant of this figure the "Fruit of Life".
You failed to look to the source of the Metatron myth:
Metatron is a Jewish "angel," supposedly the Biblical figure Enoch changed to an "angel," but like most Talmudic myth, including the claim that Adam screwed every animal in the Garden before Yahweh created Eve for him, the myth of Metatron is inverse to Christianity - in other words, evil.
Mysticism prefers obscurity, and intentionally chooses a foreign word instead of the well-known name of Enoch. Kohut identifies Meṭaṭron with the Zoroastrian Mithra; but probably only a few traits were borrowed from the latter. Sachs, Grünbaum, Weinstein, and others think that Meṭaṭron is identical with Philo's Logos; but L. Cohn, the eminent Philonist, contradicts this view. M. Friedländer, on the other hand, takes Meṭaṭron to be, both in name and in nature, none other than Horus, the "frontier guardian" and "surveyor of the frontier" of the early Gnostics.
24th July 2015, 08:13 PM
YES, you can - and must - ask that question! If a spirit comes to you, and it does not volunteer its authority, ask it, "in whose name do you come to me?" If not Yahushua ha-Mashiach (Jesus Christ), order it away in that Name (Jesus Christ).
If it's an evil spirit, it may lie to you. Asking in whose name do they come may lead someone down a path of false information.
I'm not sure if you remember, but you (and God) helped me through a tough time late last year. Ordering a spirit away in the name of Jesus Christ is what worked.
I suppose my question is if you order away a good spirit in Jesus's name, such as an angel, are they commanded to leave? And, if not, that might be the way to tell if they are honest and truthful.
24th July 2015, 09:55 PM
I'll believe in merkaba activation when monks fly.
Ximmy, the flying nun. :D
24th July 2015, 11:27 PM
If it's an evil spirit, it may lie to you. Asking in whose name do they come may lead someone down a path of false information.
It cannot lie about coming in the Name of Jesus Christ.
I'm not sure if you remember, but you (and God) helped me through a tough time late last year. Ordering a spirit away in the name of Jesus Christ is what worked.
I do!
I suppose my question is if you order away a good spirit in Jesus's name, such as an angel, are they commanded to leave? And, if not, that might be the way to tell if they are honest and truthful.
Yes, a good spirit (angel) will honor your wish/command, but it may tell you it does have the authority of Jesus Christ. A bad spirit won't permanently leave without that command.
6th August 2015, 06:28 PM
Its not about any symbols ect , its about opening up part of yourself that is real but has been dormant for some time..........that is all nothing else.
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