View Full Version : Legal Tender Laws and the Court Packing Scheme

2nd July 2015, 10:49 AM

Never heard of this, that the court packing scheme 70 years before FDR, is what opened the gates to the Federal Reserve.

2nd July 2015, 12:08 PM
Interesting article, lets see if I can past this. Yes!

A Court Packing scheme stuck us with legal tender laws and a Worthless Currency
17 Replies
A rare glimpse behind the scenes showing how they REALLY fixed the FDR court "packing" scheme.

Most people don’t know it, but I have been personally involved in “unpacking” the supreme court.

I get quite a kick out of observing how effective the brainwashing system is they use on us. As with all good brainwashing systems, the victims do not understand that they even are victims. In fact they actively ATTACK anyone who tries to show them or free them. lol. I’m sure the one’s in charge get quite a kick out of that one.

Most people believe that the holy Supreme Court has 9 justices on it because the holy constitution sets that number. As usual, most people are wrong. Lol The constitution says NOTHING about it.

That’s right. The number is set by Congress, which of course can OVERRIDE the president’s “veto”. Showing once again that the 3 branches are NOT equal and NEVER were designed to be EQUAL. That “co-equal” crap is just another fundamental lie you are taught in the indoctrination centers. How can Congress be equal yet “in charge” of something as fundamental as the number of justices or have the power to override the President? It is absurd.
Now that I have it figured out the scam I have a lot more time to spend on things I love, like Yoga.

Now that I have it figured out the scam I have a lot more time to spend on things I love, like Yoga.

Congress is above the court and the president. Congress can REMOVE the president. Congress can remove Justices and set the number of justices. It is not EQUAL. You have been told the “equal branches” lie again and again so that you don’t question things like the ABSURD CONCEPT that ONE unelected supreme court justice can set aside laws and MAKE laws. A simple 5 to 4 court decision and poof we are all “bound” to obey. Do you see how convenient that is for those in charge?

For the most part, the only thing anyone comes out of government schooling knowing about the Supreme court is that it “has 9 justices” and that FDR created a potential “constitutional crises” when he suggested “packing the court” with “additional justices” to get his new deal legislation passed. Why is this all that is left in most peoples minds after they attend the government schools? Well when you know the truth it makes perfect sense. So let me tell you.

It traces back to that time called “reconstruction”. War and its aftermath are continuously used by those in power to destroy evidence of their deeds and to muddy the waters and to reset the “history” that is taught. The “civil war” is a classic example. If you still believe it was fought to free the slaves I encourage you to do some research, lol. You can start here.
They said I was a shoe in for the next vacancy on the court, but when I got there it had already been filled.

They said I was a shoe in to get the next seat on the court, but you can see that when I got there the seat was taken.

If you still think Lincoln cared a wit about “freeing the slaves” consider this. The emancipation proclamation did not free a single slave in any territory that the UNION CONTROLLED. And consider this PUBLICLY issued statement from “the great emancipator”.

My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union..

Get it? The civil war had NOTHING TO DO with freeing the slaves. NOTHING. That was an issue the power elite manipulated, nothing more. The real issue that was “RESOLVED” by force in the “civil war” was the right to leave a “voluntary” union. That war and the “reconstruction era” after it provided an opportunity for the power grabbing central government to fundamentally change “the union”.
Here is my Uncle Joe. I don't have a lot of book learning but even I was learned in skool that they fought the civil war to free the blacks.

I may not have a lot of book learning but even I was learned in skool that they fought the civil war to free the blacks.

Since that war they have worked very hard to make it appear that anyone who tries to discuss the legal points of SECESSION is a racist “hick” who “supports slavery”. And thus they silence the discussion. It is a simple trick of rhetoric. Nothing more. But people fall for it of course because they are fundamentally mis-educated and brainwashed.

During much of the early 19th century the number of justices in the supreme court was tied to the number of appellate circuits. That meant the number moved around and eventually there were as many as 10 justices on the court by the mid 1860’s. But then congress passed a law that would reduce the number down as some retired. It was during this time as they were retiring and the number was dropping that a very important case was decided. It was called Hepburn v. Griswold, 75 U.S. 603 (1870).
I tried to get him to pay me with chicks, but he knew the law and so I had to take his Federal Reserve Notes.

I tried to convince this wall street guy to pay me with some inside information, but he knew about the legal tender laws so I had to take his sh***y Federal Reserve Notes.

That case struck down the “LEGAL TENDER” law that congress had passed during the war. STRUCK DOWN. Legal tender laws are how the loving government forces you to accept a fiat currency that is backed by NOTHING as opposed to being BACKED by gold or silver. In other words a law where the government REQUIRES you exchange things of value you have for something they CREATE OUT OF THIN AIR that has NO VALUE. Legal tender laws clearly violate the 5th amendment by allowing the government to take your property without giving you fair value for it. Get it?

Fiat currency is the HEART of the control system for the entire economy and country. Without legal tender laws it WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE to run the current scam.

So when the court strikes down the legal tender law, what do those who really run things do? Well they ALREADY knew that the decision was coming. Something this important never “just happens”. They were ready for it. They knew they wouldn’t have the votes so they had gotten a law passed right before it came down to BUMP UP the number of justices BACK up to 9. And while the Southern States were operated under military occupation in this great free country, they got their man Grant and the reconstruction Congress to put two justices on the court that were friendly to the concept of stealing from the people. And thus just ONE YEAR after the decision STRIKING DOWN the legal tender scam they REVERSED the decision. Knox v. Lee, 79 U.S. 457 (1871).
I have a problem taking formal events seriously. Is that wrong?

I have a problem taking formal events seriously since they are mostly just a bunch of “top guys” giving each other reach-arounds. I tend to like women who feel the same. Is that wrong?

Yes. The court reversed itself just ONE year later on THE EXACT SAME ISSUE. Does that make sense? Do you see why you’ve never heard about this now? Here is how Wiki innocently describes the situation.

In Hepburn, Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase held for a 4-3 majority of the Court that the Act was an unconstitutional violation of the Fifth Amendment..… On the same day that Hepburn was decided, President Ulysses Grant nominated two new justices to the Court, Joseph Bradley and William Strong, although Grant later denied that he had known about the decision in Hepburn when the nominations were made.[6] Bradley and Strong subsequently voted to reverse the Hepburn decision, in Knox v. Lee and Parker v. Davis, by votes of 5-4.

Did you catch that? On the SAME DAY. Lol I’m sure that the very much sober and honorable President Grant was certainly telling the truth when he denied any connection. I’m sure it was all just coincidence and bungling and chance like every other coincidence of history that screws the people and serves the money power.
I have been told that I have a somewhat unusual court room manner.

I have been told that I have a somewhat unusual court room manner.

I am going to excerpt from the DISSENT in the case that REVERSED the issue just one year later. It is critical that you read it to see that the JUSTICE knew what was happening and that this is not just some “crazy conspiracy theory” by yours truly.

A majority of the Court, five of four, in the opinion which has just been read, reverses the judgment rendered by the former majority of five to three, in pursuance of an opinion formed after repeated arguments, at successive terms, and careful consideration, and declares the legal tender clause to be constitutional — that is to say, that an act of Congress making promises to pay dollars legal tender as coined dollars in payment of preexisting debts is a means appropriate and plainly adapted to the exercise of powers expressly granted by the Constitution, and not prohibited itself by the Constitution but consistent with its letter and spirit. And this reversal, unprecedented in the history of the Court, has been produced by no change in the opinions of those who concurred in the former judgment….

Get it? The court was packed in order to jam “legal tender” down everyone’s throat during the unconstitutional period called “reconstruction”. A law that 4 members of the court KNEW was unconstitutional and would wreak havoc on the people. Laws that would, about 40 years later, allow private banks to then step in with the creation of the federal reserve to create money out of thin air for a private group of bankers.

Do you see now? The system is rigged, and the “history” you are taught is a fairy tale. It is rigged long in advance with a lot of planning. And to even tell PEOPLE THIS TRUTH is considered “kookery”. That is the part I love the most.
Here I am with my Uncle George.

Me and my Uncle George.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”.– George Orwell


So why is it that NOBODY even KNOWS about this one and everyone does know about the FDR plan after attending the brainwashing centers the government runs?

Simple. You know about the FDR plan because it was allegedly “thwarted”. That leaves the impression on you that the Constitutional system WORKS, that it protects your freedom and that the system’s integrity is INTACT. Do you see that?

What you may not know is that the reason they didn’t have to “pack the court” for FDR is because the court caved and approved the “New Deal” from just the threat.
My shrink says it's wrong to do, but my threats are an effective compliance system technique.

My shrink says it’s wrong for me to do, but I find this is an effective compliance technique so I don’t want to stop using it. I don’t use a loaded gun, but they don’t need to know that.

So you hear all about this completely made up potential “constitutional crises” with FDR that was “somehow averted” by the brilliant constitutional system of fake ass checks and balances. And you go away thinking that the system worked. Lol There never was any “constitutional crises” because the CONSTITUTION says NOTHING about the number of justices. The number has been changed many times and WILL be again if the money power needs to. GET IT?

All they care is that YOU BELIEVE that the system worked because it is so great and you are so free, and that you NEVER learn about the REAL COURT PACKING SCHEME 70 YEARS EARLIER. Classic distraction technique.

My suspicion is that had the court not folded so easily with FDR and had they NEEDED to “pack the court” to get the “new deal” through then you would not know anything about the whole charade. It wouldn’t have been “taught”. Just like they didn’t teach you about the legal tender court pack. The first rule is always “IGNORE”. Why stir a pot nobody is looking at? lol
Oh, you're in the wrong place, this is the County Clerk's office.

Come on in. We the people are waiting for you in the back.

I find the whole thing quite entertaining. And if you think about it. They are RIGHT, our political system is probably the greatest system ever conceived, but not for the reasons you are told or believe. It is the greatest system because it FOOLS the FOOLS so effectively despite what is right in front of them. lol

Congratulations to YOU if you made it to the end. Most people just roll out and check for porn, lol. I hope you have learned something useful. And I hope you send it to someone who might be open to hearing the truth.

That’s all for now my brainwashed Brethren.

2nd July 2015, 05:29 PM
Something that I have noticed here......30% of the loose change that I get after I buy something consist of a new kind of coins, in the form quarters, nickels and cents.............anyone else seen this?