View Full Version : Here’s Why Silver is Being Napalmed Right Now

8th July 2015, 05:59 AM
Carpet Bombing

This week friends, we take a careful look at the carnage that’s transpiring in silver right now.

We discuss:

One minor prediction I recently made which was incorrect…

Another correct prediction which has helped make this all transpire…

How a stock market meltdown in Asia may also be contributing to this…

The real bank who is likely the “big short” in silver right now…

A shortlist of past banks who were killed by the “silver bullet”…

The reasons why I believe the final lows ahead in silver will be a fairly quick event…

Why these lower prices mean both the rigging(and the global financial system) are not long for this world…

The global meltdown has been kicked up a notch, but no matter what they do to Comex silver futures contracts, you and I are holding the Ace cards in this game, by holding real silver.

Stand tall and proud, they can do their worst. We were right about Greece, we are right about silver. Vindication shall be ours.

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZRkp6lvhCA&feature=youtu.be


8th July 2015, 07:17 AM

8th July 2015, 08:18 AM
May be that CITI finally goes boom, many many countries would be on their knees looking for hands to lick.