View Full Version : Who wants to kill me today?

11th July 2015, 05:50 AM
Al Qaeda
Home grown terrorists
North Korea
Escaped criminals
unknown terrorist threats

The Jewish media pounds the population, over and over daily, with threats to our lives and the danger we are facing everyday. The funny thing is, with all this danger, these are the same people that want to take our guns? And taking our guns is still yet another threat.

It's no wonder gun sales are still hot.

Texas gun sales continue to be strong
Posted Thursday, July 9th 2015 @ 6am by iHeartMedia’s Cliff Saunders

This is not the kind of news that will make the Obama Administration happy. Gun sales are on the rise.

Background checks in June were up 11% compared to last year. Lars Dalside at the NRA told KTRH it's not just because you're concerned about what President Obama may try to do as far as your gun rights are concerned.

“Most of that number is because of new shooters, especially women, Dalside said.

But Patrick Woods at Spring Guns and Ammo says his customers are also concerned about what the President may do about gun rights following last month’s church massacre in South Carolina.

“It has brought gun control back to the forefront of the minds of consumers,” Woods stated.

Texas gun sales are up 16% over last year, which doesn't surprise Woods at all.

“Our sales have maintained strength over the course of the last year or so,” Woods explained.

And where did we see the biggest spike in sales?

“We saw the biggest increases in Indiana, Connecticut and Ohio,” Dalside indicated.

Gun sales have gone up every year since 2003 with the exception of three years including 2014.

Read more: http://www.ktrh.com/articles/houston-news-121300/texas-gun-sales-continue-to-be-13747283/#ixzz3faRbTqYo

11th July 2015, 05:59 AM
Your list is not complete if it doesn't include organ harvesters.

Maybe your task would be easier if you just list those who DON'T want to kill you?

11th July 2015, 08:43 AM
What all those foreign country really hates is the US government, but as usual......"We The People" are the ones to pay....


11th July 2015, 01:00 PM
Gun sales are on the rise.

One weekend when one of the firearm etailers had a "Free Shipping for orders over $100" deal, I placed 3 orders
a day apart. Looking at my order Numbers -
2101249803 april 16
2101248300 april 15
2101247055 april 14

Why around April 15 ? That's when the NRA show is, so some etailers get generous with the free shipping.

Anyway, call it 1300 orders a day. I might have placed the order later in the day on the 16th. If the average order is $120, that's $156K per day.
$1 Million a week.

Not huge, but I get the general impression that the "personal firearms" part of the economy is going strong.

The side business that I see local machinists getting is often gun-related. And that is often un-documented, just one machinist doing a favor for a friend or doing a custom lower or something.