View Full Version : Why "White Nationalists" are a laughing stock to most

19th July 2015, 09:53 AM
No, not because the Jewsmedia paints them as something they aren't...



What exactly is that "female" in the way-too-tight-for-that-body shirt?

Only the Klownsman in the black shirt comes anywhere near close to what image should be presented.

Another example of stupidity..."die Juden" tattooed on his shoulder appears to anyone who has even rudimentary skills in German that that is his gang affiliation. It means "The Jews," not "die Jews":


19th July 2015, 10:03 AM
You won't see these in the Jewsmedia anytime soon. Doesn't fit The Narrative:









19th July 2015, 10:15 AM
You won't see these in the Jewsmedia anytime soon. Doesn't fit The Narrative

Those are also exceptions to the rule. Most of them are Europeans in Europe (e.g., Russians), yes?

19th July 2015, 10:21 AM
Those are also exceptions to the rule. Most of them are Europeans in Europe (e.g., Russians), yes?

Yeah. That's since those areas have established White Nationalist subcultures. We don't have one in the US.

19th July 2015, 10:52 AM
Jews control all the White nationalist and Nazi parties. Their game is isolation. The objective is to ensure that those who know the Jewish agenda have as little influence as possible. They arrange for the ugliest, most violent, most tattooed, most vulgar and obese to be at the forefront of every public appearance.

19th July 2015, 11:15 AM
Yeah. That's since those areas have established White Nationalist subcultures. We don't have one in the US.
Is there any back story to the 5 blonde girls surrounding the negroid?

19th July 2015, 01:35 PM
Jews control all the White nationalist and Nazi parties. Their game is isolation. The objective is to ensure that those who know the Jewish agenda have as little influence as possible. They arrange for the ugliest, most violent, most tattooed, most vulgar and obese to be at the forefront of every public appearance.

Let's say you are correct, Jews control "all" of the "White Nationalist" groups. Plenty of "Whites" participate willingly. Plenty of Whites look like they do without trying.

I know you want to pretend that if we got rid of all Jews, the White race would magically become healthy again, because they "did this to us." And you know my position: the Jews succeeded because we got gravely ill from our worldly pleasures and let them have their way.

19th July 2015, 03:16 PM
Let's say you are correct, Jews control "all" of the "White Nationalist" groups. Plenty of "Whites" participate willingly. Plenty of Whites look like they do without trying.

I know you want to pretend that if we got rid of all Jews, the White race would magically become healthy again, because they "did this to us." And you know my position: the Jews succeeded because we got gravely ill from our worldly pleasures and let them have their way.I never advocated "getting rid of all Jews". Sure, it would take a long time for Whites to rise to pre-teevee levels if Jews no longer influenced us. There is no way of knowing what level we would rise to, but I think it would be well above where we are today.
They have a keener intellect and are well aware of our every weaknesses, all of which they have taken full advantage of. I don't regard that as our fault. Khazars have weaknesses too and if there were an ambitious tribe of higher intellect than then, they too might fall. That's just the law of the jungle, not cause for me to hate or blame my own people. That's what they want us to do.

19th July 2015, 03:25 PM
Jews control all the White nationalist and Nazi parties. Their game is isolation. The objective is to ensure that those who know the Jewish agenda have as little influence as possible. They arrange for the ugliest, most violent, most tattooed, most vulgar and obese to be at the forefront of every public appearance.

A great example of this is the leader of the Jobbik movement in Hungary who "suddenly realized" that he was part Jewish and then destroyed his own books and whatnot.

Former anti-Semitic Hungarian leader now keeps Shabbat
Last year, Csanad Szegedi, former no. 2 of far-right Jobbik party, called on Hungary to protect itself from Jews. Then he learned he had Jewish roots and has become enamored with Judaism ever since.


Oy vey.

And if my memory serves me correctly something similar happened in America back in the 80s or even earlier.

19th July 2015, 04:24 PM
I never advocated "getting rid of all Jews".

You'd like to keep them then?

They have a keener intellect and are well aware of our every weaknesses, all of which they have taken full advantage of. I don't regard that as our fault.

Of course not! Why, how could White people have blame in choosing to watch Talmudvision, for example?

Your stance is the "White" version of the Nigger "Whitey is da reesun we be kep' down!" Place the blame totally outside the group.

If Jews are as superior to us as you implicitly allege, the game was over before it started. We Goyim were obviously "too stupid" to protect ourselves from them.

On the contrary, I put forth that the White Adamic race refused to do what was right, and chose to do what felt good instead. The Jew was more than pleased to accommodate such base desires.

19th July 2015, 04:33 PM
And if my memory serves me correctly something similar happened in America back in the 80s or even earlier.

There have been several, but never near a majority of the groups. You're likely thinking of Frank "Collin" Cohen.

The fact of the matter is the "top quality" "White nationalist" groups have not been "System-run." The National Alliance under William Pierce was not "System run." Nonetheless, Pierce had enormous trouble growing the group because White Niggers kept attaching themselves to the Alliance. They liked the Hollywood Nazi meme of brute violence, and thought anyone who praised Hitler was just like them. Pierce had zero regard for such trash, which included 95% of skinheads.

The White Adamic race is its own worst enemy. Always has been. From Adam (or Cro-Magnon man, if one prefers), average human intelligence & quality has declined, despite the rise in technological level. The death blows to White Adamic racial viability were World Wars I & II, which annihilated millions of the best genetic "specimens." Some will claim "the Jews" forced Whites to kill themselves, but that's bullshit. The Christmas Truce shows the participants knew they had no real enemy on the other side, and could easily just stop killing them. White Americans have the most egregious guilt in it, since their interests were never in danger from Germany or its allies.

19th July 2015, 04:41 PM
If Jews are as superior to us as you implicitly allege, the game was over before it started. We Goyim were obviously "too stupid" to protect ourselves from them.
My approach to understanding and dealing with the Khazar problem is similar to business. You simply have to detach morality from the issue and look at it purely in strategic terms.
Then I place myself in their shoes. You never really understand human conflicts by seeing them only from your own perspective.

If I were a Jew who had infiltrated (or started) a "Neo Nazi" or White Nationalist organization, what would be my position?
Would it be in my tribe's interests to have my followers believe that it is hopeless for them to try to awaken their fellow goyim?
Would it be in my tribe's interests to isolate those who know from those who don't know by convincing the former that the latter are scum?
Would it be in my tribe's interests to have all my followers tattoo themselves with "White Power", swastikas and "Kill the Jews" so that their mission, if any would be finished before they ever started?
Would it be in my tribe's interests to have my followers associate only with others who already know?


If the contest were already over, Jews would not be working overtime all over the net to obscure our message and demoralize us?

19th July 2015, 04:52 PM
And if my memory serves me correctly something similar happened in America back in the 80s or even earlier.Not likely. That was ancient history when the blues brothers movie came out. how is a Norwegian going to remember something so obscure from 38 years ago in Skokie Illinois? sorry, but you researched that one

19th July 2015, 04:58 PM

The White Adamic race is its own worst enemy.
I don't agree. the biggest enemy of the white race is the sun. Either moving to sunny areas or being attacked and infiltrated by by dark skinned mongrels with sun baked brains.Egyptian Assyrians ARyan Indians Afghanis Iranians Babylonians were all done in and are occupied by the sun cooked

19th July 2015, 04:59 PM
My approach to understanding and dealing with the Khazar problem is similar to business. You simply have to detach morality from the issue and look at it purely in strategic terms.

Considering your admission not that long ago that your family worked for the Jews and against Hitler in 1930s Germany, I imagine it's not difficult to "detach morality" from this issue.

Would it be in my tribe's interests to have my followers believe that it is hopeless for them to try to awaken their fellow goyim?

Would it be in your tribe's interests to continue to sow nonsense about "saving the White race" so your tribe's "civil rights" organization can continue to rake in money? Pathetic demonstrations, campaigns, and books by those who truly believe they're "doing something" are the gravy train for the ADL, SPLC, SWC, and so on.

Would it be in my tribe's interests to isolate those who know from those who don't know by convincing the former that the latter are scum?

Would it be in your tribe's best interests to lay all of the blame for one's woes on someone or something else, therefore encouraging fruitless efforts against those villains?

If the contest were already over, Jews would not be working overtime all over the net to obscure our message and demoralize us?

If it wasn't all over, Whites would have violently revolted in the 1960s against bussing their little ones to zoos full of Niggers.

If it wasn't all over, Whites would violently revolt now, against any of numerous abominable aggressions against our people.

Your effort is aimed at a magic solution for an impossible "victory." Your motive? Unknown, but I suspect it, since you've admitted your mommy told you Hitler was an "evil man."

My effort is aimed at minimizing the horrors innocent White people, especially children, have to endure in the coming decades.

19th July 2015, 05:00 PM
Not likely. That was ancient history when the blues brothers movie came out. how is a Norwegian going to remember something so obscure from 38 years ago in Skokie Illinois? sorry, but you researched that one

I'm not one to be eager to defend Norweger, but I don't think he meant "I remember reading it first-hand."

19th July 2015, 05:02 PM
I don't agree. the biggest enemy of the white race is the sun.

Seriously? Have you thought this through?

Either moving to sunny areas or being attacked and infiltrated by by dark skinned mongrels with sun baked brains.Egyptian Assyrians ARyan Indians Afghanis Iranians Babylonians were all done in and are occupied by the sun cooked

Whites can thrive anywhere. White people conquered the sunny Central Valley of California, and gave it up when they got materialistic. When they forget or forgo their heritage and morality for lusts of the flesh and for money, that is when they degenerate, and die.

19th July 2015, 06:04 PM
Another example of stupidity..."die Juden" tattooed on his shoulder appears to anyone who has even rudimentary skills in German that that is his gang affiliation. It means "The Jews," not "die Jews":


Actually you need to look at the word on his other shoulder. Which might be "toten" , making the complete phrase "Toten die Juden"

19th July 2015, 06:30 PM
Actually you need to look at the word on his other shoulder. Which might be "toten" , making the complete phrase "Toten die Juden"

OK, so he may have actually gotten that phrase right. Still doesn't help the fact he's a freak. Hitler would have put something like that in Dachau.

19th July 2015, 07:04 PM
Seriously? Have you thought this through?

.lol just throwing darts at the dartboard ;)

19th July 2015, 07:39 PM
OK, so he may have actually gotten that phrase right. Still doesn't help the fact he's a freak. Hitler would have put something like that in Dachau.

What are the chances the guy has a job, is more my thinking...

19th July 2015, 10:25 PM
I don't agree. the biggest enemy of the white race is the sun. Either moving to sunny areas or being attacked and infiltrated by by dark skinned mongrels with sun baked brains.Egyptian Assyrians ARyan Indians Afghanis Iranians Babylonians were all done in and are occupied by the sun cooked



Best you got? Maybe YOU should shut up.

This may be one of the most pathetic attempts at a "post" I've ever seen.


19th July 2015, 11:33 PM



Best you got? Maybe YOU should shut up.

This may be one of the most pathetic attempts at a "post" I've ever seen.

:rolleyes:Ok jewtech..yawn...you spent that much energy replying to a post? The quip was a response to the BIBLICAL tone of his post. And i wasn't talking to ju so you STFU

19th July 2015, 11:35 PM
Ok jewtech..yawn...you spent that much energy replying to a post?

You have something to offer here. However, calling anyone who disagrees with you a Jew is not beneficial.

19th July 2015, 11:39 PM
You have something to offer here. However, calling anyone who disagrees with you a Jew is not beneficial.
i believe herr brewmaster started it with asking me how the weather was in Tel Aviv

19th July 2015, 11:43 PM
People wanting to rid themselves of jews are part and parcel to their existance as a race.

Might as well call them jews #2, or mini jews..

20th July 2015, 12:01 AM
People wanting to rid themselves of jews are part and parcel to their existance as a race.

Might as well call them jews #2, or mini jews..

Every people wants to rid themselves of parasites...


Ulysses S. Grant's General Order #11 is even included.



You should appreciate the latter one, since I think you're in Central/South America. Unless you are one of "them."

20th July 2015, 02:56 AM
Not likely. That was ancient history when the blues brothers movie came out. how is a Norwegian going to remember something so obscure from 38 years ago in Skokie Illinois? sorry, but you researched that one

Implying i couldn't speak from memory of something I've read. Try again Jewberg.

20th July 2015, 08:06 AM

Guatemala to build 30 houses to resettle the 200-odd strong community, Goldman said.

Guatemalan Nazis are busy creating little Israel#2 to support their chosen.

20th July 2015, 10:32 AM
Your all blind to the truth and who really runs things. Who are the largest block of slaves now? That's right, the whites. And who sits home and breeds all day? All the non whites. All paid for by you the white master race. The Jews started as slaves to the black Egyptions and they are still slaves being used as the hated race when in fact its the Blacks controlling everything. We even have a black President now. You think the blacks are stupid yet they are in control of everything. You say they never created anything? Maybe not but why would they when they have the master white race to do it for them so they can chill and breed all day. You do all the work and they reap the benefits.
Someday you'll figure it out.

20th July 2015, 10:39 AM
Your all blind to the truth and who really runs things. Who are the largest block of slaves now? That's right, the whites. And who sits home and breeds all day? All the non whites. All paid for by you the white master race. The Jews started as slaves to the black Egyptions and they are still slaves being used as the hated race when in fact its the Blacks controlling everything. We even have a black President now. You think the blacks are stupid yet they are in control of everything. You say they never created anything? Maybe not but why would they when they have the master white race to do it for them so they can chill and breed all day. You do all the work and they reap the benefits.
Someday you'll figure it out.
The original Egyptians were white. What they are now is completely different. Also, according to their own book, the jews enslaved the Egyptians until a ruler came along who "did not know joseph"

20th July 2015, 11:51 AM
according to whose book? It's possible the Early dynastic Egyptions were white but the later dynasties were surely black. A quick look at any of their statues makes it pretty obvious.

20th July 2015, 01:21 PM
according to whose book?

20th July 2015, 02:11 PM
Yea, well that took place after the pre dynastic Egyptians. There is some good stuff in there but lots of problems as well. I like some of the info but some if it leaves more questions than answers.

20th July 2015, 02:50 PM
the black Egyptions

Please do not teach Afrocentrist lies.

20th July 2015, 02:58 PM
according to whose book? It's possible the Early dynastic Egyptions were white but the later dynasties were surely black. A quick look at any of their statues makes it pretty obvious.

What expat sees:


What the Egyptians were really like:


Another Egyptian "Nigger":


King Tutankhamun was often claimed to be a Nigger, until the facts became crystal clear: his genetic profile? R1b1a2 - European.

20th July 2015, 08:07 PM
I can see it now, Obama claims pharaoh

Tears down the Washington monument and erects a great pyramid with white freemason labor.

20th July 2015, 08:30 PM

20th July 2015, 08:36 PM

20th July 2015, 08:41 PM
It really doesnt take a rocket scientist to look at Egyptian art and glyphs and see that there are many blacks in them. There is brown as well but not a whole lot of white.
If king Tut is European than it means Europeans were darker back in the day. That would make sense since we all came out of Africa originaly and it took time to lighten.
Many of the American indians were also of European decent and also darker in color. They have traced them back to the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain I think it is.

20th July 2015, 08:44 PM
I can see it now, Obama claims pharaoh

Tears down the Washington monument and erects a great pyramid with white freemason labor.

It is interesting that the obelisks that are found all over the world originally started in Egypt. Makes one wonder what the true purpose is.

20th July 2015, 09:13 PM

Man, what a load of Afrocentrist BULLSHIT.

Try this instead:


Egypt declined as they interbred with their Negroid slaves.

20th July 2015, 09:16 PM

If statutes of Obama were found 3000 years from now, should the finders conclude America was built by Niggers?

Nigger-like faces in Egyptian art are the exceptions, not the rules.

20th July 2015, 09:21 PM
It really doesnt take a rocket scientist to look at Egyptian art and glyphs and see that there are many blacks in them. There is brown as well but not a whole lot of white.
If king Tut is European than it means Europeans were darker back in the day. That would make sense since we all came out of Africa originaly and it took time to lighten.
Many of the American indians were also of European decent and also darker in color. They have traced them back to the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain I think it is.

You seem to have missed the fact Tut was R1b1a2. That is a current Aryan DNA profile (95% of Irish males). The average European living constantly in Egypt would get a deep tan.

Show me Sub-Saharan African civilization, and then I'll take seriously claims Niggers created Egypt.

Oh, and I see Dogshit thanked this...he must be a Nigger himself, or a Nigger-lover. Every interracist post he can find. It's like he works for the SPLC or something.

20th July 2015, 09:23 PM
It is interesting that the obelisks that are found all over the world originally started in Egypt. Makes one wonder what the true purpose is.

Obelisks are giant penises, dedications to the power of masculinity.


Unless you think they're communications devices to contact Sirius B. ::)

21st July 2015, 12:20 AM
You seem to have missed the fact Tut was R1b1a2. That is a current Aryan DNA profile (95% of Irish males). The average European living constantly in Egypt would get a deep tan.

Show me Sub-Saharan African civilization, and then I'll take seriously claims Niggers created Egypt.

Oh, and I see Dogshit thanked this...he must be a Nigger himself, or a Nigger-lover. Every interracist post he can find. It's like he works for the SPLC or something.

I have R1b1a2 on my father's side. Do you have the link to the DNA info on that? I can't find it.

21st July 2015, 01:35 AM
I have R1b1a2 on my father's side. Do you have the link to the DNA info on that? I can't find it.


Be aware the interracists are shrieking mad about this, however. They insist the "data are wrong," since the data shows Tut was not a Nigger. Similar to how the interracists insist that Kennewick Man was a "Native American" Redskin.

21st July 2015, 02:21 AM

Be aware the interracists are shrieking mad about this, however. They insist the "data are wrong," since the data shows Tut was not a Nigger. Similar to how the interracists insist that Kennewick Man was a "Native American" Redskin.
Do you have another source for this. It reads like a commercial for very expensive DNA-tests, and their methodology of determining King Tuts DNA seems a bit lacking and flawed...

iGENEA was able to reconstruct the Y-DNA profile of Tutankhamun, his father Akhenaten and his grandfather Amenhotep III with the help of a recording of the Discovery Channel. The astonishing result:

21st July 2015, 03:37 AM
Do you have another source for this. It reads like a commercial for very expensive DNA-tests, and their methodology of determining King Tuts DNA seems a bit lacking and flawed...

Certainty will never be achieved, since the results would be devastating to the interracist ideology. iGENEA could be proven wrong by an independent analysis of the DNA, but that won't be happening.

21st July 2015, 05:28 AM
Certainty will never be achieved, since the results would be devastating to the interracist ideology. iGENEA could be proven wrong by an independent analysis of the DNA, but that won't be happening.
Good point! Found this, which really is good evidence that they IGENEA, probably are correct, and the researchers who found the DNA sequence are trying to squirm themselves out of the corner they painted themselves into, by not officially releasing the Y-chromosome data, most likely intentionally because of ideological reasons.


21st July 2015, 07:36 AM
I don't see that DNA test works against interracial relationships in any form.

Appears to prove 1/2 European males are descendants from Africans.

Well the Moorish ones anyways.

21st July 2015, 07:54 AM
I don't see that DNA test works against interracial relationships in any form.

Appears to prove 1/2 European males are descendants from Africans.

Well the Moorish ones anyways.

Not us Scandanavians Horn.

21st July 2015, 01:00 PM
Appears to prove 1/2 European males are descendants from Africans.

Well the Moorish ones anyways.

Except for the fact it has been established R1b1a2 did not originate in Africa...

21st July 2015, 01:06 PM

Asia among others!

Note the b1 banch

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21st July 2015, 01:56 PM
If I were to trust any genetic scientist in general any further than my local global warming campaign paid weatherman, I might be foolish.

21st July 2015, 01:57 PM
You aren't ?

Gasp !



Grinning !

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

21st July 2015, 02:56 PM
On the contrary, I put forth that the White Adamic race refused to do what was right, and chose to do what felt good instead. The Jew was more than pleased to accommodate such base desires.

i think you just described most of California.

21st July 2015, 07:29 PM
i think you just described most of California.

How dare you!

OK, I sort of agree with that statement.