View Full Version : Trump Teachable Moment: How Come Liberals Can Savage McCain's Service?

21st July 2015, 05:38 AM
I think a lot of us can agree our vote doesn't count, that we have no bearing in the end. It really doesn't matter who wins the election. What is happening with Trump is, people are expressing their dissatisfaction with government, politicians, establishment, republicans and the controlled media.
You don't have to like trump, if you can't support Trump for any other reason then to voice your disdain for the aforementioned, that is a good enough reason for me.
An added bonus for me, is to see Bush destroyed.

Trump Teachable Moment: How Come Liberals Can Savage McCain's Service?
July 20, 2015


RUSH: No, no, no, Trump can survive this. Trump is surviving this. You know, this is a great, great teachable moment here, this whole thing with Trump and McCain. But it's not the most important thing happening out there today. Now, you wouldn't know it by looking at the Drive-By Media. If you're looking at the Drive-By Media, you think the only thing happening is Trump-McCain.

I just got my audio sound bite roster. You know how many audio sound bites I have today? I've got 18. Sixteen of them are about Trump. I have 18 audio sound bites, 16 are about Trump.


RUSH: Now the McCain situation. You know, the McCain situation is interesting to me for a whole lot of reasons. There's a conventional wisdom out there, and this is generally how it goes. Public figure, slash, candidate, slash, political figure, makes politically incorrect statement that offends somebody.

The Washington establishment and media react in outrage. The media then replays whatever the offensive comment was over and over and over, news stories never ending about the outrageous statement that the public figure made. And then the establishment gets together with the media, and they all demand that the public figure immediately apologize, beg forgiveness, and either withdraw from whatever the public figure is seeking to accomplish, or to stay in properly chagrined and rendered irrelevant.

That conventional wisdom plays out practically every time this circumstance happens. And the reason it does is because people make the mistake of assuming one thing, and that is this. They make the mistake of assuming that the collective outrage of the Washington establishment and the media is reflective of American public opinion. That's an automatic conclusion that everybody draws.

So let's use Trump as an example. By the way, I'm no apologist for Trump, but I've looked at this. Sharyl Attkisson has written a great analysis of this, and it is a fact that Trump did not say what he's being reputed to have said. He said it one time, he was answering a question, and he said that McCain's not a hero, captured, and he changed and said four different times he is a hero, he is a war hero. McCain is a war hero. He said that four times.

The Washington Post, for example, did not report that at all, never reported that Trump said it once, much less four times. Anyway, see, the facts don't really matter in a circumstance like this. That's another thing. What actually was said by the offending party and the context in which it was said are purposely blurred, lied about, or ignored. Much like my ill-fated attempt at commentary on the ESPN Sunday NFL pregame show. I mean, that was a classic illustration of this. Take something that wasn't said, pretend it was said, blow it way out of proportion, attach a meaning to it that was never intended, blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, so Trump says what he says about McCain following McCain's insult of Trump's voters, or supporters, calling them crazies, people in his own state. This ticked Trump off. He doesn't want to think that people support him on immigration or anything else are a bunch of crazy wackos, and McCain characterized them as that. And nobody suggested McCain apologize to the American people. Nobody suggested McCain apologize for that characterization of American citizens, "crazies."

So the convention wisdom erupts into full bloom. The media, the Washington establishment, conservative and liberal both, immediately demand that Trump apologize. And then they add that Trump can't survive this, that we were all just waiting for this to happen. We knew it was gonna happen. We knew it was gonna happen 'cause Trump steps in it all the time. So now all these people are saying, "We knew it was gonna happen. We knew it was too good to be true. We knew Trump didn't have what it really took to run a campaign. We knew he was gonna say something totally embarrassing. He embarrassed himself and everybody that supports him. He's gonna have to apologize, and have to withdraw."

Except one thing hasn't happened. Trump hasn't apologized. Not only has Trump not apologized, he has doubled down and he has to added to his original criticism of McCain. He's calling McCain a bad guy. McCain's a lousy politician. McCain talks a lot but doesn't do anything, Trump says. The VA is a mess. Illegal immigration's a mess. Everything we hear McCain say he supports or cares about, it's all going to hell. He's a bad guy. He's not a good politician. I'm trying to save America. I'm not gonna apologize. This is Trump.

Well, now the architects of conventional wisdom don't know what to do, because by this time they've gotten their scalp. By this time, the guilty party has apologized, is begging for forgiveness. And Trump is not. Now, remember, there's a common assumption made every time one of these things happened. You know, I myself have stepped in it a couple times, folks, and each time -- oh, yes, I have. I've stepped in it a couple times. And each time, the point is that each time I did the Drive-Bys thought they had me, right? I mean, I can go through: Michael J. Fox, Sandra Fluke, whatever it was, they thought that they had finally gotten rid of me.

But they didn't. They didn't even come close. They never have come close. They're still telling lies about advertisers lost. They're still telling lies about every aspect of these incidents where they thought they had me. Why were they wrong? Because they made the assumption that the whole country was outraged at me as they were. And that's the key here with this Trump thing. This is the fascinating thing to me. This is something we're gonna learn.

When the reaction of outrage over Trump's comments came, Washington establishment, Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, the media, accompanying it is the assumption that the American people, a majority of the American people also find what Trump said unpalatable, unforgivable, unacceptable. That's one of the things that makes these work, is the assumption that the media is simply reflecting public opinion. But we never really know.

Now, in my case we know that the media is not reflecting public opinion, and I've said it countless times, folks. You know, I have survived all these controversial moments because of you, because you hang in there, because you know the drill. You understand this technique that the left and weak-kneed Republicans use to destroy people that they find objectionable or too effective, their opposition. You hung in there. You always have. That's why I owe you more than I ever will be able to repay you.

You have stayed tuned in. You have remained loud, admitted members of this audience and defied the conventional wisdom. Well, we're gonna find out now if Trump has made a similar connection to his voters. The polling data on this is gonna be fascinating in a week or two, or less, maybe, because, remember, the real key to this is this automatic assumption that everybody's outraged; that everybody wants Trump gone; that everybody finds this objectionable; that everybody thinks it's over the top; that everybody thinks Trump has gone too far. And that assumption is always erroneous, I think. But nobody stops to think about it.


RUSH: Now, we do have some really early polling data out of Iowa, Monmouth College, that shows that Trump has not been hit yet. Scott Walker's still in first place at 22%. Trump is next at 13. It's not showing any damage to Trump on this, but it's early. I just want to see what happens here, because, again, the conventional wisdom is that Trump is finished with voters. That's what the media's trying to convey. When they claim they are outraged, and the establishment claims they are, they're really saying the American people are.

That's the thing that's always gotten me is this presumption that the media speaks for a majority of the American people. I know for a fact that's not true. A majority of the American people don't trust the media. A majority of the American people consider the media a problem. And, yet, here is this automatic assumption every time something like this happens. It's pretty much the case in every story they report. There's this presumption... Now, let's take gay marriage. Let's take a story in Indiana with that little pizza shop that got shut down.

largeThere's a presumption reporting it that the entire population thinks that that little pizza shop ought to go away. And it's part of the reporting. It's just as though this is what's normal, as though this is what is. By the same token, massive nationwide support for gay marriage. Anybody who doesn't is a kook, a minority so visible you can't even see 'em. That's how small they are. So, I want to see what happens here, 'cause they're doing everything they can to destroy Trump by acting like he's destroyed himself with voters.

Conventional wisdom is that Trump is finished with voters.

That is what presumes this new political reality, and I don't think it's the case. But it won't take long to find out. And just think how the conventional wisdom is going to be shaken upside down if Trump is not damaged. Polling data was by this. Can you imagine? I don't know what they'll do publicly. Maybe they'll talk about how stupid the American people are, how gullible, or maybe it's white angry men. They'll fall back on some caricature that they've used of crazy voters in the past to explain why Trump is still doing okay. They can't let this incident show them as being wrong about the fact Trump has to go, because he's just unacceptable. This is over the top, just don't let people talk this way, is not done, and so forth. So we'll see.


RUSH: Okay. Time to check our own version of public opinion on the EIB Network. We head to the phones. This is Richard in White Plains, New York. Welcome, sir. Nice to have you. You got a heat wave up there today, right?

CALLER: Yeah, it's pretty hot and humid up here, Rush. Look, why is it that Joe Biden, aka Joe Bite Me, can get away with sticking his foot in his mouth and it's just Joe being Joe. Or Harry Reid can lie about Romney's taxes and the Drive-Bys ignore it. Nancy Pelosi can say, well, we gotta pass the bill to find out what's in it, and people go, "What did she say?" And Obama, you know, is called Liar of the Year by Politico, and all that goes by, you know, the wayside, but everything Trump says is Kryptonite.

RUSH: Well, now, I think you can answer that question. You sound like a reasonably smart guy. I know you're asking rhetorically and you're making a point by asking, but why don't you give it a shot here and answer your own question.

CALLER: I think that we are seeing something that we have never seen before, where you would normally see the liberal media and the Democrats beating up on the Republican candidates, you're also seeing, if you want to call them Republican media, pundits, whoever, beating up on Trump also, is there anybody who isn't?

RUSH: Okay. I'm gonna answer the question, because it's a great question. I mean, Joe Biden has insulted everyone. Joe Biden looks at a guy in a wheelchair, says, "Stand up, Chuck!" If a Republican did that he'd be Mr. Insensitive, Mr. Unfeeling, Mr. Boor. I mean, they would humiliate some poor Republican who told a guy in a wheelchair to stand up. And the same thing with insulting Indians that work at 7-Eleven and how you can't get a job there unless you are one, he knows 'em all, whatever. I mean, you can make an endless list of truly offensive, stupid, insulting things articulated by Democrats.

The answer to your question, why they're never called on it, there is a presumption again. And it's very, very simple. The Democrats are nice people and Republicans are mean people. Liberals are nice and compassionate, and conservatives are mean-spirited extremists, and they're mean. That is the presumption that exists before Donald Trump even gets in the race. Before any Republican gets in the race, they're all mean, they all care only about the rich, they don't care about the little guy. And if any party's become that, it's the Democrats.

So that's the opening presumption. And so when Biden says whatever he says, "Ah, that's just Joe. He didn't mean anything by it. He's a nice guy." But no conservative or Republican will ever get the benefit of that doubt because the Republicans are all mean people. It's really no more complicated than that. They're mean, mean-spirited, extremist, whatever, but they're mean people.

So a motive is always attached to these Republican faux pas that is never attached to liberal Democrat statements. As far as the left is concerned, there's not a mean bone in any leftist's body. There's not an ill intention in any leftist's body. But in every conservative, every Republican, they want to hurt people, they want to be mean to people, they don't know how to be compassionate.

Now, you mention the Republicans that are piling on Trump. There are quite a few. Wall Street Journal, not only piling on Trump, but piling on conservative media people that are defending Trump. And there have been some. There have been some media types on the right that have attempted to, you know, not join the bandwagon of savaging and criticizing Trump, and Wall Street Journal came down on all of them today.

So on the Republican side, it's no different than when you hear Republicans say, "I'm the guy that can cross the aisle. I'm the guy that can show the Democrats that I can compromise with 'em, work together with 'em." The translation for that is, "I'm not your average mean Republican like all my other guys are. I'm a nice Republican." That's what that means. And so Republicans piling on Trump -- and there are many facets here. Some of them are genuinely ticked off. Some of them really think this is horrible that this could ever be said, even if it is about McCain. And others are just taking this as an opportunity to tell everybody, "Hey, I'm a nice Republican, look at me, I think Trump's a (blank) too. That makes me a nice guy, so leave me alone next time. Don't attack me. See, I'm joining you. I'm agreeing with you. That makes me a nice guy, see?"

largeThe Republicans are always on defense on things like this. It aids this conventional wisdom I was describing in the previous half hour. The convention wisdom is that a statement like this is made by Trump, and everybody in the country's outraged by it, not just the media, not just the Democrats, not just Washington politician, but everybody. They're outraged in Boise. They're outraged in Tuscaloosa. They're outraged in San Francisco. They're outraged in Tijuana. They're outraged in Juarez. They're outraged in Mexico City. They're outraged in New York City, everywhere, Trump is hated universally, is the presumption, and therefore he's got to go.

He doesn't have a prayer because, as a Republican and as a confident braggadocio, he's a mean guy. The fact that he doesn't have a lot of public humility makes him a mean guy. Democrats are all nice people. Look, McCain has called Tea Party people hobbits, crazies, and in fact, let me find something here. I've got a Stack on all this stuff. Maybe it's the bottom one here. It's not the one I'm looking for. In 2008, seven years ago, Politico. Right here my formerly nicotine-stained fingers. "Some on Left Target McCain's War Record." It's by Ben Smith.

"On Sunday, McCain's campaign issued a pair of outraged statements after retired general and Barack Obama supporter Wesley Clark," also known as Ashley Wilkes, "said he didn't think that McCain’s service as a fighter pilot and prisoner of war was relevant to running the country. ... But farther to the left -- and among some of McCain's conservative enemies as well -- harsher attacks are circulating. Critics have accused McCain of war crimes for bombing targets in Hanoi in the 1960s.

"A widely read liberal blog on Sunday accused McCain of "disloyalty" during his captivity in Vietnam for his coerced participation in propaganda films. ... 'A lot of people don't know ... that McCain made a propaganda video for the enemy while he was in captivity,' wrote Americablog.com's John Aravosis. 'Getting shot down, tortured and then doing propaganda for the enemy is not command experience.'"

Al Franken back in 2002, before he was running for anything, Al Franken said almost exactly what Trump said. There hasn't been any outrage at any of this that has been said about McCain by leftists, proving my point. When leftists attack McCain, they're perfectly warranted 'cause they're nice people, and they are compassionate people, and they're politically correct people.

Huffing and Puffington Post blog -- again, this is 2008 -- a former editor of Mother Jones magazine, Jeffrey Klein, wrote: "Some of the unreleased pages in McCain's Navy file may not reflect well upon his qualifications for the presidency." As to why, Klein speculated that from day one in the Navy McCain screwed up again and again, only to be forgiven because his dad and grandfather were four-star admirals. But here comes Trump, and you would think that nobody has ever said anything like this before about the revered and respect John McCain, and you would think that it's the end of the world. We can't tolerate this kind of brutal conversation. We can't permit this to happen. Trump has to apologize.

largeThen you have a bunch of Republican media types writing that finally, we knew this was gonna happen, now the end of the McCain campaign, our party is spared, our campaign is revived, Trump has to go. There's just one problem: Trump is not following the rules that targets are supposed to follow. Targets are supposed to immediately grovel, apologize, say something like, "You know, it wasn't me. That wasn't me. That's not the real me. That's not who I am. And I forever apologize. I have the utmost respect for Senator McCain, and I really regret saying it, and I don't know that I can go on."

And then everybody cheers that the target has seen the light and is now going to shrink away from public life, never to ever be heard from or seen from again. And that usually means another Republican has been taken out. And again, guiding all of this is the arrogant presumption that the majority American people are as outraged as all these media types are. So we shall see. Not only is Trump not following the rules, he's doubling down on the criticism.

The American people haven't seen something like this in a long time. I'm serious. They have not seen an embattled public figure stand up for himself, double down, and tell everybody to go to hell. What they've seen is an embattled public figure apologize and shrink away.

http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2015/07/20/trump_teachable_moment_how_come_liberals_can_savag e_mccain_s_service

21st July 2015, 06:29 AM
I saw Trump squirm in news report this morning. He is calling McInsane a war hero and claims he did all along. Trump is an anchorless boat, a ship without a rudder, a wet noodle. He comes on with what looks like strength but it is just stupid brashness and then he runs away when enough people gang up on him. He did that with the Obastard birth certificate. Trump is a skunk. No courage. No vision.

21st July 2015, 06:41 AM
Perhaps the 'war hero' status of McCain is camouflage for his abysmal performance as a congress critter?

21st July 2015, 06:54 AM

I saw Trump squirm in news report this morning. He is calling McInsane a war hero and claims he did all along. Trump is an anchorless boat, a ship without a rudder, a wet noodle. He comes on with what looks like strength but it is just stupid brashness and then he runs away when enough people gang up on him. He did that with the Obastard birth certificate. Trump is a skunk. No courage. No vision and he disrupts the corrupt system, which is a good thing!.

21st July 2015, 06:59 AM

He's getting people to talk about illegal immigration. That's all I care about. The other candidates wouldn't even touch it. We shouldn't let Trump use us, but we should use Trump.

21st July 2015, 07:02 AM
Perhaps the 'war hero' status of McCain is camouflage for his abysmal performance as a congress critter?

Trump Opens McCains Treasonous Can of Worms
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on July 20, 2015
The Donald Doubles Down on His "McCain Not a War Hero" Statements

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Over the weekend, “the Donald” backed down on his attacks on McCain, calling “Hanoi John” a “war hero.”

However, Donald is not going to be able to close the can of worms he opened. Today, McCain is trying to wrap himself in the POW flag for cover. POWs had never been rock star heroes before, quite the opposite. These are people who surrendered to the enemy, people suspected of collaboration and worse. With Korea, POWs became the shame of America with many “brainwashed” into following communist doctrines.

American POWs from Vietnam were the bloody flag Richard Nixon wrapped himself in, on the advice of Henry Kissinger, part of a ploy to divert attention from his endless personal failings which included his agreement with North Vietnam that let them keep and later execute hundreds of American POWs. 1205 American POWs were kept by North Vietnam according to records recovered at the end of the Cold War. President’s Clinton and Yeltsin instituted a search of Russia’s gulags looking for their remains with no success. In 1993, armed with testimony from a former high ranking Czech security official, I proposed a systematic search of archives in Prague that recorded the fate of 200 missing US POWs from Vietnam but was blocked by Senator John McCain.

33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs. McCain was on the list of the 33, in fact at the head of it.

Here are the facts as we know them:

According to Colonel Ted Guy, John McCain’s commander as a POW, McCain collaborated with the enemy.
McCain is accused of giving information that led to the downing of 60 US aircraft
McCain is accused of training North Vietnamese air defense personnel
McCain is accused of making over 30 propaganda broadcasts against the US, broadcasts he moved to have classified when he was elected to the senate
These 4 accusations are the only real and supportable accusations against McCain. The evidence for these acts exists and is substantial. What is stranger still is McCain’s longtime war against veterans, other POWs and their families. When John was a bit younger and better capable of looking after himself, he was often both verbally and physically abusive to POW families, POW activists and veterans. We hear nothing of these brutal outbursts of McCain’s though they continue to this day, now taken as the ravings of a mental defective.

The door Donald opened should be kept open. We need to examine the POW phenomenon. After Vietnam, we allowed Nixon to glorify POWs while abandoning hundreds. The facts came to light during the late 1990s when tapes of conversations between Nixon and Kissinger were made public, for moments, with Kissinger admitting that American POWS held outside North Vietnam, in Laos, Cambodia and the South, were purposefully not included in the agreements, a number Kissinger put at over 200.

These tapes were cleaned from the media and are not available to even researchers, were such interested parties to exist, which they do not.

Vietnam was a useless war. I served in Vietnam as a Marine combat infantryman and know the war well close up.

Those of us that served felt abused and exploited and suffered far worse at the hands of Nixon and subsequent leaders who backed away from those of us who served as honorably as possible while engaging in a nutty frenzy of POW worship.

Trump is right, those who surrender are generally not heroes. Some were however, like Ted Guy, a man taken on the ground fighting, killing 4 of his captors.

Guy, however, is only one of many thousands, many many thousands, from Vietnam that should have received some aspect of recognition in a war where many more thousands lived like gods. Vietnam was a scam, drugs, prostitution, black market, the best food and hottest parties in the world for many who came home from the war with medals on their chests for doing nothing whatsoever.

I might add, the Saigon press club war correspondents were the worst of all, living like kings on little boys and little girls while being occasionally flown for “10 minutes of war” with a general, then back to the clubs and brothels. They all should have been locked in FEMA camps, were such things to exist.

As for the Donald, he should demand that, minimally, the American public be able to hear McCain’s broadcasts and see the records of his debriefing and read the statements made against him by other POWs, including and especially Colonel Ted Guy.

This man, if you wish to call him that, “McCain” has been allowed to destroy America’s security for two generations, along with friends like “light loafer Lindsey” Graham and others.

In one instance alone, the F35, McCain has personally destroyed America’s defense capabilities for 25 years. This is his plane, his project, his monstrosity.

There hasn’t been a defense scam in decades that hasn’t had his hand prints on it. Time for Trump to get serious and show some backbone. McCain is a hard target, time for Trump to stop bashing the easy guys and take this one on.

John McCain ‘Sang Like a Canary’ to the North Vietnamese
Material Supplied by Colonel Ted Guy
John McCain’s SRO at the Plantation
Dedicated to the Memory of Ted Guy
15 April 2008

Within the first four days of his capture, while in his initial interrogation (26-30 October 1967) at the Hoa Lo prison in Hanoi, and while recovering from his shootdown wounds in the North Vietnamese military hospital (31 October 1967 through mid-December 1967), John McCain provided military information far beyond that which the Code of Conduct – and that which other POWs, while undergoing extreme torture – refused to divulge to the enemy. Colonel Ted Guy, McCain’s Senior Ranking Officer (SRO) while they were both imprisoned at the Plantation prison complex in Hanoi, gathered information from various sources after the POWs were released in March 1973.

This information comes from U.S. intercepts of North Vietnamese broadcasts to American servicemen in South Vietnam around 31 October 1967, as well as from dispatches by North Vietnamese and Cuban correspondents — using material from a Nhan Dan (the central organ, the voice of the Communist Party of Vietnam, then and now) correspondent who interviewed John McCain. This material was published on 9 November 1967. The latter were backed up by the intercepts of these messages by the Message Center of the U.S. Department of Defense National Military Command Center, dated 11 November 1967..

A separate interview of McCain by a Soviet Union correspondent was published by Pravda in Moscow on 8 December 1967. A copy of this interview is presented below. And finally, McCain was interviewed by a French correspondent who published a series of interviews announced on 25 December 1967 and began 27 December 1967. This interview was intercepted by the Message Center of the U.S. National Command Center and disseminated via message on 1 January 1968.

Each of these official records of John McCain’s interviews with foreign correspondents, while held captive in Hanoi is reproduced below. Observe that every one of these interviews contains military information — far, far beyond the limits required by the Code of Conduct. Indeed this information is far beyond what nearly all of the POWs were severely tortured to obtain — the insignificant ‘gray area’ information such as nebulous ‘air pirate’ signed statements. Only those few who were turncoats and anti-war sympathizers among our POWs gave up more information to the enemy than did John McCain.

Indeed, John McCain made good on his promise to his interrogator, ‘the Bug,’ to provide U.S. military information in return for medical attention to his shootdown wounds. See the essay, ‘John McCain as a POW’ for the context of this promise. These interviews are documented below.


21st July 2015, 07:09 AM
Again ... war hero or traitor ... irrelevant. Has McCain inflicted more pain on millions of people in America than what he claims to have seen inflicted upon himself?

Even if he voted 'correctly' each and every time during his congressional career he has to have his share of blame of the poor performance of congress in general during the past 30 years.

21st July 2015, 07:14 AM
He's getting people to talk about illegal immigration. That's all I care about. The other candidates wouldn't even touch it. We shouldn't let Trump use us, but we should use Trump.

It would be easier to overthrow the government by revolution and reverse all their unconstitutional laws, then it would be to remove all the illegal's that have infiltrated all of society.
Stopping illegal immigration is top priority to salvage anything that's left of this country.

21st July 2015, 12:13 PM
I want one. It's a car magnet.


Or, if you prefer...


21st July 2015, 01:05 PM
and he disrupts the corrupt system, which is a good thing!

You still don't get that the Jewsmedia allows only "opposition" which is controlled.

Have you ever read 1984? Did you understand it?

Trump is "Goldstein" in the Two-minutes Hate.

21st July 2015, 01:08 PM
He's getting people to talk about illegal immigration. That's all I care about.

I care about the Truth. You'll never get that from someone who was made in the System.

We shouldn't let Trump use us, but we should use Trump.

Which Talmudvision network(s) do you own?

21st July 2015, 01:58 PM
Edit:and he disrupts the corrupt system, which is a good thing!.

He isn't disrupting any corrupt system. Lolz... Alls he's doing is titillating TV News junkies with infotainment.

21st July 2015, 02:06 PM
He does bring up inconvenient truths, that the establishment does not want that the public knows deep down but is glossed over and ignored by those in power that want to keep the problem's in the background and not the foreground!

Which is a very good thing!


Tho also he is making Democrats howl with glee. ! Because he is dragging and exposing the Republican brand publicly their true level!

If not stopped it will be a cake walk for Hillery to the WH!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

21st July 2015, 02:23 PM
And life with Trump would just be the same ol show. Clinton, Bush and the rest of the status Quo all preaching how they are going to miraculously save America and then get elected and fuck everyone over. If nothing else at least he has people thinking.

21st July 2015, 03:04 PM
He isn't disrupting any corrupt system. Lolz... Alls he's doing is titillating TV News junkies with infotainment.

the corrupt system he's disrupting is the corrupt Jew backed Bush system. Lolz...Alls he's doing is taking away from the non-titillating TV news flunkies, bought-N-paid for-tainment

21st July 2015, 04:04 PM

21st July 2015, 04:23 PM

21st July 2015, 04:34 PM
the corrupt system he's disrupting is the corrupt Jew backed Bush system.


21st July 2015, 04:38 PM
the corrupt system he's disrupting is the corrupt Jew backed Bush system.

Both Trump kids married jews...lol.

21st July 2015, 04:45 PM

So, you mean Trump is a whore for "Israel" for free?


21st July 2015, 04:49 PM
My own personal philosophy


21st July 2015, 04:55 PM
Seems like Mr No body wins everytime

21st July 2015, 04:56 PM
Donald Trump is probably not a secret Jew, but there are some "odd" facts about the family.

His grandfather, Friedrich, was a namechanger. The family's real name is Drumpf.

Friedrich, like Löb Strauß (Levi Strauss), made his fortune providing "mercantile services" to gold miners doing actual work.

One of Donald's long-ago ancestors, way back in 1608, was a lawyer. Rather unusual for a Goy in rural 17th Century Germany.

Are there other family secrets they've kept hidden well? As Jewboo pointed out, both of Donald's offspring married Jews. "Just happen to be so"?

21st July 2015, 04:56 PM
Seems like Mr No body wins everytime


Nothing !


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

21st July 2015, 04:56 PM
Both Trump kids married jews...lol.

Where did you think Trump learned how to play/buy both sides? Have no fear, the Jews are backing Trump, Hillary and Bush. The big difference is, Trump doesn't need the Jews money. So yes, the Jew backed Trump system is disrupting the Jew backed Bush system. Who knows, maybe the Jew backed Trump system will disrupt the Jew backed Clinton system in 2016?

21st July 2015, 05:17 PM
Where did you think Trump learned how to play/buy both sides? Have no fear, the Jews are backing Trump, Hillary and Bush. The big difference is, Trump doesn't need the Jews money. So yes, the Jew backed Trump system is disrupting the Jew backed Bush system. Who knows, maybe the Jew backed Trump system will disrupt the Jew backed Clinton system in 2016?

Jews WILL fuck other Jews. Including siblings, nothing more to understand here. This is Jew vs Jew. I love watching the show.

21st July 2015, 05:38 PM
My own personal philosophy


Great strategy. Meanwhile Dindu Nuffin and Pedro vote to take your money and guns.

21st July 2015, 05:41 PM
Great strategy. Meanwhile Dindu Nuffin and Pedro vote to take your money and guns.

True. But that would happen anyways. My opinion is that it really doesn't matter who we vote into office as most of them (all of them?) are controlled by the strings behind the scene. They can say they can take away my guns, but that is a God given right. Can't take away something that they have no authority over.

21st July 2015, 05:46 PM
True. But that would happen anyways. My opinion is that it really doesn't matter who we vote into office as most of them (all of them?) are controlled by the strings behind the scene. They can say they can take away my guns, but that is a God given right. Can't take away something that they have no authority over.

It may not matter who gets voted into office, but I do believe if supporting Trump bumps Bush out of the race, it mattered.

21st July 2015, 06:02 PM
It may not matter who gets voted into office, but I do believe if supporting Trump bumps Bush out of the race, it mattered.

I can agree with that.

21st July 2015, 06:04 PM
Great strategy. Meanwhile Dindu Nuffin and Pedro vote to take your money and guns.

There's that blind faith in the "integrity" of "elections."

72% vote against -->[Diebold Electatron Server]--> 68% in favor

21st July 2015, 07:31 PM
He's getting people to talk about illegal immigration. That's all I care about. The other candidates wouldn't even touch it. We shouldn't let Trump use us, but we should use Trump.

Intriguing, idealistic, and totally unworkable...

but I like your style!

21st July 2015, 07:36 PM
Yeah, here's the thing...

If you were a multibillionaire, and got there on the status quo...

why in the hell would you want to change ANYTHING?

21st July 2015, 07:50 PM
Yeah, here's the thing...

If you were a multibillionaire, and got there on the status quo...

why in the hell would you want to change ANYTHING?

mmmmmmmmmm because they are totally corrupt and

money isnt everything either...........

21st July 2015, 07:56 PM
mmmmmmmmmm because they are totally corrupt and

money isnt everything either...........


But it is a way to power !


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21st July 2015, 07:59 PM
mmmmmmmmmm because they are totally corrupt and

money isnt everything either...........

Donald Drumpf isn't Siddhartha Gautama. He didn't "all of a sudden" turn good. Much of his wealth was built on the backs of illegal alien labor.

Drumpf is either doing it for egotistical reasons, or strategic financial reasons...or both.

21st July 2015, 09:22 PM
Donald Drumpf isn't Siddhartha Gautama. He didn't "all of a sudden" turn good. Much of his wealth was built on the backs of illegal alien labor.

Drumpf is either doing it for egotistical reasons, or strategic financial reasons...or both.

I'm thinking both... one can't acquire billionaire status with focus on those two things all the time.

My opinion of course. I'm no billionaire, so I can't speak from experience.

21st July 2015, 09:22 PM
trump was fine until he started talking about import tariffs

nyc satanist money junkies dont allow that -- so the nyc.dc media/gov errand boys are tasked with tamping out the donald brush fire

they 'free trade' US manufacturing jobs away -- in trade for more open access to foreign financial markets

1,000 manufacturing jobs traded for 10 bankster jobs and bigger nyc 'holiday' bonus pools

21st July 2015, 09:48 PM
GOP Enters Panic Mode: Des Moines Register Calls For Trump To Withdraw From Presidential Race

When Donald Trump announced he would give 2016 another try as a republican presidential candidate, the GOP saw him as a mild nuisance. Little did they appreciate just how big of a "nightmare" he would very soon become, (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-07-17/gops-biggest-nightmare-trump-dominates-fox-news-poll)a nightmare which now sees the flamboyant billionaire whose self-reported net worth fluctuates daily with a double digit percentage lead (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-07-20/trump-lead-surges-polls-again)over his closest competitor Scott Walker.

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2015/07/20150720_Trump_1_0.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2015/07/20150720_Trump_1.jpg)

But the biggest mistake the GOP did is they inability to comprehend that either the US public enjoys being trolled, or is just so sick of the left/right paradigm, it will gladly latch on to anyone, even the most farcical, self-lampooning candidate, who promises a break from the old routine which has proven not to work for the common American.
The latest confirmation that the Trump "nightmare" is causing not only sleepless nights but also panic attacks for a GOP that is scrambling to respond to the Donald's juggernaut is not only open attempts at caricature, which however merely feed Trump's ego and push him to troll his accusers even more, but to use the influential Des Moines Register, Iowa's largest newspaper and a critical voice when it comes to endorsing, or panning, presidential candidates in this first caucus state, to call on Donald Trump to drop out of the 2016 presidential race.
Officially the Register's position was simply in escalation to the furor over the real estate magnate's weekend comments about Sen. John McCain's service during the Vietnam War. As Fox reports (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/07/21/des-moines-register-calls-on-trump-to-drop-out-2016-race/?cmpid=cmty_twitter_fn), in an editorial piece published late Monday, the Register said Trump's comments were "not merely offensive, they were disgraceful. So much so, in fact, that they threaten to derail not just his campaign, but the manner in which we choose our nominees for president."

The paper, the most influential in the first-in-the-nation caucus state, went on to say that if "[Trump] had not already disqualified himself through his attempts to demonize immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, he certainly did so by questioning [McCain's] war record."

Unofficially, it is called throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks.
Following this weekend's firestorm, Trump - who clearly enjoys playing the starring role in every social scandal - appeared to back off some of his comments Monday, telling Fox News' Bill O'Reilly that "if there was a misunderstanding, I would totally take that back." However, Trump also said he "used to like [McCain] a lot. I supported him ... but I would love to see him do a much better job taking care of the veterans."
Whether Trump's apology is sincere or not, the nationwide response he got for his comments, coupled with his popularity surge, will merely encourage him. And since for the real estate magnate, advertising is everything, the fact that he has become the only topic of discussion, whether at the water cooler or during the prime time news circuit, expect the Trump-eting to continue to whatever bitter end is in store.

The Register, which broke a 40-year run of backing Democrats in presidential elections by endorsing Mitt Romney in 2012, was the latest voice to pile on Trump for his comments, joining veterans groups, Republican colleagues and President Obama's spokesman, who defended McCain and called on Trump to apologize.

Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said Monday that Trump's "asinine comments" were "an insult to everyone who has ever worn the uniform — and to all Americans."

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said veterans "are entitled to an apology."

The bottom line is that the GOP did not take Trump seriously, which is precisely what he wanted. And now that underestimation is costing the GOP dearly, as it scrambles with damage control which merely adds insult to injury, because conventional retaliation that may have worked with any other candidate simply strengthens Trump.
Then again, considering America's artificially polarizing left/right model - all of it controlled by unelected corporations and bailed out Wall Street banks - has failed, and a vote for Trump is not "a vote for Trump" but a vote against America's broken political system, perhaps it is the case that the president the US truly needs, and the one person the American electorate will select, is this guy.
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2015/07/trump%20steaks.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2015/07/trump%20steaks.jpg)

21st July 2015, 09:57 PM
Fellow POW’s say John McCain Was a Coward and a Traitor in Viet Nam.

by Mr. Charrington on January 20, 2008

I remember some weeks ago John McCain was having a cow that the NY Times was going to print an article and a battle ensued. No mention was ever made as to why McCain was actually begging and threatening the NY Times over this article. No further mention as been made about (http://polidics.com/911/about.html) this article and I wonder if this bitter fight that took place according to the editor of the NY Times wasn’t because of the information contained in the video’s below.
John McCain has stood in the way of many a family, loved one and groups from getting our MIA’s and POW’s back. Even though they have more enough proof that there were over a 100 POW’s that were still being held and sent to other country’s. These groups and families point out that John McCain himself is stopping them from getting our fellow countrymen home.
Fellow POW’s are sure the reason is he was a coward and a traitor as a POW in Viet Nam and it would ruin his political career if this were ever to find its way to the main stream media. They have put together eye witness accounts that describe McCain’s traitorous actions during his time as a prisoner in Viet Nam by his fellow prisoners. Former Senators, Governors http://www.polidics.com/images/void.pngand political records flat out nail John McCain as a scared little man on the run from a history of lies and deceit.
More Links to John McCain:
John McCain Suicide attempt (http://www.usvetdsp.com/dec07/mccain_suicide_ptsd.htm)
The Mythical John McCain (http://www.usvetdsp.com/jan07/mccain_myth.htm)




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21st July 2015, 10:10 PM
“Don’t you know who I am.” I looked him in the face and said, “Yes, you are the biggest asshole I have ever met” and headed back to my cabin.


21st July 2015, 11:57 PM
“Don’t you know who I am.” I looked him in the face and said, “Yes, you are the biggest asshole I have ever met” and headed back to my cabin.


The entire quote is better:

My final encounter with McCain was on the morning that he was leaving Turtle Island. Amy and I were happily eating pancakes when McCain arrived and told Amy that she shouldn’t be having pancakes because she needed to lose weight. Amy burst into tears at this abusive comment. I felt fiercely protective of Amy and immediately turned to McCain and told him to leave her alone. He became very angry and abusive towards me, and said, “Don’t you know who I am.” I looked him in the face and said, “Yes, you are the biggest asshole I have ever met” and headed back to my cabin. I am happy to say that later that day when I arrived at lunch I was given a standing ovation by all the guests for having stood up to McCain’s bullying.