View Full Version : Be Afraid...

21st July 2015, 05:49 AM
It was nice knowing some of you :(


Silver Rocket Bitches!
21st July 2015, 05:57 AM
At least it's being reported on Fox Nooz so you can assume it's not true.

21st July 2015, 06:05 AM
At least it's being reported on Fox Nooz so you can assume it's not true.

Michio Kaku is the top expert. His opinion and research hold a lot of weight.

An important point he makes, is that Japan is constantly running drills to be prepared and the US is not.

21st July 2015, 07:55 AM
Thanks, EE, just what I needed to see while enjoying a cup of coffee and a beautiful morning. BTW, Good morning!

21st July 2015, 08:16 AM
Someday it WILL happen, the warnings have been out for years it will be HUGE and unlike anything that has been experienced before here because of population density's now on the coasts and low coastal areas!

People are treating the warnings as "Out of sight, out of mind" and that will DOOM them when it happens and not if it happens!

No chicken little thing.

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21st July 2015, 10:57 AM
The thing about averages is its not on a regular schedule. 41 in 10,000 years or on average one every 243 years.
However that average remains the same even if 9000 years ago there were 41 quakes in a 2 year period.
Would like more info. Is there really 4 quakes per every 1000 years? Do they really happen in 240 year intervals? Obviously not since its been 315 years since the last one.
Isnt there also magma rising of the coast of Or or Washington?

21st July 2015, 11:13 AM
The thing about averages is its not on a regular schedule. 41 in 10,000 years or on average one every 243 years.
However that average remains the same even if 9000 years ago there were 41 quakes in a 2 year period.
Would like more info. Is there really 4 quakes per every 1000 years? Do they really happen in 240 year intervals? Obviously not since its been 315 years since the last one.
Isnt there also magma rising of the coast of Or or Washington?

Think they use core sample dating, which can throw some error give or take. The morbid side of me would love to see something like this twist off or Yellowstone pop its cork, just to witness it for what it is.

But the humanity side of me would never want to see ether geological event happen on my watch, and witness the human upheaval that ether would surly would produce in loss of life and the destruction that would result on a scale that may not have been recorded in human history.

Tho in truth going by past evidence of geological history, some time in the near or not so far future (Geological) both will, one and or the other in their time will pop.

Unless the heat engine that drove the plate tectonics of the past has maybe cooled down so ether or the other will not do a repeat of their recorded past.

21st July 2015, 04:08 PM
Sounds like Ponce is sitting slap bang in the target zone.............

21st July 2015, 04:16 PM
Sounds like Ponce is sitting slap bang in the target zone.............


Don Ponce has a mountain (small) range between him and the sea!

Plus the sea level he lives at, if a wave could hit him most of Cali is toast!

His TP is safe!

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21st July 2015, 10:37 PM
I'm 250 feet above sea level in the PNW, however am downstream of a large dam. If that fails due to the earthquake I've got 15 minutes to find high ground...

21st July 2015, 10:47 PM
How good are the 'experts' at predicting earthquakes. My local weather guy can't even get tomorrow's weather right.

Twisted Titan
22nd July 2015, 04:06 AM
How good are the 'experts' at predicting earthquakes. My local weather guy can't even get tomorrow's weather right.


Michio Crapoo is a professor of Theoretical Physics

How the hell he has become a authority on earthquakes?

How the hell has be come a authority of alien life?

How the hell he has become a authority of fukashima?

The man knows nothing above the gooblygook his handlers tell him to spew.

22nd July 2015, 05:07 AM
that reporter is sooo clueless.

they should have the USGS person in and interview them.