View Full Version : CHIMPOUT -2 hour high-res video

21st July 2015, 10:43 AM


select 720p high-resolution and get your popcorn

New Video Shows Eruption of Riot at West Baltimore Intersection

Newly released surveillance camera footage from the Baltimore riots shows chaos erupting at North and Pennsylvania avenues, where a crowd breaches and loots stores, destroys police vehicles and sets fires while police stay on the fringe of the action. With the exception of a brief incursion by a SWAT team, the video shows that officers don’t move in for nearly 90 minutes, after the crowd has largely moved on.

The city surveillance camera footage along with police radio transimssions and emails obtained by The Baltimore Sun under a Public Information Act request show how the looting developed April 27 at the intersection that would become a center of demonstrations in the ensuing days. The materials also offer a fresh view of a moment that has become a flashpoint for police officers critical of their leaders.

21st July 2015, 11:35 AM
Wait til the baboons stop getting SNAP and welfare checks. You know it will all be whitey's fault.

The earth will clean itself with some wonderful fireworks.

21st July 2015, 11:59 AM
Guys it's all the governments fault. If they had Free Market Capitalism they would be building skyscrapers and landing missions on Mars.

21st July 2015, 01:03 PM
heck, just wear a peephole cam and go down to the 19th Ave. BART station in Oakland and ask a local for directions -
and record the responses.

if you get a death threat (which, metaphorically, could be considered a form of directions ?) just keep recording.

the pattern that i've observed is that 2 female chimps will sit on a bus stop bench, which
sort of makes them logical people to ask directions.

that one time, a male chimp stuck out his appendage (his head) (the thing on his neck)
and stated, for the record, that they were his wives, and that he would kill me if i talked
to them again.

how about, one Paypal $$ for any G-S.us member who gets us some quality ORIGINAL RECORDED
chimpout video ? i know, big wow.

i bet there's enough talent here to collect all the material and then do a re-mix.

21st July 2015, 02:06 PM
heck, just wear a peephole cam and go down to the 19th Ave. BART station in Oakland and ask a local for directions -
and record the responses.

if you get a death threat (which, metaphorically, could be considered a form of directions ?) just keep recording.

the pattern that i've observed is that 2 female chimps will sit on a bus stop bench, which
sort of makes them logical people to ask directions.

that one time, a male chimp stuck out his appendage (his head) (the thing on his neck)
and stated, for the record, that they were his wives, and that he would kill me if i talked
to them again.

how about, one Paypal $$ for any G-S.us member who gets us some quality ORIGINAL RECORDED
chimpout video ? i know, big wow.

i bet there's enough talent here to collect all the material and then do a re-mix.

I get my share without even trying. Thankfully most of African'ts around here too lazy or burned out to chase you.

21st July 2015, 03:05 PM
I get my share without even trying. Thankfully most of African'ts around here too lazy or burned out to chase you.

it's almost like 2 different sub-species. i have had African American co-workers who were fun to work with.

i used to have a co-worker named Joey D. who read drawings to me while i did one of the one things i could do well, draw on the computer.

he was a digital guy but was smart enough to keep up with the team, and to demonstrate excellence by beating the schedule with good work.

he was also really good at basketball :)

but to what extent Joey D is just plain smarter - or is it "culture" ?

i think one of America's primary Achilles heels is the total in-ability to have an honest conversation about race & demographics.

if people want to have more Joey D.'s and fewer Tupac Wannabe's in America, they got to talk about Aptitude as it relates to Race.

that probably sounds sort of Shockley-ish but hey, he did co-invent the transistor.

21st July 2015, 07:25 PM
it's almost like 2 different sub-species. i have had African American co-workers who were fun to work with.

i used to have a co-worker named Joey D. who read drawings to me while i did one of the one things i could do well, draw on the computer.

he was a digital guy but was smart enough to keep up with the team, and to demonstrate excellence by beating the schedule with good work.

he was also really good at basketball :)

but to what extent Joey D is just plain smarter - or is it "culture" ?

i think one of America's primary Achilles heels is the total in-ability to have an honest conversation about race & demographics.

if people want to have more Joey D.'s and fewer Tupac Wannabe's in America, they got to talk about Aptitude as it relates to Race.

that probably sounds sort of Shockley-ish but hey, he did co-invent the transistor.

The only black people I associate with are intelligent overachievers. What are the odds?

21st July 2015, 08:32 PM
Guys it's all the governments fault. If they had Free Market Capitalism they would be building skyscrapers and landing missions on Mars.

You been hanging out at FreakRepublic?

21st July 2015, 08:37 PM
You been hanging out at FreakRepublic?

No. TRS.

(http://therightstuff.biz/)I hope you can sense sarcasm.

21st July 2015, 09:05 PM
it's almost like 2 different sub-species. i have had African American co-workers who were fun to work with.

i used to have a co-worker named Joey D. who read drawings to me while i did one of the one things i could do well, draw on the computer.

he was a digital guy but was smart enough to keep up with the team, and to demonstrate excellence by beating the schedule with good work.

he was also really good at basketball :)

but to what extent Joey D is just plain smarter - or is it "culture" ?

i think one of America's primary Achilles heels is the total in-ability to have an honest conversation about race & demographics.

if people want to have more Joey D.'s and fewer Tupac Wannabe's in America, they got to talk about Aptitude as it relates to Race.

that probably sounds sort of Shockley-ish but hey, he did co-invent the transistor.

they sold/loaded all of the dumbfcks on the boats. imagine if US could do that - we aren't going to sell our good ones....price is the same. the african africans come over here and dominate the US africans. just like they did at the loading dock 200 years ago

22nd July 2015, 05:11 AM
The only black people I associate with are intelligent overachievers. What are the odds?

"black people"
"intelligent overachievers"

... does Obama come to mind ? /sarc

i would call them, intelligent achievers. got to work & save like most of the rest of us.

they sold/loaded all of the dumbfcks on the boats. imagine if US could do that - we aren't going to sell our good ones....price is the same. the african africans come over here and dominate the US africans. just like they did at the loading dock 200 years ago

dumbfcks ... in German the word is, Dumbkopf.

22nd July 2015, 07:40 AM
i would call them, intelligent achievers. got to work & save like most of the rest of us.

More accurate, thank you.

22nd July 2015, 07:54 AM
More accurate, thank you.

except for his basketball skills (he aborted a semi-pro career to be a digital design engineer), Joey D.
was a normal guy.

i would love to give the supposed helpers of the black community (Sharpton, NAACP white woman, Jesse whozit)
a chance to explain - in detail - how to get more Joey D's & fewer Tupac wannabe's.

preferably after they've been given a truth serum.

22nd July 2015, 10:44 AM
Well, while many were stealing candy and popcorn from this one store this three guys took something useful ...... toilet paper hahahah.