View Full Version : This Is What Radiation Can Do To The Human Body

27th July 2015, 07:07 AM
This Is What Radiation Can Do To The Human Body
July 4, 2015 | by Danielle Andrew

Warning: the image below is enough to make the hardiest stomach turn - especially as this guy lasted 3 months in this state.


What you’re seeing is the wasted body of 35 year old Hiroshi Ouchi, who had suffered a terrible accident at the uranium reprocessing facility in Tokaimura, northeast of Tokyo where he had worked, on 30 September 1999. The cause of the accident was the depositing of a uranyl nitrate solution, which contained roughly 16.6kg of uranium, into a precipitation tank, exceeding its critical mass. Three workers were exposed to incredible amounts of the most powerful type of radiation in the form of neutron beams.

The micro-second those beams shot through his body, Ouchi was a dead man. The radiation completely destroyed the chromosomes in his body.

According to a book written by NHK-TV called A Slow Death: 83 Days of Radiation Sickness, when arriving at the University of Tokyo Hospital Emergency Room, Mr Ouchi appeared relatively well for someone that had just been subjected to mind blowing levels of radiation, and was even able to converse with doctors.

That is, until his skin started falling off.

As the radiation in his body began to break down the chromosomes within his cells, Ouchi’s condition worsened. And then some.

Ouchi was kept alive over a period of 3 months as his skin blackened and blistered and began to sluice off his body. His internal organs failed and he lost a jaw-dropping 20 litres of bodily fluids a day. I'm happy to say, he was kept in a medical coma for most of this time.

Every aspect of his condition was constantly monitored by a round the clock team of doctors, nurses and specialists. Treatments used in an attempt to improve his condition were stem cell transplants, skin grafts (which seems like it may have been pretty redundant) and massive blood transfusions.

Despite doctors lack of knowledge in treating patients like Ouchi, it was clear from the dosage he had been subjected to he would never survive.

As previously mentioned, he was kept alive for 83 days as doctors tried different methods to improve his condition.

27th July 2015, 07:10 AM
Absolutely horrible way to go. Thankfully he was in a medically induced coma and did not suffer.

27th July 2015, 12:02 PM
Radiation is either oxidizing or non-oxidizing. You might tolerate one kind better than the other.

27th July 2015, 12:13 PM
Radiation is either oxidizing or non-oxidizing. You might tolerate one kind better than the other.

You mean ionizing / non-ionizing radiation I believe. Humans tolerate non-ionizing radiation rather well.

27th July 2015, 02:52 PM

The first one was when Harry K. Daghlian, Jr. was killed by the "Demon Core" in 1945. The same core killed another scientist later.

27th July 2015, 03:06 PM
That is frightening!! If that ever happened to me, I'd be very tempted to just end it all and commit suicide. Question: is it actually suicide if you've already received a mortal wound and just end your life so you don't suffer?

27th July 2015, 03:27 PM
That is frightening!! If that ever happened to me, I'd be very tempted to just end it all and commit suicide. Question: is it actually suicide if you've already received a mortal wound and just end your life so you don't suffer?

You wouldn't be able to. Your brain would have turned to mush as soon as your body was falling apart or even sooner.

I wonder if a death or radiation like this stops the mortal soul from escaping. I wonder the same of the older death techniques such as drawing and quartering, beheading, etc...

27th July 2015, 03:38 PM
That is frightening!! If that ever happened to me, I'd be very tempted to just end it all and commit suicide. Question: is it actually suicide if you've already received a mortal wound and just end your life so you don't suffer?

That's a decision between you and God. I would never fault you for doing what you believed was right. Or you could do like Samson and use your last days for the good of humanity. Even gravely ill you can still push a button. :)

27th July 2015, 03:41 PM
You wouldn't be able to. Your brain would have turned to mush as soon as your body was falling apart or even sooner.

I wonder if a death or radiation like this stops the mortal soul from escaping. I wonder the same of the older death techniques such as drawing and quartering, beheading, etc...

The body is a vessel for the soul/spirit; once it can no longer "contain" the soul/spirit, it's over. Next stop: the Judgment Throne.

27th July 2015, 03:58 PM
You wouldn't be able to. Your brain would have turned to mush as soon as your body was falling apart or even sooner.

The OP said the guy was coherent and looked normal when he walked into the hospital, even conversing with the doctors. Once I got my diagnosis, that's when I'd have to make such a decision.

27th July 2015, 04:02 PM
The body is a vessel for the soul/spirit; once it can no longer "contain" the soul/spirit, it's over. Next stop: the Judgment Throne.

I understand this. My question which I have mentioned many times is what if the vessel is separated from it's cargo, will the cargo still make the destination or was it a simple boating accident. And if it was do you start over again to do it right if the cargo never makes it? Why else would they have done this type of death besides being sent from hell?

27th July 2015, 04:25 PM
The OP said the guy was coherent and looked normal when he walked into the hospital, even conversing with the doctors. Once I got my diagnosis, that's when I'd have to make such a decision.

Didn't want to get into this here... A friend of a friend had his wife diagnosed with cancer, time for radiation and chemo, for a speck on her lung. I saw the MRI and it was small, really small like a speck. Drugs for life. She went to visit her family in the tropics and got very dehydrated, husband came and got her into a hospital to rehydrate after she started seizuring in the waiting room. She was okay so they went back home to her oncologist and diagnosed with brain lesions, the fix was to radiate her head. So they went in the next day and she was radiated to completion, coherent at the office and also when at home, for a few hours.

Things changed, she started grabbing her head and screaming non stop, her husband had no idea what to do so he called the MD and had another appt in the morning. She got another cure dose and could still walk and talk until they got home. All she could do was make loud noises and hit herself on the head, I assume trying to relay a message that the husband was too stupid to acknowledge. Another few calls and hospice was called, morphine administered to "calm her".

She lasted longer than I thought, she even in this state did not want to die. At that time we went to say goodbye to her. Holy WTF? It seriously looked like her head was burned in an oven, she would wake up at times and raise her head with her eyes wide open and mouth open, you could see her eyes were burned out, throat burned out to the point she couldn't even drink anything. This seriously disgusted me, not because she was so jacked up but because her husband let this happen!

I have not attempted to communicate with this guy, either he is a retard with a lot of money or the torture of his wife was worth the life insurance payment. I believe the latter to be true.

He has earned his keep as far as I am concerned. His wife was a very nice and giving woman.

27th July 2015, 06:30 PM
I understand this. My question which I have mentioned many times is what if the vessel is separated from it's cargo, will the cargo still make the destination or was it a simple boating accident. And if it was do you start over again to do it right if the cargo never makes it? Why else would they have done this type of death besides being sent from hell?

All that exists, including our "souls"/spirits, is dependent upon the Mind of God. Only God has the power to destroy or divert the "soul"/spirit.

27th July 2015, 06:49 PM
Wow, I am so sorry to hear that Cebu. I can't even begin to fathom such suffering.

Uncle Salty
27th July 2015, 09:22 PM
The body is a vessel for the soul/spirit; once it can no longer "contain" the soul/spirit, it's over. Next stop: the Judgment Throne.

Where you get an account of your karmas and then off to your next incarnation!

28th July 2015, 12:11 AM
Where you get an account of your karmas and then off to your next incarnation!

You're in for a big surprise...

Maybe you'll be "reincarnated" as a worm that Satan can step on, forever...

28th July 2015, 06:52 AM
You're in for a big surprise...

Maybe you'll be "reincarnated" as a worm that Satan can step on, forever...

There really is no need to insult others like that, you know. This is a pretty damn free forum, but let's keep it civil, even between people we disagree with.

28th July 2015, 07:47 AM
There really is no need to insult others like that, you know. This is a pretty damn free forum, but let's keep it civil, even between people we disagree with.

You're joking, right? That was not intended to be an insult. However, you seem to have "not noticed" Ares calling me a cocksucker multiple times. Or Serpo spewing "you're a hater" at every opportunity.

28th July 2015, 08:39 AM
You're joking, right? That was not intended to be an insult. However, you seem to have "not noticed" Ares calling me a cocksucker multiple times. Or Serpo spewing "you're a hater" at every opportunity.

Saying that he might be reincarnated as a worm that Satan can step on forever is not intended to be an insult? It seems like it to me. Also, FWIW, I'm not trying to single you out, I really mean this for everyone, that there's been an increased amount of name calling going on lately, and I have noticed that some members aren't posting much anymore because of it. All I ask is that we keep it civil, and that's not much to ask.

Uncle Salty
28th July 2015, 12:21 PM
You're in for a big surprise...

Maybe you'll be "reincarnated" as a worm that Satan can step on, forever...

Stepped on forever by Satan? Ha ha ha. You obviously are not well versed in the world of karma and reincarnation!!

28th July 2015, 12:48 PM
You're in for a big surprise...

Maybe you'll be "reincarnated" as a worm that Satan can step on, forever...

Saying that he might be reincarnated as a worm that Satan can step on forever is not intended to be an insult? It seems like it to me. Also, FWIW, I'm not trying to single you out, I really mean this for everyone, that there's been an increased amount of name calling going on lately, and I have noticed that some members aren't posting much anymore because of it. All I ask is that we keep it civil, and that's not much to ask.

That was a funny joke, that's how I took it. But yeah, madfranks is right, no need to overstate the stupidity of fools. Once or twice per thread is enough...

28th July 2015, 09:45 PM
That was a funny joke, that's how I took it. But yeah, madfranks is right, no need to overstate the stupidity of fools. Once or twice per thread is enough...

Or step on em...

3rd April 2016, 12:26 PM
ECOTEST (http://ecotest.ua/) TM is a radiation monitoring equipment which have the best features like the use of the newest types of ionizing radiation detectors which will help to last long and without variation. And the other feature is that it use patented tools and methods of information processing. It has the development of high-tech and ergonomic engineering solutions, and it is a system which uses wireless technologies

3rd April 2016, 01:44 PM

3rd April 2016, 03:47 PM
ECOTEST (http://ecotest.ua/) TM is a radiation monitoring equipment which have the best features like the use of the newest types of ionizing radiation detectors which will help to last long and without variation. And the other feature is that it use patented tools and methods of information processing. It has the development of high-tech and ergonomic engineering solutions, and it is a system which uses wireless technologies

Please do not spam the forum.

3rd April 2016, 03:55 PM
Please do not spam the forum.

I saw some 2 word replies so it's not a bot that I can see, just a basic spammer I guess. Pulling up real old posts is interesting though.

3rd April 2016, 05:22 PM
so they just experimented on the guy for 3 months before he was able to escape?

They don't know that coma = total separation from conscious connection. sad

3rd April 2016, 06:01 PM
so they just experimented on the guy for 3 months before he was able to escape?

They don't know that coma = total separation from conscious connection. sad

Is your soul dead when this happens?

3rd April 2016, 06:53 PM
no but what would happen to anyone on the neutron bomb battle field? They would be dead in hours or days and not 3 months of excrutiating agony that they inflicted on this man.

They put people like him in the coma so they don't have to listen to the screaming. They have no way of telling that it is blocking stiumulus going in. They can only tell that it is blocking stimulus coming out.

I think its despicable. Who really thinks the poor man is coming back from that? He isn't and only an evily stupid person would think otherwise. If they had pallative cared for the guy then sure. But to experiment on him. very low.

3rd April 2016, 07:00 PM
no but what would happen to anyone on the neutron bomb battle field? They would be dead in hours or days and not 3 months of excrutiating agony that they inflicted on this man.

They put people like him in the coma so they don't have to listen to the screaming. They have no way of telling that it is blocking stiumulus going in. They can only tell that it is blocking stimulus coming out.

I think its despicable. Who really thinks the poor man is coming back from that? He isn't and only an evily stupid person would think otherwise. If they had pallative cared for the guy then sure. But to experiment on him. very low.

Agreed humans are sick. Ever read about what the Japanese ddi with the us they caught? Open surgery with out pain meds.. Look around bro, this world is sick.