View Full Version : Jim Willie: There is a Race On for a Gold-Backed Currency Before The Economy Implodes

28th July 2015, 10:25 PM
Jim Willie: There is a Race On for a Gold-Backed Currency Before The Economy Implodes (http://www.gramsgold.com/news/jim-willie-there-is-a-race-on-for-a-gold-backed-currency-before-the-economy-implodes) 7/26/2015
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by Grams Gold
Jim Willie, in an interview with Perpetual Assets (https://www.perpetualassets.com/news/2015/07/25/living-in-a-world-that-is-totally-surreal-perpetual-assets-interview-with-jim-willie/) on 7-25-15 states, "Everything is messed up. Treasury bonds, our relationship with China, Greece and gold."

Interviewer: From our standpoint , being dealers, from viewing the action in silver, the last 2 weeks have just been unbelievable. The Mint has announced suspension of sales, and we’ve seen premiums increase.

It seems very different this time than previous times, in that it is very, very tight. We’ve had one of the largest dealers in the country are not even taking orders for silver, because they are more than 30 days behind.

Other massive wholesalers’ phone systems are down. Orders are backed up 2-3 weeks on orders that even is in stock. What have you been seeing?

Willie: First of all, its not a gold market, it’s an arena with gladiators and lions in it.

A race is on to come up with gold-backed banking before everything implodes.
I think the currency reset is going to happen a LOT sooner than some believe.

There’s no equilibrium towards suppy and demand. You can buy, which is hard to do, and to sell, you are not given a proper price. The alternative markets require you to pay a premium, or a finder’s fee, to find a product where you can actually receive delivery, the premium is between 25 – 50%.

I enjoy what’s going on now. I want to see a
sub $1,000 gold price, which I think is inevitable.

What they are doing is offering whatever gold is left
at a bargain basement price to
the smart people who are willing to buy.

Gold just went up $600 in one day – is that a misprint? It’s going to happen a lot. The Gold Mining Industry is Being Wrecked

I see a market being ruined. This is the end of days. I enjoy what’s going on now. I want to see a sub-$1,000 gold price, which I think is inevitable. All you hear is that we’ve got a recovery and we’re doing fine and gold earns no yield.

Notice that the gold mining industry is grinding to a halt. The marginal projects are going off-line. There was a story from a guy in Canada and he said, “He said he had a story about what’s going on in Yellowknife, which is a remote area. For environmental rules they were shutting down and capping the mines in Yellowknife, which were putting out ample gold.

They are actually spending billions of dollars to cap several mines, scrap the equipment, and salvage what they could. To restart these mines would be 2 years." So they are wrecking the gold mining industry.

I welcome the decline in the gold price from the Comex arena. What they are doing is offering whatever is left at a bargain basement price to the smart people who are willing to buy.

These are extreme shortages for sure, which I like. I want the mining industry for gold to say they are not going to sell any of their output to the market, but sell it to the Chinese at 20-30% premium. FU - Wall Street and Washington!

The Voice said when they robbed Fort Knox of gold reserves, and when they drained Libya’s gold reserves, the elite have a lot of improperly obtained gold. There are 7-8 major gold vaults in the world, and only 2 or 3 have actual supply, the rest are drained. Something very interesting has happened in the last couple of years.

The Western elite have entrusted their ‘ill-gotten gold’ with certain vault providers and didn’t realize it, and they lost control of the gold and it got re-hypothecated.

It’s been sold to the Asians and the Chinese. So when the Clintons and Rockefellers go to get their gold, they are going to say, sorry, you don’t have nearly the amount of gold that you thought!

We are going to see the dollar vanish and I think that will happen when they replace it.

The dollar is supported by a printing press,
like Zimbabwe’s dollar.

Invasion in the United States

The Treasury market is the ‘grand weak link’. If you’ve got all these eastern manufacturers. Buy a shirt, towel or CD, and they are all made overseas. If you look at that and see those countries, when they make something, they are going to be more and more able to dictate what they receive as payment for their physical labor.

They are getting more into the Renminbi (RMB) and it is the beneficiary of all these swap facilities for bi-lateral trade. Almost all the world is going to RMB settlement. Now we are getting an invasion inside the United States.

Retail chains like Sears, Staples and Walmart
are all being forced into RMB payments
for their inventory supply.

You are having an 8-fold growth of
US corporations using RMB settlement, for imports, in the last couple of years.
This is a breaking point for the dollar. When they don’t need the dollar for trade, to buy oil, nor need Treasury bonds in their banking system, that’s the breaking point.

New Development Bank

The New Development Bank, if there was an Asian Infrastructure Bank that was doing projects, then what is the New Development Bank for, if not to convert Treasury Bonds into gold? I think the NDB is going to be a window to convert Treasuries, Eurobond, Gilds and Yen into gold.

It’s going to be very difficult to slam it because they are using a decentralized system. The US is going to have to destroy their banking and fiber optics system to stop them. The US is going to get exposed.

What happens if the US loses it privilege of using
the Fed to print money?
We enter the third world (there’s no more buyers) – and that’s what coming!
US Finances are No Better than Greece

The US really has finances no better than Greece. We spend more on weapons and services on the military front than the rest of the world combined.

Treasuries are a black hole. You cannot say the dollar is doing well and Treasuries and the economy is doing well. No, because everything is doing badly and all the money is fleeing from capital, and going into the dollar, Treasury market and stock market.

We are seeing a push up in the dollar, precisely as I forecasted 3 years ago - for the dollar’s death spiral. The dollar and the Treasury bonds are acting like a black hole. They are going to rise and rise and rise – and then vanish.

There’s been a 40% decline in the money velocity in the last 4 years, which is evidence of depression. It’s not hard to come up with evidence of depression:

Electricity usage
Freight hauled miles
Income Tax Withholdings
Baltic Shipping Rates
Chatwood Consumer Price Index (said we are at 10% price inflation every year)

Lehman Brothers was the beginning of the recession and we've never gotten out of it. QE is making it worse. QE is a death spiral - like a dead man walking. It's a guarantee of the death of the dollar. They can't stop the zero percent interest rate policy because that would kill the banks. So they're stuck. They will never raise interest rates.

We are having a black hole effect, sucking money out of capital. This is a death event for the Western financial system. A race is on to come up with gold-trade settlement and gold-backed banking before everything implodes.

We are going to start seeing these big non-linear events occur, meaning we don’t ‘smoothly’ go from one day to the next. Like, WOAH – Gold just went up $600 in one day – is that a misprint? It’s going to happen a lot.

We are going to see the dollar vanish and I think that will happen when they replace it. The dollar is supported by a printing press, like Zimbabwe’s dollar.

We don’t have any reserves. We just use the Fed and the printing press to pump up our bond and stock market, and maintain a zero percent interest rate. What happens if the US loses it privilege of using the Fed to print money? We enter the third world (there’s no more buyers) – and that’s what coming!

Eveything is doing badly and everything is going out of capital. This is a death event.


2nd July 2017, 07:37 PM
There always is a race for a gold backed currency, but it never materializes . . . .

Part 1 of state issued alternative currency



2nd July 2017, 08:18 PM
willie really needs to put his stuff out snapchat style....where the message disappears after its been read

Uncle Salty
3rd July 2017, 11:17 AM
Jim Willie is smoking some good shit.

Freegold...it's coming and there is nothing anyone can do about it...except keep stacking and wait for the reset at $55K!

3rd July 2017, 11:25 AM
There has ALWAYS been a gold-backed currency. It's called gold bullion.

And, of course, gold drops for no legitimate reason today...

3rd July 2017, 11:36 AM
I have little respect for Mr Willie because he is somewhat of an idiot. But I applause him promoting PMs.

3rd July 2017, 11:38 AM
I think the reason it dropped big today is because it was in a triangle on the charts and has broken the big support. That's why panic. Don't worry. It will be back

3rd July 2017, 11:54 AM
I think the reason it dropped big today is because it was in a triangle on the charts and has broken the big support. That's why panic. Don't worry. It will be back

The value of PHYSICAL is always there. It's just more manipulation. I pay no attention to the sorcery & divination charts.

12th July 2017, 07:40 AM
Part 2 A state issued alternative currency. CATO Institute
Separation of Bank and State



16th July 2017, 12:05 PM
Part 3 A State Issued Alternative Currency ~ CATO Institute



18th July 2017, 06:14 PM
An Alternative State Issued Currency CATO Institute. Part 4 of 4

