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31st July 2015, 08:47 PM

Wayne is the author of It's NOT the LAW (the book I have advertised on this site) and a very good friend. I STRONGLY recommend his books, and the following stands as a good example as to why:

Jim, You don't miss much, but I am upset over a mistake you made in your, Why guillotines will be used to kill American Christians article. Namely:
"So when they go to kill the Christians and Muslims, which Jews have a profound hatred for because they claim the same God as Jews (and Jews believe they have a monopoly status on God)."
No, they do not claim the same God as Jews. This is another lie from the Jews, and it is a big one. They pretend to, in order to deceive others, especially the Christians.
In my chapter titled, The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview, Walter White, who did the interview was hung up on this and kept asking Rosenthal about it. In my introduction to this chapter I mention this subject:
Some have questioned how anyone would be so foolish to admit the things Rosenthal did in this interview. At times he veers widely from arrogance to insecurity, not at all atypical of these people. At one point, he says Jews have made plans to pack up and flee. The fact that he made so many unflattering generalizations about Jews has caused some to doubt, but anyone who has studied these people as I have comes to realize they often admit their faults openly. This is a common trait among them, though unusual to the rest of us. Many examples of this will be revealed later in this book. The tone of racial arrogance also rings true. I don't doubt its legitimacy. The idea that Walter White Jr. might have faked this interview is ridiculous; he didn't even seem to know what he was being told at times. In regard to this, pay attention to Rosenthal's referenced to "Our god" and "Your God." White obviously did not comprehend what he was hearing and this caused Rosenthal considerable frustration and he finely stated:
"We are god's chosen people . . . Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer - so I wasn't lying - and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."
Later, Walter White Jr. made an interesting observation regarding Rosenthal:
"Hindsight suggests that there was a greater Force compelling this man to reveal what has been written here."
What is upsetting for me in my research is to find so many who are attempting to expose the Jews, who fall for too many of the Jew lies.
This is due to ignorance of who the Israelites really are, and ignorance of the Old Testament.
People tend to accept the Jew lies regarding who they are, and who the Israelites are, because they do not know any better.
They are not Israel. They stole that name to deceive us.
They are not God's chosen people. That false idea is based on simple word-crafting, and I am covering that in a chapter in my new book titled, Was Jesus a Jew?
They are in fact the only people God in fact professed an everlasting hatred for.
Following is from my Introduction to this new book:


This is a book about a people very few are aware of, who take their marching orders from the devil himself, and are hiding in plain sight by calling themselves Jews, a people most are afraid to mention in a negative way. And, as you will soon discover, they planned it that way. The simple trick of stealing the name Israel for their stolen "homeland" and calling themselves Israelites has fooled most Christians, who feel they should look the other way regarding the dirty deeds of these devils, as they are the chosen and all. But they are not.
They call themselves Jews, but they have little, if any connection to ancient Israel. Nor are they "Gods Chosen,"quite the opposite, as most of them descend from the very people God himself professed a hatred for.
A major purpose of this book is to provide convincing evidence that these so-called Jews are responsible for virtually everything that is wrong in the world today. This isn't so difficult to prove as you might imagine -they admit as much, and they are so arrogant that they can't resist the temptation to brag about it. As a bonus I will explain why, and this is very important to understand.
To them we are considered Goy, or cattle, useful idiots, provided for their use and abuse, and abuse us they do - to a degree that would amaze most people.
They are such experts at deception that they easily get others to look the other way, and fail to see the obvious - it's like a game to them.
This book might be called, "Demons Among Us," as the people I am writing about truly set the standard for such a descriptive term as "demons." All fictional examples pale in comparison.

A number of discoveries fell into place before I felt the need to write this book:

Discovering that our judicial system is privately owned and the owners have no respect for the Constitution for the united States, led to many important discoveries, as explained in my previous book, It's Not The Law. Discovering that an estimated 98% of the Communists responsible for, and involved in the Bolshevik Revolution were Khazars—self-proclaimed Jews due to a forced religious conversion.
Hearing a rumor that Adolf Hitler had a large picture of Henry Ford Sr. on his office wall behind his desk raised an important question.
Hearing a fascinating story about an assassination attempt on Henry Ford Sr., by Jews whom he believed were his friends.
A friend, Jim Stone, who told me about spending a couple of years attending a synagogue up in Canada, until they made the mistake of informing him as what they were really all about. They certainly made a serious mistake with that.
A musician in Czechoslovakia telling an acquaintance of mine that he should read a book by David Duke.
These events were all keys that led to questions, and I have learned that to identify a question is to be half-way to an answer.
These experiences led to important discoveries I might have otherwise missed. Three important examples of these are provided as the first three chapters of this book, which, if not for their importance might have been placed in the appendix. These are keys to prepare for a basic understanding of the subject I am about to introduce.
I have read well over one hundred books searching for details presented here. I hope that you will take advantage of my research, and not have to spend years figuring out these things for yourselves.
Hang on for an eye-opening ride.
Wayne Frank Barbuto©

Wayne Barbuto is such a serious Patriot he is among the few to get back stabbed by the BATF and have an absolutely beautiful machine shop (where he manufactured gun parts for sale) get illegally and unlawfully destroyed by them. His books are a GREAT read, I highly recommend them, and you can see what he has HERE (http://www.itsnotthelaw.com) or click the ad below:

http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/wayne.gif (http://www.itsnotthelaw.com) MY RESPONSE TO WAYNE ABOVE:

I really did not pick up on mainstream Jews worshiping Satan when I was with them, but I did see oddities that make perfect sense to this effect, which are: 1. They really did, (to an unbelievable extent) revere this existence (on Earth) and clearly and cleanly in no uncertain terms stated that it was to be enjoyed, and that no matter what you do in this life, there will be no consequence after death and no day of judgement. I found this strange if they really believed in God.
http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/icons-land/vista-flags/256/Israel-Flag-3-icon.png2. Their most sacred of all numbers is six, and the most sacred combination of this number is 666, and this is true to such an extent it permeates everything in Jewish life and even got perfectly embedded in the Israeli flag, where the star of david has six points, six lines, and six triangles. The flag of Israel has 666 embedded in it in PLAIN SIGHT.
3. Their Kol Nidre prayer, which is considered the highest of all Jewish prayers is undeniably a statement that says: (to sum it up) I am telling you right now God, in no uncertain terms, that I will not be bound to tell the truth in anything, that I will not be bound by any contracts or agreements I make, and in doing so, I cannot be held accountable for lying, stealing, cheating, because I never said I would not and am therefore not obligated by any sort of spiritual contract or agreement to be honest in any of my affairs. The sub meaning is that: Because I said right from the beginning that I would not be honest or ethical in my dealings with others, I was never obligated to be, and therefore cannot be punished for not complying with that which I did not agree to! It was this prayer that caused me to leave, because it was too similar to what would be done at a satanic ritual and left the door open to the most heinous of behavior, right from the root of the religion!
There were other oddities, but those are the relevant three which cannot be explained away.
When you approach the Jewish community, they are so decent with you and among themselves that it is practically impossible to believe that they could ever be responsible for the evils they do, but it is all real. They manage us like cattle and the scenario is that of a farmer, who puts on a kind face to his cows so they love him, all the while he keeps them locked in a barn, milks them for all they are worth, and when they can't be milked for enough he sends them straight to the slaughter for that last bit of profit.
In the Jews mind, we are here for them to take from, and it does not matter AT ALL how much they destroy us for even a small return, provided they make at least a little profit. They have a drug addicted crack head attitude towards us, let me explain:
Let's say someone puts a beautiful $5,000 vending machine where a crack head with a pry bar discovers it. That crack head knows "there is AT LEAST $50 worth of quarters in that thing!" and a few candy bars too! So to get $50 he destroys $5000 in value, ripping the machine all the way down to the coin box, and then STEALS an amount that is worth 1 percent of the damage he did to get it. The Jews will cash out societies just like a crack head will cash out a vending machine, and think absolutely nothing of it. Their behavior is beyond parasitic, they have no conscience whatsoever about what they do to get anything.
This explains the man made Japan Earthquake, tsunami nuke and Stuxnet attack on Fukushima, which they did to get a huge forced payment from Japan to the World Bank, and TO HELL with the Pacific, the reactor guts will never reach Israel anyway! This is exactly how they think, they will trigger an earthquake somewhere, (prime example Haiti) just so they can do fundraisers and steal money from the relief efforts, which are never done. Just look at what Bolshevik Hillary did in Haiti! The examples are numerous if you look for them.

I strongly recommend you read Wayne's work, his book "It's NOT the LAW" woke even me up to a huge number of things I never knew about, and it all ended up being completely true. Wayne is one of the best out there, his web site is HERE (http://www.itsnotthelaw.com)


31st July 2015, 09:06 PM
Suppose you are arrested for wearing a red shirt on a Monday? You are denied your right to be taken before a magistrate, and are imprisoned under surprisingly cruel conditions. Stored in an isolated cold cell for over a week, you are screamed at and threatened frequently. You are promised repeatedly that you will never see freedom again. Meanwhile, your house is taken over by dozens of armed men pretending to be federal agents. Your name is slandered, your neighbors are threatened, your property is plundered, and everything of no interest to them is scattered to the furthest corners of your home. In addition, your business equipment is disabled, and your computer files corrupted. Eight days later you are released, but not without threats of thirty-five years in prison, for your supposed, yet non-existent crime. You know that you have done nothing unlawful—that there could be no such law in this country. Furthermore, you are certain that you couldn't have been wearing a red shirt on Monday because you don't particularly like the color red, and you don’t even own one.
You could hire an attorney and give him all your money. Perhaps it would be enough to keep you out of prison—but then again, it might not. Every attorney you talk to treats you as if you are the most despicable person in the world, and without asking you a single question tells you that you are going to spend many years in prison. You are not at all sure that giving them any money is going to improve their attitude, or do you any good.
What do you do?
The author of this book experienced a very similar situation. What he did was a little unorthodox, but what he learned as a result will likely change your perception of reality.
