View Full Version : No Difference Between Jeb And Hillary, Whose Biggest Donors Are The Same

5th August 2015, 01:13 PM
What many have tacitly known for a long time was finally confirmed overnight when an analysis of Federal Election Commission data by Vocativ and The Daily Beast found (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/08/04/hillary-clinton-s-mega-donors-are-also-funding-jeb-bush.html)that of the 60 or so ultra-rich Americans - aka the mega-donors - who have contributed to both Jeb Bush’s and Hillary Clinton’s federal campaigns, seventeen of those contributors have gone one step further and opened their wallets to fund both Bush’s and Clinton’s 2016 ambitions.

None of this is a surprise: back in March, when showing the support of what may be the most important backer for any future president, Goldman Sachs, we explained as much. In "As Jeb Bush Pounces On The Hillary Email Scandal, The Real Winner Is... Goldman Sachs (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-03/jeb-bush-pounces-hillary-email-scandal-real-winner-goldman-sachs)" we wrote:

"Goldman likes to play both sides of the fence and that’s especially true of a race like this where either of these two candidates — Bush and Clinton — could ultimately be helpful to them,” said Charles Geisst, a Wall Street historian at Manhattan College. Campaign finance experts say Goldman is hoping another President Bush or President Clinton would both push for Wall Street-friendly policies and draw on Goldman’s executive ranks for expertise, a practice that has fallen out of favor in the years following the financial crisis.




5th August 2015, 06:03 PM
I wonder why this is spewed in MSM? No mention of Paul or trump... surprising huh? Trump has the money to sue anyone not stating the facts and I am sure he is in process of legal hits. Funny how it works in the end game.