View Full Version : Lesbian couple burn down their own home, blame neighbor

7th August 2015, 11:13 AM
Is this evidence of self hatred for your life choices?

Lesbian Couple Burns Down Their House for Insurance Money, Claims Neighbor Committed ‘Hate Crime’
From Daily Mail (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3186742/Shameless-lesbian-couple-burned-house-insurance-payout-called-hate-crime-blamed-neighbour.html):

A lesbian couple scrawled homophobic abuse on their garage before burning down their own house in Tennessee then calling it a hate crime, a court ruled.

Carol Ann and Laura Jean Stutte reduced their own house to a pile of charred rubble in September 2010 and branded their neighbor a homophobe in order to get the $276,000 insurance pay out.
But insurers American National Property and Casualty Company caught on to the ruse and accused the couple of faking the fire.
A federal jury ruled in favor of the insurance company and they will not have to pay out on the insurance claim on the house in Venore, reports the Knoxville News Sentinel.
The court heard how the couple spray-painted the word ‘queers’ on their garage and later blamed their neighbor Janice Millsaps.
They claimed that, a month before the blaze, Millsaps said: ‘Do you know what is better than one dead queer? Two dead queers.’
Millsaps was investigated by the FBI, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the insurance company, and was never charged with any crime after they all concluded it was a scam.

The happy couple

http://static.lgbtqnation.com/assets/2011/02/stuttes.jpgjoy and contentment in alternative lifestyle

http://resources2.news.com.au/images/2015/08/08/1227475/033274-041d195c-3d13-11e5-9cae-299e36cb5429.jpgpeace in the heart, serenity, fulfillment.

7th August 2015, 11:26 AM
Hahaha, their fucked now. I wonder how they messed up and got caught?

Celtic Rogue
7th August 2015, 11:29 AM
LOL!!! I love it when these smug assholes get what they deserve!

7th August 2015, 11:42 AM
http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h368/blueskool9/DSP%20GIFs/lesbians_zps4a72ac8c.gif (http://s1106.photobucket.com/user/blueskool9/media/DSP%20GIFs/lesbians_zps4a72ac8c.gif.html)

7th August 2015, 11:55 AM
Spontaneous cuntbustion: Occurs when two lesbians have simultaneous periods while living under one roof. :)

7th August 2015, 12:08 PM
Hahaha, their fucked now. I wonder how they messed up and got caught?

I found some of the court documents (https://dockets.justia.com/docket/tennessee/tnedce/3:2011cv00219/60853/) and it appears that a handwriting expert compared the spray painting of "QUEERS" on their house with other writing, and found them to be the same.

7th August 2015, 12:46 PM

7th August 2015, 12:52 PM
I found some of the court documents (https://dockets.justia.com/docket/tennessee/tnedce/3:2011cv00219/60853/) and it appears that a handwriting expert compared the spray painting of "QUEERS" on their house with other writing, and found them to be the same.

That seems pretty weak and easy to win on appeal if they had enough money for a good attorney.

7th August 2015, 01:11 PM

7th August 2015, 01:52 PM
I saw a swedish tv-show about a lesbian couple that had this "home improvement team" at their house a while back, and the first thing that struck me is how extremely dysfunctional the relationship was. It was like they were constantly trying to be the man in the relationship, as in none of them was certain as to who had the final say in any matter, so nothing got done, it was all a mess. Quite strange to watch.. they had a child as well, a boy.. poor guy.

Being that they are lesbian I'm sure they won't get much of a punishment though.

One of the top rated comments:

"I'll bet their false outrage got WAY more press coverage than the truth."

7th August 2015, 02:30 PM
Have they been charged with arson yet?

Twisted Titan
7th August 2015, 03:06 PM
the worst type of scam you can get snagged on is insurance scam.

that carries federal time.

They can toss you into any federal pen they like and it depends on how hungry the prosecutor is the climb the ladder

She just might get tossed in San Quentin

7th August 2015, 03:20 PM
Have they been charged with arson yet?

Probably not, because they burned down their own house. As long as they continue to pay for their mortgage, I'm sure they won't be charged. However, if they toss the keys and walk away, you can bet the bank which holds the note on the house will go after them for exactly that.

7th August 2015, 04:08 PM
Probably not, because they burned down their own house. As long as they continue to pay for their mortgage, I'm sure they won't be charged. However, if they toss the keys and walk away, you can bet the bank which holds the note on the house will go after them for exactly that.

Plus like T. T. noted above insurance fraud is federal. They probably will be facing charges for that.

7th August 2015, 05:31 PM
Plus like T. T. noted above insurance fraud is federal. They probably will be facing charges for that.

More muff diving in prison than at home, a win win situation for them.

7th August 2015, 09:07 PM
I found some of the court documents (https://dockets.justia.com/docket/tennessee/tnedce/3:2011cv00219/60853/) and it appears that a handwriting expert compared the spray painting of "QUEERS" on their house with other writing, and found them to be the same.

Shoulda wrote it with her left foot!

7th August 2015, 09:42 PM
Spontaneous cuntbustion: Occurs when two lesbians have simultaneous periods while living under one roof. :)

Hell hath no fury like two half women scorned.

7th August 2015, 09:45 PM
Probably not, because they burned down their own house. As long as they continue to pay for their mortgage, I'm sure they won't be charged. However, if they toss the keys and walk away, you can bet the bank which holds the note on the house will go after them for exactly that.

I could be wrong, but since the bank technically owns the dwelling, it should still be considered arson. It's not their "own" house until the mortgage has been paid in full. I bet this would be classified as arson. I say throw the book at these evil people, regardless. Tack on as many charges as possible.

8th August 2015, 09:13 AM
This is a sunshine story, no innocent people got injured!

Twisted Titan
9th August 2015, 07:34 AM
This is a sunshine story, no innocent people got injured!

But that nieghbor got rousted and has a permenant file at the FBI because these gommorah gals thought it was a good way to get digital shekels

You Dont want federal goons to pay you a visit for any reason much less for something you know you didnt do

mick silver
9th August 2015, 07:45 AM
you just cannot make up the shit we are all living to see theys days . time is running out do what you need to for your family. neighbor turning on neighbor

9th August 2015, 11:30 AM
But that nieghbor got rousted and has a permenant file at the FBI because these gommorah gals thought it was a good way to get digital shekels

You Dont want federal goons to pay you a visit for any reason much less for something you know you didnt do
If they rebuild the house or buy a new one. I would burn it down if I was the neighbor! ;D

9th August 2015, 04:18 PM
Did you hear about the house built by lesbians..........? there were no studs it was all tongue and grove