View Full Version : Oil, gas, and the yankee dollar

13th August 2015, 07:42 AM
Today's oil prices:


dipped below $43/barrel, heading downward to even lower prices.

Hold on.

My first reaction, and maybe yours too, was jubilation - finally we can afford to take off in our cars and not pay an arm and a leg for gas. I might even get a used motorhome and see the USA in style, since gas won't be so high for those houses-on-wheels that only get about 6-8 mpg.

But there is a downside to this sinking oil prices. A significant, and even COMMANDING, portion of world-wide business is mired in the oil business, and, whenever the price per barrel goes lower, say, than $45/barrel, then companies everywhere have to start laying off workers. They have no other choice - the revenues to support the good salaries of those involved in the oil business (fracking, refineries, oil field roughhands, futures analysists, etc.) just aren't there, and, employers have to start handing out pink slips.

Those getting laid off will find that there just aren't any jobs anywhere with anything even close to what they were making. They got lots of competition for the piss-ass jobs that do get advertised, and, they are expected to tell their life's story in any interview they are lucky enough to get, and these snidey employers act like royalty and you are serfs and they will use any little thing to dismiss you out of hand - they got lots of applicants to choose from.

Yes, lower oil prices means depression and deflation. There will be a new kind of "giant sucking sound", and it will be the disappearance of the yankee dollar, as business levels worldwide dwindle and the FED has to start retireing massive amounts of cash, to avoid runaway inflation.

Hang on to your yankee dollars, if you got any.

Will anyone care to speculate with me as to what is going on here with the oil price collapse?

Of course, we can all see right quick that it is the deal with Iran that is spooking everybody because soon Iran oil will be available worldwide, and, especially in the West, and they can, and probably WILL, drive the price down well below $20/barrel.

So, why would the puppeteers in the West push so hard for this to come to pass? My speculation is that this is the way these international jews are going to defeat these uppities Russkies, who, under Putin's leadership, were making out like champs when oil was over $100/barrel, and mucked up the works with these jew's plans to bring about "regime change" in Syria and Iran, so, this is their way of making economic warfare with these pesky russkies.

Sure, it will be devastating to the west, but, it will be even more devastating to Russia, since a larger percentage of thier booming (formerly) economy was based on thier high-technology oil production (fracking). They figure this will lead to a regime change in Russia, they will get THEIR guy in, and, then, FINALLY, they can have thier way in Syria and Iran, without any interference from Russia after they get thier guy in charge over there.

That sounds likely to me, but, what a hell of a ride we are in for over here as we sink into a decade long (who knows?) depression, with most living on govie handouts due to the dearth of jobs and dollars for buying things.

What do you really smart guys here think?

13th August 2015, 07:56 AM
Loss of energy sector jobs are not the only jobs lost.

There are all the support company's that provide the oil patch with supply's and equipment that will have to layoff workers.

Then there are the city's/towns and the stores that the workers live in that seeing the worker has no income , can not buy stuff, etc,etc.

Sorta think of it as a pyramid with ether the worker or company placed at the very pointy end at the top. Everything that is supporting the worker or company can collapse, when the worker looses jobs or the company lays off.

Another way I see it is like a keystone in a arch, remove the keystone and the arch will collapse.

Cheap gas is nice for the consumer but not so nice for the production company's and the chain of support, be it workers or the areas they live in.

13th August 2015, 09:51 AM
The general plan imo is to create a level of desperation and confusion across the boards, so any sovereign remains seek security from The wizard of Oz. Russia's leadership is a key role in playing the apparent "anti" on the yellow brick road as Some other wicked witch sister.

Oil is still flowing from what I can tell.

13th August 2015, 12:07 PM
Oil and gold are linked. Maybe not physically but in some virtual spreadsheet driven reality. When oil is high so is gold. When oil is low so is gold.

mick silver
13th August 2015, 03:16 PM
and yet the price of gas went up 50cents over night here

13th August 2015, 03:51 PM
and yet the price of gas went up 50cents over night here

$2.04 here

www.gasbuddy.com (http://www.gasbuddy.com)