View Full Version : ? about Scope Reticle - when Crosshairs don't go to Center - What's that Called ?

19th August 2015, 07:12 AM
Articulated Reticle ?


I'm on my 4th scope (shared among 3 uppers, waiting for a 4th rifle to show up.)

So far I most like the Primary Arms 1x4x24. In addition to mechanical fit & finish, because I can see the
best at 100 yards.

And that's where the Reticle comes in. On the Primary Arms it's 'pulled back' - NOTHING at center which
really helps seeing accurately at 100 yards.

Recessed ? Articulated ?

I also have an NC Star which is OK but not well designed (you have to glue the Right-Left knob because shock
un-seats it. The knob came loose without moving the setting. i.e. it works OK - AFTER some field engineering.)
I forget the specs, it was about $145 at Amazon and a local dealer.

The scope I just got, a Simmons, is about the best $100 scope you can buy from Midway, according to
Midway customers.

Midway is sort of like Newegg for firearms enthusiasts, with a decent review system.

Haven't shot it yet. Felt good setting it up with the scope mount etc. But that doesn't mean much.

Anyway, I sure would like to get my scope terminology straight. So what is that specific kind
of reticle called ?

As a side note, I also have a Vortex Strike Fire Red Dot. I like it, BUT it's sort of a specialty scope.

Maybe a good low light or night scope ? It has a red (or green) dot in the viewfinder (it does not
project it onto the target.)

Impossible to see in bright sunlight, and very similar to the Aimpoint (which is near identical
and costs $400) used by state police - in bright sunlight - at shorter distances - at least in training.

midnight rambler
19th August 2015, 09:10 PM
Glass/optics is an item one should not try to get by on the cheap with - when it's for a life or death fire extinguisher.

Impossible to beat Aimpoint for a red dot and their Patrol Rifle Optic (PRO) is a real value. A used Aimpoint PRO can be found on feebay in VG condition for $350+/-. Aimpoint red dots are virtually indestructible.

Aimpoint T1 survives 27 lbs of Tannerite and still holds zero @ 20:50 -


I would suggest you look into the IOR Valdada Pitbull which is an excellent value as well (for those who don't want to spend more than twice as much for the Elcan SpecterDR and yet have a comparable extremely robust scope).