View Full Version : Places for EXPATS to Go

25th August 2015, 05:36 PM
Here is a ranking of politic societies Americans can run to throughout the world. It is not complete. It fails to list 48 countries in the land between the federations of Mexico and Canada.


25th August 2015, 07:24 PM
U.S. is ranked 13th just below Costa Rica.

25th August 2015, 09:06 PM
I'm headed to CR in Jan or Feb. Other family will meet me there as well. Just a vacation for them. For me I want to check things out and either add it to a list of possibilities or eliminate it.

26th August 2015, 12:56 AM
I only like this central mountain atmosphere high and drier, near same elevation as Denver here. If I were living down in that Florida type humidity in the rain seasonal coasts I probably would've left by now, its like visiting Panama or Nicaragua, nice to visit, but you couldn't pay me enough to live in either of those countries.

Maybe San Juan del Sur possibly, but then I need to have a pad that was completely customized to remove any sweltering heat that showed up.

26th August 2015, 04:21 AM
U.S. is ranked 13th just below Costa Rica.

If you only plan on visiting federations rather than countries the list would be quite a bit shorter. This list they show is a mix of federation and country. U.S., Mexico, Canada, U.K .... all federations.

Then too if you are more fully aware you might want to consider travel in time as well as space. For example, Puerto Rico being functionally bankrupt is not the place to go visit but you could make a stop at Borinquen and enjoy the stay. Borinquen being the name of a place replaced by Porto Rico which was soon displaced by Puerto Rico.

26th August 2015, 04:34 AM
How does one resolve Expat'ing with Stacking Silver ?

Doesn't seem wise to drive around with a few thousand ounces of Ag on-board.

Not so easy to cross borders with 300+ pounds of Wilver.

Obviously, a lot easier with Au. If it's hidden.

For sure, Capital Controls are in place.

Do we need to start eating our PM's like Irene Rosenblatt in "The Fifth Diamond" ? /sarc

26th August 2015, 04:40 AM
Doesn't seem wise to drive around with a few thousand ounces of Ag on-board.


Did you ever consider the material a sailboat keel is made of?

26th August 2015, 05:13 AM

Did you ever consider the material a sailboat keel is made of?

is this related to boating accidents ? :)

26th August 2015, 06:04 AM
is this related to boating accidents ? :)

Only if its related to lead!


Sent from my Nexus 7

26th August 2015, 07:26 AM
If its a permanent exit you can take them with you or sell before you leave and rebuy when you get where your going.
Another strategy may be to just ex pat part time. 4-6 months abroad. Build relationships there so you are welcome if and when the SHTF and you have a bug out location far away if need be. IMO the debt crash is going to hit most places but the US is going to feel it especially hard and its going to get very nasty compared to places that have very little debt and very low welfare roles. Poor people just live differently and when things crash its the people who thought they were rich with all their financed stuff that are going to lose it. Add in the free shit army whose shit is cut off and that makes things in the US look very bad compared to say Cuba who cant borrow anything.

26th August 2015, 09:32 AM
Also has to do with the amount of dough the country (its people) need to operate nominally. any one citizen unit offshore can function and produce starting at $0, where in "first world" nations such overhead prices like insurances, transport fees and other are in debt before production even starts.

You can transport silver in many trips but'll be mostly ornamental when you get there (maybe Malaysia and the East are more accepting), gold is the only noticeable form of precious metal, silver is traded but not nearly in quantities gold is. Silver has been made unrecognizable as lead by the crown.

28th August 2015, 09:18 PM
Instead of a keel, try anchors, smaller and more manueverable.

The only problem with Boriquean is it's full of boriqueas.

28th August 2015, 10:15 PM
Cross Dominica off the list. Its was a beautiful island. President says Erika set them back 20 years.

29th August 2015, 12:22 AM
Erika? it was only a tropical storm with like 40mph wind, why do they name these tropical storms anyway?

I thought it had to be a hurricane before it got a name?

29th August 2015, 12:30 AM
Checkout post 110 at bottom of page, I wish I was that guy, but I know they'd reject anything I sent in cause of my foreign IP.


http://icons.wxug.com/data/wximagenew/i/ItsTheSunStupid/0-thumb.jpg (http://www.wunderground.com/wximage/viewsingleimage.html?mode=singleimage&handle=ItsTheSunStupid&number=0)
110. ItsTheSunStupid (http://www.wunderground.com/blog/ItsTheSunStupid/archive.html)7:27 AM GMT on August 29, 2015

I'm usually a lurker here, but I must point out the elephant in the room. I have watched almost every TC in the last 20 years head further west than the models suggested. The NHC always reminds folks to not focus on the COC, but that's exactly what they do. They rely too heavily on the models instead of believing their eyes. They've been insisting on a NW turn for Erika for 3 days and ignoring continued westward motion. Now they show her COC north of the Haitian peninsula when any fool can see it's south of it. The lunacy is only matched by the Global Warming drivel constantly spouted on this site. But I'm just a casual observer.

29th August 2015, 01:47 AM
Basically if you havnt left America by now its too late.................

29th August 2015, 04:38 AM
Basically if you havnt left America by now its too late.................

Legal notice ... nunc pro tunc ... aka now for then ... nothing is too late. You can go back to year ONE if you desire and simply make it so.

See ... that is the thing with the mind and creation. Anything you can imagine is possible so you might take your smallest thoughts a bit more seriously as they can lead to things coming about that have a lesser priority.

Now what you have created might not sit well with other people and create all sorts of argument and contention. The way you shut other people up is legal notice giving others the opportunity to inquire (notice and opportunity to inquire are the elements of due process). Notice and silence constitutes estoppel and laches ... so SPEAK UP OR FOREVER REMAIN SILENT.