View Full Version : David Icke We Are Slaves To A Reptilian Brain System

29th August 2015, 02:59 AM

29th August 2015, 03:00 AM

29th August 2015, 03:08 AM
Notice how David Icke disables comments on any video relating to Jews?


He doesn't do that for his other videos. Why is that huh?

Icke works REALLY hard making sure we know it's not the Jews, but "Zionists" (who apparently aren't Jews.) He only has to bring this up time to time to stay relevant, and then misdirect to "Reptilians" and "Archons" or whatever nonsense he can pull out of his ass. He also carries water for the Jewish narrative that racism is "bad" and "ignorant".

29th August 2015, 05:36 AM
Notice how David Icke disables comments on any video relating to Jews?


He doesn't do that for his other videos. Why is that huh?

Icke works REALLY hard making sure we know it's not the Jews, but "Zionists" (who apparently aren't Jews.) He only has to bring this up time to time to stay relevant, and then misdirect to "Reptilians" and "Archons" or whatever nonsense he can pull out of his ass. He also carries water for the Jewish narrative that racism is "bad" and "ignorant".

I knew Icke was controlled "opposition" over a decade ago. How so? His books were readily available at Jewish-controlled Borders bookstores. Conversely, it was impossible to find, say, Arthur Butz's blockbuster, "The Hoax of the 20th Century," belying the idea that Borders was "merely in support of free speech."

Icke serves multiple roles, one of which is to bring shame and scorn upon those on the quest for truth. For example, his insane claims that Kris Kristofferson and Boxcar Willie are "reptilians" makes his ideas a non-starter for all thinking people. Such asinine, even lunatic mythology is then deliberately conflated with everyone and everything that questions the "official truth" as presented by the System (government, academia, and Jewsmedia).

29th August 2015, 08:31 AM
tells me where he does misscredit the archons????

DAVID ICKE ON ARCHONS (just a few out of the some many out there)

I didnt notice that he disables comment, not at this link, thats for sure

and am sure I can find more of them allowing comment

unfortunately, unlike you shami, Icke's point of view is based on previous ancient/prediluvian civilizations. Which I subscribe to.

and he is kinda right when talking of 200 years because that is when zionism became legalized at the balfour declaration. However, Icke also go at length about this knowledge coming from the ancient egyptians... if egypt only evokes the beauty of the pyramids, you have absolutely no argument to be against him.

as soon as one accepts that our species was engineered 12-20K years ago, just the way it is done today, yes racial point of views become very moot. again, I catch you being in contradiction with your own transhuman theology because you are missing the big picture.

Notice how David Icke disables comments on any video relating to Jews?
Icke works REALLY hard making sure we know it's not the Jews, but "Zionists" (who apparently aren't Jews.) He only has to bring this up time to time to stay relevant, and then misdirect to "Reptilians" and "Archons" or whatever nonsense he can pull out of his ass. He also carries water for the Jewish narrative that racism is "bad" and "ignorant".

29th August 2015, 08:36 AM
you know NOTHING crimethink... you cannot even see the sacred geometry illustrated in allegories in the old and new testament.

this makes you a controlled opposition

your understanding of reality is also deeply flawed as anything that is not adamic oriented is deemed as an outright hoax. Being one sided is myopia... when are you going to see an optician?

I knew Icke was controlled "opposition" over a decade ago. How so? His books were readily available at Jewish-controlled Borders bookstores. Conversely, it was impossible to find, say, Arthur Butz's blockbuster, "The Hoax of the 20th Century," belying the idea that Borders was "merely in support of free speech."

Icke serves multiple roles, one of which is to bring shame and scorn upon those on the quest for truth. For example, his insane claims that Kris Kristofferson and Boxcar Willie are "reptilians" makes his ideas a non-starter for all thinking people. Such asinine, even lunatic mythology is then deliberately conflated with everyone and everything that questions the "official truth" as presented by the System (government, academia, and Jewsmedia).

29th August 2015, 09:03 AM
Singular, i believe you are wrong avout the 200 years. The Balfour Declaration was 98 years ago.

2 November 1917

The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration

29th August 2015, 09:12 AM
ok, tnx for the correction.... but still, this recognition is the result of zionism being more assertive in the open... I still agree with the 200 years.

Singular, i believe you are wrong avout the 200 years. The Balfour Declaration was 98 years ago.

2 November 1917

The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration

29th August 2015, 01:29 PM
tells me where he does misscredit the archons????


You will be absorbed!

"I...am Landru! For the good of the body, you must die."

29th August 2015, 01:30 PM
you know NOTHING crimethink... you cannot even see the sacred geometry illustrated in allegories in the old and new testament.

this makes you a controlled opposition

your understanding of reality is also deeply flawed as anything that is not adamic oriented is deemed as an outright hoax. Being one sided is myopia... when are you going to see an optician?

Why don't you just STFU, Nigger? I'm so sick of you spewing your fucking lies about what I supposedly believe.

Few would have tolerated your bullshit for so long without "going off." Now I'm "going off" on you.

29th August 2015, 01:33 PM
Why don't you just STFU, Nigger? I'm so sick of you spewing your fucking lies about what I supposedly believe.

Few would have tolerated your bullshit for so long without "going off." Now I'm "going off" on you.

Please try to control your emotions before you post. (This message for all of us)
Thank you.

midnight rambler
29th August 2015, 01:34 PM
Why don't you just STFU, Nigger? I'm so sick of you spewing your fucking lies about what I supposedly believe.

Few would have tolerated your bullshit for so long without "going off." Now I'm "going off" on you.

How *Christian* of you. lol

29th August 2015, 01:35 PM
Please try to control your emotions before you post. (This message for all of us)
Thank you.

No one would tolerate her incessant spew longer than me.

You wouldn't, if someone said in every post that you were a deceitful sock of Book.

29th August 2015, 01:36 PM
How *Christian* of you. lol

She is not my "brother" (or sister).

Do you tolerate your dogs' inappropriate behavior?

29th August 2015, 01:41 PM
Isn't it great our in house "higher authority" has returned..

And in fine form to boot!

Last time he was here when madfranks asked for him to tone it down , he ran away and sulked.

Back for round two...

How can one respect someone if they have no respect.

Time to leave Fred and dont let the door hit you on the ass as you leave !


Flame suit on,

Your turn !


29th August 2015, 01:43 PM
Time to leave Fred and dont let the door hit you on the ass as you leave !

You learned well from your master, Frank "Scorpio" Lechner. He used to say that regularly. Did you murder your wife, like he did, as well? All these "beacons of civility" who tell us how "nice" we should be to each other...

29th August 2015, 01:49 PM
You learned well from your master, Frank "Scorpio" Lechner. He used to say that regularly. Did you murder your wife, like he did, as well? All these "beacons of civility" who tell us how "nice" we should be to each other... This is my only response directly to you Fred, because anything more from me would giving you more time than you are worth, which is not very much in the first place.

Bait and smear all you want, it just shows how 'adult' you are!

You are not worth the sweat off my balls !

Carry on fritz the spammer !


29th August 2015, 01:53 PM
This is my only response directly to you Fred, because anything more from me would giving you more time than you are worth, which is not very much in the first place.

Bait and smear all you want, it just shows how 'adult' you are!

You are not worth the sweat off my balls !

Carry on fritz..

You are just another lying hypocrite like "Scorpio." Ordering everyone to be "nice to each other" while displaying the lowest of savagery in your own life.

Is that avatar of yours a blurred version of your Megan's Law entry, or is it a newer photo? Talk about dirty old man.

As for sweat off your balls, that would be, if you had any balls. Dogshit.

29th August 2015, 01:59 PM
As for the metros pushing the "mod alert" button since they are "offended" by my posts above, LOL...

Come now, you should know that bans and threats of bans have no meaning for me, after all these years. I can come back anytime I want, using a variety of tools at my disposal. The question is: are you worth my time? In most cases, no. That's why I stopped going to the Judeo-Freemasonic den of killers and liars, called GIM.

This place is entertainment for me (just like it is for all of you!). That's why I leave at my will...if it stops being entertaining, I do something else. I don't "run away"...as a coward like Dogshit conceives of (we all don't model your behavior).

I enjoyed exposing the real nature & identities of "Skyvike" and "Scorpio." Maybe the same should be for Dogshit and his friends...who would have thought that Cheryl Lechner, "Mrs. Scorpio," would have been a real-life victim of Scorpio's megalomania...oh, what can I find about some of this forum's "personalities"? LOL.

29th August 2015, 03:55 PM
No one would tolerate her incessant spew longer than me.

You wouldn't, if someone said in every post that you were a deceitful sock of Book.

You won't win hearts and minds that way.

If we are the good guys we need to act like it.

Follow David Duke's example.

29th August 2015, 04:33 PM
You won't win hearts and minds that way.

If we are the good guys we need to act like it.

Follow David Duke's example.

I don't hold any delusions that we can "win hearts & minds" at GSUS. How many have been convinced of anything in these years? Like I said, this is entertainment.

I am human, and things finally get to me, no matter how much patience I have.

29th August 2015, 04:38 PM
I don't hold any delusions that we can "win hearts & minds" at GSUS. How many have been convinced of anything in these years? Like I said, this is entertainment.

I am human, and things finally get to me, no matter how much patience I have.

Over half of this forum is racial realist now. I'd say a huge number.

The question should be, who hasn't woken up to the race question on GSUS?

This forum taught me about Jews, and helped shape me politically.

midnight rambler
29th August 2015, 04:40 PM
Like I said, this is entertainment.

So you're here strictly to amuse yourself? That's what I was thinking. Got it.

I am human (aka 'hue-man', i.e. the color of man but not really a man)

So you admit you're not really a man, you're really a creation of the state (i.e. someone who relies on the state to establish their identity)? I was also thinking that. Thanks for the confirmation.

29th August 2015, 07:48 PM
So you're here strictly to amuse yourself? That's what I was thinking. Got it.

As are you.

So you admit you're not really a man, you're really a creation of the state (i.e. someone who relies on the state to establish their identity)? I was also thinking that. Thanks for the confirmation.

You, too, can go fuck yourself. Lying "I make my own license plates" boy. My use of "human" is purely the common use of plain English, but, since you think like a Talmud Jew, you distort it to mean something I did not. Jewish shyster sophistry.

I remember how you got your panties in a bunch when I first posted the truth about Frank "Scorpio" Lechner's wife. Care to reveal any similar secrets about who and what you really are?

29th August 2015, 07:50 PM
Over half of this forum is racial realist now. I'd say a huge number.

The question should be, who hasn't woken up to the race question on GSUS?

And not a damn thing will come from their knowledge. You have effectively unlimited faith in your fellow man, for some reason. I'm desperately trying to admire that trait...but...

29th August 2015, 08:33 PM
And not a damn thing will come from their knowledge. You have effectively unlimited faith in your fellow man, for some reason. I'm desperately trying to admire that trait...but...

I'm OCD.

I tend to keep trying things until I get them right.

I almost almost always find a way where no one else does since they've all given up.

29th August 2015, 08:53 PM
I like Fred and have learned a lot from him, but he's been warned before to lay off the personal attacks. Here's the thing Fred, it's not that hard to be civil, even when other members hassle you, and I understand that singular_me has been hassling you, in more than one thread, so she gets a temp ban too (for the minor personal attack in this thread).

I hate ate being the only "law" on this forum, because even though I don't mind when threads get out of hand (I just ignore or leave threads I don't like, some of you should take a clue), I have to enforce forum rules.

Anyway, this thread's done for, so I'm locking it.