View Full Version : Texas 'cold-blooded assassination': Black Lives Matter rhetoric to blame?

mick silver
31st August 2015, 02:05 PM
Texas 'cold-blooded assassination': Black Lives Matter rhetoric to blame?Local officials in Texas pointed to anti-police Black Lives Matter rhetoric after a white deputy was killed by a black man. But data offer a different picture.http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/nws/p/csm_logo_115.jpg (http://www.csmonitor.com/) By Mark Sappenfield 23 hours ago

ABC News VideosArrest Made in Sheriff's Deputy 'Assassination'
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Arrest Made in Sheriff's Deputy 'Assassination'

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Arrest Made in Sheriff's Deputy 'Assassination'
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The incident had the hallmarks of an execution. Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth was filling up his patrol car at a suburban Houston gas station Friday when a man he had never met walked up behind him and opened fire, police say.
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The suspect, Shannon Miles, is in custody but "we have not been able to extract any details regarding a motive at this point," said Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman (http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/texas-sheriffs-office-identifies-defendant-in-deputys-execution-style-killing/2015/08/29/97e58b2a-4e9c-11e5-84df-923b3ef1a64b_story.html).
In struggling with the overwhelming senselessness of the loss, Sheriff Hickman turned to what, for the nation at large, has become a familiar topic.
Recommended: Can you pass the written police officer exam? (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2015/0302/Can-you-pass-the-written-police-officer-exam/license-plate)
“We’ve heard black lives matter, all lives matter,” he said at a press conference. “Well, cops’ lives matter, too.”
The anti-police rhetoric surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement, he added, has ramped up “to the point where calculated, cold-blooded assassination of police officers happens.”
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(http://news.yahoo.com/photos/shannon-miles-arrested-connection-shooting-death-deputy-darren-photo-000734941.html)Shannon Miles, 30, is shown in this booking photo provided by the Harris County Sheriff's Office in …

In the aftermath of tragedy, it is perhaps an understandable sentiment. The comment came on the same day that a group of Black Lives Matter protesters in Minnesota appeared to chant offensive anti-police slogans (http://dailycaller.com/2015/08/29/black-lives-matter-protesters-chant-pigs-in-a-blanket-fry-em-like-bacon-video/). And it echoed the comments of a police union official last December when two New York City police officers were ambushed and killed by someone who had participated in Black Lives Matter protests. There was "blood on the hands" of the mayor for standing with protesters, not cops, police union chief Pat Lynch said at the time.
Beneath such comments is the implication that the fallout from last year's protests in Ferguson, Mo., has made police beats more deadly. But are vigilante attacks against police on the rise post-Ferguson?
So far, data don't dismiss the idea, but nor do they show strong evidence supporting it. Though there was a jump in the number of police killed in so-called ambush attacks last year, it was within recent norms. And while the numbers for police killed in ambushes this year are not available, the overall number of police killed by guns is down and near historic lows.
Instead, Hickman's comments appear to point more to a broader challenge to morale in police departments nationwide. Public confidence in police has fallen to a 22-year low, according to Gallup (http://www.gallup.com/poll/183704/confidence-police-lowest-years.aspx), and that has left departments from Baltimore (http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/crime/blog/bs-md-ci-police-prosecutors-morale-20150508-story.html) to Virginia Beach, Va (http://hamptonroads.com/2015/08/virginia-beach-police-sense-respect-now-returning)., feeling "under siege."
"When you see officers in Baltimore going through what they're going through – and in Ferguson and New York – that affects morale here," Brian Luciano, president of the Virginia Beach Police Benevolent Association, told The Virginian-Pilot. "You just see your brothers and sisters, and that could be you."
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(http://news.yahoo.com/photos/mourners-gather-gas-station-houston-saturday-aug-29-photo-010125670.html)Mourners gather at a gas station in Houston on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2015 to pay their respects at a ma …

Some officers have said that they see more belligerence in those they stop (http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/12/police-officers-morale-is-low-in-departments-across-the-country/) on the street. But there is not yet strong evidence to support what Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson said he worried was an "open warfare declared on law enforcement." (http://dailycaller.com/2015/08/29/following-execution-of-deputy-officials-condemn-open-warfare-on-cops-video/)
Last year saw a spike in overall police deaths by gunfire (51). But 2013 had marked a 33-year low (27), and data for this year suggest a return to pre-2014 levels, with 23 officers killed by gunfire (https://www.odmp.org/search/year/2015?ref=sidebar) as of Aug. 30.
The number of police killed last year in ambush attacks also tripled to 15, according to a report by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (http://www.nleomf.org/assets/pdfs/reports/Preliminary-2014-Officer-Fatalities-Report.pdf). But 15 officers were also killed in ambush attacks in 2009, 2010, and 2011, CNN reports (http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/12/justice/ferguson-police-shot-ambush-tactics/). Police ambushes can be connected to a variety of causes.
Last year, for example, an antigovernment sniper (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2014/1031/Sniper-Eric-Frein-in-court-Justice-for-fallen-police-comrade-drove-manhunt-video) made headlines when he killed an officer at a Pennsylvania police barracks in September, and two policemen were shot point-blank (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/USA-Update/2014/0609/Las-Vegas-shooting-Fatal-attacks-against-police-up-38-percent-video) last June while eating at a Las Vegas pizzeria by a couple trying to start a "revolution."
For their part, many Black Lives Matter activists say they want peaceful police reform. And for some police officials, the rising concern is less about personal safety than running afoul of society's changing expectations for policing.
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(http://news.yahoo.com/photos/shannon-miles-escorted-courtroom-hearing-monday-aug-31-photo-162840093.html)Shannon Miles is escorted out of a courtroom after a hearing Monday, Aug. 31, 2015, in Houston. Mile …

"Police are under siege in every quarter," said Gene Ryan, president of Baltimore's Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3, in a statement (http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/crime/blog/bs-md-ci-fop-statement-20150528-story.html). "They are more afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs properly than they are of getting shot on duty."
Studies have found (http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/crime/blog/bs-md-ci-fop-statement-20150528-story.html) that police cope with the operational stress of doing their jobs far better than they do with organizational stress.
On Saturday, hundreds of Houston residents showed up at the Chevron station where Mr. Goforth was killed to offer support for police officers amid trying times.
Carol Hayes, an African-American woman who attended the vigil, told NBC News (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hundreds-attend-vigil-slain-texas-deputy-darren-goforth-n418356) that her family had always felt welcome in the area. "I wanted to demonstrate that all lives matter, regardless of color," she said.
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31st August 2015, 02:17 PM
Big hoopa here.

As far as I can tell the shooter dropped the pig from out of the blue.

The guy had not a clue it was coming, one second doing his thing, next instant dead or dying.

Sucks !

Do not care for pigs, but some are good people that try their best.

The shooter if proven truly guilty without a doubt should never see prison, and waste good resources like air, meals, the attention and cost that would be wasted on him.

Take him out and not spend more than it takes to kill him..

I am to the point that executions now a days should be public and not hidden. And be open and public as an object lesson to the world.

That there are consequences to ones actions and doings.

But only for they that are without a doubt of proven guilty.

Hard line..?


But needed..

9th October 2015, 09:47 PM
cop's ho was so distraught that she started banging the murder investigator



Court documents released Friday show an investigator with the Harris County Sheriff's Office had "consensual sexual conduct" with a witness to Deputy Darren Goforth's death during the investigation.

The document reads:

"Harris County Sheriff's Department Investigator C. Clopton has acknowledged to Harris County District Attorney investigators that during the ongoing criminal investigation of the Capital Murder of Deputy Darren Goforth, Investigator Clopton engaged in consensual sexual conduct with a witness in that same investigation."

awyers for Shannon Miles, the man accused of killing Goforth, have requested the DA's Office release cellphone records from Goforth's phone. Miles’ defense team previously spoke publicly, questioning whether Goforth was on duty at the time of his murder or was instead conducting private business.

Defense attorney Anthony Osso has previously said the documents are extremely important to his case to determine if Goforth was discharging an official duty when he was at the gas station the night of Aug. 28. If Goforth was not, then Osso said there should not be a capital murder charge against Miles.

KPRC 2 is reporting on these details because they are now part of the official investigation.

The Harris County District Attorney's Office said it had no comment.

The Harris County Sheriff's Office released the following statement on behalf of Sheriff Ron Hickman:

"Our office has been advised of an inappropriate relationship between a witness in the capital murder investigation of Shannon Miles and a Sheriff’s Office investigator.

"This investigator’s conduct was unethical and inexcusable and does not reflect the core values of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office. The misconduct of this individual investigator is an anomaly and does not represent the conduct of the men and women who work daily to protect the lives of the citizens of Harris County.

"I was appalled to learn of this behavior and immediately took action. The investigator has been relieved of duty pending the outcome of our joint investigation with the District Attorney’s Office.

"I remain steadfastly committed to working with District Attorney Devon Anderson in pursuing the successful prosecution of the suspect Shannon Miles."

Channel 2 legal analyst Brian Wice explains what this could mean for the case against Shannon Miles.

“The significance of this latest development creates problems in a case that doesn't need these kinds of problems,” Wice said.

Questions could now be raised about the integrity and the credibility of the witness and also of the investigator.

"I think his career as a homicide investigator is probably over,” Wice said. "To exercise this kind of bad judgment in any case, with any civilian, but in a case where there is so much light and heat and eyes upon it is, again, Sheriff Ron Hickman's worst nightmare."

KPRC 2 stopped by Clopton’s home Friday night but no one answered the door.

Miles' brother took photos at scene

In a search warrant obtained by KPRC 2, we've learned Miles' brother went to the scene the night of Goforth's murder and was taking pictures with a camera.

The brother continued to take photographs until he was told to stop by a uniformed police officer.

After a witness came forward with this information, detectives searched Miles' home a second time looking for the camera.

It's not clear how and if thee camera will play a factor in the investigation. Miles' brother has not been charged with a crime.

10th October 2015, 05:14 AM
Pitures or it didn't happen.

cop's ho was so distraught that she started banging the murder investigator



Court documents released Friday show an investigator with the Harris County Sheriff's Office had "consensual sexual conduct" with a witness to Deputy Darren Goforth's death during the investigation.

The document reads:

"Harris County Sheriff's Department Investigator C. Clopton has acknowledged to Harris County District Attorney investigators that during the ongoing criminal investigation of the Capital Murder of Deputy Darren Goforth, Investigator Clopton engaged in consensual sexual conduct with a witness in that same investigation."

awyers for Shannon Miles, the man accused of killing Goforth, have requested the DA's Office release cellphone records from Goforth's phone. Miles’ defense team previously spoke publicly, questioning whether Goforth was on duty at the time of his murder or was instead conducting private business.

Defense attorney Anthony Osso has previously said the documents are extremely important to his case to determine if Goforth was discharging an official duty when he was at the gas station the night of Aug. 28. If Goforth was not, then Osso said there should not be a capital murder charge against Miles.

KPRC 2 is reporting on these details because they are now part of the official investigation.

The Harris County District Attorney's Office said it had no comment.

The Harris County Sheriff's Office released the following statement on behalf of Sheriff Ron Hickman:

"Our office has been advised of an inappropriate relationship between a witness in the capital murder investigation of Shannon Miles and a Sheriff’s Office investigator.

"This investigator’s conduct was unethical and inexcusable and does not reflect the core values of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office. The misconduct of this individual investigator is an anomaly and does not represent the conduct of the men and women who work daily to protect the lives of the citizens of Harris County.

"I was appalled to learn of this behavior and immediately took action. The investigator has been relieved of duty pending the outcome of our joint investigation with the District Attorney’s Office.

"I remain steadfastly committed to working with District Attorney Devon Anderson in pursuing the successful prosecution of the suspect Shannon Miles."

Channel 2 legal analyst Brian Wice explains what this could mean for the case against Shannon Miles.

“The significance of this latest development creates problems in a case that doesn't need these kinds of problems,” Wice said.

Questions could now be raised about the integrity and the credibility of the witness and also of the investigator.

"I think his career as a homicide investigator is probably over,” Wice said. "To exercise this kind of bad judgment in any case, with any civilian, but in a case where there is so much light and heat and eyes upon it is, again, Sheriff Ron Hickman's worst nightmare."

KPRC 2 stopped by Clopton’s home Friday night but no one answered the door.

Miles' brother took photos at scene

In a search warrant obtained by KPRC 2, we've learned Miles' brother went to the scene the night of Goforth's murder and was taking pictures with a camera.

The brother continued to take photographs until he was told to stop by a uniformed police officer.

After a witness came forward with this information, detectives searched Miles' home a second time looking for the camera.

It's not clear how and if thee camera will play a factor in the investigation. Miles' brother has not been charged with a crime.