View Full Version : Must have and handy books for every man

31st August 2015, 08:07 PM
That wants to do just about anything.

I was digging into a pile of my junk and found a small reference book along with others that are the probably the most handy do not leave home or do anything with out them..

Some here probably have this one and know what I am referring to..

Having this one in your hands will increase your IQ by at least 100 points....;D

I humbly summit to the unwashed.

The "Pocket Ref" by Thomas J. Glover !

Mine is at least 10 or so years old and still good to go mostly, because the basic data will never change.

And it can fit in your shirt pocket, it will make the average man with reading comprehension a genus!


Another of my "Bibles" of the past is my old , that I found hiding from me, tho there maybe a reason because I am not very active now is the..

Machinery's Handbook 22th edition, which is a dead give away how long I have had and used it since I bought it dam near when it was first published.

Looks like it is in its 29 edition now....

Very good info for the manly hands on type that has the training how to use it..


The first one is cheap, the other is sorta pricey but well worth it if you are into building anything,

And last but not least is "Smoley's Four Combined Tables" which is a must have in construction when dealing with angles and such.


The pocket ref is the newest of my three have to have books and it is 10 years with me if not longer, ? getting a case of crs....

The other two, Smoleys and the machinery's handbook have been toted by me for at least the last 40 years.

Just rediscovered them and their importance to me in the past , made me want to share with the membership and others.

I have no doubt and suspect that I may have a clue of who here may have at least one of these three books if not all of them.

These are a couple of the basic "bibles" for they that build stuff....

Dam looking them are a blast from the past memory wise , stains,dog ears and assorted welding and torch bb burns and all...

Hope this suggestion helps someone reading..

31st August 2015, 09:26 PM
Funny you should mention this. I was trying to recall the name of the ref books at the weekend.

I posted on this some time ago but always good to have a reminder.

That hand book of all knowledge - whats it called? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?69370-That-hand-book-of-all-knowledge-whats-it-called&highlight=Thomas+Glover)

They were so cheap I bought 5 of them and gave some to friends and family and kept 2 for myself. I think I had one come back to me so I have maybe 3.

I keep one at work - office place, one at home and one I carry in my work EDC. They actually produce a few different pocket references that specialise but I think the main one to get is that one.

Its a great book, has lots of formulas to work stuff out to build things. Has sizes of things like pipes, square sections, electrical wires in different countries, pressures, all sorts of useful stuff.

31st August 2015, 09:39 PM
Funny you should mention this. I was trying to recall the name of the ref books at the weekend.

I posted on this some time ago but always good to have a reminder.

That hand book of all knowledge - whats it called? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?69370-That-hand-book-of-all-knowledge-whats-it-called&highlight=Thomas+Glover)

They were so cheap I bought 5 of them and gave some to friends and family and kept 2 for myself. I think I had one come back to me so I have maybe 3.

I keep one at work - office place, one at home and one I carry in my work EDC. They actually produce a few different p

ocket references that specialise but I think the main one to get is that one.

Its a great book, has lots of formulas to work stuff out to build things. Has sizes of things like pipes, square sections, electrical wires in different countries, pressures, all sorts of useful stuff.

The ref book is a must have!

As I posted having one in your hands is worth at least 100 points in increased IQ!

This is one small book that anyone that called them self a man needs to own at least one!

And kept handy!

Glad to see another believer

Keep the faith!



That book covers dam near everything that a man needs to do anything with his hands or convert all forms of measurements into any other form of measurements!

Sent from my Nexus 7

1st September 2015, 12:36 AM
Another good one is "Five Acres and Independence". I found mine in a box of books by someone's trash several years ago. I think it's a 1977 edition.

1st September 2015, 12:40 AM
Another good book that I have is an SAS survival guide. I actually have 2 of them. Different books, same topic. One is much better than the other for content. includes ideas for making shelters, traps and snares, fire, first aid etc. Will get the name of, and post it up when I can or remember.

1st September 2015, 04:16 AM
I had to make some wire-wound heaters recently, and this helped me -
