View Full Version : antimatter, realms of existance, spirituality, basically the ultimate doomsday event.

4th September 2015, 09:57 PM
I discussed this briefly with another member of the forum, I won't name, but he's helped me personally with a situation I was not prepared to handle.

Almost a year ago, I started getting pestered by a spirit, or ghost. Lights would turn on and off, weird shit. I started having lucid dreams, and even a couple of out of body experiences. I even saw a full on apparition. Things I don't expect anyone to really believe...but this one member here did, and helped me.

Anyway, I researched. Prayed as well. I believe that the lucid dreams we actually travel to another realm, the astral plane. That lead to more reading about the different realms of existence.

To put it simply, we are all connected through energy. Some think antimatter, to be specific. So, this Hadron Collider, the most expensive scientific experiment in history, is getting plugged in and turned on next Wednesday, so they say.

So, antimatter. If this thing unleashes the potential to connect/open a massive portal to all the other realms, through antimatter, energy. Basically, it could release demons, who knows what evil out there, into physical existence in our realm, the earthen realm. Connect us all together.

Out of all doomsday scenarios, this one I think is the worst one imaginable.


4th September 2015, 10:41 PM
Amulets have been used for centuries in cultures the world over to protect against evil and negative energy. This complete guide covers the many types of amulets and their protective properties. Arrowheads on a silver chain protect the wearer from illness and guards against the Evil Eye. In ancient times, it was believed that sleeping with an arrow that had been pulled from a human body would work as a love charm.

Italian Horn (also called Unicorn’s Horn or Leprechaun’s Staff). This S-curved horn amulet introduced by the DruidsIntroduced by the Druids, the horn is associated with good luck and good fortune. It is also used to ward off "Maluka" or the Evil Eye.


4th September 2015, 11:01 PM
Thanks Horn. A very helpful link you posted there. Personally, I believe in the Evil Eye, but know it doesn't affect me, at least now. I am superstitious, but also a realist. For example, I once saw a plate moving, rattling back and forth in the sink. Yeah, that's real, I saw it and watched it.

What are your thoughts on this Hadron Collider? Antimatter?

They are kick starting it next Wednesday. Who knows WHAT will happen.

You know, when they split the first atom for the atom bomb. They didn't know what would happen. They thought it could cause a chain reaction, split one atom and the next one splits, then they all split....then instantly the world as we know it is poof, gone.

They STILL did it, split the atom. Created the A-bomb.

We are facing this same uncertainty today, with this collider they built.

Something to think about. They say they are pushing the go button on Wednesday.

4th September 2015, 11:07 PM
Hey, maybe the Hadron Collider will suck all the demons out of our earthen realm. Just saying there's apparently a shit ton of them here already. :)

5th September 2015, 02:22 AM
There are a lot of things confluencing from about the 13th of Sept until the 28th, maybe 30th. Planetary alignments. Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Earth, Moon Plus the supposed Dark Star/Niburu on the far side of the Sun to the rest. There is an expectation that a strong plasma flow will occur between the 2 suns and maybe planets. I think this is probably what they are doing. I feel they may have been toiling away for a couple of centuries trying to drag our tech up to the point they can do this. Has someone/thing has been inspiring people with the inspiration over all that time. I'm taking about from the other side, the realm they want to open into.

5th September 2015, 09:24 AM
should the LHC destroy the entire Universe, it would 'violate the right to life and right to private family life'.

Yeah, I can't really argue with that.

5th September 2015, 09:40 AM
Bad shit happens to people every day, tho if it occurs on a cosmic scale..



And if enough forewarning is available throw a party of epic proportions !

Because there is not a dam thing that can be done, so referrer to the video above !


5th September 2015, 09:08 PM
From what i know this would be a second run of cern, just at higher amplitude. I dont see anything coming from pouring a little more sauce on the same bean burrito.

It just kinda lays on the side of the plate...