View Full Version : 7 Natural Cosmic Laws

7th September 2015, 02:56 PM
mastering those immutable Laws are essential to save the world from itself.

fighting/ignoring them = calling for "judgement day"

these Laws are self-existing, and which we are bound by...

7 cosmic laws, god's creation in 7 days... not so fortuitous.

THE PRINCIPLE OF MENTALISM. (God creates with his Mind, hence all is Mind... mind control is easy therefore... the illusion of materialism)

THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE. (micro and macro, as above so below are alike)

THE PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION. (bible: in the beginning was the Word, everything vibrates and in motion... scientifically proven)

THE PRINCIPLE OF POLARITY. (everything is dual, monopolies exploit it to death, the most lethal principle when preventing from understanding the 6 others)

THE PRINCIPLE OF RHYTHM. (everything swings backward and forward; a pendulum-like movement....think political manipulation)

THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. (Everything Happens according to Law"; that nothing ever "merely happens"... creating the crisis, waiting for the response then implementing agenda in place)

THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER. (there is GENDER manifested in everything, everything is male and female... exploitation of the left brain (masculine hemisphere) the right brain (feminine hemisphere), so everybody has feminine and masculine traits, especially subverted to further feminism, homosexuality, transgenderism... left brain imbalance: authoritarianism, right brain imbalance: blind belief) ... On the Physical Plane, the Principle manifests as sex, creation)

8th September 2015, 07:15 AM
those laws are hidden from you to control you/us

shabby secret of masonry:
nature to be commanded must be obeyed

masonry evil... well ignorance of such laws causes evil. any man made laws not deriving from them is an outright fallacy.

anybody aware of them, will find them in the form of parables and allegories in any religious text books.



Twisted Titan
8th September 2015, 10:17 AM
THE PRINCIPLE OF RHYTHM. (everything swings backward and forward; a pendulum-like movement....think political manipulation)

patiently waiting for the price of silver to swing back this way

been on the extreme side of the pendulum since 1873.


8th September 2015, 03:38 PM
LOL... unfortunately, any event is decided by ALL the principles at play.... the only place that is "safe" is on the thin line in the middle...

and to figure out where the thin line is.... it takes several years.