View Full Version : Alex Jones Just Finalized Divorce from Jew Wife – Moneybomb Time, Baby!

14th September 2015, 01:31 PM


We regret to inform you…

As a general rule, I am not interested in the personal lives of political opponents. It isn’t my business. That rule, of course, only applies when their personal lives don’t directly determine their political positions and public behavior.

So, it was politically relevant that Alex Jones had a Jewish wife, as this was a clear reason not to discuss the Jewish problem.

Now, it seems Alex Jones has finalized a divorce with his Jewish wife.

As a reader informs us:

Alex Jones was legally divorced from his Jewish wife Kelly Jones/Violet Nichols on March 23, 2015. Kelly/Violet filed for divorce from Alex Jones on December 18, 2013 and has been engaged in bitter litigation against him ever since. As part of the divorce settlement, Alex Jones was court ordered to deed the family house (valued at $900k) to Kelly/Violet as well as sign a promissory note payable to Kelly/Violet in the amount of $2.7 million (Kelly/Violet also owns an additional house valued at $1 million).

Here (http://i0.wp.com/alexjonesexposed.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Alex-Jones-Deed.png) is the document dealing with the properties, conditions of the divorce decree, and here (http://public.co.hays.tx.us/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=12871753) (screenshot here (http://i0.wp.com/alexjonesexposed.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Alex-Jones-Deed.png)) is the document detailing the divorce proceedings in Hays County court.

And again, this in itself is none of my business. I am not interested in the details of why this happened. I don’t care. However, once again, this is a private situation which is clearly determining public actions.

Following the finalizing of the divorce, in which Alex Jones was Jewed out of millions of dollars by his Jew wife, he is now demanding his listeners give him millions of dollars for free.

Please note that this ad for his “moneybomb” literally starts out with a picture of Hitler, as if he is mocking himself.


Alex has been ordered not only to give these millions to the conniving Jewess, but has allegedly also been ordered to pay her massive amounts of monthly alimony.

He claims that his “moneybomb” is so he can build some type of “satellite uplink system,” which sounds like an explanation Nikita Khrushchev would give for why sausage rations have been cut.

Here’s the explanation with the moneybomb announcement (http://www.infowars.com/big-announcement-infowars-plan-to-wake-up-400-million-revealed/):

Infowars is excited to announce our 2015 Money Bomb fundraiser which will allow us to take our independent media operation to the next level.
By raising $1 million dollars, we can fully launch our new satellite television uplink, enabling us to reach more than 400 million people worldwide.
Join us starting September 16th for a 27 hour marathon broadcast featuring your favorite guests, exclusive content and special giveaways as we take the fight to the globalists on a whole new platform.

I don’t even know what “satellite television uplink” means. It is not a normal term.

Is he talking about launching his own satellite into space? Or is he talking about the type of free-to-air (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free-to-air) satellite television systems used by Arabs and other third worlders to watch foreign broadcasts? Surely the latter would not cost a million dollars to set up, nor would it reach 400 million people. Unless he means that it would be available to on the free-to-air bands of 400 million third world people who still use these nineties-era satellite receivers?

I don’t think the Morroccan peasants who still use free-to-air satellite systems would be swayed by Alex’s anti-Nazi message, nor do they even understand English. The worst part is, they definitely don’t have hundreds of dollars to spend on penis juice.

Also, he couldn’t launch his own satellite (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_launch_market_competition#Launch_market_comp etition_and_pricing_pressure) for under fifty million dollars, and I do not see what purpose that would serve anyway.

On top of all of this, referring to anything to do with satellite television as “the next level of media” is like referring to camels as “the next level of transportation.”

This is not something that is used in countries where people understand English. We use the internet, Netflix and cable.

You Know What to Do

His listenership, it seems to me, has a right to know that their donations are in large part not going to be used to stop the German death cult and their rituals, or to fight the cops and the Arabs that run Hollywood, but to pay for Jones’ idiot mistake of marrying a sneaking Jew.

In all honesty, I feel for the man. And if he came out and was like “look this Jew bitch has screwed me, how the hell am I supposed to pay for this? Help me out with a few bucks if you can, bro,” I would send at least $20 to a “moneybomb my Jew ex-wife” fund.

“And I would have gotten away with it to if it wasn’t for you Stormer Trolls and that shape-shifting wolf of yours!”

But this is not so. Instead he has come up with some gibberish about satellites.

Hit the comments sections (http://infowars.com/) on infowars.com, hit his YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel), hit the phone lines. Let people know he is trying to Jew them for shekels to pay his Jew wife who Jewed him hard.

Also, let him know that he is welcome to join our team, now that his familial ties to the tribe have been severed.

All will be forgiven, Mr. Jones, if you simply name the Jew.

And deny the Holocaust.

midnight rambler
14th September 2015, 01:39 PM
So Alex split the sheets with his handler, huh?

but has allegedly also been ordered to pay her massive amounts of monthly alimony.

Massive amounts of child support* I can see, but Texas is not an alimony state.

*I know of a woman with two kids who was married into the family owning new car dealerships and she was getting $4k/month in child support from her ex, and that was ~25 years ago.

14th September 2015, 01:55 PM
A new video posted on the Alex Jones JewTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nTah7CPV2s) has him claiming that he is not a Zionist and that Jews played no role in building his shilling operation.

Quite a humorous statement considering that he has a Jewish wife, Jewish kids and has had a myriad of Jewish sponsors that have funded his business. Compound that with the fact that he and his staff have gone out of their way to censor an interview he did with Dr. David Duke where Duke fully exposed the Jewish power structure to his audience. Alex has tried his best to flush that interview down the memory hole but has entirely failed at this.

He also makes a number of rambling and incoherent statements about what people are saying about him. Oh yeah, and he even says that he has plans to travel to Israel lol.

This video is highly troll worthy. I would encourage everyone to troll it. In fact, it should be your duty to troll the Alex Jones JewTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel) on a daily basis. We should constantly wage psychological warfare against this traitor and enemy of our people. It will only help bring more people to our ranks.


14th September 2015, 02:19 PM
Alex Jones Exposed


BREAKING NEWS! Alex Jones was legally divorced from his Jewish wife Kelly Jones/Violet Nichols on March 23, 2015. Kelly/Violet filed for divorce from Alex Jones on December 18, 2013, and has been engaged in bitter litigation against him ever since. As part of the divorce settlement, Alex Jones was court ordered to deed the family house (valued at $900k) to Kelly/Violet as well as sign a promissory note payable to Kelly/Violet in the amount of $2.7 million (Kelly/Violet also owns an additional house valued at $1 million). The first document shows these two actions. The second document shows the details of their divorce proceedings in Hays County court.

Go to the link for some fun reading..

14th September 2015, 03:31 PM
Alex Jones Exposed


BREAKING NEWS! Alex Jones was legally divorced from his Jewish wife Kelly Jones/Violet Nichols on March 23, 2015. Kelly/Violet filed for divorce from Alex Jones on December 18, 2013, and has been engaged in bitter litigation against him ever since. As part of the divorce settlement, Alex Jones was court ordered to deed the family house (valued at $900k) to Kelly/Violet as well as sign a promissory note payable to Kelly/Violet in the amount of $2.7 million (Kelly/Violet also owns an additional house valued at $1 million). The first document shows these two actions. The second document shows the details of their divorce proceedings in Hays County court.

Go to the link for some fun reading..

Comments are worth reading lol.

14th September 2015, 03:54 PM
Does anyone here really believe AJ is a goy? The number one reason anyone would have a Jewish wife is because he is a Jew himself.

14th September 2015, 03:56 PM
Does anyone here really believe AJ is a goy? The number one reason anyone would have a Jewish wife is because he is a Jew himself.


Look at all of the pictures of his Jew sponsors:


14th September 2015, 03:59 PM
Does anyone here really believe AJ is a goy? The number one reason anyone would have a Jewish wife is because he is a Jew himself.

Bullshit !

The Bible and history is plumb packed with story's of non Jews marrying Jewish women!

Both ending in ether joy or DOOM!

Nice try but no cigar !

On aj

The sooner he becomes dust of history the better!

Sent from my Nexus 7

14th September 2015, 04:01 PM
Does anyone here really believe AJ is a goy? The number one reason anyone would have a Jewish wife is because he is a Jew himself.

I used to believe that but the jews have serious inbreeding medical issues and if they want to survive as a species they need to breed with Caucasians, or something else like goats or camels. If they only bread with each other they would exterminate themselves within 100 years. I have no clue what AJ is and don't care, his lacking the 10% facts or truth about jews makes him useless to me.

14th September 2015, 04:03 PM
B-b-but guys! It's the Jesuits!


14th September 2015, 04:12 PM
Must totally suck when the world turns against you! And more so every day it gets worse!

And blame it on social media!

That raises social counsence,s to degrees much higher than before the web worldwide!

What's worse, is there is no going back as some do wish !



Sent from my Nexus 7

14th September 2015, 04:17 PM
In defense of Alex Jones. He gets people prepping. He gets them questioning things, thinking for themselves...

Because of Alex Jones, I have one coworker who's stockpiled food, guns, and ammo. That's one guy, who's at least taken action in the right direction.

For the record, I wouldn't wish a messy divorce on my worst enemy. Think about that, when you send ill will towards AJ. We're all people.

14th September 2015, 04:20 PM
I am not visiting inforwars anymore that much, but AJ was worth for who he is 15-20 years ago when I became awaken... now I prefer david icke... in a few years/months from now it could be somebody else... or myself as I am planning on joining the rank of insightful people who have already started a philosophical/spiritual revolution ;D


14th September 2015, 04:29 PM
In defense of Alex Jones. He gets people prepping. He gets them questioning things, thinking for themselves...

Because of Alex Jones, I have one coworker who's stockpiled food, guns, and ammo. That's one guy, who's at least taken action in the right direction.

For the record, I wouldn't wish a messy divorce on my worst enemy. Think about that, when you send ill will towards AJ. We're all people.

Glenn Beck has done that too. The thing is these kind of people would do that regardless if it was a gatekeeper or the real deal telling them to since they were smart enough to seek out the truth and do that kind of stuff.

14th September 2015, 04:31 PM
or myself as I am planning on joining the rank of insightful people who have already started a philosophical/spiritual revolution ;D

What did you believe, or raised up as before you got into that?

14th September 2015, 04:34 PM
In defense of Alex Jones. He gets people prepping. He gets them questioning things, thinking for themselves...

Because of Alex Jones, I have one coworker who's stockpiled food, guns, and ammo. That's one guy, who's at least taken action in the right direction.

For the record, I wouldn't wish a messy divorce on my worst enemy. Think about that, when you send ill will towards AJ. We're all people.


But I also take a more critical look at they that makes their living by doing like he does.

He has done good but also he is a media whore.

Which in ways is not bad as far as messengers go, but for me he has shot his self in the foot so many-times he has no feet left to shoot at.

Which is the way of people that make their living being media whores, and end up chasing the dollar for a living, he has invented so much that has been proven untrue, that he is on my personal shit list. Most of what he has preached for anyone with two brain cells to rub together could see, granted he has woken up many, but !

The cult following he developed hang on his words , maybe not so much. He is good for they that can not think and see for them selfs.

Hay I have a new book, buy it!

Mostly it is a rehash , but ...

He as much as I do not like him.....he may have a place , in the sense that people are waking up everyday and more so these days. But it still goes sideways with me mostly because of what he has become.

Jewish wife, ? Hell most woman nomatter what background are mostly the same, they try to bend you to their will and vision of what they think you should be or expect from a husband.

I know I marryed the most evil woman in the world and tried to play nice for almost 4 years, and finally got tired of and realizing that I would never meet her goals,

That was to help raise her adult kids, (bail out) and be a piggy bank for them and her!

The last was a tad off topic, but reverent in a way..

I like aj for the basic wakeup he helped spawn, but also I do not care for the media and attention whore he has turned into .

Flame suit on !

14th September 2015, 04:41 PM
supposedly as a chrisitian/catholic but when I heard at age 7 that jesus had died for my sins (god knows how sinful one may be at that age), I found myself at war/odds with the teachings/bible.

I was born a fully responsible individual, savior-like ideologies are not my cup of tea.

What did you believe, or raised up as before you got into that?

14th September 2015, 04:43 PM
I used to believe that but the jews have serious inbreeding medical issues and if they want to survive as a species they need to breed with CaucasiansIf they did, the conflict would be over. In their eyes, the conflict is that they are superior and the lowly goyim must be 100% subjugated. Interbreeding with the goyim is the lowest thing a Khazar can do, unless infiltrating Royalty for tribal interests. Only their "lesser brethren" are encouraged to intermarry with us and they see that as eugenic for them.

No way is AJ a goy.

14th September 2015, 04:45 PM
supposedly as a chrisitian/catholic but when I heard at age 7 that jesus had died for my sins (god knows how sinful one may be at that age), I found myself at war/odds with the teachings/bible.

I was born a fully responsible individual, savior-like ideologies are not my cup of tea.

I am the same there and can relate.

Twisted Titan
14th September 2015, 04:53 PM
If he believes the arabs run hollywood

He now knows the jews run the court system.

He is traitor and he is getting what traitors deserve....to be scorned and to eat a bowl of hot ashes

mick silver
14th September 2015, 04:54 PM
Here's how the doomsday scenario plays out: History, some preppers believe, is divided into seven-year periods — like the Hebrew notion of "shemitah" or Sabbath. In 2008, seven years after 9/11, the stock market crashed, a harbinger of a devastating recession. It's been seven years since then, and Wall Street has fluctuated wildly in recent weeks in the wake of China devaluing its currency.
Thus, they believe, starting Sept. 13, the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days, there will be another, even larger financial crisis, based on the United States' "wickedness." That would launch the "days of tribulation" — as described in the Bible.
They say Sept. 28 will see a full, red or "blood moon" and a major earthquake in or near Utah. Some anticipate an invasion by U.N. troops, technological disruptions and decline, chaos and hysteria.
Some of these speculations stem from Julie Rowe's books, "A Greater Tomorrow: My Journey Beyond the Veil" and "The Time Is Now."
Rowe, a Mormon mother of three, published the books in 2014 to detail a "near-death experience" in 2004, when the author says she visited the afterlife and was shown visions of the past and future.

14th September 2015, 07:55 PM
he used to get good guests.....dc madam, people who saw underwear bomber walked around security, bob chapman, obombaphone crackhead, etc...

he then went hannah to miley....turned into a neocon chump for the money junkie blood thirsty satanists. the show is a patheic limbaugh/beck pos now

still wondering why his handlers brought duke on...they had to know duke was going to clean his clock

14th September 2015, 08:52 PM
bob chapman

He's Jewish.

14th September 2015, 10:11 PM
He's Jewish.

shame that didn't save him from being worm food

15th September 2015, 12:10 AM
I am not visiting inforwars anymore that much, but AJ was worth for who he is 15-20 years ago when I became awaken... now I prefer david icke... in a few years/months from now it could be somebody else... or myself as I am planning on joining the rank of insightful people who have already started a philosophical/spiritual revolution
Why not? you don't suffer from excessive humility...

15th September 2015, 09:15 AM
B-b-but guys! It's the Jesuits!


NO NO NO its the Globalists!!!

15th September 2015, 11:19 AM
... it is just about perceptions. Willing to merge sociology and Natural Laws is indeed puzzling or baffling to many. But the understanding is spreading, one mind at the time.

ps: excessive humility: since I have to practice what I advise, my book will be exclusively relying on donations.

the problem is that whoever speaks in term of self-existing natural laws will sound pretentious because there is no possible arguments against it. It is not my fault. Blame God instead. LOL

Why not? you don't suffer from excessive humility...

15th September 2015, 04:00 PM
... It is just about perceptions. Willing to merge sociology and natural laws is indeed puzzling or baffling to many. But the understanding is spreading, one mind at the time.

Ps: Excessive humility: Since i have to practice what i advise, my book will be exclusively relying on donations.

The problem is that whoever speaks in term of self-existing natural laws will sound pretentious because there is no possible arguments against it. It is not my fault. Blame god instead. Lol
Yeah LOL ;D You're no different than any other self righteous religious fanatic...

15th September 2015, 06:48 PM
