View Full Version : Silver Shortage Scam

14th September 2015, 04:51 PM
Mike Maloney sez Silver Shortage:


Ernie Varitimos calls in and verifies it's bullshit:



15th September 2015, 02:57 PM

15th September 2015, 05:09 PM
Follow up with Ernie:


15th September 2015, 06:21 PM
hahaha, Maloney is so full of baloney.

vid link from Ernies video. Doug Casey pumping the yellow metal and doom back in 1981 . Good laugh.


15th September 2015, 07:11 PM
Does this tie into the U.S. mint not being able to deliver thread?

Silver Rocket Bitches!
15th September 2015, 07:52 PM
You call the mint and ask if there's a shortage. They say no. Would they tell you if there was?

16th September 2015, 08:32 AM
There's no shortage of paper silver. As long as paper and physical are connected, that's all that matters.

16th September 2015, 08:52 AM
Follow up with Ernie:


I cant see why anyone would go around stating there is no evidence of a shortage during a demand spike,

unless they're trying to quell the spike in demand they should've shown up in the months prior to or initial phases of the demand spike.

this guy posted his video on September the 15th 2015

16th September 2015, 08:55 AM

You can buy a 1,000 oz bar for ONLY 150.00 dollars?
Is he crazy?
and then turn around and sell it to Mike Maloney?
Is this guy high on Pharma meds?
What a loon!
He looks like a loon and talks like a loon!

Did he forget this little thing called PRODUCTION!

After you pay the REAL price for that 1,000 oz bar (not $150.00 as this idiot claims) it then needs to be PROCESSED into those little things (like coins or bars) which are then SOLD to the average buyer which Mike Maloney would sell too.

......that brings up COST way UP....stupid!

16th September 2015, 08:59 AM
He appears an epileptic and on some medication for that, a Caesar.

16th September 2015, 10:54 AM

This guy claims he called the mine and the mine offered him pallets. But then he went on to speak to the mine representative about the shortage in the silver market to which there was a reply of "he goes" @ 2:45

"he goes" ain't a reply is it?

was there a price offered on pallets of raw percentage based silver?

He then went onto tell us that we should not listen to youtube videos with regards to the silver supply market.

Or other youtube videos, I guess his youtube is o.k.?

Half Sense
16th September 2015, 11:41 AM
All these clowns say there's no shortage because you can buy unlimited amounts of silver on the COMEX. Ernie says he takes delivery all the time - in FRNs not SILVER. The asshole doesn't realize he is part of the 250 paper claims for each ounce of actual silver. But since he never made a claim on any real silver, he's convinced there are mountains of it sitting around.

16th September 2015, 01:08 PM
All these clowns say there's no shortage because you can buy unlimited amounts of silver on the COMEX. Ernie says he takes delivery all the time - in FRNs not SILVER. The asshole doesn't realize he is part of the 250 paper claims for each ounce of actual silver. But since he never made a claim on any real silver, he's convinced there are mountains of it sitting around.Ernie knows. He's a bankster shill.

16th September 2015, 02:42 PM
Should I put a Trigger Warning for Gold/Silver investors?