View Full Version : Official GOP live debate link

16th September 2015, 03:05 PM
Just so I don't forget and keep asking who has the link...


mick silver
16th September 2015, 05:53 PM
not this shit again ........... love boat will be aired later . for fucks sakes what the world coming too

midnight rambler
16th September 2015, 06:03 PM
Carly: "The very first thing I do when I get into the Oval Office is call our good friend Bibi Satanyahoo..."


midnight rambler
16th September 2015, 06:05 PM
I'm lovin' The Donald's body language, he sure knows how to put on a good show. I nominate him for entertainer of the year.

mick silver
16th September 2015, 06:52 PM

mick silver
16th September 2015, 06:54 PM
Obama accuses 2016 candidates of talking down America

mick silver
16th September 2015, 07:02 PM

midnight rambler
16th September 2015, 07:37 PM
Carly is batshit crazy.

midnight rambler
16th September 2015, 08:04 PM
Marco had to make sure he was noted for his readiness for some impassioned schlong sucking.

16th September 2015, 08:10 PM
Carly, Is that the Lady Liberty impersonator?

What an embarrassment all of them are for the U.S. they should just stop doing these debates.

17th September 2015, 03:22 AM
It's time for Bush, Christy, Huckabee, Kasich, and Walker to get out of the race.

Carley is a cold, harsh, snooty bitch!

Rubio should grow a Hitler mustache to go with his stiff personality. Not someone you'd invite to a party.

Carson - Looking forward to the next 'bad lip reading' video of him.

Cruz sucks Jew dick!

Paul is a funny little man with funny ideas

Trump, not a great showing, but still the pick of the retarded litter.
Trump was the most personable, interacting with the others, touching, shaking hands.
The rest were just a bunch of stiffs.

17th September 2015, 04:50 AM
Excellent analysis !!

17th September 2015, 06:28 AM
The biggest losers last night, were the moderators with their cheap petty questions. They must have thought they were being slick trying to pick fights between Trump and the others.
Is it any wonder why people want someone that is outside the establishment and controlled media. People are pretty disgusted with the lot of them.

Also saw on Fox news that the female Foxes didn't like Trump commenting on Carley's looks. Get real! These females and Fox news are all about the ladies looks. They hire them for their looks, give them a bottle of peroxide and stuff them in stripper shoes.
Watching Fox is like watching a bunch of vain beauty contestants that are constantly flipping their hair and admiring themselves on the camera screen.

17th September 2015, 06:59 AM
The show seemed just like that - a show, like sports event or playoff
I like the way Trump called out the network at the end - "a 3 hour debate seems pretty long, you guys must have sold a lot of air time"
He had called on CNN to donate the profits to charity although I'm sure they have no interest in doing that. I'm sure he'll use this to his advantage in the future when the network backs Hillary for president

17th September 2015, 07:35 AM
Bizarre moment 6ft3in Jeb Bush towers over Trump by craftily standing on his TIPTOES for group photo


Jeb Bush was caught standing on his tiptoes during the group photo at Wednesday's Republican debate
The 6'3" Bush did it multiple times, despite being the tallest candidate on the stage
He also stretched out his arms, taking up more space than anyone else in the photos

PUBLISHED: 01:03 EST, 17 September 2015 | UPDATED: 01:08 EST, 17 September 2015

Jeb Bush found a surefire way to put himself a head above the other candidates during Wednesday night's debate - standing on his tiptoes.
As the Republican hopefuls lined up for their group shot, the 6'3" Bush was caught on video glancing at Trump and then sneakily pushing himself up to add a few inches.
The trick made Bush - already the tallest person in the group shot - stand out just a little bit more from the other candidates.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3237930/Jeb-Bush-gets-head-Republican-candidates-manages-tower-Donald-Trump-stands-tiptoes-group-photo.html#ixzz3m0SbRKKX


17th September 2015, 08:02 AM
Jeb's wife should be the one doing that for their photo ops, she looks like a spanish Umpa-Lumpa