View Full Version : Monsanto, World Wildlife Fund to convert Amazon into giant GMO plantation

17th September 2015, 07:54 AM
redesigning and altering nature on a higher level
Monsanto teams up with World Wildlife Fund to convert Amazon into giant GMO plantation
17th September 2015

‘The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a charity that began in 1961, is on the verge of destroying everything it stands for. For decades, the charitable organization played an integral role in conserving important regions while working on behalf of animal welfare around the world. In the new millennia, however, the WWF has strayed from its roots. It has been watered down and infiltrated by the nature-destroying ideas of the biotech industry.

The WWF is not what they once were. In the recently published book, PandaLeaks: The Dark Side of the WWF, German author Wilfried Huismann exposes everything, from the charity’s outrageously high salaries to its recent partnership with agrochemical giant Monsanto.’

................ Suppressed new book exposes dangerous relationship between WWF and Monsanto
When the book came out in 2012, the WWF legal team tried to censor it. They succeeded for several months, afraid of being exposed for promoting Monsanto's genetically modified crops. In the fall of 2014, the book was re-released, shedding light on the funds the WWF took from Monsanto. The book endured several lawsuits and revealed the dark side of the WWF's relationship with the multinational agrochemical seed engineer. The book reveals that the WWF collaborated with Monsanto to create a "Round Table on Responsible Soy." This means WWF leaders discussed ways to unleash GMO soy around the world while convincing entire countries that GMOs and agrochemicals are the most environmentally-conscious method of farming.

Monsanto is infamous for "green washing" their products, making people think they are for the environment. The corporation calls their GMO soy a "responsible" choice for protecting the environment. This deceit ultimately infected the WWF, which went along with plans to unleash GMO soy in the Amazon. Now Brazil and Argentina are being turned into GMO plantations as the Amazon is cut down to make way for Monsanto's GMO "save the planet" brainwashing.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/051212_World_Wildlife_Fund_Monsanto_Amazon.html#ix zz3m0Wc6jDj

17th September 2015, 08:02 AM
YAY!!!!! Where even animals can live and experience living with cancer, lack of nutrition and where wild life can consume genes they were never meant to consume.

Let's hear it for Monsanto for thinking outside of the box!!


11th October 2015, 09:36 AM
New research says GMO crop contamination unstoppable
11th October 2015


Though biotech industries may claim that their GMO crops can be contained, new studies show that may not be the case. In fact, one survey showed that 1/3 of organic farmers report problems with cross-contamination between their crops and GMO crops.

The report, which can be found in the International Journal of Food Contamination, states that between 1997 and 2013, there have been at least 396 instances of GMO crop contamination across 63 countries recorded.

The report stated several conclusions about GMOs and none of them were positive.’


11th October 2015, 10:20 AM
The Jewish Monsanto family were one of the main slave trading families and slave owners.
