View Full Version : Hahahahahahaha.....dindu gets a dose of reality

7th trump
17th September 2015, 10:17 AM

Cant go breaking laws and expect to not get a ticket when caught.....dumb ass!

midnight rambler
17th September 2015, 02:04 PM
Only a lover of the Fascist police state would enjoy seeing someone being abused by the iron fist of the state in such a situation.

For those of you who get off on that sort of Satanic* activity here's yet another episode of the 'strong arm of the law' p0rn for your sadistic pleasure -

"We don't have time for this...BOOM!"

Someone ended up with their kid being killed FOR NO GOOD REASON OTHER THAN TO SATIATE THE WHIMS OF STATE ACTORS.


*Satanic meaning the perspective that man is god rather than God is God

17th September 2015, 03:32 PM
The cop overstepped his bounds when he insisted that she open the window all the way. "For his safety" is pure bullshit. If a cop ever pulled that on me, he might win his way today, but he would be a sorry, sorry bastard.