View Full Version : Here's a real conspiracy: Russian troops are in Syria to OUST Assad

19th September 2015, 07:57 PM
They are just there to implement the august 2015 UN security council resolution which demanded a transition toward democrazy, in other words to OUST Assad.

If you think the russians are in Syria to fight ISIS then you are a victim of disinformation. Putin has betrayed all of Russia's allies like Iraq and Libya and now Syria. Putin is the bitch of Kerry , that's why they always make those masonic handshakes when they meet and they always laugh...at YOU!

And Kerry pretending to be "concerned" about the russian presence in Syria, hahahaha.

"I'll have more flexibility after the election." -- Obama to Putin prior to the 2012 Presidential election.

19th September 2015, 08:14 PM
What are you smoking?

What ever it is I want some !


Wait ?

I think I will pass, forget my request!

I think I will stick with my traditional herbs,

Syria in many ways is the only foothold that russia/soviets have left in the middle east, support as is traditional for them ...yes!

Over throw...Hell no!

They would not get away with it, and overall they are dam sure not aligned with the west!

Tho am thinking who in the hell knows, I think Putin is wanting a return of the soviet empire. So with Syria and russian/new soviets thinking the best bet is for soviet and not any other country's befit, the west be dammed.

Matter of fact the unrest I suspect in the area has the soviets drooling on the future possibility. Tho with putin who knows, he blew up his own people to start a war with Chechnya to divert attention from his and his crony's and the whole sale thefts that made them richer and the people poorer.

Nothing new in that as far as Russia leaders/soviets go.

19th September 2015, 08:28 PM

Link above is the UN resolution wich Russia approved back in august:

The Security Council endorsed the recently announced plan by de Mistura aimed at setting the stage for new peace talks to end the civil war. It includes talks on a political transition leading to democratic elections and how best to fight terrorism.

And that's the real reason the Russians are in Syria

19th September 2015, 08:36 PM
They have been in syria for the last 50 years or so!

They have never left..

Do your homework and or study recent history.

19th September 2015, 08:39 PM
How come the russians don't want to sell advanced air defense system to Assad?

19th September 2015, 08:46 PM
How come the russians don't want to sell advanced air defense system to Assad? Who in the hell knows or can say they haven't?


19th September 2015, 09:16 PM

2013: Russia halts plans to supply S-300 missile system to Syria - reports

19th September 2015, 09:22 PM

2013: Russia halts plans to supply S-300 missile system to Syria - reports

So the public media says!

Want a nice bridge?

Know a very nice used one that used to be in London England, but lives now in the states,

I can make a great deal for it!



Long day, good night people and the others here!

Just dug out my digital camera today, will post the cage if wanted tomorrow!

Night, long day!

20th September 2015, 12:19 AM
And to keep Israel in check.


mick silver
20th September 2015, 06:36 AM
Russia is are bitch and they will do what the usa tell them to do , without them theirs no NWO

20th September 2015, 09:04 AM
Its obvious that the refugee crisis was planned on que by some financiers,

there is no current footage of what these people are running from, its as if they've all been paid to travel.

Russia's entrance just appears to safeguard any high priced assets while all the shifting is going on.